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My kidney for a Dunsparce :)


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So this is my first time posting a thread so be gentle. 🙂
The Title is pretty self explanatory lol. I'm trying to finish the pokedex and there are some mons I've either killed during their event or chance is not on my side. The most notable being Dunsparce. My Railnet is closed, and in a week I've only encountered one Dunsparce(who killed himself from recoil from Take Down after I False Swiped him, stupid me) and I've had it so I'm willing to beg. 😛 

Edit: Dunsparce recieved, one kidney saved.

Other mons I'm missing:

1.Growlithe family- Obtained

2.Slowpoke family- Obtained

3.Tyrogue family(obviously because of dunsparce)- Obtained

4.Scyther family- Obtained

5. Kabuto family-Obtained

6. Maril family-Obtained

7. Smeargle- Obtained

8.Skitty family-Obtained


10.Spoink family-Obtained

11. Rampardos / Bastiodon family- Obtained

12. Drifloon family-Obtained

13. Happiny (No luck incense for me 😞 )-Obtained

14. Munna family (can't find the ingame trade for the life of me)-Obtained

15. Sawk (I know, seriously, my luck's bad)- Obtained

16. Sigilyph-Obtained

17. Cincin family-Obtained

18. Emolga- Obtained

19. Joltik family-Obtained

20. Spiritomb (as you noticed thus far, mining won't give me no fossils and odd keystones)

21. Tynamo family (won't appear on the alleway)-Obtained

22. Litleo family-Obtained

23. Binacle family (I smashed rocks for hours, changed multiple weathers)-Obtained

24. Passimian-Obtained

25. Phione ( I don't know why I even bothered fishing with my luck)-Obtained

Phew that was a "hand"-full.  So kind people of the forums, if you're willing to trade any of these, PRIORITY ON DUNSPARCE(I'm seriously fuming over it), I'll trade with you any mon that I have, great ivs and egg moves, I have some shiny gibbles, larvitars etc (not good iv though 😞 ), some rare items like Deepsea tooth and Deepsea scale, or whatever you need right now.

Thanks for taking your time reading all of this :))


Edited by VagusY
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On 10/23/2018 at 10:49 PM, HUEnd said:

I'm pretty sure Dunsparce is located inside the Grand Stairway, but still, I might be able to trade you one in a few hours.

Yeah, I encountered it only once the day before yesterday. I should have just thrown a pokeball at it. Because of it, I leveled up a Decidueye as my false swiper instead of Gallade. 😕


Yeah, I'm willing to wait. Thanks 🙂

Edited by VagusY
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4 minutes ago, VagusY said:

So this is my first time posting a thread so be gentle. 🙂
The Title is pretty self explanatry lol. I'm trying to finish the pokedex and there are some mons I've either killed during their event or chance is not on my side. The most notable being Dunsparce. My Railnet is closed, and in a week I've only encountered one Dunsparce(who killed himself from recoil from Take Down after I False Swiped him, stupid me) and I've had it so I'm willing to beg. 😛 


Other mons I'm missing:

1.Growlithe family Wild in grass Jasper ward

2.Slowpoke family Fish using Super rod on route 4

4.Scyther family rt 4 1% chance of spawning anywhere you melted snow

6. Maril family Rt 4, first area of grass surfing up from Argate city from rock climb spot

7. Smeargle Lost railnet cave to find go at night and in the bottom right hand looking at the screen a tree should disappear follow into cave

8.Skitty family possibly in Coral grass as a low encounter

9.Minun repeatable 50% chance of Plusle instead but it's still there

10.Spoink family Coral ward grass I believe you can catch Grumpig there

12. Drifloon family Wild Beryl ward grass Night only

14. Munna family (can't find the ingame trade for the life of me) Wastland grass Morning/Day 

16. Sigilyph Where you catch Gible low chance of finding

17. Cincin family Crysolia forest grass

18. Emolga Wild Jasper ward

19. Joltik family Wild Peridot ward

21. Tynamo family (won't appear on the alleway) No longer avaiable but you can catch the evolved forms in the under water Housing areas

22. Litleo family Wild in Obsidia alley now

24. Passimian South forest part of rt 1

If you think that'll help at all

4 minutes ago, VagusY said:

Phew that was a "hand"-full.  So kind people of the forums, if you're willing to trade any of these, PRIORITY ON DUNSPARCE(I'm seriously fuming over it), I'll trade with you any mon that I have, great ivs and egg moves, I have some shiny gibbles, larvitars etc (not good iv though 😞 ), some rare items like Deepsea tooth and Deepsea scale, or whatever you need right now.

Thanks for taking your time reading all of this :))


Dunsparce can be found under the grand staircase if you talk to the officer right by them he'll let you in under

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On 10/23/2018 at 11:00 PM, Starry Knight said:

If you think that'll help at all

Dunsparce can be found under the grand staircase if you talk to the officer right by them he'll let you in under

He tells me Halt Trainer and won't let me through. If we're thinking about the same police officer. Plus, I've completed all restoration events. 

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