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Pre 3rd gym team

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Hello all, So I've just beat the ZEL-Taka team battle and after facing Corey one, decided, (As usual), that I needed to change my team for this Gym. So with out further ado, here's my team

Pachirisu lvl 26

-Electro Ball




Quilava lvl 28

-Flame Wheel



-Quick Attack

Kirlia lvl 22

-Lucky Chant

-Teleport (It works almost as well as fly...Sorta)


-Magical Leaf

Mightyena lvl 25

-Odor Sleuth

-Sand Attack



Tranquill lvl 27


-Air Cutter

-Quick Attack


Carnivine lvl 24


-Vine Whip


-Sweet Scent

Yeah...If you're wondering how I beat ZEL and Taka with this team, I'm going with pure dumb luck. Anyways, It's obvious that I need to lose Carnivine. (I mean the gym's poison...and Skuntank knows Flame Cannon) but any other advice besides level grinding. Thanks in advance.

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im no expert, but personally i think besides quilava and kirlia the team might be outclassed a bit in the later episodes so you might need to train a couple more pokemon. I also think its really original and fun tho so it could be nice to try and beat the game up to episode 8 with that team :)

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I think a lot of that team will become much less useful in the near future.

I'd consider the following.

1) Magneton>Pachirisu. Higher damage, better defenses, nuff said.

2) Gligar>Carnivine. Gligar will give your team some MUCH needed bulk. It learns acrobatics pretty early which is great damage.

3) Almost anything>Tranquill. Eh. Unless you reallllllly like Unfezent there's simply better options.

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Team got a major update (Now on Aya) and for the better or worse *shrugs* Here it is!

Gardevoir Lvl 42

Calm Mind


Magical Leaf


Unfezant Lvl 40 (Thinking of replacing it something, At this point probably Drapion)

Razor Wind


Air Cutter

Air Slash

Mightyena Lvl 42 (Other Pokemon who will probably get the cut soon. I don't know what to choose though...)

Rock Smash



Odor Sleuth

Typhlosion Lvl 42

Flame Charge

Flame Wheel



Golem Lvl 42



Stealth Rock


Scrafty Lvl 45

Brick Break



Hi Jump Kick

Difficulty was lowered for me when I refought Corey. Shade gave me some issues but I got lucky. I swept Cal with Golem. Kiki was also rough and Idon't even want to talk about that lvl 75 Garchomp (or what happened afterwards.) Anyways advice is always appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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You could replace Mightyena with a water type. Maybe Lanturn, Quagsire, Vaporeon or Gyarados. Something decently bulky at least.

I don't really like Unfezant, because they gave it crappy level up moves. Satraptor, Crobat and Honchkrow are better choices imo. Even Drifblim could be a good choice, although we don't have acrobatics in TM form yet.

Typhosion is extremely "meh" with the limited TMs in this game, although I'm assuming you really like it since you chose it as your starter. I would rather use Arcanine, Magmar, or Ninetails, as they have better movesets, but that's just me. Eruption is still extremely far off.

I'm not a huge fan of the various rock/ground dual types, as they tend to be slow and weak to a lot of attacks. However, I have heard that a lot of people have put Golem to good use, so I'm not sure. If you felt like replacing it for whatever reason, you might go with Magnezone like someone else suggested, or any other bulky attackers. Looking at your team and its strengths/weaknesses, you might also go with a grass type such as Lilligant, Whimsicott, Venusaur, or Roserade. Again, not sure how good Golem is, so yeah.

Long post, sawwie :]

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I really like Mightyena, especially for Aya, because it learns Taunt super early! You can just taunt Muk, so it can't minimize, and hit Tentacruel as hard as you can.

Also, Golem is badass! Mad respect dude.

I'd say replace Unfezant with Staraptor, as your other options (being Fearow, Honchkrow, Crobat and Pidgeot) all have various issues that can be kind of hard to overlook; the primary ones being a lack of hard hitting early STAB on Fearow, Honchkrow requiring breeding to be a real threat, Crobat needing breeding/TMs as well for being physical (special is lackluster, imo), and Pidgeot not really being an offensive threat, being more on the bulky side (without the typing to benefit it). Staraptor learns Close Combat and Brave Bird relatively early, and has 2 fantastic abilities that work with it rather well!

tl;dr: Staraptor is way easier to get/use than most alternatives.

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I will definitely look into Staraptor. Also, I have a Lvl 32 Magnemite and can throw that into the party (w/ a little training). Is there any way to get magnezone at this point? (Facepalming right now because Magnemite can resist like everything Aya can throw at me pretty much). About Typhlosion, yes I like Cyndaquil a lot as it was my first ever starter for any pokemon game I played.

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I will definitely look into Staraptor. Also, I have a Lvl 32 Magnemite and can throw that into the party (w/ a little training). Is there any way to get magnezone at this point? (Facepalming right now because Magnemite can resist like everything Aya can throw at me pretty much). About Typhlosion, yes I like Cyndaquil a lot as it was my first ever starter for any pokemon game I played.

iirc people just said you have to level up magnaton in the area that you catch them

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