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Grounding Reborn [General & Specific Teams]


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So I am trying to make a Ground Monotype run on Reborn, trying to stick to the type the most I can. Now I am at Spinel Town before entering the gym, so the point would be, what mons would be more effective on that battle? Also, which of them should I keep in my main team (I try to stick to a team while a few rotations, or so)?

Here's what I got:



Trained mons (Lvl 47)

Flood/ Swampert (Muddy Water, Mud Bomb, Rock Slide, Strength)

Teide/ Camerupt (Rock Slide, Earth Power, Lava Plume, Earthquake)

TALOS/Golurk (Stomp Tantrum, Heavy Slam, Magnitude, Dynamic Punch)

Kaijuu/Nidoking (Toxic Spikes, Shadow Claw, Earth Power, Sludge Wave)

Beifong/Excadrill (Metal Claw, Dig, Earthquake, Rock Slide)

Wario/Diggersby (Rock Smash, Bounce, Dig, Hammer Arm)


Less trained but still potential rotations, I guess:

Dokku/Claydol, Lv 45 (Extrasensory, Cosmic Power, Earth Power, Hyper Beam)

Worm/Onix, Lv 40 (Sand Tomb, Rock Smash, Rock Slide, Stealth Rock)

Boaroth/Mamoswine, Lv 40 (Mud Bomb, Icicle Crash, Ice Shard, Strength)


Other additions (In the thirties or less): Sandygast, Stunfisk, Wormadam(Ground), Donphan, Graveler, Palpitoad, Shellos...

And, well, Any ground type available to this point, I'm actually interested in getting a Mothim for the trade that I believe is still Trapinch. So count that in, also (I think flygon is an interesting option)


Thanks, and I will get back with more 🙂 

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Mamoswine with Thick Fat and Earthquake is clean, especially since EQ (Mamoswine gets it at level 47, iirc.) can break away the mirror field.


Trapinch also can get Superpower as a Trapinch and learns Rock Slide pretty early on too.

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For that specific fight, things like Mamoswine, Excadrill and Camerupt will obviously be the big useful. Steath rocks will also do 25% to most of her team


as for general mons, I think Sandile should currently be available, and Krook has good stats, really nice natural moveset and good abilities for either sweeping or playing more defensively in Moxie and Intimidate. 

Flygon can be a powerful sweeper now that it gets dragon dance via move relearner as of gen 7, definitely recommend. but not for the ice gym lol. 

Hippowdon with Sand Stream (and smooth rock) is probably really nice for mono ground, and I know it makes excadrill a deadly sweeper, especially with a swords dance (which he gets at 42, so you should be able to relearn that). I don't know when hippopotas is available though, its probably kinda late because I think most weather setters are, and the other sand stream mons are rock only. (actually, looks like they're in Tanzan depths (steelix area) so not too far away? )

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Excadrill and Camerupt are both good here because they have secondary typings that let them take neutral from Ice and deal SE damage



This fight probably won't be too bad because you have a lot of options for things that can just destroy the field which makes the fight way easier since it turns off most of her evasion nonsense


Your main team looks fine, Gastrodon is good once you get Toxic/Scald/Earth Power later, Mamoswine is good. Flygon is super busted since it gets Dragon Dance from the Move Reminder, this is probably one of the best pokemon in the game in general


Hippo is available in Tanzan Depths before the 7th badge. It's only a 6% encounter rate so it might take some time



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Hippo+Exca solos the game. It's a brainless combination. Flygon, Mamoswine, Nidoking and one of the Water/Grounds for anti Water and you've got practically a god team already lol. By late game I'd replace Flygon with Garchomp due to Flygon's damage output being wayy too low even after boosts though.

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Thanks! I was already thinking of Excadrill and Camerupt for Serra but wasn't too sure about the rest of them, or if it would be worth it to get the rocks.

20 hours ago, DreamblitzX said:

as for general mons, I think Sandile should currently be available, and Krook has good stats, really nice natural moveset and good abilities for either sweeping or playing more defensively in Moxie and Intimidate. 

Flygon can be a powerful sweeper now that it gets dragon dance via move relearner as of gen 7, definitely recommend. but not for the ice gym lol. 

Hippowdon with Sand Stream (and smooth rock) is probably really nice for mono ground, and I know it makes excadrill a deadly sweeper, especially with a swords dance (which he gets at 42, so you should be able to relearn that). I don't know when hippopotas is available though, its probably kinda late because I think most weather setters are, and the other sand stream mons are rock only. (actually, looks like they're in Tanzan depths (steelix area) so not too far away? )

I've never played seriously with Sandile so I'll have to see how it gets along, and yes, I am waiting o put my hands around hippos!


19 hours ago, not Azery said:

Hippo+Exca solos the game. It's a brainless combination. Flygon, Mamoswine, Nidoking and one of the Water/Grounds for anti Water and you've got practically a god team already lol. By late game I'd replace Flygon with Garchomp due to Flygon's damage output being wayy too low even after boosts though.

I've used Hippowdon+Excadrill before and it's a good one, but I didn't know if there were better ideas since I didn't want anything too similar to previous teams, even when I knew I would be using exca again). On the Garchomp thing, I would look how it works around, but it sounds like it would be an easier time if I got a pseudo-legendary on the team. But, well, there's a long way to that.


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