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E19 Spoilers! - E19 Pokemon Locations Spreadsheet - All Wild and Event Pokemon, TMs, and Passwords



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Gastly is missing its second location in the Route 4 Abandoned Warehouse (before Hardy)

Togepi is missing its trade in exchange for a Probopass, located in Shantyport Station (Coral Ward train station, requires Railnet upgrade).

Magnemite is incorrectly listed as still being available in the power plant

Lapis Ward Alleyway Raticate should be Alolan Raticate

Persian is incorrectly listed as being obtainable in the Lapis Ward Alleyway, should just be Alolan

Could clarify the Turtonator is from Rock Smash

Medichamite replaces Aggronite's old location, and Aggronite is now from the Railnet quest, which can be done as soon as you upgrade it

Zorua is listed as not being obtainable until before Adrienn, but it can be obtained before Shelly from a similar style Disguised Corey quest

Vullaby is no longer obtainable from the Mystery Egg (it was replaced by Alolan Vulpix)


Mega Stones obtainable before the Mega-Z Ring is kinda misleading since it implies they're usable then but that might just be me.

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On 5/11/2019 at 3:47 AM, Paperblade said:

Gastly is missing its second location in the Route 4 Abandoned Warehouse (before Hardy)

Togepi is missing its trade in exchange for a Probopass, located in Shantyport Station (Coral Ward train station, requires Railnet upgrade).

Magnemite is incorrectly listed as still being available in the power plant

Lapis Ward Alleyway Raticate should be Alolan Raticate

Persian is incorrectly listed as being obtainable in the Lapis Ward Alleyway, should just be Alolan

Could clarify the Turtonator is from Rock Smash

Medichamite replaces Aggronite's old location, and Aggronite is now from the Railnet quest, which can be done as soon as you upgrade it

Zorua is listed as not being obtainable until before Adrienn, but it can be obtained before Shelly from a similar style Disguised Corey quest

Vullaby is no longer obtainable from the Mystery Egg (it was replaced by Alolan Vulpix)


Mega Stones obtainable before the Mega-Z Ring is kinda misleading since it implies they're usable then but that might just be me.

Thanks for this. I will update. Sorry, I hadn't seen this until today.

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21 hours ago, Paperblade said:

No problem, glad to help


If you want I have a much uglier document with the exact encounter rates for wilds if you'd like that information 

That'd be awesome to have, yeah!

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One thing i noticed (realized from my most recent playthrough), you list all  the ametrine mountain pokemon as "Pre-charlotte" when in fact you can get a few of them in the cave area pre-samson. there's a small section you can access without surf that yields things like Snorunt, Delibird, Sealeo, and Bergmite. 

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5 hours ago, MachoPony said:

One thing i noticed (realized from my most recent playthrough), you list all  the ametrine mountain pokemon as "Pre-charlotte" when in fact you can get a few of them in the cave area pre-samson. there's a small section you can access without surf that yields things like Snorunt, Delibird, Sealeo, and Bergmite. 

Thank you! I'll have to go into that area and see what Pokemon are there and update the gym leader availability.

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On 5/21/2019 at 8:53 PM, Paperblade said:

No problem, glad to help


If you want I have a much uglier document with the exact encounter rates for wilds if you'd like that information 

Do you still have that sheet?

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1 hour ago, Bre_a_d said:

Is there anyway to search for pokemon that aren't available post renovation?

Most of them are relocated to wild the only ones I know that aren't are whismur. Pretty sure everything else can be fiund wild that was an event pokemon, although some like the tynamo line are extremely hard to find

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On 7/24/2019 at 3:29 PM, Bre_a_d said:

Is there anyway to search for pokemon that aren't available post renovation?

Not specifically. I think only the Whismur line is not possible to get if you miss the Whismur and the Loudred. 


However, any Pokemon you do want has all of its secondary locations available which would include post-neoreborn.

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Is anyone else having an issue with the spreadsheet? I can only see 6 of the pokemons info and its actually bugging me out. Ive tried reloading this websitw and refreshing the page but Im not sure what happened, the crazier part is that I had a whole list in front of me and I accidentally hit the back button on my phone and when I re entered the spreadsheet it only had 6 pokemon. Anyone have an idea as to what happened?

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23 hours ago, BrightEmber said:

Ah, came here to find I wasn't the only one. Yes, on computer, same issue, same 6 pokemon.


On 10/28/2019 at 2:10 PM, Starry Knight said:

The sheet is having problems being read is there any issues on your end?


On 10/28/2019 at 12:09 PM, Mantra said:

Yes, I checked again today and did the same thing I did on my phone and I only see the same 6 pokemon (Phantump, Nincada, Shuppet, Cubone, Sableye and Rotom) 

Sorry, everyone! I have fixed this.

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3 minutes ago, Unfair Paradox said:

Is Oshawott available anywhere other than picking it as a starter if you join Aqua Gang?

I think you can get it in agate city at the Northwesternmost house. A lady will trade it to you ( for a stantler maybe)

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Beldum is listed as being obtainable before Radomus. I remember trying this when episode 17 was the most recent one, and it was not possible. IIRC the machine in Aya's house/gym just wouldn't go crazy, making it impossible to get Beldum. Unless it's been changed since then, which I don't really think is the case.

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