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The Troubles in Glass Factory


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After a long break from Pokemon [not only Reborn] finally I started playing the newest episode and... I'm stuck. I can't even beat the first double battle against Cain and Shelly [and I know there is more to come]. I think I have a pretty decent team but at most I can defeat only half of theirs Pokemons. Do you have any tips? What should I do with my team? Could you suggest me a valid strategy [: ?

My team [all of them have correct nature, +20IV and most of them EV training]:


Greninja, 90 lvl, Protean
Dark Pulse
Water Shuriken



Florges, 85 lvl, Symbiosis


Petal Dance




Leafon, 90 lvl, Chlorophyll

Leaf Blade
Sunny Day
Swords Dance


Dragonite, 82 lvl, Multiscale
Dragon Dance
Extreme Speed


Nidoking, lvl 90, Sheer Force
Sludge Wave
Earth Power
Toxic Spikes



Charizard, lvl 90, Solar Power

Flare Blitz
Dragon Dance
Solar Beam



Also I have:


Goodra, lvl 88, Sap Sipper
Dragon Pulse
Muddy Water
Sludge Wave


Alakazam, lvl 87, Magic Guard
Dazzling Gleam
Grass Knot


Garchomp, lvl 85, Sand Veil
Stone Edge


Heracross, lvl 87, Moxie
Aerial Ace
Close Combat
Rock Blast
Pin Missile


Lucario, lvl 90, Inner Focus
Vacuum Wave
Aura Sphere
Dark Pulse
Calm Mind



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I'd say that Goodra might be a big help later, as well as Lucario - give the latter Flash Cannon boosted by the field, and one of the later fights should be much easier.


Alakazam will probably not be much good, but you could give your Leafeon X-Scissor and that should help after Chlorophyll's speed boost.


Florges is not a bad Pokemon, also, but it could use some more levels. 


And Heracross might be able to help as well.

Edited by Outside Indoorsman
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You should be able to sweep pretty easily with Dragonite if it gains a few more levels.  I would also get rid of hurricane and put in wing attack for now to take advantage of Dragonite's higher attack stat.  Fly is another good option, and partners well with Florges tanking hits with wish. Assuming you're using mega Charizard , i'd send those 2 out first and immediately dragondance.  If they faint, Goodra and Florges are decent special tanks and can sponge attacks while you use revives.

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For the double battle with the two unknown, I suggest you use Volcarona, hence there two starting pokemon would have problem defeating it. Next, I'd suggest you'd try to use quiver dance for Volcarona, maybe three or four times (I believe that is more than enough), and I promise you, it would feel like taking candy to a baby. 


For Cain and Shelly, I focus all my effort to Shelly first hence bug types are easier to kill and more annoying if it prolongs. Shelly's Ribombee will first try to use sticky web, which you wouldn't want to happen, so I suggest to kill ribombee first using your first two pokemon who has priority move, hence ribombee has very high speed. Metagross with bullet punch and Mamoswine with Ice Shard. 


The first unknown challenge you'll also face would be using dark type, so bringing bug and fighting type would really be useful. 


I hope this helps. 

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Personally I swept them clean with a combo Mega Houndoom (with Heatwave) and Ninetails with Drought

Mega Houndoom's Solar Power turns it's Fire Moves into the most unfair nukes I have ever seen, and it was bulky enough to just tank the few pokemon that dodged or outsped it and get a hit in.

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