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I cannot beat Aya!

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I have tried 34 times and counting and for the life of me I cannot beat her. My moves keep missing everytime I am about to K.O her and it's so difficult :/

My team

Swampert - 45 - Mud Bomb, Mud shot, Muddy Water, Bide

Ninetales - 43 - Extrasensory, Flamethrower, Hex, Will-o-wisp

Scrafty - 44 - Hi jump kick, Crunch , Faint Attack, Headbutt

Pidgeot - 43 - FeatherDance, Wing Attack , Agility, Quick Attack

Klank - 38 - Bind , Gear grind, Charge Beam , Mirror shot

Skuntank -44 - Toxic, Rock Smash, Flamethrower, Night Slash

Confagrigus- 44- Hex, Shadow Ball, Will-o-wisp , Power Swap.

I need help!

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  On 7/18/2013 at 2:56 AM, MomentousPrincess16 said:

I also got a quagsire but wheres a good place to train it up? I also caught a cubone but without thick club its useless. ;/

Thick Bone is in the game but wild Cubones only carry it 5% of the time, but it's easier to hunt those items when you have Covet (Linooone at lvl 35ish) or Thief. (Kecleon later in the game).

Aya's first two Pokemons only have Special attacks if i remember correctly, so i think that Klang can tank and set up on them a bit. Muk has Giga Drain so be careful for your Quagsire, and Tentacruel has icy wind to slow you down.

I won that gym relying mostly on a Calm Mind Gardevoir, who could set up thanks to an Elektabuzz (didn't evolve him at that time, not the ideal support at all) helping with Light Screen and Thunder Wave. When Electabuzz got KO i sent in Gyarados/Infernape, I couldn't send my Golem because I left Muk with a paralysis status and knew he couldn't do much to my team.

Edited by Soysauce
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I used a camerupt and luckily it had rock armor or something to weaken supereffective moves so when drapion used aqua tail, it didnt go down, and it was my lucky day :) i won and beat her gym thank goodness. Thanks for the advice everyone! i really appreciate it and it helped tons!

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