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Are gym leaders EV trained?


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5 minutes ago, Candy said:

iirc somewhere the leaders start to have their aces EV trained (maybe Serra?) and whole team EV trained starts from Charlotte.

That sounds about right. I asked because I was trying to take out Shelly's Illumise before it uses Rain Dance and I couldn't get a single hit in, not even with a level 55 alakazam I got via wonder trade. I was using that to try and figure out if it had a quick claw or was just EV trained and I did it enough times that I'm pretty confident saying it's just EV trained to an unreasonable degree.

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7 minutes ago, IllCaesar said:

That sounds about right. I asked because I was trying to take out Shelly's Illumise before it uses Rain Dance and I couldn't get a single hit in, not even with a level 55 alakazam I got via wonder trade. I was using that to try and figure out if it had a quick claw or was just EV trained and I did it enough times that I'm pretty confident saying it's just EV trained to an unreasonable degree.

That's not because of EVs. Her Illumise has the Prankster ability, which makes status moves always go first. 

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If you want to know the EVs on a Pokemon it's 1.5 times level which since the cap was removed it won't ever stop the calculation so random Pokemon could start having above the 508 cap unintentionally. Dunno how the scripts work, but all Pokemon have EVs. That's just how the base essentials works so it's like that in all fan-games.


Serra onwards have allocated EVs on their aces which is the classic 252/252/4. I think Terra onwards all their Pokemon have EVs like that.

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Also in the last Episode the Pulse2 was released for Team Meteor, so knowing Ame, we will probably start running into Team Meteor enemies who have 252 EVs across the board for every last one of their pokemon... If I remember right, Solaris already had that with his Garchomp (plus the Mega Evolution). It was meant for mass production, after all...

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