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Now Let's do the reverse: You have to offer up a Smash Bros Fire Emblem Representative to an Altar for Sacrifice. In exchange, you get any Pokemon you want.


Who Do you Offer Up?  

19 members have voted

  1. 1. Wet the altar in their Blood.

    • Marth
    • Roy
    • Lucina
    • Chrom
    • Corrin
    • Ike
    • Robin
    • I refuse. Even though I'll be Sacrificed.

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Any Pokemon you want. No Limitations. Doesn't matter if they are already a Pokeball Pokemon. Name them in the comments. And Name the Method of Sacrifice.


This Poll was just waiting to happen.


Again, Methods of sacrifice include any method that spills enough blood to wet an altar. These include Beheading, making an incision in the chest and ripping out the heart like Raiden and Senator Armstrong, a simple stab, et cetera.


You can refuse, but then you'll be sacrificed.


Decidueye, Sceptile, Grovyle, Tapu Koko, Mimikyu, Lycanroc, and Zoroark are commonly thrown suggestions. But again, you aren't limited to them.


Make your choice.


Pls don’t pick Roy. He’s my secondary. Roy’s our boy. Roy’s our boy.

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Roy. out of spite how garbo he is in Binding Blade.
like more garbo than characters maxing out at 20 in FE1,2,3,5.
and you can't even say you can use him strategically.
you just
use him.
because you have to press the seize button.
on every single map.

Forseti tome without a user is stronger than Roy.
the book alone.
the book.

and as such, we should get a strong bird.
like Archeops.
and once Archeops has taken 50%
it just starts to suck
exactly like Roy.

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I'd sacrifice Chrom for Sandbag...what do you mean Sandbag isn't a Pokemon...fine.


Hitmontop. I was going to go with Hitmonchan, but we don't really gain much from any Pokemon. Both these series are bloated and show off pretty much everything. Hitmontop is an oddball Pokemon and brings something new. A Pokemon that focuses on kicking and spin techniques. Its final smash could be a reference to the pinball games even. Can't really say how to build him since he has options like brick break being a shield breaker. And of course, he'd be spin to win.

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Get rid of Ike put in Lilligant, can toss razor leafs that do light ranged damage, uses a Leaf Blade attack for close combat, it's final smash is a solar beam (or solar blade) and it could rely on string shot for trying to recover from falling or to pull someone towards itself.

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Corrin. Don't personally care for the game, and even Sakurai was uneasy on adding them at first.

As for the method of sacrifice, he'd be stabbed by a Leaf Blade by his replacement, Sceptile. I don't care if it's a common choice. He's a Hoenn starter (favorite starter set from favorite region) who is not only well liked across most of the fanbase, but he completes the second Grass/Water/Fire core (Greninja and Incineroar, that is, because there's also the Pokemon trainer).

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Roy. I will never hurt Ike (main boys), Marth (tipper) Lucina (best princess), Robin, Corrin of Chrom, but Roy I never really liked.


as for my addition: Gallade (yeah, Swordsman for Swordsman. Come on up with the hate). I would say Gardevoir, but she's doing enough form her Pokéball, I'd say

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Roy is lame, He’s a weak unit from a poorly recieved Fire Emblem title who sakurai added in out of hype for the newest entry and made him a contridictory fanfic character.  


Pokemon of choice, Either Sableye or Haxorus.  I would say Machamp, but Incineroar is doing his job for him.  

Sableye would be a cool floaty trick and trap character and Haxorus would be a really aggro powerhouse with mobility.

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Chrom. I personally dont think hes all that, id rather lose him AFTER LUCINA HAS BEEN BORN 
as for the method of execution, ill take some inspiration from danganronpa and give him a glorious swordsman's death

and i want to receive dialga as my pokemon
so i can rewrite time and keep chrom alive in the new timeline 


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Truth Be told, I, the creator of this topic, would pick Corrin. Corrin used to be my least favorite Smash character (Until the second half of Ken's reveal Trailer happened).


I have an emotional connection to Roy, mainly because I played him in Melee before ever playing anything Fire Emblem related. Marth was my main, but now I'm Switching to Roy for Ultimate. And he's now a secondary. Maybe they could remake Binding Blade so that Roy is actually competent in that game?


Corrin... I hated him/her in Fates. I had the misfortune of playing him in Fates before playing him in Smash Bros. It made her my least favorite.


But now that Incineroar is in, I confess, I don't even hate Corrin that much. He/She has a fun moveset, and the Female Version is sexually attractive. Her game might have had a terrible story, but she's good in Smash. As a result, I'd prefer not to sacrifice any of the Fire Emblem characters, but Corrin is my pick if necessary.

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  On 11/27/2018 at 11:29 PM, ShadeStrider said:

Maybe they could remake Binding Blade so that Roy is actually competent in that game?


In my memory, Roy's biggest problem is his absolute garbagely late promotion. He's stuck without a decent weapon and progressingly weaker stats forever.
His raw stats wouldn't even be so bad. He just gets stuck for most of the game and then has little room to enjoy a part of the 19 level ups after promotion.

From my personal data (which of course RNG level ups can hamper) he definitely was the second weakest Lord in the games' context, only surpassed by Leif in Thracia 776.
But! In actuality, Leif can abuse Crusader Scrolls to cap everything with ease, since Thracia 776 is also one of the two Reinforcement Emblems (the other being Radiant Dawn).

And Marth in his old games (1&3) benefitted a lot of stats capping at 20.
He has the burden of having to walk to every village, as he is the only character being able to visit them. And then he has to seize every map, just like Roy. And he can also open chests!!! And he is your moving convoy!!!
At least he has 7 Movement + choice for Boots is pretty obvious to me with all that.

In Shadow Dragon (11), he actually ends up even worse stat-wise than Roy, and gets super dumpstered by Medeus (unless lucky). He has more purpose than just to seize though, as said above.
In New Mystery of the Emblem (12), he got some slight buffs and looks middle of the pack up to now. He should fall off soon, as he still does not have a promotion.

The more important question is: Why not remake Genealogy of the Holy War's wonderful world first..... ~~ *winks into the camera and offers baby Pokémon sacrifices to Loptous*
Is there a baby Pokémon in Smash? Let's sacrifice that one for Hector. I don't care about the thread title.

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i'm fine with removing Rule 63 Marth. she has nothing unique about her at all in smash anyway. in fact even comparing her stat growths to Marth's shadow dragon growths she barely edges him out in every stat. meaning again, basically clones.


and give us another unique fighter like charizard, one that's not just a melee fighter with some moves tacked on. maybe Braixen or smth or hell Chandelure. 

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Ah, people are not going to like this one... but choosing "I'm not going to sacrifice a Fire Emblem character and I'll just die instead" is lame.


After much deliberation, I PERSONALLY would sacrifice Marth, and replace him with Gallade.






Hey, you know what that means? We aren't losing too much of anything anyway! I get it. Marth's the original Fire Emblem Lord. The OG. The face of the franchise. Whatever...


However, I personally like Lucina's story (which I have experienced personally, something that can't be said for me regarding Marth's games) more than Marth's, and I've mained Marth most of my Smash experience - well before I even knew what the heck Fire Emblem was. 


Roy? I like that he was added retrospectively as a DLC character in Sm4sh.

Ike? Who's going to kill Ike? Huh?

Robin? One of the more unique Fire Emblem reps.

Corrin? That's MY first lord of the franchise - and this is MY vote.

Chrom? The man just got here and he's not letting his memes be dreams. I'm not THAT heartless.


It's nothing personal Marth. You're a cool dude, but just dying is almost an non-answer and it's not that fun.




Gallade is about the only potential "smash rep" Pokemon that I think would be interesting - and I think some of Marth can live on in spirit through said Pokemon.

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