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Can all event Pokemon be shiny?


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I've done over 800 resets aiming for a shiny version of the Lotad event Pokemon in the Coral Ward and knowing the shiny rate in Reborn it has me wondering if all event Pokemon can be shiny. I know that they're randomized but I know from some of the other event Pokemon that I've encountered that some are completely randomized, such as the Smoochum and Pichu having 31 IVs in a few of their stats no matter how they're otherwise randomized. IF that could happen I figured that some event Pokemon could be shiny. I'm not sure why somebody would go out of their way to implement that and just make a headache for themselves but it seems to be that or I'm just very unlucky and I figured that I would ask before continuing to SR for a shiny.

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Yes all event Pokémon can be shiny. And in regards to the pichu and smoochum, any Pokémon that is part of the undiscovered egg group (which includes those two, nidorina, legendaries, and a few others) all are guaranteed to have at least 3 perfect IVs.


All event Pokémon can also can with an egg move (if applicable) from a pool of pre set egg moves.

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