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Preparing For Serra, Looking For An Ice Stone!



I just reached Spinel Town, and I want to build a team around beating her Ice types. I have an Alolan Sandshrew I've been raising, and figured it'd be a perfect counter, since it quad-resists Ice moves. But I cannot find an Ice Stone for the life of me. Someone here told me where to find an Ice Stone, but I don't think I've reached that point in the game. Anyone have an Ice Stone they can trade me? I can offer (ironically) a shiny Alolan Sandshrew I accidentally bred.

Also, any advice for facing Serra? Once prepped, I plan for my team to be a Turtonator, Alolan Sandslash, Pyroar, Sawk, Togedemaru, and Camerupt. Also have a Mawile as a substitute for resistance, it doesn't have any Steel type moves.

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  On 11/29/2018 at 8:06 PM, CaptainNikolai said:

I just reached Spinel Town, and I want to build a team around beating her Ice types. I have an Alolan Sandshrew I've been raising, and figured it'd be a perfect counter, since it quad-resists Ice moves. But I cannot find an Ice Stone for the life of me. Someone here told me where to find an Ice Stone, but I don't think I've reached that point in the game. Anyone have an Ice Stone they can trade me? I can offer (ironically) a shiny Alolan Sandshrew I accidentally bred.

Also, any advice for facing Serra? Once prepped, I plan for my team to be a Turtonator, Alolan Sandslash, Pyroar, Sawk, Togedemaru, and Camerupt. Also have a Mawile as a substitute for resistance, it doesn't have any Steel type moves.


I can give you an Ice Stone, oh and by the way, nature Power will be a friend to you in that gym battle, trust me.

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  On 11/29/2018 at 8:25 PM, Lord Drakyle said:

I can give you an Ice Stone, oh and by the way, nature Power will be a friend to you in that gym battle, trust me.


That would be great! Also, I'm not sure I have any Pokemon that know or can learn Nature Power. What effect does it have on the terrain?

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  On 11/29/2018 at 8:44 PM, CaptainNikolai said:

That would be great! Also, I'm not sure I have any Pokemon that know or can learn Nature Power. What effect does it have on the terrain?


Becomes Mirror Shot and i thought most pokemon can learn Nature Power, Mirror Shot on the field has it's effect chance guranteed, will never miss, has x2 power and obviously has super effective damage on them. Even if not with stab, a pokemon with good potential SP Atk will do great with it,


If you want a good option, i would pick Camerupt, Magcargo or Torkoal to learn Nature Power as their fire typing will resist ice attacks and they can all use nature power with fair sp atk

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  On 11/29/2018 at 8:44 PM, CaptainNikolai said:

That would be great! Also, I'm not sure I have any Pokemon that know or can learn Nature Power. What effect does it have on the terrain?


it turns into Mirror Shot and iirc can't miss 😛 though most of the pokemon that can learn it are grass types and hence not very recommended in Serra's gym, there are some non-grass types that can learn it. https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Nature_Power_(move)#By_TM

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  On 11/29/2018 at 8:47 PM, Candy said:

it turns into Mirror Shot and iirc can't miss 😛 though most of the pokemon that can learn it are grass types and hence not very recommended in Serra's gym, there are some non-grass types that can learn it. https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Nature_Power_(move)#By_TM


Thanks for the heads up! I'll have to look for a Pokemon I have with a good Special Attack then, since I have the TM.

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  On 11/29/2018 at 8:46 PM, Lord Drakyle said:

Becomes Mirror Shot and i thought most pokemon can learn Nature Power, Mirror Shot on the field has it's effect chance guranteed, will never miss, has x2 power and obviously has super effective damage on them. Even if not with stab, a pokemon with good potential SP Atk will do great with it,


Kewl beanz. Also, how do we trade? Never traded through this game before, been kinda struggling through everything on my own.

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  On 11/29/2018 at 8:54 PM, CaptainNikolai said:

Kewl beanz. Also, how do we trade? Never traded through this game before, been kinda struggling through everything on my own.


Simply use your poke gear, register a online name to use go into trade and then decide of us two who sends the request and who enters the waiting  room

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  On 11/29/2018 at 8:55 PM, Lord Drakyle said:

Simply use your poke gear, register a online name to use go into trade and then decide of us two who sends the request and who enters the waiting  room


Alright, I'm registered. I'll send the request, what is your user name?

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