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Fire Emblem On Forums: Mortal Transgressions (OOC)


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And beating Twin in the last minute department is...this idiot.


[Mug incoming]


"Admirable principles. I pray you will never lose sight of those ideals. Now, come! Let us do battle under the banner of chivalry and honour!"


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"Luck is always on my side!"

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Thank you to everyone who participated! The ones who are officially in are:


Prologue Start:
Ferdiad Domniann “Knight” (Cavalier -> Great Knight) – Heaven or Fire 
Shin Surutaro “Ficus” (Nomad -> Nomad Trooper) – Wind or Water
Lizaveta Medvedeva “Scarlet” (Scholar -> Virtuoso) – Thunder or Heaven / Flux or Worm
Baldur Anton “Orchid” (Butler -> Steward) – Earth or Light
Justine Wagner “Minstrel” (Dancer -> Dancing Blade) – Dark or Thunder / Any E Rank Performance Item
Cecily Wagner “Dragon” (Wyvern Rider -> Wyvern Knight) – Anima or Dark
Lenore “Mink” (Thief -> Rogue/Bounty Hunter) – Anima or Earth / Iron Dagger or Iron Knife


Chapter 1 Start:
Tabitha Bellmonte “Rose” (Sister -> War Cleric) – Thunder or Fire
Hinabe “Talapoin” (Ascetic -> Crusader) – Light or Wind / Lightning or Flash
Mim Rhedan “Snowbird” (Apothecary -> Merchant) – Earth or Anima
Fey Rasparola “Golden Eye” (Pirate -> Swashbuckler) – Light or Thunder
Reiko Masuda “Thistle” (Myrmidon -> Samurai) – Light or Wind / Slim Sword or Wooden Sword


IC will begin sometime around Thursday afternoon, for now please select affinities and starting weapons!

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Trainee Level 2 (with prison squad included for future reference!)

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Trainee Level 3

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Trainee Level 4

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Trainee Level 5 (Final Level!)

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First Class Promotions



"Well done, everyone. You've all been doing fine work... you deserve to be proud of yourselves at this moment."



"Hmph... It's not that big of a deal... but regardless, I guess... good job."


Everyone please post what class your character will be promoting to, what preferred stats, what promotion bonuses, and what class skills your character will be obtaining, where your +5% progression will be going, what your new personal skill will be, and what weapon proficiency your character will be taking!

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Mim promotes to Apothecary!
Promotion Bonuses: HP +2, STR +1, MAG +0, SKL +0, LUK +2, DEF +2, RES +0, SPD +3, CON +3, AID +3, M OV 5
New Pref Stats: LCK, SPD
New Class Skills:
Quick Salve: The Apothecary may use healing items on themselves as a free action.
Potent Brew: When using medicine to revive downed players, the healing is not halved.
New Personal Skill:
Potent Mix: When within 3 spaces of 7 or more units, +2 DMG
New Weapon Profs:
Greatbows (C), Bows (D)
+5% growth to STR

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"Hmph, I was merely doing our enemies a favor before. Though I think I've spent far too long not fighting back. I'll make sure to live up to the Virtuous name!"


Baldur promotes to Butler

Preferred Stats: Magic, Luck


Promotion Bonuses: +1 HP, +1 STR, MAG +1, +1 SKL, +1 DEF, +2 RES, +1 SPD, +2 CON, +2 AID, +1 MOV


Class Skills:

Live to Serve: When the Butler/Maid heals an ally, they recover half the healed amount themselves.

+5% growth to MAG


New Personal Skill:

Combat Elegance: When Baldur’s HP>50%, +10 Hit/Eva


Weapon Profs:

Hidden (D), Staff (D)

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Fey promotes to Pirate!
Promotion Bonuses: HP +1, STR +3, MAG +0, SKL +1, LUK +0, DEF +0, RES +0, SPD +2, CON +3, AID +3, MOV 5
New Pref Stats: SPD, HP
New Class Skills:
Sea Walk The Pirate can traverse and end their turn on Water Terrain, at a cost of 2 MOV per tile, where other units can’t without flying.

Rapid Strike When attacking the Pirate can choose to do an extra attack at the end of the normal order, but this extra attack deals half damage and all attacks have -20 Hit penalty. This doesn’t affect the enemy’s attacks.
New Personal Skill:
First Impressions: If attacking an enemy unit for the first time, +15 hit
New Weapon Profs:
Throwing (C), Axe (D)
+5% growth to LUK

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Reiko promotes to Myrmidon!


Promotion Bonuses: HP +1, STR +1, MAG +0, SKL +2, LUK +1, DEF +0, RES +0, SPD +3, CON +2, AID +2, MOV 5


New Pref Stats: SPD, SKL

New Class Skill:
Leaf on the Wind

Instead of attacking, the Myrmidon can declare intent to gain a bonus to evasion equal to (SKL*2) for one enemy round, by reducing the number of counter attacks by 1 (this can mean 0 counter attacks). The bonus to evasion caps at +40.

New Personal Skill:
Imitation Gold: If unit is in combat with an enemy who wields a Slashing sword, +10 to Hit/Evasion.

New Weapon Profs:
Slashing (C), Swords (D)

+5% growth to STR

Edited by Blasbo
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Justine promotes to Dancer!


HP +1 STR +2 SKL +1 LUK +2 DEF +1 SPD +2 CON +1
New Preferred Stats: LUK, STR

New Personal Skill: Until The World's End: +15 Evasion for one round after defeating an enemy.

Perform replaced with Dance:

The Dancer is able to perform a dance for any 2 allies within 2 spaces near the user who have already used their actions. The characters can act again. In addition, when using performance items the Dancer can affect 2 units within 2 spaces with them. 


Proficiencies: Sword (D), Performance (D)

+5% LUK

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Lenore promotes to Thief.

HP +2 SKL +2 LUK +1 SPD +3 CON +2 MOV +1

New Preferred Stats: SPD, LUK

New Personal Skill: Your Lying Eyes: When facing Thieves and their promotions, +2 damage.

New Class Skills:


If the Thief has a higher Speed compared to their opponent, they can use their action to attempt to steal any unequipped item, from weapons to items. In the case of a tie, Luck stats are compared, failing on another tie. The Thief must have an open inventory slot, or else the steal won’t work. If the targeted item is a weapon, it cannot be currently equipped. If all conditions are met, that item is instantly added to the stealing character’s inventory, and they contribute 5 EXP. Some items can be locked to inventory, preventing it from being stolen.

After a successful Lockpick or Steal action, the Thief can use their remaining MOV as if they had Canto.


New Weapon Prefs: Knife (C), Hidden (D)
+5% STR

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