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[IC]TotMG:V2 - Hyperdimension: Return of the Four Felons


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Perlita couldn’t help but wince again as CFW Judge’s hammer came down onto their android companion — that thing looked like it hurt, though whether the android girl (aw, what was the word... gynoid?) actually felt pain Perlita didn’t know. Still, she couldn’t leave her to get hit again! She might not be able to take it! ”Ah, don’t worry, I’ve got you! Crawford!” Once again, Perlita summoned her glitzy, twentieth-century-actor Persona, and this time aimed her healing magic at the one currently receiving the brunt of the beatdown from their hammer-swinging enemy.


Perlita uses Diarama on 6D, healing her for 6d4+SYN (12)+SYN (12) health!

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"Elevation 20 degrees!  Rotate turrets starboard eight degrees!"  Iowa shouts, and the largest turrets on her rigging grind to life, swinging towards the Judge with a sort of ponderous finality.  "One through four, locked and loaded.  Range is danger close,"  The incarnate battleship raises her right arm to dramatically point her palm in the Judge's general direction, "Main battery, FIRE!"


The blast shakes the ground for a dozen meters around, rocking Iowa back on her heels as the sound and pressure wave causes the leafy branches around her to ruffle and shake.  A huge cloud of dust and powder smoke seethes around her, and from the cloud four huge shells soar.  Two of them are completely off-target, slamming into the ground and trees nowhere near their intended target.  One whistles six feet to the left of the Judge.  And the fourth slams squarely into the huge mechanical creature's chest.


(Iowa fires her 12 inch guns at the Judge, dealing 4d8 + 10 damage.  If at least 5 of this damage is prevented, the shell explodes inside the target, dealing an additional 5d8 damage that ignores all damage reducing effects, but not other defensive effects.  This applies the Concussion debuff whether or not the bonus damage is applied, reducing the Judge's damage dealt by 10 for 2 rounds.)


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Hold turn until after Iowa moves, and then use Battle Plans to reduce the cooldown of 12inch guns and increase her Synergy by Atton's intelligence (15) and buff Perlita's Synergy by (15).
Battle Plans: “Richard analyzes the current situation and formulates a cunning plan, one that is so cunning that it has recently managed to become the professor of cunning studies in Harvard”
Current: Boost the stat of choice of two targets by [LVL] for two rounds and reduces a cooldown of the targets’ choices by one, two round cooldown.
Level 1: Boost the stat of choice of one target by [LVL] for two rounds, two round cooldown.
Level 2: Increases the amount of targets by one
Level 3: Now also reduces a cooldown of the target’s choice by one.

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"Lets see if your armor can take THIS!"
Punch wraps her hand up in what seems to be swirling green light, and a vortex of wind and dust, forming a spike over her fist,

Punch uses Color Strike on Judge. Declaring the Element "Wind" and the Physical damage type "Piercing" 


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Uni spends her turn reloading her now smoking rifle.


Bridgett glows some more and takes 16 damage.

Hurstwic heals her, Nepgear, and 6D for 6 each and resolves.


Perlita blasts 6D with healing energy and restores 40 HP.


6D’s crushing blow, swift strike, and support energy blasts rack up 25, 28, and 5 damage against his shield respectively.  However Judge doesn’t look terribly slowed down, in fact he cackles at her attacks as Juggernaut kicks in and he ignores her Stun effect.

Retaliation expires, 6D regens 8 HP.


Gabriel spews nuclear hellfire in Judge’s general direction dealing 36 damage to Judge’s shield and causing him to burn.


Barely visible under Judge’s helmet was a gleeful grin like that of a child in a candy store.


Energy pulses from Judge’s left arm as he uses Pay-to-Win!  Next round's actions may be a little pricey.

Action Surge triggers!

[76, hit]Judge swings his hammer and punts 6D into a nearby tree, dealing 45 damage and Stunning her.


Nepgear notices Iowa preparing to attack and decides to help her with a bit of a boost, improving the damage of Iowa’s next attack by 25%.


[1 vs 10, fail] Punch summons up a spike of wind and energy before slamming into Judge for 14 damage to his shield.  Judge bleeds for 3 pure damage.


Iowa’s guns rotate into position, shining with a faint purple energy, and fire with one round sailing into Judge for 46 damage against his shield.  The round detonates for another 44 damage and breaks his shield.


Atton hatches a cunning plan that boosts the Syn of Iowa and Perlita by 7 as well as reducing a cooldown of their choice by 1.


Mira attaches a Magra grenade to Judge’s side, it’ll detonate for 8d8+12 damage next time Judge takes magic damage.



Pay-to-Win: Actions targeting Judge this round have one(1) of the following additional costs:
+2 rounds of cooldown,

Deals 20% of MHP in backlash damage,

Consumes a relative amount of personal resources,




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With her bomb now in place, Mira jumps back, then raises her sword, holding it perpendicular to her head as she glared back at Judge, "Go ahead and try" she responded to his earlier statement, holding her position as she waited for him to... Well, try. At that point, a dark vortex of energy began to swirl around her arms, before quickly traveling up to her blade. 


Mira uses her Lunar Stance, burning through 2  preparing to neutralize any attack Judge potentially makes on her, then deal 6d8+2d6+12 damage back.



Magra: 2/8

Mira generates an extra bit of Magra! Her next extra will come in 3 turns.

Mira's armor reduces slashing/piercing damage by 4. In addition, all damage, including slashing/piercing damage, is reduced by 1.

Mira takes 50% more damage from magic attacks.


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"Alert. Machine lifeform appears resistant to concussive effects." The Pod said helpfully as the Judge didn't take any visible concern at 6D's normally-stunning strike. 


"You don't say?" The android girl had just enough time to move before the hammer came down - it was a glancing blow, compared to what it could have been, but a glancing blow that sent her flying into a tree. Her head snapped back with the collision in a way that would be concerning if she was human, and damage reports and error messages floated across her vision as her self repair systems kicked in to repair the damage. Unfortunately, it wouldn't be fast enough to get her back on her feet quickly. 


--Stun removed--


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Bridgett noticing that teh charging was almost complete decides to try and push herself even further. "Mornings Arrow advance to Einherjar mode level 3." She said her voice sounding a bit strained. After a few moments, the device responds "Yes My Lady...Engaging Einherjar Level three.." At the chime of the device, the gathering of energy in front of Bridgett grew even larger and pushed her back a bit. "Firing lock disengaged...cartridges loaded, Fire when ready MY Lady." the device chimed as it ejected, even more, spent cartridges. Bridgett slammed her foot down planting her as she leveled her device at Judge. "MYTHRIL BUSTER.......FIREEEEE!!!!!!" SHe called out as a large beam of light blue magical energy fires makes its way towards Judge.


Bridgett advances to Einherjar mode level 3 and fires Mythril Bust at Judge and spends 4 cartridges to ignore any DR Judge may have. Dealing 5[WD](3D4)+SYN(12)maximized + an additional 70% of the damage from Einherjar mode and Boost mode to Judge.

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Seeing as he had ample time to react to the situation, Atton elected to take out his megaphone and yell out "This is no time to rest young lady! Get back in there and show that judge just what you could do!."


That, is naught but a flesh wound on 6D, healing off her Stun and healing her by 1d4+15 damage and on Bridgett to heal her by 1d4+15 damage.

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For some reason, the shouting seemed to invigorate 6D. She couldn't just sit there and let him assault the team. She staggered to her feet, nodded to Atton in thanks, and dashed forward. 


Induce Rage on the Judge. 


Pod does 2d4 damage to the Judge. 


Lightning Strike Count: 1


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Iowa uses Ahead Full, increasing her initiative by 10 and gaining two stacks of Evasive Maneuvers, which last until her next turn.  When Iowa is attacked while she has Evasive Maneuvers left, the damage is reduced by 20% and a stack is lost.  Because her initiative increased this round, she can use Gunboat Diplomacy as a free action with a 3 round cooldown, taunting the enemy that acts soonest before and soonest after her for 1 round.

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"Dead? No, I've just started to heat up! Let's turn up the heat, guys, see how much he can handle!"

Agilao on the Judge. Sun Arcana activates.

Gabriel has a 20% chance to resist radiation ailments and 40% to resist heat due to Blue Jacket. 

All ailments on Gabriel have halved duration due to Optimism.

Agilao: Deals SYN (12)+2d4 fire damage and causes the enemy to take 10% extra damage for three turns. Cost: +2 turns cooldown.
Sun Arcana: Nuclear and fire attacks used by Gabriel inflict a burn on the opponent, dealing SYN/2 (6) piercing damage for three turns, each subsequent nuclear or fire attack adding an extra stack of burn. Enemies who resist radiation and fire cannot be affected by Sun Arcana's effect.


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"Heh, looks like Im going to need more power, give me some cover guys!"

Punch leaps back a bit, and plants her feet firmly on the ground, spreading her legs slightly. She brings her arms in a rough 'arch' over her head, before brining them back down to her sides at acute angles in an overdramatic fashion. Tossing her head back to the sky and screaming loudly as her bodily energy begins to excite to an elevated state of increased potency. The air around her beginning to distort slightly, as though she were being seen through a heat haze.


Punch uses Charge up

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Perlita winced at the profound violence that suddenly occurred in a few moments — thunderous blasts of shells, a wide variety of attacks from the gynoid, Gabriel’s Freila blasting outwards from a point, said gynoid getting slammed once more and punted into a tree (that one got even more of a wince from Perlita). Well, that left her a fairly obvious course of action, and it would probably be a nicely successful one, seeing as the general guy that had helped her out before was doing so again. Encouragement really did go a long way when your powers came from a manifestation of your inner self! ”Okay, Crawford! We’ve got this!”

Perlita uses Diarama on 6D, healing 6d4+SYN (19)+SYN (19) health!

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Uni fires another spray of bullets for 21 shield damage.


Atton tells 6D she’s got a flesh wound….however that works.  Somehow it heals her and Bridgett for 17 HP each.


Bridgett fires a blinding ray of light powerful enough to send Judge sliding backwards and leaving an impact trail.  It deals 122 damage that sears a hole in Judge’s shield.

The power draw causes Bridgett to take 20 damage.

Mythril Buster is put on a 7 turn cooldown.


Mira’s Magra Grenade detonates for 48 damage.


Perlita blasts 6D with more sweet healing juice and restores 53 HP, well actually 30, but who cares?


6D attempts to induce a Rage in Judge, but only seems to succeed in some maniacal laughter.


Her pod deals 5 shield damage.

She takes 17 backlash damage.


Gabriel blasts Judge for 18 damage and increases damage dealt to him by 10%.

Sun Arcana fizzles and deals 6 damage.


Judge sweeps his hammer across the battlefield, catching [93]Iowa, [64]Mira, and [61]Gabriel for 51, 49, and 47 damage, but [13] missing Atton.



Nepgear runs in and swipes at Judge with her laser sword dealing 22 damage.


Punch starts screaming to draw attention to the fact that they’re charging, good plan.

Judge bleeds for 2 damage.


Iowa pulls ahead, gaining 10 Init and two stacks of Evasive Maneuvers.

She also Taunts Judge, though he already looks plenty angry.


Mira prepares to counter.



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The plan was for her to prepare her counter stance, a tried-and-true defensive position that allowed Mira to almost always neutralize damage and then strike her opponent, as soon as Judge went to strike at her. Of course, before she had even gotten done with her response to Judge, the larger individual's axe had swiftly moved, giving her barely enough time to react before it slammed into her side, digging into her armor before she was thrown off. For a few seconds, Mira's body merely flew through the air before hitting the ground, managing to roll several times before she managed to get control of her motion, digging her hand into the ground and swiftly managing to slide to her feet.


Of course, as soon as she managed to stand back up, she lurched forward, making a grunt that sounded like the had coughed up blood as her free hand went to her wounded side. The axe had done a good job of tearing through Mira's armor, and managed to hit a good chunk of Mira's actual body. The blow certainly hurt like hell... But she had dealt with worse.


So, going to her defensive stance, Mira began channeling Magra into her wound, quickly sealing up the wound.


Mira uses Cell Repair, healing her for 3d6+12 HP, while using up 1 Magra.


Magra: 2/8

Mira generates an extra bit of Magra! Her next extra will come in 2 turns.


Mira's armor reduces slashing/piercing damage by 4. In addition, all damage, including slashing/piercing damage, is reduced by 1.


Mira takes 50% more damage from magic attacks.


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Bridgett let out a rather annoyed sounding Tsk as the dust cleared after her blast. Judge was still standing and she didn't like that one bit. She never seen anyone stand up after using that much power. She felt  like a failure for not bringing him down with that. Trying to get the those types of thoughts out of her head she flew up above the battle field and raised Mornings Arrow into the air. "If one blast doesn't work then just keep blasting that's what she was always told." She thought to herself as a larger magic circle appeared in front her and left over magical energy started gathering underneath the circle . "Charging Valkyrie Breaker....complete in !0,9,8,7...."The device chimed as it started to count down the charge. 


Bridgett starts charging Valkyrie Breaker


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Perlita’s good mood rather evaporated when their large opponent raised his hammer and proceeded to with one mighty swing crunch it brutally into three of her companions, dealing each of them a mighty blow. One of those three people that Judge had harmed was Perlita’s friend, and he in particular was in nasty condition. ”Gabriel!” The shriek came reflexively, and Perlita started in his direction. Crawford! With that particularly urgent call of her friend’s name, Perlita summoned her Persona and sent one of the healing waves she’d been tossing around in his direction. She’d make sure he would be okay, she knew she could...!


Perlita uses Diarama on Gabriel, healing 6d4+SYN (19)+SYN (19) health!

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"Alert: Enemy appears to be immune to statuses previously inflicted." the pod chimed in. "Recommend not repeating ailment attacks." 


6D didn't respond, a bit busy for that. 


Interception Protocol: Target Bridgett. The next two attacks targetted at Bridgett will go to 6D instead. 


Lightning Speed Count: 2


Pod does 2d4 damage. 


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Gabriel wiped his mouth, staggering from the force of the blow. He'd taken (and seen) worse, but this still wasn't GREAT. In fact, this was the last thing from great. That hurt. Probably busted a thing or two, judging from the throbbing and the sensation of hot pain washing over his body.


Still, Gabriel Kowalski wasn't known as a guy who gave up when the going got tough. He just had to muddle through it like he always did. And Perlita was right here; he had to look good in front of her, after all. He grunts and steels himself., bracing himself on the leg that wasn't currently feeling like hot steel was running through it. Time for Round Three.

"Thanks for the support, Perlita.....wouldn't know what to do without you!"

Freila on the Judge. Sun Arcana activates. Beat of My Blood activates.

Gabriel has a 20% chance to resist radiation ailments and 40% to resist heat due to Blue Jacket. 

All ailments on Gabriel have halved duration due to Optimism.

Freila: Utilising Oppenheimer, Gabriel blasts an opponent with the power of nuclear radiation, unleashing a miniature nuclear blast onto them. Gabriel does 5d6+SYN (12) damage to a single target.
Sun Arcana: Nuclear and fire attacks used by Gabriel inflict a burn on the opponent, dealing SYN/2 piercing damage for three turns, each subsequent nuclear or fire attack adding an extra stack of burn. Enemies who resist radiation and fire cannot be affected by Sun Arcana's effect.

Beat of My Blood: Any Frei-line skills used upon enemies with Burn, Shock or Frozen statuses (or any analogues) deal x1.3 damage. Sun Arcana's effects qualify as Burns for Beat of My Blood.

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Iowa uses Ahead Full again, to keep her Evasive Maneuvers up in the face of the incoming fire from Judge, as well as to pick up even more initiative.  However, her taunt is on cooldown so she can't use it again this round.

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Uni uses Multi-support on Iowa and 6D, increasing their Str by 7 and granting 7 DR vs physical damage for two rounds.


Atton performs more miracles, healing machines by telling them they’ve got flesh wounds.  He heals Iowa and 6D for 17 HP each.


Bridgett keeps charges and burning herself alive.

She takes 20 damage.


Iowa chugs along her merry way, gaining another 10 Init and 2 stacks of Evasive Maneuvers.


Perlita blast Gabriel with healing energy, restoring 51 HP.  So close.


6D gets ready to do more tanking for the squishies.

Her pod hopelessly blasts Judge’s shield for 3 damage.


Gabriel launches another attack on Judge, dealing 28 damage to his shield.

Sun Arcana fizzles and deals 6 damage.


Judge slams his hammer into Iowa and sends her crashing into the nearby boulder.  She takes 32 damage and is Stunned.

Action Surge triggers!

Judge’s off hand lashes out, slashing at Iowa for 26 damage and healing himself!


Nepgear heals Bridgett for 30 HP.


Punch screams more, need a glass of water?


Mira heals herself for 26 HP.


CFW Judge's shield holds, he takes no damage!




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The shield was weak now, so it was time to strike - not that striking was much 6D's bag. But she could do it, when it was needed. Seeing Iowa knocked aside, she dashed forward, running her Confrontation Protocol and hoping that that wasn't something he could resist after it was used on him. Otherwise, this would need to be quick. 


Free action: Confrontation Protocol on the Judge. 


Free Action: Pod does 2d4 damage to the Judge.


Apply Retaliation Protocol to Self. 


Lightning speed count: 3. Extra action! Attack with Type-4O Blade.  



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