AzyWng Posted September 18, 2019 Share Posted September 18, 2019 As Lyra ducked beneath the large tongue, she remembered something. She didn't just have a gun and a wrench. She also had taunts. Lots and lots of taunts. "HEY, FUCKFACE MCPARASITE! YOU THINK JUST BECAUSE YOU'VE GOT SOME STUPID-ASS DEFORMITIES THAT YOU CAN BRING US DOWN? WHEN I WENT TO STOP YOUR BAND OF HALF-BRAINED GOONS, THEY WERE DUMB ENOUGH TO ALL STAND IN THE SAME SPOT! I TOOK THEM OUT SO FAST I HAD TIME TO RELIEVE MYSELF ON THEIR BODIES - TURNS OUT THEIR CLOTHES ARE SUPER ABSORBENT! AND YOU KNOW WHAT? I'M GOING TO GIVE YOU THE SAME TREATMENT ONCE WE TEAR YOU TO PIECES!" Of course, she hadn't done and wasn't going to do any of that - but she couldn't let that... thing... know that, even if it couldn't understand her at all. Lyra Taunts the Paralyzing Tongue! Adrenaline Dodging: Ready! Blur: 0/3 Attacks Fiasco: 2/4 Dodges Point-Blank Throw: Ready! Taunt: Ready! Damaged Item Teleporter: Ready! Safety-Bypassed Rechargeable Medium-Capacity Swapper: 0/3 Charges Damaged Rechargeable Emergency Shield: Ready! Reveal hidden contents HP: 30+(5*4) = 50/50 Base Init: 10-0(For now) = 10 Stats: Constitution: 4 Dexterity: 10 Intelligence: 8 Strength: 8 Synergy: 0 Perks: Adrenaline Dodging - Can dodge one attack with a guaranteed chance of success. Cooldown of 3 turns. Blur - After landing three attacks, Lyra can dodge one attack with a guaranteed chance of success. Fiasco - Every four dodges, Lyra can perform a second attack on her turn. Learn From One’s Betters - Lyra receives a bonus of her INT to any crafting rolls for creating items that are similar to ones she's seen before. This includes tricks. (Flaw) Always Someone Better - All forms of support Lyra receives are halved. Actions: 8 (Base)+10 (2*Level 5) = 18/18 Defend Active Halves damage once all other damage calculations are made. Does not have initiative, and does not reduce pure damage. Level 0 - Available unless Lyra is prevented from acting. Reduces damage by half once all other calculations are made. Ex-Glitcher Passive Lyra gets a 2+1/3 INT bonus to her INIT after she uses a teleporting device. Level 1 (Base) - All teleporting devices give Lyra a 2+1/3 INT bonus to her INIT when she uses them. Counterattack Passive When Lyra dodges an attack, on her next turn, her next attack will have one additional hit die and a DEX/3 bonus to damage OR a STR/3 bonus if the attack already has a DEX modifier. The attack will also count as two attacks for the purposes of triggering Blur. Level 1 (Base) - If Lyra dodges an attack, on her next turn, her next attack against an enemy that attacked her will have one hit die added to its attack roll. Level 2 - Using Counterattack will now count as an additional attack for the purpose of triggering Blur. Level 3 - Using Counterattack on enemies who are lower than Lyra in the turn order will grant Lyra a DEX/3 bonus to her attack roll. If the attack already has a DEX modifier, the attack’s bonus is STR/3 instead. Level 4 - Counterattack now triggers when Lyra dodges. Her next attack will have one extra hit die and a DEX/3 bonus regardless of who the target is. Point-Blank Throw Active Lyra can perform a second attack on the same turn as her first, removing one die from her attack roll. This counts as a second attack for the purpose of triggering Blur. This attack can also be combined with any other attack action. Cooldown of 3. Level 1 (Base) - Lyra throws her melee weapon at an enemy immediately after swinging it, allowing her to perform a second attack on the same target, removing two dice from her attack roll in the process. Lyra catches the wrench immediately afterwards, meaning she does not lose it. Cooldown of 3 turns. Level 2 - Using Point-Blank Throw now counts as an attack for the purpose of triggering Blur, meaning that two attacks will be stored. Level 3 - Lyra can now choose to combine Point-Blank Throw with any other attack action. (Note that combining Point-Blank Throw with Counterattack will not count as three attacks for the purposes of triggering Blur, only two.) Level 4 - Lyra will remove one die from her attack roll instead of two. Level 5 - Point-Blank Throw can now target a different enemy than the one that was attacked first. Taunt Active Lyra forces an enemy to focus their attacks on her for one turn and causes them to deal 30% less damage for the next three turns. Three turn cooldown. Level 1 (Base) - Lyra forces an enemy to focus their attacks on her for one turn, spending her attack for that turn, with a three turn cooldown. Level 2 - Lyra’s barking now makes the enemy lose focus, and will cause the enemy to inflict 20% less damage for their next two turns. Level 3 - Taunt will now cause the enemy to inflict 30% less damage for their next two turns. Level 4 - Taunt’s effects now last for an additional turn. Equipment: Wrench - Inflicts 3d4 + STR damage. Weight of 6 (INIT Penalty of 6-STR) Level 1 (Base) - Wrench Inflicts 3d4+STR damage. Damaged Item Teleporter - When used, lets Lyra take one item dropped on the ground as a free action. The item is returned to the floor when the battle ends, and anyone can choose to pick it up. One use per battle. Level 1 - (Base) Damaged Item Teleporter Once per battle, take a dropped item as a free action. When the battle ends, return the item to the communal inventory. Safety-Bypassed Rechargeable Medium-Capacity Swapper - When used, makes Lyra and a unit of her choice switch places. Attacks and actions that target Lyra will now target the chosen unit, and attacks and actions that target the chosen unit will now target her. Three uses per battle. Uses the user’s action for the round, just like a weapon or action would. Lyra can also choose to activate her swapper as a free action at the cost of draining three charges instead of one. Note: Glitchers such as this one work by destroying the user’s body and then recreating it in a different location. Level 1 (Base) - Damaged Rechargeable Swapper Once per battle, swap places with a unit. This means that all attacks and actions targeting the swapped unit now target the user and all attacks and actions targeting the user will now target the swapped unit. This includes most projectile attacks, even ones that the swapped unit made against the user. Level 2 - Medium-Capacity The can be used three times per battle. Level 3 - Safety Bypass Lyra can choose to activate her swapper as a free action at the cost of draining three charges instead of one. Damaged Rechargeable Emergency Shield - Use to apply a 30 HP barrier to Lyra for one turn. One use per battle. Level 1 (Base) - Damaged Rechargeable Emergency Shield Once per battle, applies a barrier with 30 HP to the user for one turn. Gun - Inflicts 2d4+DEX damage. Weight of 2 (INIT Penalty of 2-STR) Level 1 (Base) - Gun Inflicts 2d4+DEX damage. Tactical Gear - Adds an additional action slot that equipment can take. Level 1 (Base) - Tactical Gear Adds one more action slot that can be filled by a piece of equipment. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Powder Miner Posted September 21, 2019 Share Posted September 21, 2019 Perlita drops a Patra on herself, removing all ailments and also healing herself for [SYN*2] thanks to her perks! Reveal hidden contents Diarama (Level 6): With a flash of her glitzy Persona, Perlita casts one of her two direct healing spells, sending a burst of potent and focused healing energy to diffuse through someone’s being, which mostly just presents itself as a pink glow. Perlita heals 6d4+SYN health for a single target. Level 2: Upgraded from 1d4+SYN to 2d4+SYN. Level 3: Upgraded from 2d4+SYN to 3d4+SYN. Level 4: Upgraded from 3d4+SYN to 4d4+SYN. Level 5: Upgraded from 4d4+SYN to 5d4+SYN Level 6: Upgraded from 5d4+SYN to 6d4+SYN Media (Level 3) : Perlita casts her other direct healing spell, which is less potent and more taxing, but heals multiple of her allies. In a lot of ways it looks similar to her other healing spell, simply causing a fainter pink glow of healing energy to surround more people, but it requires a longer exposure of her Persona and is harder to channel — she’s splitting her efforts, after all. Perlita heals SYN damage for four targets. 1 turn cooldown. Level 2: Upgraded from two targets to three targets. Level 3: Upgraded from three targets to four targets. Patra (Level 2): Perlita summons Crawford and casts a spell which showers the target in bright sparkles of a turquoise color. These sparkles are the visual signs of a spell that can soothe burns, purge illnesses, and calm down unnaturally troubled minds... or maybe multiple at once.” Perlita heals all of a target’s ailments. Level 2: Upgraded from removing one ailment from the target to removing all ailments from them. Circulation Sash: A light blue colored sash that is worn under Perlita’s dress and as such isn’t really visible. It keeps Perlita’s circulation and movement clear and uninhibited, but only insomuch as preventing a severe shock every one in a while, after which it takes a while to realign itself. Once per plot, can be used to break a stun on Perlita. Dark Jacket [Level 3]: A jacket that looks dark as night, and in fact is just short of being painfully dark to look at — a scant few steps from vantablack, in other words. It’s Perlita’s most potent possession, bringing out her Persona’s darkness resistance and resisting sleep magic. 20% resistance to darkness attacks, and a 40% chance orresistance to specifically sleep ailments. Level 2: Gain 20% chance of resistance to sleep ailments. Level 3: Upgrade that to a 40% chance of resisting sleep ailments. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DragonRage Posted October 1, 2019 Share Posted October 1, 2019 1 round until Iowa's main battery reloads with AP... For lack of anything better she can think of to do, Iowa sends down orders to her gunnery crews, and barrages Trick's Draining Tongue with her 8 Inch Guns, landing 3d4 hits of 5 damage apiece! That thing's just nasty, and impolite to boot. 8 Inch Guns will go on cooldown for 1 round. Reveal hidden contents Reveal hidden contents HP: 126 Init: +1 Stats: Str: 10 Dex: 1 Int: 1 Con: 12 Syn: 6 Concussion: The 12 inch and 8 inch guns in Iowa’s primary and secondary batteries have devastating consequences for anyone in the general area of whoever she happens to be aiming at. Even if she hasn’t scored a direct hit on them, anyone damaged by Iowa’s artillery suffers from the debuff Concussion for 2 rounds. Concussion reduces damage dealt by Iowa’s unmodified strength, and does not stack with itself. Concussion cannot be applied to enemies already suffering from it. Any attack with a cooldown Iowa makes can apply Concussion (if a ship makes a melee attack, it's still going to hit hard enough for this). Throttle Up: Grants access to the perk-backed action “Ahead Full”. Built to Brawl: Iowa’s skin is as tough as her belt armor, a solid foot of Harveyized steel backed by ten feet of coal bunkers. It takes a lot of damage to get through that kind of protection. Iowa’s MHP is increased by 40%. Heavy Weapons: Grants access to the perk-backed action “12 Inch Guns”. Citadel Penetration (Flaw): Critical hits bypass Iowa’s armor, wreaking havoc on her machine rooms and crew. Damage from critical hits is not reduced by any effects on Iowa, and being struck by a critical hit stuns her for one round as her crew makes emergency repairs. Actions: 12 Inch Guns (Perk-Backed): Iowa deploys her primary weapons, four 12 inch guns, to blast away at her enemies. These weapons can fire armor piercing shells to inflict devastating damage upon extremely tough enemies, or blow away large groups of light enemies with high explosive shot. These weapons are extremely potent, but neither subtle nor especially dexterous. They have a maximum range of six miles, but Iowa can’t accurately hit targets more than a mile away without the assistance of a spotter. She could as a ship, but being a woman has reduced the height and thus field of view of her fighting top and rangefinders immensely. -Level 1: When an encounter begins or this action is used, Iowa chooses to load armor piercing or high explosive shells and this action goes on cooldown. If this action has not been used yet, the cooldown is halved, rounded up. When Iowa fires, this action deals 2d12 + strength + synergy damage to target enemy. Then, an extra effect is applied depending on the shell type. Armor piercing shells deal [level]d12 bonus damage that cannot be reduced if the target has either more MHP than Iowa or damage reduction at least equal to Iowa's level, exploding before they pass completely through the victim. If both conditions are met, this bonus damage is applied twice, inflicting a citadel hit. While AP penetration damage cannot be reduced, it can be prevented entirely by immunities. High explosive shells deal 1/2 their damage to all enemies other than the initial target with less initiative than Iowa, as they are unable to avoid the explosion. 5 round cooldown. -Level 2: The base damage increases to 3d12 + strength. -Level 3: The base damage increases to 4d12 + strength. -Level 4: The cooldown is reduced to 4 rounds. Ahead Full (Perk-Backed): Iowa sends orders to her engine room to disregard fuel conservation, wear, and boiler test pressure, building up steam and increasing her engine power. When not focusing on acceleration, this speed will slowly decay. -Level 1: Iowa gains [level x2] initiative. She loses [level/2] of this bonus initiative whenever she ends a round in which this action was not used. -Level 2: Until her next turn, Iowa gains a stack of the status condition Evasive Maneuvers. Should she be damaged while she has an Evasive Maneuver, she loses one stack of it and reduces the damage by 20% before other modifiers apply. -Level 3: Iowa now gains two stacks of Evasive Maneuvers from this action. Damage Control Team (2/2): Iowa lights herself a new cigarette while her damage control teams get to work curing status ailments. She can also take a slug of moonshine, motivating her crew and repairing some damage received. -Level 1: Iowa becomes immune to status ailments until the end of the round. Status ailments currently afflicting her are removed by this effect. This action comes with two Repair Party charges, which are refreshed whenever an encounter begins. When it is used, Iowa can spend a charge to give herself the non-stacking buff Repair Party. Repair Party lasts two rounds and heals her for synergy HP per round. If Iowa has a higher-quality drink equipped as a consumable, she can expend that along with her Repair Party charge to gain additional benefits at the GM’s discretion. 4 round cooldown. -Level 2: Repair Party now restores 1d4 + synergy HP per round. -Level 3: Repair Party now restores 2d4 + synergy HP each round. Level 4: Iowa may choose to ignore stuns or other impairing effects when activating Damage Control Team. Doing so causes her to gain an appropriate debuff as determined by the GM. This debuff bypasses the immunity granted by Damage Control Team. Lead like Roosevelt: Iowa prepares herself to act. Then, if an enemy would down an ally who moves after her, she steps in and blocks the attack with her chest, just like (she firmly believes) Teddy Roosevelt would. -Level 1: Grants Iowa the non-stacking buff Bull Moose. If Iowa has Bull Moose and an ally who moves after her would be downed by an enemy’s attack, Iowa steps in and body blocks the attack, taking it instead. The ally who first moves after her is given priority if multiple allies would be downed by a single attack. Then this action goes on cooldown for 3 rounds. -Level 2: The ally protected by this action is inspired both by Iowa’s courage and the chance for vengeance. While this action is on cooldown, they gain a +[level] attack damage buff against the enemy that would have downed them. Gunboat Diplomacy: If a battleship is getting in your face, it’s hard to focus on anything else. -Level 1: Remove all taunts applied with this action. Then, the enemies that act closest to Iowa this round are taunted until her next turn. Both the enemy that acts soonest before Iowa and the enemy that acts soonest after are taunted. If they attack during this time, they must attack Iowa. They are not forced to attack, though. 0 round cooldown (this is important). -Level 2: Iowa may use Gunboat Diplomacy as a free action if she gained initiative this turn. Using this action as a free action increases the cooldown by 4 rounds. -Level 3: The cooldown is reduced to 3 rounds. 8 Inch Guns (Gear): Iowa’s secondary battery of eight 8 inch guns is designed for delivering precision damage with a good rate of fire… for naval artillery. Half of a salvo landing is considered excellent accuracy, and a volley every other round rapid firing. These guns have a maximum range of 9 miles, but Iowa can’t accurately hit targets more than a mile away without the assistance of a spotter (very short range). She could as a ship, but being a woman has reduced the height and thus field of view of her fighting top and rangefinders. Reduces initiative by 5 – strength. -Level 1: Iowa fires a salvo of shots, 1d4 of which hit. Each hit deals [level] damage. This action always hits the enemy that acts soonest after Iowa. If no enemy acts after Iowa, she can hit the one that acts soonest before her instead. 1 round cooldown. -Level 2: 2d4 shots now hit per salvo. -Level 3: 3d4 shots now hit per salvo. The initiative reduction is increased to 10 – strength. Armor Angling (Trick): By presenting her armored belt to enemies at an angle, Iowa reduces incoming damage. This trick only works if she can outmaneuver her foes. -Level 1: Grants +2 damage reduction, but only against enemies who act after Iowa. -Level 2: Grants +4 damage reduction, but only against enemies who act after Iowa. -Level 3: Grants +6 damage reduction, but only against enemies who act after Iowa. Fire Suppression System (Trick): Iowa employs her fire suppression systems to mitigate damage from being set ablaze. -Level 1: Reduces damage from fires by 17%. -Level 2: Reduces damage from fires by 20%. Fairy Marines (9/10) (Trick): Iowa's marines open up on an enemy with her 6 pounder guns and their own rifles, dealing damage without needing micromanagement. -Level 1: Once per round as a free action, Iowa's marines deal 1d4 damage to target enemy. This action has 10 charges, and uses one with each attack. Iowa can refill all charges by consuming quality of life-enhancing items to keep her marines happy, such as better food/drink, doll furniture, 'cultural items', or receiving technological enhancements. -Level 2: If this action has eight or more uses remaining immediately before this activation, it deals an additional 2d4 damage. Increasing this action's maximum charges increases this effect's threshold by the same amount. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ElfCollaborator Posted October 1, 2019 Share Posted October 1, 2019 Freila on Melee Tongue, re-inflicting Sun Arcana and activating Beat of My Blood. Freila: Utilising Oppenheimer, Gabriel blasts an opponent with the power of nuclear radiation, unleashing a miniature nuclear blast onto them. Gabriel does 5d6+SYN (12) damage to a single target. Sun Arcana: Gabriel's Persona is of the Sun Arcana, the searing light that burns all who are revealed to it. Nuclear and fire attacks used by Gabriel inflict a burn on the opponent, dealing SYN/2 (6) piercing damage for three turns, each subsequent nuclear or fire attack adding an extra stack of burn. Enemies who resist radiation and fire cannot be affected by Sun Arcana's effect.Beat of My Blood: Any Frei-line skills (including his basic attacks) upon enemies with Burn, Shock or Frozen statuses (or any analogues) deals x1.3 damage. Sun Arcana's effects qualify as Burns for Beat of My Blood. Optimism: Even the worst kinds of situations can't bring a downer onto Gabriel's easygoing attitude. As the Persona is a reflection of the soul, Oppenheimer reflects Gabriel's unyielding optimism. Ailments have halved durations on Gabriel. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yours Truly Posted October 6, 2019 Share Posted October 6, 2019 Use Naught but a flesh wound to heal Bridgett and Square by 1d4+Int, also curing some of the status damage. Along with healing himself as well due to environmental effects. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Endlessblaze Posted October 10, 2019 Share Posted October 10, 2019 Punch looked on tapping her finger to her chin. Damnit, as soon as she had a thought on how to more easily pass energy onto one of the others, she missed her chance. The way the Coaster was now moving was no longer conductive to it. But this loop was going to be nasty if a tentacle hit them at the wrong angle. So. She pulls her arm back and lights it up in a flow of false lightning, and tappers it to a sharpened crescent edge of light on the end of her fist. With one stack of charge left, Punch's strength is now 15Punch Uses Color Strike on Trick Claw. Trick must and a perception check, or else the damage taken will have a physical and elemental alignment, plus a status effect based on it. The chosen physical damage type is slashing, the chosen elemental damage type is electric. Deals STR+1d4 damage. Reveal hidden contents Color Strike: The user wraps their arm in colorful energy and visual effects, before attacking. Deals Str Damage and forces the target to make a perception check. If they fail, the damage taken is elemental and they take an associated status ailment chosen by the GM. The element is determined by the user Level 2: Damage is now STR+1d4, And the user may declare one physical damage type, in addition to the elemental damage. This does not trigger a second check, and is instead tied to the elemental check Vortex Kick: The user jumps and spins in the air, before delivering a powerful kick to a target. The imparted kinetic and bodily energy then forces the target to spin rapidly. Deals STR+1d6 and Inflicts Dizzy for two rounds. This move has a three-round cooldown. Dizzy causes the afflicted target to have a 50% miss chance. Phase: The user performs a combination of movements, and intent based manipulation of the energy in their body, which allows them to phase through matter. With this ability they may phase through matter up to a thickness roughly equivalent to the distance of one step. Level 2: Choose one target, for one round the first attack they make against the user is dodged Charge up: The user excites the energy in their body in such a way their power is magnified. Each turn spent charging up increases Str by 3, and at the end of every turn that is not spent charging, the charged strength drops by 3. Quick Change: The user has mastered the art of changing Clothes, Tactics, and Mannerisms in the blink of an eye, allowing them to perform Quickswaps. When used, the user may swap one action or equipment, out of their loadout, and bring in something else, as a free action. Three turn cooldown. Level 2: The user may perform a second Quickswap in addition to the first one, however, each simultaneous Quickswap increases the cooldown by one. Roaring White Dragon’s Hidden Gem: The user unleashes a powerful special technique. Creating a large explosive orb of icy energy, and launching it at a target, before following up powerful strike of spectral claws. Deals 4d6+strength Ice damage. If double the damage Dealt would kill the target, the damage is doubled. Once per battle Level 2: When a target is killed by this attack an icy shard is created, which strikes a random foe for 1d6+[Str/2] Flowing Blue Rain: The user performs a series of movements, realigning and amplifying bodily energy. All Debuffs and status ailments are purged from the user. Including those that would restrict movements, or the ability to act. Perks Reveal hidden contents Fox Chimera Heart: This character has the innate ability to selectively copy Fox traits. When this character encounters any fox or fox-based creature, magical or otherwise, its powers and qualities are added to a list which this character can pull from. In order to take on these traits, they must permanently convert Craft tokens, into Fox Tokens. Fox Tokens may be invested to realize these traits and powers as trick level abilities. These abilities cannot be upgraded by any means other then the spending of AP. Fox tokens may be put into or removed from a fox trait at will, outside of encounters, during which Fox Tokens may only be moved around when selecting the initial load out. Some simple traits, like color, may be adapted without Fox Tokens ------------------------------- Doppelganger: This character has the innate ability to selectively copy the traits and forms of others through disguises. They may copy the abilities and form of an ally, or enemy. An enemy must be studied before it can be copied. An action may be spent to learn individual moves and traits in battle as a target uses them, or a captured live enemy, can be studied outside of battle to create a more complete copy. When a move or trait is learned via copying, it is added to a list this character may pull from. In order to realize these traits This character must permanently convert AP into CP (Copy points) CP May be invested to realize the copied traits and moves as Action level Abilities. These copied actions cannot be upgraded by any means other than the spending of AP and exist at the original level of the copied action minus one (minimum one) CP may be put into or removed from a copied trait at will, outside of encounters, during which CP may only be moved around when selecting the initial loadout. Perk backed actions cannot be copied, as they are to advanced and complex to copy unless the user is using it in the moment, instead they gain "Assist" actions. An assist action allows this character to join an ally in performing the associated perk backed action, granting a buff to that action. Some simple traits like color may be adapted without CP -------------------------------------- MasterActor: This character may attempt to fool others in various displays of acting and trickery, through their powers and skill. This can include impersonating someone specific, taking on a more general role or disguise to blend in or get away with things they otherwise wouldn't, Or even assume the likeness of an inanimate object, to throw off pursuers. Subject to GM fiat, 50% boost to relevant checks and/or the ability to use them where you wouldn't normally be able to. Stats Reveal hidden contents Level: 5 HP: 55 Init: Stats: Constitution:5 Dexterity:4 Intelligence:6 Strength: 12 Synergy:3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rustytengo Posted October 12, 2019 Share Posted October 12, 2019 "Barrier Jacket disabled my lady please proceed with caution." Morning Arrow chimed as the wards of magic that where the jacket bursts leaving Bridgett in a rather ragged look from the battle. "We are almost there. We need to push further load Cartridge and activate Boost Mode." She said as she raised Mornings Arrow above her as it loaded two more cartridges causing the energy gathering in front of her to grow bigger. "Now Launch Valkyrie Breakeeeeeeer. " She yelled as she she slammed Mornings Arrow into the energy causing it to launch at Trick Bridgett uses Uses two Cartridges and activates Boost mode Causing her damage to be increased by 10% for each cartridge. and then launches Valkyrie breaker at Trick targeting the three tongues and the claw Dealing 2wd(3d4+5d12 maximized+70% more damage from boost mode and Eniherjar Mode. Reveal hidden contents Valkyrie Breaker: A wide area bombardment spell that deals 2[WD] damage to 4 targets. Requires 1 turn of charge before firing. Each turn passed adds 1d12 to the total roll. has a cooldown of 3 turns. Can use 4 cartridges to ignore the turn of charge. -Level 1: deals 2[WD] damage to 4 targets. Requires 1 turn of charge before firing. Each turn passed adds 1d8 to the total roll. has a cooldown of 3 turns. Can use 4 cartridges to ignore the turn of charge. -Level 2: dice from turns passed upgrade to d12's Einherjar Mode and Boost mode. Reveal hidden contents Einherjar Mode: A experimental mode that grants Bridgett's spells more power as she releases its restraints, but due to its experimental nature it causes extreme strain on her body. Can be activated and deactivated as a free action. each level increase is also a free action on a separate turn after initial activation. Each level carries the effect of the previous levels with it. initial Activation cost 20% of Bridgett's max hp and cost another 20% at the end of each turn after. The cost increase with each level increase. Level 1: Increase damage dealt by her attacks by 25%. Costs 20% of max Hp each turn after activation. Level 2: Increase damage dealt by her attacks by a further 25% (additive). Hp Cost increased to 25% of Max Hp each turn. Level 3: Dice rolls on all spells are maximized. Hp cost increased to 30% of Max hp each turn. Deactivation at this level causes Bridgett to lose her next turn. Mornings Arrow. Bridgett's Personal device. It sets the dice for actions that use dice to 3d4. As a free action can use boost mode to increase damage done by 10% for each cartridge used for 3 turns with a cooldown of 5 turns. Can use up to 2 cartridges in this ability. -Base Set Damage die for actions that use them to 1d4-Craft level 1: Boost Mode: as a free action Increase Bridgett's damage by 10% for each cartridge used For 3 turns with a cooldown of 5 turns. Can only use a max of 2 cartridges when used. -Craft level 2: increase the damage die by 1d4 -Craft level 3: Increase the damage die by 1d4 Bridgett stuff to remember Reveal hidden contents HP: 65Initiative: 6+{LVL} Base Stats: Strength: 3Dexterity: 6Intelligence: 3Constitution: 7Synergy: 12 don't need to post barrier jacket since it offline. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StormLord Posted October 15, 2019 Author Share Posted October 15, 2019 Music: Reveal hidden contents Iowa’s crew effectively perforate the Draining Tongue using her 8-inch guns, it takes 30 damage. Lyra’s taunt wells well and the slimy Paralyzing Tongue is quick to start lashing out towards her. Atton restores 17 HP to Bridgett and Square and restoring 6 stat points to each. Bridgett’s wave of magical friendship washes across Trick's twisted forms, practically boiling its skin off and certainly wiping out anything resembling an appendage. Leaving only the scoured remains of Trick's bloomed corpse. Many of the large pustules burst or break free. 6D, along with the unconscious bodies of many others fall from the monster, landing in either the grass or catch-nets below. Perlita heals herself to full and removes all that icky slime. Gabriel sets what remains of the monster on fire, someone somewhere would be proud. Square uses Curaga on Bridgett restoring more health and removing more stat damage. Trick’s remains fail their perception check(on merit of not having sensory organs any more) and Punch’s blow connects for force. Trick’s remains now pulse with cinders and plasma arcs. Mira’s slash impacts what’s left of Trick leaving a deep gouge that oozes thick red blood. Reveal hidden contents Trick has been defeated, work out amongst yourselves who gets to deal the finishing blow. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DragonRage Posted October 15, 2019 Share Posted October 15, 2019 With a satisfying 'clunk', Iowa's crew slams the heavy breech-blocks home, and her main battery swings around again, ponderously elevating to target the hovering Trick. A fairy climbs out from her hat, shouting coordinates as the gunners deep in the turrets take aim with hand cranks and steam-powered mechanisms. "Range locked, distance locked, all guns ready... FIRE!" With a stunning, thundering report, thick, white smoke billows out from Iowa's heavy guns as three rounds crater the ground well behind Trick... And the fourth slams directly into the creature, penetrating deeply before converting the possessed monster into a fine, red mist with an enormous explosion. "Hah! Take that you savage!" Iowa shouts after Trick, "Who attacks people by licking? Gross!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AzyWng Posted October 15, 2019 Share Posted October 15, 2019 Lyra felt like she was going to throw up at the sight. A horrific beast had just been destroyed, releasing its (thankfully unharmed) victims... ...And that was her one-liner? Not even the simplest of puns, or any kind of boasting at all? She couldn't be in the presence of a missed opportunity anymore, and, thankfully, other matters arose to distract her from the issue of poor post-battle taunts. "If that's the last of Trick, I'm going to go check if the three thugs I took out earlier are still alive, secure them if they are, and acquire their weapons. Should I meet you back at the park entrance, or the roller coaster?" Whatever the party decides, Lyra heads back over to the Huge Tent, picking up the weapons the thugs used and checking on their condition. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GodofGamingRWBY Posted October 15, 2019 Share Posted October 15, 2019 Mira As soon as Mira left a large gash in Trick's burned body, she heard the distinct noise of large, heavy machinery rotating into place. Instantly, Mira took a step back from the incoming artillery, in the form of jumping off the roller coaster as the abomination exploded into vapor. Her landing wasn't the most graceful however, since all she did was crash feet first into the cement, but despite the loud impact that came from her and the ground, she still managed to land on said two feet, not even having to make a roll as she stood up and shook her legs a bit, "That makes two" the armored woman muttered to herself as she flipped her sword into a reverse grip, turning to the side and walking back to the entrance of the roller coaster, "I believe the entrance would be a better place to rendezvous. I'll head back to the officer and inform him that Trick is dead. Which leaves us open to deal with Brave." Mira shouted up to the others, managing to overhear Lyra's own comment about 'meeting up'. Regardless, Mira will begin heading back to the entrance of the park to do just that, unless otherwise stopped by something. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Powder Miner Posted October 21, 2019 Share Posted October 21, 2019 As soon as Iowa blew CFW Trick to particularly ugly and particularly small smithereens, Perlita was off like a shot, running as fast as her legs could possibly take her to where the android girl consumed by Trick had been dumped onto the grass. She ran, nearly tripping over her own long dress, until she fell to her knees by 6D -- someone who had almost certainly directly saved her from the fate that 6D herself had befallen, a fate that 6D had only befallen because of a simple, stupid lapse of attention on Perlita's part. "No no no no no no, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Crawford, Crawford!" Perlita called out her Perlita, and channeled healing magic to the best of her ability into the unconscious android, and then again, and then again, and then again. Perlita paused to take a breath, and then another, raggedly coming out of her lungs, and it was then she noticed everyone Trick had disgorged seemed to be unconscious, "Oh, God, God, Dios en el cielo, Dios en el cielo, please wake up, please say you are not dead, please. . ." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twinwolf Posted October 21, 2019 Share Posted October 21, 2019 6D's self repair systems had been working overtime to repair the damage, but there wasn't much they could do - after all, she hadn't been so much damaged as extremely impaired. Nevermind that the thing's saliva hadn't stopped working to keep her unconscious that entire time she was in there - it was all she could do to keep the effects from getting too much worse and she had to shut down most nonessential systems to focus on it. At some point, though, she stopped needing to run damage control and could start running proper repair, but before she properly started it had been done for her. Her visual systems returned first, and she found she was staring straight upwards, and at that human she'd been protecting. Oh, she'd made it through alright, that was good. Auditory systems came back online next, and she could hear the girl's pleas that she not be dead - oh, that felt really nice to hear - and then finally she had her vocal systems back online. The robot blinked, although behind the blindfold-looking visor that wasn't visible, and could finally respond to the panicking girl. "Oh, hi. Was I out for long? I'm really sorry for worrying you, my fault for getting taken down, I should have tried to stay up and keep protecting..." She wasn't moving just yet - her limbs felt really stiff, for some reason. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StormLord Posted October 21, 2019 Author Share Posted October 21, 2019 What's left of Trick's "body" that Iowa didn't pulverize quickly degrades, withering away into nothing. The only think left behind is a twisted golden grin from the monster's original helmet. Reveal hidden contents Jaws of the Trickster: A golden helmet with rows of needle-like teeth and glowing green eyes. +1 to the user’s level when calculating item or action effects, but not perks or HP. The user takes 50% more damage from “Lolis”. Level 4. Lyra approaches the big tent and steps inside only to see....a medical team? Looks like after the Evac team left they came back for the wounded. About eight thugs are sitting in the middle of the tent bound hand and foot while another three are being worked on. A couple bandaged Evac team members are standing guard. As Mira makes her way towards the gate she's stopped about half way by three vans driving right on the paved walkways headed up the hill. Judging by their flashing light, sirens, and markings they're medical teams. She makes it to the gate though, and sees the same officer the party talked to before. "I don't know what that thing was, but we heard the explosions from here and saw it going down." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AzyWng Posted October 21, 2019 Share Posted October 21, 2019 Lyra waved to the evac team, asking the nearest member, "You wouldn't happen to know where the thug's weapons were placed, would you? I might need to take some of them to use." After looking over the weapons the thugs were using (and determining whether to take some for herself or her colleagues, assuming she was allowed to), she then turned to the tied up thugs. Assuming any were conscious, she moved over to them and asked, "You know, there is one question I wanna ask... What leads you to work on behalf of a monstrosity like Trick?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GodofGamingRWBY Posted October 21, 2019 Share Posted October 21, 2019 Mira Good, response teams were already beginning to secure the area. That saved a lot of hassle for both her and her companions, mostly for her. Though the vans blocked her path a bit, Mira only needed to take a few steps around in order to get to the entrance, which was another source of relief for the knight, considering that the officer was somewhat aware of what happened, "That thing was another form of Trick. It's nothing more than vapor now, so there should be no significant resistance left here" Mira reported, folding her arms as she turned back towards the amusement park. She did what she said she would do. Now she just had to wait for the others to meet up with her. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StormLord Posted October 22, 2019 Author Share Posted October 22, 2019 Square half steps half stumbles out of the roller coaster cart. She finds some railing to lean up against as she takes a breather. "Oww that was a lot harder than I thought it would be, I think I need a break for a while. On the bright side I think I leveled up." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ One of the phones the party was given began to ring, Mira's phone no less. Caller ID shows that it's Histoire. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The thugs are pretty unanimously refusing to talk to Lyra in any capacity, responding only with scoffs, mean looks, and the occasional "Fuck off". One thug is the exception though and goes on and on about how some people just want to watch the world burn. As for their equipment the medical team is pretty indifferent. None of it has been logged yet and it's not their business anyway. Lyra finds three pipes, four small caliber handguns, and one strange "rifle" that looks like something out of a mad science lab. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AzyWng Posted October 22, 2019 Share Posted October 22, 2019 “Well, thanks for all your help. At any rate, I’m just here to perform a bit of equipment acquisition, so if you’ll excuse me...“ Lyra decided to grab the whole lot of weapons and equipment. She’d figure out what they were exactly before the next fight, and even if the team didn’t need all the guns and pipes, they might still be good for parts. Then she began heading over to the gate, where Mira said they’d be waiting. Lyra had something to say to her. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GodofGamingRWBY Posted October 23, 2019 Share Posted October 23, 2019 Mira It didn't take long for something to catch Mira's attention. Specifically the phone that had been given to her by Histoire before they had set out to eliminate Trick, as it had begun to ring. While it was difficult to discern where Mira had stored the phone, her armor seemed to lack any form of pockets or storage, she still managed to pull out the phone, sparing only a second to check the caller ID before accepting the call, "What is it?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StormLord Posted October 23, 2019 Author Share Posted October 23, 2019 Reveal hidden contents Lead Pipe: Deals 1d4+[Str] damage to one target. Handgun: Deals 1d4+[Dex] damage to one target. Strange Rifle: ??? As Lyra is making her way to the gate, about halfway through the trip, she notices a damaged spot in the fence. On the other side is a large flying...plaid...dolphin? It's only floating a few feet off the ground, but it's making steady progress on breaking into the park. It slams against the fence again, letting out a high pitched squeeeak as it does so, almost like a chew toy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I heard Trick had been successful dispatched, good work. However I...honestly did not expect you to finish him off so quickly, the teleporter is still recharging. It shouldn't be too much longer though, I'll contact to again when it's ready." Everyone gains 3 more crafting tokens and a bit of free time to use them. The Dolphin is an optional fight. Bonus loot for beating it, no penalty for skipping. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AzyWng Posted October 23, 2019 Share Posted October 23, 2019 Out of all the things she’d seen today - from kitsune to battleship ladies to eldritch abominations destroyed by battleship ladies - this was the thing that threw Lyra for a loop. Flying. Plaid. Dolphin. An aggressive one, at that. Remembering what Histoire had told the team earlier about the monsters of this world dropping additional loot... Lyra decided she was going to fight it. Test out what the rifle did and possibly acquire more gear - a win-win situation, assuming she didn’t die. Lyra equips the Strange Rifle and fires it at the Floating Plaid Dolphin! Reveal hidden contents HP: 30+(5*4) = 50/50 Base Init: 10-0(For now) = 10 Stats: Constitution: 4 Dexterity: 10 Intelligence: 8 Strength: 8 Synergy: 0 Perks: Adrenaline - Can dodge one attack with a guaranteed chance of success. Cooldown of 3 turns. Blur - After landing three attacks, Lyra can dodge one attack with a guaranteed chance of success. Fiasco - Every four dodges, Lyra can perform a second attack on her turn. Copycat - Lyra receives a bonus of her INT to any crafting rolls for creating items that are similar to ones she's seen before. This includes tricks. (Flaw) Proud - All forms of support Lyra receives are halved. Actions: 8 (Base)+10 (2*Level 5) = 18/18 Defend Active Halves damage once all other damage calculations are made. Does not have initiative, and does not reduce pure damage. Level 0 - Available unless Lyra is prevented from acting. Reduces damage by half once all other calculations are made. Ex-Glitcher Passive Lyra gets a 2+1/3 INT bonus to her INIT after she uses a teleporting device. Level 1 (Base) - All teleporting devices give Lyra a 2+1/3 INT bonus to her INIT when she uses them. Counterattack Passive When Lyra dodges an attack, on her next turn, her next attack will have one additional hit die and a DEX/3 bonus to damage OR a STR/3 bonus if the attack already has a DEX modifier. The attack will also count as two attacks for the purposes of triggering Blur. Level 1 (Base) - If Lyra dodges an attack, on her next turn, her next attack against an enemy that attacked her will have one hit die added to its attack roll. Level 2 - Using Counterattack will now count as an additional attack for the purpose of triggering Blur. Level 3 - Using Counterattack on enemies who are lower than Lyra in the turn order will grant Lyra a DEX/3 bonus to her attack roll. If the attack already has a DEX modifier, the attack’s bonus is STR/3 instead. Level 4 - Counterattack now triggers when Lyra dodges. Her next attack will have one extra hit die and a DEX/3 bonus regardless of who the target is. Point-Blank Throw Active Lyra can perform a second attack on the same turn as her first, removing one die from her attack roll. This counts as a second attack for the purpose of triggering Blur. This attack can also be combined with any other attack action. Cooldown of 3. Level 1 (Base) - Lyra throws her melee weapon at an enemy immediately after swinging it, allowing her to perform a second attack on the same target, removing two dice from her attack roll in the process. Lyra catches the wrench immediately afterwards, meaning she does not lose it. Cooldown of 3 turns. Level 2 - Using Point-Blank Throw now counts as an attack for the purpose of triggering Blur, meaning that two attacks will be stored. Level 3 - Lyra can now choose to combine Point-Blank Throw with any other attack action. (Note that combining Point-Blank Throw with Counterattack will not count as three attacks for the purposes of triggering Blur, only two.) Level 4 - Lyra will remove one die from her attack roll instead of two. Level 5 - Point-Blank Throw can now target a different enemy than the one that was attacked first. Taunt Active Lyra forces an enemy to focus their attacks on her for one turn and causes them to deal 30% less damage for the next three turns. Three turn cooldown. Level 1 (Base) - Lyra forces an enemy to focus their attacks on her for one turn, spending her attack for that turn, with a three turn cooldown. Level 2 - Lyra’s barking now makes the enemy lose focus, and will cause the enemy to inflict 20% less damage for their next two turns. Level 3 - Taunt will now cause the enemy to inflict 30% less damage for their next two turns. Level 4 - Taunt’s effects now last for an additional turn. Equipment: Wrench - Inflicts 3d4 + STR damage. Weight of 6 (INIT Penalty of 6-STR) Level 1 (Base) - Wrench Inflicts 3d4+STR damage. Damaged Item Teleporter - When used, lets Lyra take one item dropped on the ground as a free action. The item is returned to the floor when the battle ends, and anyone can choose to pick it up. One use per battle. Level 1 - (Base) Damaged Item Teleporter Once per battle, take a dropped item as a free action. When the battle ends, return the item to the communal inventory. Safety-Bypassed Rechargeable Medium-Capacity Swapper - When used, makes Lyra and a unit of her choice switch places. Attacks and actions that target Lyra will now target the chosen unit, and attacks and actions that target the chosen unit will now target her. Three uses per battle. Uses the user’s action for the round, just like a weapon or action would. Lyra can also choose to activate her swapper as a free action at the cost of draining three charges instead of one. Note: Glitchers such as this one work by destroying the user’s body and then recreating it in a different location. Level 1 (Base) - Damaged Rechargeable Swapper Once per battle, swap places with a unit. This means that all attacks and actions targeting the swapped unit now target the user and all attacks and actions targeting the user will now target the swapped unit. This includes most projectile attacks, even ones that the swapped unit made against the user. Level 2 - Medium-Capacity The can be used three times per battle. Level 3 - Safety Bypass Lyra can choose to activate her swapper as a free action at the cost of draining three charges instead of one. Damaged Rechargeable Emergency Shield - Use to apply a 30 HP barrier to Lyra for one turn. One use per battle. Level 1 (Base) - Damaged Rechargeable Emergency Shield Once per battle, applies a barrier with 30 HP to the user for one turn. Gun - Inflicts 2d4+DEX damage. Weight of 2 (INIT Penalty of 2-STR) Level 1 (Base) - Gun Inflicts 2d4+DEX damage. Tactical Gear - Adds an additional action slot that equipment can take. Level 1 (Base) - Tactical Gear Adds one more action slot that can be filled by a piece of equipment. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GodofGamingRWBY Posted October 26, 2019 Share Posted October 26, 2019 Mira "Good to know. I'll make sure to inform the others about this. However I should ask, what's the current status on Brave and Magic? Has anything changed with them?" Mira asked as she began walking back into the park. It was a fairly straightforward path to the gropu, at least where they were before, so she didn't have any worries about missing them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yours Truly Posted November 3, 2019 Share Posted November 3, 2019 Loadout Reveal hidden contents Atton's Actions: (Perk Backed) Never Give Up!: “Richard stands upon the highest platform he could find, and raises his silver sword in such a way that catches the light, golden wings appear and Richard appears to be wearing a golden horned helmet for just a few moments, this causes anyone watching to suddenly feel inspired” Current: Heals 1d4+[Int]+[LVL] health to the entire group and removes one ailment, three round cooldown Level 1: Heals [Int]+[LVL] health to the entire group, four round cooldown Level 2: Healing increased to 1d4+[Int]+[LVL]. Level 3: This ability now has a three round cooldown. Level 4: Now also removes one ailment from each ally. Battle Plans: “Richard analyzes the current situation and formulates a cunning plan, one that is so cunning that it has recently managed to become the professor of cunning studies in Harvard” Current: Boost the stat of choice of two targets by [LVL] for two rounds and reduces a cooldown of the targets’ choices by one, two round cooldown. Level 1: Boost the stat of choice of one target by [LVL] for two rounds, two round cooldown. Level 2: Increases the amount of targets by one Level 3: Now also reduces a cooldown of the target’s choice by one. Entrenchment: Atton orders some of his squad to quickly dig an entrenched position...complete with a bunch of sandbags to form a chest high wall. Current: Create a trench large enough for two allies. Level 1: An ally can choose to enter this trench as a free action, causing them to gain a 30% damage reduction against ranged attacks until they perform a non ranged action. Level 2: The entrenchment is now large enough for two allies. (Alternatively just a 30% damage reduction against ranged attacks that lasts until the target use a non ranged action.) Forward March!: “Richard attempts to convince a friendly target that they can, and will move faster than they usually would by using a short speech” Current: Increase the Init of two targets by [Int]/2. Level 1: Increase the Init of one target by [Int]/2. Level 2: Increase the number of affected targets by one. That, is naught but a flesh wound: “Richard converses at length about how the friendly target can power through an injury that is affecting them” Current: Restore 1d4+[Int] HP to one target and cure one ailment. Level 1: Restore 1d4+[Int] HP to one target. Level 2: Now also cures one ailment. Level 3: Increase the number of affected targets by one. Banner of the 10th Regiment: A rather minimalistic banner depicting a symbol of a golden winged white cross and the words ‘10th Regiment’ written in stark white placed on a dark blue background that is held aloft on a sturdy metal pole. The sight of the banner flying freely (and a constant stream of motivational sayings) motivates Atton and his crew to move and act even faster. Current: +6 Init Level 1: Boost Init by 3 points. Level 2: Init boost improved to +6. Level 3: A megaphone attached to the top of the banner grants Atton an additional +3 boost to initiative....if he spends a turn to activate it that is, as he decided to place the mouthpiece at the top of the banner for some inexplicable reason. Symbol of Lumabella x1 - A holy item in the shape of a stylized bow in a beam of sunlight. Can be activated as a free action once per battle to cause the user's ally-targeting actions to remove a single debuff from allies for the round. If said action already removes debuffs, it will instead heal them by user SYN/2. Half-Track's actions: .50 Cal: Atton orders the squad’s gunner to man the M2 Browning and open fire on the enemy’s position. Level 1: Deals 2d6+[Dex] damage to one target or 1d6+[Dex]/2 to three targets, only usable when equipped by the Half-track or Atton is in a stationary defensive position (Such as the one created by his Entrenchment action), one round cooldown. Armor Plating: Current: +5 DR vs Piercing, Slashing, & Bludgeoning damage. Level 1: Reduce incoming Piercing, Slashing, and Bludgeoning damage by 3 points, reduce user’s Init by 7-[Str], only usable by vehicles. Level 2: Increase damage reduction by one point. Craft Level 3: Synthetic adamantium has been alloyed with the pot metal armor of the Half track, allowing it to absorb kinetic energy and convert it to heat. Increases damage reduction and initiative reduction by 1. Combat Engineer: Specialist James Doherty is an almost constantly overworked Scottish man who prides himself in his ability to allow the squad’s M9 Half Track take a bigger load of punishment than it is used to without falling apart. Current: 4 points of repair regen each round. Level 1: Grants 3 repair healing to the user at the start of each round while equipped. Level 2: +1 Regen each round. Gunner: Private Jesus Kaltenbrunner is a textbook example of how not all Germans who fought in world war 2 were evil, or misled by patriotism and promises of racial superiority into fighting for the Axis forces, as some of them were Jewish, German expatriates, immigrants, or just decided that the Axis forces could go stuff themselves. Rather unfortunately he is also a terrible shot with any non fully automatic weapon...but he is improving somewhat. Level 1: Increase damage dealt with ranged weapons by 3. Seeing as their work here was done, Atton gave the remaining evacuation crew a stirring and curative speech commending them for their bravery and honor, and drove off with the rest of their crew to find yet another battle awaiting at the gate. Which they met with righteous sounding battlecries drowned out by machinegun fire. .50 Cal on the Pink Dolphin thing, dealing 2d6+Dex+3 damage. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Powder Miner Posted November 19, 2019 Share Posted November 19, 2019 With the fight over and 6D indeed alive, Perlita just remained slightly crouched and panting for a few moments, hands on knees -- the Trick fight had been an exhausting ordeal, and she'd found that she really needed a few moments just to catch her breath and get a little bit of her precious stamina and spirit back. But she'd only managed a few minutes of rest before something new seemed to be going on that caught her attention and drew a long sigh: great, it looks like people were getting into another fight, and with some giant plaid dolphin, too (something that would have been far more disconcerting if not for the Shadows she was used to being quite strange too). Standing fully up with a groan, Perlita got moving towards the incoming fight: they would need her to heal, no doubt, since she was the most consistent here about that... and... she didn't want to be responsible for someone else getting hurt. In the absence of any wounds, yet, Perlita announced her presence with a somewhat breathless "Crawford!" and a simple bolt of light magic went hurtling at the dolphin -- a Kouha, since she was running frighteningly low and a Hama wouldn't be sustainable. Perlita hucks a Kouha at the Dolphin, for 1d6+SYN (12) damage. Reveal hidden contents Diarama (Level 6): With a flash of her glitzy Persona, Perlita casts one of her two direct healing spells, sending a burst of potent and focused healing energy to diffuse through someone’s being, which mostly just presents itself as a pink glow. Perlita heals 6d4+SYN health for a single target. Level 2: Upgraded from 1d4+SYN to 2d4+SYN. Level 3: Upgraded from 2d4+SYN to 3d4+SYN. Level 4: Upgraded from 3d4+SYN to 4d4+SYN. Level 5: Upgraded from 4d4+SYN to 5d4+SYN Level 6: Upgraded from 5d4+SYN to 6d4+SYN Media (Level 3) : Perlita casts her other direct healing spell, which is less potent and more taxing, but heals multiple of her allies. In a lot of ways it looks similar to her other healing spell, simply causing a fainter pink glow of healing energy to surround more people, but it requires a longer exposure of her Persona and is harder to channel — she’s splitting her efforts, after all. Perlita heals SYN damage for four targets. 1 turn cooldown. Level 2: Upgraded from two targets to three targets. Level 3: Upgraded from three targets to four targets. Patra (Level 2): Perlita summons Crawford and casts a spell which showers the target in bright sparkles of a turquoise color. These sparkles are the visual signs of a spell that can soothe burns, purge illnesses, and calm down unnaturally troubled minds... or maybe multiple at once.” Perlita heals all of a target’s ailments. Level 2: Upgraded from removing one ailment from the target to removing all ailments from them. Hama: Perlita summons Crawford and performs a more esoteric attack. She envelops the opponent in a glaring sphere of light containing words inscripted upon the inside, which remains for a couple of seconds, at which point the ability’s unreliable magic kicks in, either doing a great amount or not much at all. Does SYN damage, but with a 30% *2 crit chance. Circulation Sash: A light blue colored sash that is worn under Perlita’s dress and as such isn’t really visible. It keeps Perlita’s circulation and movement clear and uninhibited, but only insomuch as preventing a severe shock every one in a while, after which it takes a while to realign itself. Once per plot, can be used to break a stun on Perlita. Dark Jacket [Level 3]: A jacket that looks dark as night, and in fact is just short of being painfully dark to look at — a scant few steps from vantablack, in other words. It’s Perlita’s most potent possession, bringing out her Persona’s darkness resistance and resisting sleep magic. 20% resistance to darkness attacks, and a 40% chance orresistance to specifically sleep ailments. Level 2: Gain 20% chance of resistance to sleep ailments. Level 3: Upgrade that to a 40% chance of resisting sleep ailments. Symbol of Lumabella: A holy item in the shape of a stylized bow in a beam of sunlight. While Perlita may be both Catholic and fairly religious, her background as a Persona-user means she isn't squeamish about other religion and mythology. Can be activated as a free action once per battle to cause the user's ally-targeting actions to remove a single debuff from allies for the round. If said action already removes debuffs, it will instead heal them by user SYN/2. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StormLord Posted December 11, 2019 Author Share Posted December 11, 2019 As Mira makes her way back to where the party was she hears the renewed sound of gunfire and combat. It seems some of her allies are picking a fight with the local wildlife. Lyra aims, lines up her shot, and pulls the trigger. The gun in her hands buzzes and almost instantly fires a burst of rays towards the Plaid Dolphin, each of the rays transforms in the air turning into an object before slamming into their target. One becomes a whole live chicken and squawks and runs off as soon as it lands, seemingly unharmed, another becomes a common red brick, and the third turns into an oversized fork that sticks into the Dolphin. [2] Lyra’s bizarre barrage deals 16 damage(3d6+[Int]) to the Dolphin. Reveal hidden contents Improvised Rifle: This strange weapon fires a burst of rays that transform mid-flight into various improvised weapons. Deals 3d6+[Int] damage to one target with a 5% chance to deal no damage and a 5% chance to deal triple damage(1 or 20 on a d20). The Plaid Dolphin lets out a sort of cry/shriek and charges forward towards Lyra, fully knocking open the hole in the fence it was working on. Music: Reveal hidden contents Atton’s crew opens fire on the creature peppering it for a grand 17 damage. The dolphin cries again and then coughs up a spray of greenish liquid onto the half-track and Lyra that burns the eyes and skin, the half-track takes 14 damage, becoming poisoned and Soaked, while Lyra's Adrenaline Dodging kicks in and allows her to avoid the attack. Perlita’s blast of magic deals a calm 12 damage to the Dolphin. The Dolphin motions and a semi-formed wave of water appears from seemingly nowhere and slams into Atton, The Half-track, and Perlita. They take 23, 22, and 22 damage respectively. [13, 18, 16] The force of the waves knock Atton off his feet, the Half-track and Perlita stay upright though. (Atton's actions suffer reduced effectiveness, the Half-track's don't) Init: Reveal hidden contents 14 Atton 12 Plaid Dolphin 10 Lyra 9 Perlita 6 Plaid Dolphin Status: Reveal hidden contents Atton: 70/93, Prone, Soaked, -Half Track: 20/52, Poisoned for two rounds, Soaked, Lyra: 50/50, Perlita: 48/70, Soaked, Plaid Dolphin: Scratched, Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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