GodofGamingRWBY Posted July 3, 2020 Author Share Posted July 3, 2020 Vulture Inn "Lexiel's right. It's a lot more about the intent than the actual attack. Though it helps to have tools designed to hunt Yokai like I do" Ako commented as she made her way of the stairs, a flick of her wist snapping a slip of paper to her hand as if to prove her point before shoving it back into her sleeve, "I'm Ako, by the way. It's a pleasure to meet another warrior chosen by Mother Amaterasu" she added with a bow, waiting for the others to ascend to her level while Spicy slipped into the elevator... Though, it was more of a wooden lift than a full, modern elevator. Unfortunately, it was rather cramped in the elevator, due to it not being designed to hold so many people at one. But, with only a bit of effort, the group was able to fit themselves in with just enough space to act if they needed to. Though the quiet was unnerving and worrisome, nothing tried to attack them during their ascent up the Inn. This lasted until they finally reached their stop, the wooden doors sliding open to assault them all with a mixture of incense and smoke. The room the lift brought them to was a throne room of sorts, a long hall with cushions lined up as chairs, along with incense pots and candles burning within hollow bamboo stands alongside the walls. However, what was most noticeable was the inhabitants of the room. Two Ubume stood at the end of the hall, weapons held at their sides as they stood at attention. Several imps also scattered the hall, each playing their instrument in a discordant song, seemingly unaware of the new visitors. Next to the throne, asleep and peaceful, was what appeared to be a lion-like demon with wooden limbs, a long spiked tail, and a large, transparent pink bud containing a red orb hovering inside of it. And then, on the throne itself, was a woman dressed in a black mourning dress, lounging upon her chair with a pipe in hand, along with wild black hair that fell all around her and spilled onto the floor. Somehow, despite the lighting of the room, the woman's face was shrouded in darkness, the only visible portion being piercing red eyes that bore into the group as they exited the lift. "Hm, you are by far the loudest guests I've ever had. Tell me, what brings you here to my inn? Because I doubt you're wanting to book a room for the night" the woman commented, taking a breath of her pipe, voice filled with idle curiosity rather than fear at the several armed individuals entering her domain. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chevaleresse Posted July 3, 2020 Share Posted July 3, 2020 "Our purpose should be clear, youkai." Mitsurugi maintained an even tone as she spoke, despite her inner turmoil. "This is a place of refuge for humans, and I intend to ensure it stays one." She did not draw her weapon yet; even in this, there were certain formalities to observe. "I will offer this one chance to leave this place and renounce your connection to Yamata-no-Orochi." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AzyWng Posted July 3, 2020 Share Posted July 3, 2020 While he didn't say anything (he preferred to leave this sort of conversation to others), Spray nodded at Mitsurugi's words, and switched off the safety of his Type 85. Wasn't his first time out, and if things got violent, he'd need to be ready. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StormLord Posted July 4, 2020 Share Posted July 4, 2020 Spicy HG stood waiting patiently, not having much to add of her own. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GodofGamingRWBY Posted July 5, 2020 Author Share Posted July 5, 2020 Vulture Inn "Yes yes, you're exterminators determined to do your foolhardy job and kill any demon that tries to make a living. I noticed as soon as the Miko walked in, but I suppose civility is all but dead these days" the woman replied with a bored tone, red eye never leaving the group even as she let out a sigh, "For your information, I have not harmed a single human since I came here, nor do I plan to bar the common folk from entering and staying at the Inn. All you see here is a change in management, nothing more, nothing less-" "And what of the Sparrow Clan? How come a youkai has taken up refuge in their pride and joy, much less one fueling the Moon Cave's barrier?" Ako interrupted, taking a step forward and whipping out the demonic slip she had created from within her sleeves, holding it up for the demons of the room to see. Though a slight chill had come through the room at Mitsu's mention of the word 'Orochi', it was nothing compared to the pure darkness of the slip as it radiated with malicious energy, a dull purple light seemingly fixated on the woman seated in the throne ahead. Thankfully, before the presence could get too powerful, Ako slipped the seal back to its hiding place, an act that left the woman quiet for a few moments before she spoke again. "... You two ladies have guts, I'll give you that. To answer your first question, the old Boss made a deal with me many years ago to help their business. I had hoped that they would uphold their part of the deal, but they attempted to cheat me out of my part, so I had to be a bit more rough than I would've like" the youkai answered, her still bored tone and casual smoke indicating that she didn't exactly care if she had to get rough, "Unfortunately I cannot just 'revoke' my connection to Demon Lord, it's an inherit part of all demons that manifested during his rule. I'm sure the Shrine Maiden can handle the barrier once the Samurai and Fish are dealt with, can't you dear?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chevaleresse Posted July 17, 2020 Share Posted July 17, 2020 Mitsurugi was quiet for a moment, considering the youkai's words. Youkai were dark creatures, yes, but at least where she was from, they were keen on oaths and contracts. It was unlikely this woman was lying. . . but not impossible. "And just as you are deeply connected, as you say, I, too, cannot disobey my nature. It is my purpose, among other things, to protect humans from youkai." Her eyes narrowed slightly. "I will ask you another question: why should I believe that a place such as this run by vengeful spirits would not mean ill towards the humans tempted into resting here? You may have no intention of harming them directly, but it is the nature of a youkai to hunt humans. It will happen." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DragonRage Posted July 17, 2020 Share Posted July 17, 2020 "I see. It's the classic Orzhov trick. Make a deal that seems more favorable than it is, wait for your mark to realize this and try to escape or be forced to default, invoke the penalty clause, and fleece them for everything they have," Lexiel sighs, "You could have at least been creative," She rolls her neck, and feeds mana into her focusing gauntlet, lighting up the Izzet sigil on the side as she prepares her spells, "You're supporting a bringer of mass destruction, you're a con woman, and you're a liar; you said you had no intention to hurt people and that you already had in the same statement. Let's just skip the part where you try to feed us more lies and get to the part where things get done. You can revoke your connection to the Demon Lord willingly, or we will revoke it for you." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AzyWng Posted July 17, 2020 Share Posted July 17, 2020 If that was how the angel lady was going to handle things, Spray decided he may as well chip in. He raised his SMG up to the ready position, aimed straight at the red-eyed woman, finger on the trigger. After a moment to clear his throat, he began. "The more you waste our time with your 'civility', the more time the Demon Lord has to resurrect. Now, the reason I was brought here was because no matter what we do to stop him..." Pointedly leaving out the words, 'To you, for instance', "It won't be as bad as what'll happen if he starts roaming this place freely. So I'm going to give you two options: You can either cooperate, or you can be added to the list of casualties. Do you understand?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GodofGamingRWBY Posted July 17, 2020 Author Share Posted July 17, 2020 Vulture Inn Though Ako was more than willing to speak, anything she would’ve said died in her throat as Mitsu and Lexiel spoke their terms, a certain glint appearing in the Youkai’s eyes that seemed to be a mixture of both amusement and annoyance, “Quite presumptuous, don’t you think? Here I thought Tennin were more of the negotiating type” the Youkai stated, placing her pipe on the throne as she moved to an actual proper position, dismissing the ‘band’ of Imps with a wave of her hand, the lesser demons quickly making their leave to avoid getting caught up in the coming fight. The Ubume remained still, even as the Youkai stood from her chair, but the creature that slept at her heels awoke thanks to her movement, immediately uncurling and rising to its feet. “I’ll admit, it’s been quite some time since I’ve been threatened so brazenly, and in my own place of business no less. But, if that’s how you wish to be…” she continued, pulling out a pair of steel fans bringing one to her face and fanning it out to obscure it, even as it continued to be shrouded in darkness. At once though, each candle in the room suddenly went out, the incense seeming to burn with greater intensity as the volumes of the Youkai’s black hair began to rise and wave through the air as if she were underwater. And then, with a snap, the fan closed. Where once were red eyes surrounded by a dark void, there was now a fanged, grinning mask, painted in elaborate patterns of red and black paint. Though her red eyes still shone within the pits of darkness, it was clear that they were far more feral. “I’ll simply decorate this room with your blood as payment.” Battle Theme Reveal hidden contents Turn Order Reveal hidden contents Mot: 21 Onryō: 17 Mitsurugi: 14 Ubume: 13 Spicy HG: 11 Bud Ogre: 10 Ako: 7 Spray: 5 Lexiel: 1 Kino: 0 Status Reveal hidden contents Party Lexiel: 90/90 Healthy, Divine Spicy HG: 70/70 Healthy, Divine Spray: 72/72 Healthy Michael Mot: 85/85 Healthy Mitsurugi: 65/65 Healthy, Divine Kino: 90/90 Healthy, spooky Ako: 80/80 Healthy, 3 Ink Pots Demons Onryō: Healthy, feral Ubume 1: Healthy Ubume 2: Healthy Bud Ogre: Healthy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Noir Posted July 21, 2020 Share Posted July 21, 2020 Kino and Enma Their initially civil, if mostly ominous, introduction to the inn had ended up culminated common deception heard in youkai folktales and even other stories meant to scare and teach children back in the twins' youth. Their company (both spiritual and non-spiritual) aside, the feral host's ravenous remark bore no threat, for Kino and her kin no longer had blood to give, even if her frail, withered body were to be torn apart like rags for her adversaries' leisure. Despite Enma's initial fear, the masked figure and what remained of the demons seemed to scare her less than the haunting memories that filled the place, and a day's worth of reaping and claiming would largely offset what remained of her apprehension. Bad service, Enma pouted. Perhaps you'd like to file a complaint. In a rare moment, Kino found it in herself to make that amusing remark, earning a giggle from her sister: it was quickly replaced by a wave of undying excitement that was roaring within her and her kin even as it ate away at her sister with each waking moment. And it would be them who could claim payment for their poor reception. Kino (75/100) Enma (70/70) Kino unleashes her Revelation of spirits, the feedback of the incantation stripping her of 25% of her maximum health. Enma attacks Ubume 2, dealing 1d6 + INT(9) damage to it, and marking it with Entente of Malice, which will empower Kino's next attack dealt to it. Reveal hidden contents Reveal hidden contents Strength: 0Dexterity: 0Intelligence: 9Constitution: 12Synergy: 9Cooldown/Ability usage:Relevant combat perks: Remnant: Kills on an enemy by any source, one per turn, restore Kino and Enma's health by SYN (9) and reduce Kino's cooldowns by one. Shepherdess: Kino gains bonus damage per summon active with Enma providing a larger bonus. (Current bonus: 2) Unholy Covenant: Healing dealt to Kino and her summons by foreign sources only have 20% of their original value. Vial of Holy Water: Kino and Enma gain a permanent health bonus per the number of times Remnant was triggered in an encounter. (Current bonus: 10) Cycle of Rebirth and Death: Deaths of allied summons restore Kino's health by SYN/2. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AzyWng Posted July 21, 2020 Share Posted July 21, 2020 Plenty of conversations went that way in the mercenary business. They generally didn't involve masks that looked like they came from a Broadway horror show, but still - this was something Spray knew how to handle. First order of business. Spray aimed and let out a few bursts of his Type 85, shouting at the katana-wielding lady, "Come on! Let's show 'em what we got!" Keep the enemy's head down while pumping one's ally up. He'd done this before. He definitely wasn't out of his depth... Right? Spray uses Suppressing Fire on the Onryō, preventing them from attacking for one turn! He also heals Mitsurugi for 10 HP!] HP: 72/72 Sneaky Beaky Like: Ready - 2 Uses Left Field Surgery: Ready Blinding Smoke: Ready Chemical Break Lights: Ready Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StormLord Posted July 21, 2020 Share Posted July 21, 2020 Spicy HG watches the scene unfold without much desire to chime in herself. But as soon as the gloves come off she launches into a flurry of blows against one of the birds.Spicy HG uses Rush Technique on Ubmue 1, dealing 6 damage 4d4+4 times. Loadout: Reveal hidden contents Level: 5 HP: 70/70 Init: +11 Tokens: 0/5 Stats: Constitution: 8 Dexterity: 0 Intelligence: 0 Strength: 10 Synergy: 12 .EXE Gauge: 0/32(0/4lvls) Equipment/Tricks: Vorpal Glaive: An incredibly sharp blade of polished steel, engraved with the Jabberwocky poem, and mounted on a haft nearly six feet in length and made of Ash, sanded and stained. Deals 2d10+[Str] damage, reduce user’s Init by 8-[Str]. Level 2 - Vorpal: Defensive effects cannot reduce damage dealt below 25%. Level 3 - Haddock's Eyes: Burning demon core shards etched into the blade grant +1d4 fire damage. Trapezohedron: A shiny black bangle made of polygons and math. +12% Physical(non-magic/energy) damage resistance, reduce Init by 8-[Str](minimum 0). Level 2 - Fundamental Origins: +3%. Level 3 - Move Memory: Increase user’s Init by 3. Level 4 - Action Memory: Further increases user’s Init by 3.(15% DR, +6 Init) Rush Technique: Ravage your enemy with a flurry of blows. Total: 4d4+4 attacks for [LVL] damage each, each attack ignores the first 3 points of damage reduction. Level 1: Attack 1d4 times for [LVL] damage each. Level 2: +1d4 attacks. Level 3: +1d4 attacks. Level 4: +1 attack for each die rolled. Level 5: +1d4 attacks. Sealing Slash: Cloak your weapon in binding energy and attack an enemy. Make a weapon attack against one enemy at 75% damage that disables all of their non-item actions for 2 turns, cooldown=2. Level 2: -1 cooldown Burn: Sets one target on fire for 2d6+[Syn] damage for three rounds, three round cooldown. Level 2: +1 target Level 3: +1 target Coupling Attack(perk)(1lvl): Choose one ally, 50% chance to gain a lily rank with that ally(no more than one rank per ally per combat), then you both make a weapon or zero cooldown attacks against the same enemy and each add 1d4 damage to your attack for each lily rank you share, takes an extra turn to use, doesn't require a slot, cooldown=3. Level 2: Removes charge turn. .EX Heat Lightning(2lvls): A channeled arc of concentrated fire. Make a weapon attack against one target and tick all burn effects on the target, applying their damage to the attack. Level 2: Now ticks burn effects twice each, applying their collective damage to the attack. CPU Form: Damage cannot be dodged or reduced. .EXE Conflagration(-2lvls): Raw power and fury flow through your veins boiling your blood and turning almost everything around you(even dust in the air) into a possible incendiary. Inflicts all enemies with a burn effect that deals 3d6+[Syn] damage each round for three rounds. CPU Form: Damage becomes Holy/Fire and when enemies die they transfer their remaining DoT to another random enemy. Transform!(2lvls, -1lvl): After generating enough energy to kickstart a short cutscene her divine form Spicy HG transforms into the CPU Blood Heart, gaining all the benefits there in, this is a free action, doesn’t require an action slot. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chevaleresse Posted July 21, 2020 Share Posted July 21, 2020 "You will try." Mitsurugi raised one arm. There was only a brief delay before the room erupted with power, magical energy flying about in a manner reminiscent of roaring winds and crashing waves. Mitsurugi herself dashed into the fray, showcasing her speed as she made cuts at each of their foes. Storm Sign centered on the Ubume, dealing 1d4+DEX damage to it, the Onryo, and the Bud Ogre! Reveal hidden contents Level: 5 (7 effective) HP: 65Init: 14 Stats: 7/30+7 Constitution: 5 Dexterity: 14 Intelligence: 2 Strength: 2 Synergy: 14 Perks: Memories of Power: Mitsurugi's form and spirit remember being much more powerful than she is currently. Her effective level is 1.3x her actual level (rounded up.) Lightning Speed: Mitsurugi has lived a long life of fighting duels with both danmaku and blades; she's gotten pretty quick over it. Grants +1 DEX per level. Building Calamity: Mitsurugi adds 20% of the damage she dealt last round to each attack this round. Damage is only considered for a maximum of two hits (damaging more will not build up additional damage.) Earth and Fire Sign "Eruption": Blasts danmaku at a target in a manner reminiscent of a volcanic eruption, dealing an attack with the equipped weapon that bypasses damage resistance. 2 turn cooldown. Storm Sign "Furious Tempest": A spell card that emulates a hurricane with thrown ofuda and blindingly quick slashes at every foe in the area. Deals DEX+1d4 damage to all enemies within 5 initiative of a chosen target, 2 turn cooldown. -Level 1: DEX to all enemies, 2 turn cooldown. -Level 2: Adds 1d4 to damage, but increases cooldown by 1. -Level 3: Decreases cooldown by 1. Magic Blade (Passive): An attack by a god make in seriousness operates on both the physical and spiritual levels. When Mitsurugi makes an attack using an equipped weapon, she inflicts 4SYN/5 in damage to the primary target (does not apply to SYN weapons.) -Level 1: Adds 1/5 SYN damage to attacks. -Level 2: Increases damage bonus by 1/5 SYN. -Level 3: Increases damage bonus by a further 1/5 SYN. -Level 4: Increases damage by 1/5 SYN. - Shukuchi: A rapid dashing strike that moves quickly enough that the user fades from sight. The user attacks with their equipped weapon twice, on a 2 turn cooldown. -Level 1: User attacks twice, 5 turn cooldown. -Level 2: 4 turn cooldown. -Level 3: 3 turn cooldown. -Level 4: 2 turn cooldown. Divine Essence (Passive): Attacks on gods are similarly both physical and spiritual, and only the latter can be truly effective. When Mitsurugi would be brought to 0 HP by an attack, the attacker must make an opposed check against her Synergy. If it fails, she survives with 1 HP. Can only activate once per round. -Level 1: Enemies must make an opposed check against Mitsu's SYN to down her. 3 round cooldown. -Level 2: 2 round cooldown. -Level 3: 1 round cooldown. -Level 4: Can activate once per round. This ability cannot receive any more levels that allow it to activate more often. A Sword from a Dead World: An excellently-made but fairly simple katana. It has a few enchantments placed on it, and to those perceptive magically, it feels simultaneously alive and not. -Base: Deals 1d4+DEX damage. -Level 2: Increases damage to 2d4. -Level 3: Increases damage to 3d4. -Level 4: Increases damage to 4d4. -Level 5: Daisho: Can be used as a sidearm to a complimentary weapon, increasing that weapon's damage by two dice, no larger than d8s. Robes of the Disaster God: A colorful set of robes that represent Mitsurugi's position as a god of natural disasters. They seem normal enough, but have an odd resistance to them when felt. -Base: Grants a 5% chance to resist ailments applied to the holder. -Level 2: 10% chance. -Level 3: 15% chance. Blade of the Phantom Moon: An exquisite katana made of silvery-grey metal that appears almost translucent in the right light, the very edge glows shifting from pale yellow/white to a soft teal. Deals 3d6+[Dex] Light damage to one target, Weight of 4. Level 2 - Cursed!: This weapon allows the user to interact with ghosts or spirits as if they were corporeal even if they couldn't normally, this effect works both ways. They also take/deal 20% more damage from/to ghosts and spirits. Level 3 - Phase: Once per combat the user may choose to make an attack with this weapon deal Pure damage. Level 4 - Force of Nature: Attacks made directly with this weapon are not subject to miss or failure chance, proxy actions do not benefit from this effect. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DragonRage Posted July 28, 2020 Share Posted July 28, 2020 Lexiel casts Hope Charm on herself, giving her next action First Strike! Relevant Passives: Reveal hidden contents 6 universal damage reduction while at full HP. 1 mana bond Hope Charm will be on cooldown next round. Loadout: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1n32cNcg9eEgyPGeQHO7bXH-1GVO8VS3CC1ZU3i60aiQ/edit?usp=sharing Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yours Truly Posted September 5, 2020 Share Posted September 5, 2020 Relevant Stats and Perks Reveal hidden contents Level: 5 HP: 85 Init: +21 Stats: Strength: 12 Constitution: 11 Dexterity: 7+5 Intelligence: 0 Synergy: 0 Perks The Duelist: Any time Michael deals single target damage to a target he may choose to taunt them, forcing them to include him as at least one of the targets of their next action. Satisfaction, Demanded: Grants Michael access to the action "Showdown at High Noon" Quick Draw: +1 Dex per level Edge of Death: Every time Michael makes a weapon attack he gains one stack of "Patience". For every stack of Patience Michael has he deals 5% more damage.(caps at 100%) (Flaw) Likely cause of death: Michael loses every fifth round as he has to manually brake his motorcycle to prevent it from just ramming into a nearby wall Loadout Reveal hidden contents (Perk Backed Level 1) Showdown at High Noon: Michael challenges a single enemy to an old fashioned style duel by stepping off his motorcycle for once, and staring them dead in whathatever passes for an eye these days, or by firing a single warning shot if that doesn't work. For Three rounds if the target doesn't target Michael with an offensive action, or is helped by an outside force by healing or buffing, Michael gains a free action that can only be used to make a Weapon attack next round. Michael can end the effects of the duel early as a free action. This action has a six round cooldown TL;DR Marks a target and then grants weapon attacks against them if they do anything that isn’t attacking Mot. Level 2: Increase duration by one. (Level 1) Stunted Strike: Michael strikes an enemy with his weapon of choice before using his bike's superior speed to get the hell away from the combat zone. Mot deals Weapon damage to a single target and activates his Defend action. Three round cooldown. Level 2: The cooldown is now two rounds. Level 3: The cooldown is now one round. Level 4: The cooldown has been removed entirely. (Level 1) Confidence Booster: Michael does a comparatively easy stunt like doing a wheelie or popping an endo before shooting a nearby enemy. Deal Weapon damage and restore [Damage dealt]/4 HP. Level 2: Now [Damage dealt]/3. Level 3: Now [Damage dealt]/2. (Level 1) Mortality: Sometimes when Michael is in danger, time just seems to slow down, which allows him to pump the baddies full of lead. Michael can choose a single ally to protect with this action, when that ally is attacked with a melee attack, Michael deals Weapon Attack damage to their attacker. This effect has no duration or cooldown, but it disappears after being triggered, and only one can be active at the same time. Level 2: Now triggers twice before disappearing. (Level 1) Ten Men Dead Before I could blink: Michael quickly takes out his massive weapon of choice and discharges it on an opponent almost in the blink of an eye. Deal Weapon damage+Init difference to a single target. Two round cooldown. Level 2: Now has a one round cooldown. Level 3: Now has no cooldown. "Compassion": A parkerized Mateba Autorevolver Model 6 Uniqa Hunter that chambers some oddly high powered round that is a frankly unsafe combination of a .44 Magnum round with an excessively dense tip, and a rocket. The weapon has enough recoil to shatter the wrists of most mortal men. Total 5d10+Dex damage to one target, not subject to miss chance. Level 1 - Deals 4d6+Dex damage to one target, reduces the user’s Init by 12-[Str]. Level 2 - Inevitable: As long as Michael has this weapon equipped, he can pull of some rather ridiculously accurate shots. Attacks made with this weapon can no longer miss. Level 3 - Mortal Bane: Deals +1d damage. Level 4 - Precision: Now uses d8s. Level 5 - Impact: Now uses d10s. Biker's Outfit: Nothing but a Black leather jacket that stops just before the waist, a black motorcycle helmet that he wears when riding his bike for obvious reasons, and a tough looking pair of black pants. He just likes the color, well...almost as much as he loves the music of a certain man in black.... +12% Physical(non-magic/energy) damage resistance, reduce Init by 8-[Str](minimum 0). Pale Horse: A seemingly sentient motorcycle that he can never seem to shake off, it has currently decided that it wants to be a bone white Kawasaki Ninja, a series of stripes that form a rainbow can be seen on both sides of it. The motorcycle does it's best to follow Michael everywhere he goes, and it resists all methods of tampering with it. No matter what happens, the motorcycle will be there, watching. +9 Init, user gains a 50%-([Dex]*5) miss chance while equipped. Michael Mot uses Ten Men Dead on Ubume 2, dealing 5d10+Dex+Initiative damage to it!, and adding one mortality stack to himself. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GodofGamingRWBY Posted September 9, 2020 Author Share Posted September 9, 2020 Battle Theme Reveal hidden contents Mot springs into action, putting a bullet into the Ubume to the Onryo’s left, dealing 50 damage before it can bring its umbrella up to defend itself. In the same instant that Mitsu dashed towards the Yokai, the Onyro did the same, steel fans slashing at Mitsu for only an instant before it moved away, practically teleporting between its targets in an elaborate dance, dealing 31, 21 (reduced to 15), and 31 damage to Mitsu, Lexiel, and Ako respectively. Though the Onryo was only at her side for an instant, that instant was enough for Mitsu to get her own counter in, before moving on to the rest, dealing 21, 20, 20, 21 damage to the Onryo, Ubumes, and Bud Ogre. Oddly enough, the Bud Ogre barely seemed to flinch as Mitsu slashed at its face, only showing the slightest sign of pain when her sword cut into the large “flower” on its back. With their master now in action, the Ubume spring forward themselves, swords quickly drawn from their umbrellas as they advanced, slashing at Spray and Ako for 31 and 21 damage each. Spicy herself makes her move shortly after the first Ubume struck at Spray, quickly overwhelming any defenses it might’ve had with 15 attacks, dealing a total of 90 damage. Despite its initial lack of a physical response, the Bud Ogre roared at Mitsu, spinning in place so that its spiked tail into Mitsu’s side just as she came to a stop, dealing another 28 damage. Though reeling from the two deep cuts both the Onryo and Ubume made against her, Ako focused on her own duties, quickly throwing a Recovery Slip at the Goddess of Calamities, healing her for 23 HP, while a flurry of sakura petals flew around herself, healing herself for 12 HP. Spray shouts out his inspiring lines to Mitsu, healing the Goddess for another 10 HP, just before aiming his rifle at the now still Onryo, opening fire upon it. The Onryo, much to his (possible) surprise, merely swung its fans, quickly deflecting each bullet fired at it with precision and grace. Not that he was actually attempting to hit her, just keep her distracted… Lexiel takes the time to fill herself with hope, granting her First Strike on her next turn. Kino summons her sister from the beyond, sacrificing 22 HP to do so, but allowing Enma to quickly stab the second Ubume, dealing 10 damage and marking it for her sister. Turn Order Reveal hidden contents Mot: 21 Onryō: 17 Mitsurugi: 14 Ubume: 13 Spicy HG: 11 Bud Ogre: 10 Ako: 7 Spray: 5 Lexiel: 1 Kino: 0 Status Reveal hidden contents Party Lexiel: 75/90 Wounded, Divine, Hopeful. Spicy HG: 70/70 Healthy, Divine. Spray: 41/72 Wounded. Michael Mot: 85/85 Healthy, Patient (1). Mitsurugi: 39/65 Wounded, Divine, Building Calamity (8). Kino: 75/100 Soul-Split, spooky. Enma: 70/70: Healthy, spookier. Ako: 40/80 Wounded, 2 Ink Pots. Demons Onryō: Hurt, feral. Ubume 1: Heavily wounded. Ubume 2: Wounded. Bud Ogre: Barely scratched. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DragonRage Posted September 9, 2020 Share Posted September 9, 2020 Taking advantage of the temporary speed boost from Hope Charm, Lexiel summons a Soul Warden, and orders it to stand in the corner and try not to get stabbed by anything. The Soul Warden has 12 HP and an attack that deals 6 damage. Whenever the Soul Warden or another being, friendly or enemy, enters the battle, Lexiel and all of her allies and summons are healed 5 HP. Relevant Passives: Reveal hidden contents 6 universal damage reduction while at full HP. 2 mana bonds Hope Charm is on cooldown. Soul Warden will be on cooldown next round. Loadout: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1n32cNcg9eEgyPGeQHO7bXH-1GVO8VS3CC1ZU3i60aiQ/edit?usp=sharing Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AzyWng Posted September 9, 2020 Share Posted September 9, 2020 Spray took a quick look over at his colleagues, noticing that Ako wasn't in pretty good shape. Moving over to her, Spray said "Hold on, I'm gonna patch you up," and quickly worked to bandage her wounds. Spray uses Quick Bandage on Ako, healing her for 3d4+10 points of health and removing all physical status effects from her! Sneaky Beaky Like: Ready - 2 Uses Left Field Surgery: Ready Blinding Smoke: Ready Chemical Break Lights: Ready Loadout: https://docs.google.com/document/d/16cXVdmyiMiUSL1fwnUk3MxklayDVd8lZ0dwab2wZtcA/edit Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chevaleresse Posted October 19, 2020 Share Posted October 19, 2020 "Your attack was deft, yet not sufficient. Tell me," Mitsurugi began, raising her blade up with the point towards the vengeful spirit. "Do you believe you can cut the wind?" An instant after she finished, she darted forwards with blurring speed, closing the gap between the goddess and her target in an instant. Shukuchi on the Onryo, activating Phase, for a total of 2*([3d8+33]*1.2) damage. Reveal hidden contents Level: 5 (7 effective)HP: 65Init: 14Stats: 7/30+7 Constitution: 5 Dexterity: 14 Intelligence: 2 Strength: 2 Synergy: 14 Perks:Memories of Power: Mitsurugi's form and spirit remember being much more powerful than she is currently. Her effective level is 1.3x her actual level (rounded up.)Lightning Speed: Mitsurugi has lived a long life of fighting duels with both danmaku and blades; she's gotten pretty quick over it. Grants +1 DEX per level. Building Calamity: Mitsurugi adds 20% of the damage she dealt last round to each attack this round. Damage is only considered for a maximum of two hits (damaging more will not build up additional damage.)Actions:Earth and Fire Sign "Eruption": Blasts danmaku at a target in a manner reminiscent of a volcanic eruption, dealing an attack with the equipped weapon that bypasses damage resistance. 2 turn cooldown.Storm Sign "Furious Tempest": A spell card that emulates a hurricane with thrown ofuda and blindingly quick slashes at every foe in the area. Deals DEX+1d4 damage to all enemies within 5 initiative of a chosen target, 2 turn cooldown. -Level 1: DEX to all enemies, 2 turn cooldown. -Level 2: Adds 1d4 to damage, but increases cooldown by 1. -Level 3: Decreases cooldown by 1. Magic Blade (Passive): An attack by a god make in seriousness operates on both the physical and spiritual levels. When Mitsurugi makes an attack using an equipped weapon, she inflicts 4SYN/5 in damage to the primary target (does not apply to SYN weapons.) -Level 1: Adds 1/5 SYN damage to attacks. -Level 2: Increases damage bonus by 1/5 SYN. -Level 3: Increases damage bonus by a further 1/5 SYN. -Level 4: Increases damage by 1/5 SYN.Shukuchi: A rapid dashing strike that moves quickly enough that the user fades from sight. The user attacks with their equipped weapon twice, on a 2 turn cooldown. -Level 1: User attacks twice, 5 turn cooldown. -Level 2: 4 turn cooldown. -Level 3: 3 turn cooldown. -Level 4: 2 turn cooldown. Divine Essence (Passive): Attacks on gods are similarly both physical and spiritual, and only the latter can be truly effective. When Mitsurugi would be brought to 0 HP by an attack, the attacker must make an opposed check against her Synergy. If it fails, she survives with 1 HP. Can only activate once per round. -Level 1: Enemies must make an opposed check against Mitsu's SYN to down her. 3 round cooldown. -Level 2: 2 round cooldown. -Level 3: 1 round cooldown. -Level 4: Can activate once per round. This ability cannot receive any more levels that allow it to activate more often. A Sword from a Dead World: An excellently-made but fairly simple katana. It has a few enchantments placed on it, and to those perceptive magically, it feels simultaneously alive and not. -Base: Deals 1d4+DEX damage. -Level 2: Increases damage to 2d4. -Level 3: Increases damage to 3d4. -Level 4: Increases damage to 4d4. -Level 5: Daisho: Can be used as a sidearm to a complimentary weapon, increasing that weapon's damage by two dice, no larger than d8s.Robes of the Disaster God: A colorful set of robes that represent Mitsurugi's position as a god of natural disasters. They seem normal enough, but have an odd resistance to them when felt. -Base: Grants a 5% chance to resist ailments applied to the holder. -Level 2: 10% chance. -Level 3: 15% chance. Blade of the Phantom Moon: An exquisite katana made of silvery-grey metal that appears almost translucent in the right light, the very edge glows shifting from pale yellow/white to a soft teal. Deals 3d6+[Dex] Light damage to one target, Weight of 4. Level 2 - Cursed!: This weapon allows the user to interact with ghosts or spirits as if they were corporeal even if they couldn't normally, this effect works both ways. They also take/deal 20% more damage from/to ghosts and spirits. Level 3 - Phase: Once per combat the user may choose to make an attack with this weapon deal Pure damage. Level 4 - Force of Nature: Attacks made directly with this weapon are not subject to miss or failure chance, proxy actions do not benefit from this effect. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StormLord Posted October 19, 2020 Share Posted October 19, 2020 Spicy HG glanced between the Ubume she'd just finished assaulting and the Demon Mitsu was hammering. In a snap judgement she left the weaker wounded enemy to attack the larger threat. "Mitsurugi, let's finish this!" She flung herself forwards again, dashing to strike the Onryō a dozen or more times. Spicy HG uses Coupling Attack! Spicy HG attacks the Onryō with Rush Technique 4d4+4 times for 5 damage each. Her first hit deals an extra 3d4 Fire damage. Mitsurugi may make a 0 cooldown action or equipment attack against the Onryō and deals an extra 3d4 Wind damage on her first hit. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yours Truly Posted November 6, 2020 Share Posted November 6, 2020 Michael Mot uses Ten Men Dead on Ubume 2, dealing (5d10+Dex+Initiative)+5% damage to it!, and adding one mortality stack to himself. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Noir Posted November 6, 2020 Share Posted November 6, 2020 Kino and Enma Enma attacks the Onyro, dealing 1d6 + INT(9) damage to it, and marking it with Entente of Malice, which will empower Kino's next attack dealt to it. Kino casts Debilitate onto the Onyro, dealing 3d6 + INT + INT/2 + 2 (3d6 + 15) damage. This consumes Entente of Malice, and causes the Onyro to deal 10% less damage for two turns. Kino and her summons' attacks maintain the debuff, and the debuff can stack up to thrice when used consecutively. 3 turn cooldown. Reveal hidden contents Strength: 0Dexterity: 0Intelligence: 9Constitution: 12Synergy: 9Cooldown/Ability usage: Pact of the Harrowing (Passive) (5 AP) While Enma is active on the battlefield, Kino and her summoned kin share mutually beneficial bonus passive effects. Base: Enma’s Basic Attack applies Entente of Malice onto her target, causing Kino’s next non-summoning damaging action against that target to consume the mark and deal INT/2 bonus damage. This passive effect has a 1 turn cooldown. Level 2: Kino restores SYN/2 health to herself whenever Entente of Malice is triggered. Level 3: Kino and Enma restore SYN/2 health respectively whenever Entente of Malice is triggered. Debilitate is on a 3-turn cooldown. Debilitate (Active) (5 AP) Kino commands a horde of her released spirits to surround and harass an enemy, dealing 3d6 + INT damage and causing the target to deal 10% less damage for two turns. Repetitive uses of Debilitate on the same target refresh the cooldown of the debuff. 3 turn cooldown. Level 2: Debilitate’s debuff can be refreshed by the rest of Kino or Enma’s non-summoning damaging actions. Level 3: Debilitate can be applied up to twice onto the same target, with the debuff stacking additively. Level 4: Debilitate can be applied up to thrice onto the same target, with the debuff stacking additively. Level 5; Debilitate’s cooldown is reduced to 3. Relevant combat perks: Remnant: Kills on an enemy by any source, one per turn, restore Kino and Enma's health by SYN (9) and reduce Kino's cooldowns by one. Shepherdess: Kino gains bonus damage per summon active with Enma providing a larger bonus. (Current bonus: 2) Unholy Covenant: Healing dealt to Kino and her summons by foreign sources only have 20% of their original value. Vial of Holy Water: Kino and Enma gain a permanent health bonus per the number of times Remnant was triggered in an encounter. (Current bonus: 10) Cycle of Rebirth and Death: Deaths of allied summons restore Kino's health by SYN/2. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GodofGamingRWBY Posted November 11, 2020 Author Share Posted November 11, 2020 Battle theme Reveal hidden contents Before everything went to chaos as it normally did, Lexiel quickly summons a Soul Warden, the good lad’s arrival reinvigorating the party (and healing 5 hp as an added bonus). Doing as he normally does, Mot continues to drive within the confines of the room, putting another bullet into an Ubume for 63 damage, additionally gaining another Mortality stack. “Spare me your lectures. The broken remains of a god has nothing to offer” the Onryo spat back, flicking its arm to the side, splattering a slight amount of blood onto the ground, all while still deflecting the bullets that kept coming towards it. Then, suddenly, the Onryo slammed its foot down, an aura of wind whirling around her and deflecting the various bullets on their own accord, as well as giving it a 15% damage reduction, red eyes glaring at Spray from beneath the Onryo’s mask, “ENOUGH OF YOUR GAIJIN CRAFT!” As the Onryo turned her attention to Spray’s gunfire, Mitsu made her move, disappearing in a burst of wind and beginning a swift assault on the yokai., dealing 132 damage in her initial flurry. But, in the instant she backed off, Mitsu would easily note Spicy’s own offensive, giving her yet another opening to take advantage of. Said opening was quickly taken, another sword swipe dealing 53 damage at the raging yokai, her blades tearing through the aura of wind that tried to protect it. The Ubumes, upon seeing Lexiel summon a new, fairly divine entity, take it upon themselves to take care of a potential problem at its source, gliding right over the floor and slashing at Lexiel twice, dealing 19 and 25 damage each as Lexiel manages to avoid the worst of their blades. Spicy, meanwhile, begins her rapid strikes, slashing at the Onryo 15 times for a total of 73 damage. (91 for lily rank roll) Drawn to the residual divine energy coming from the Shrine Maiden, the Bud Ogre charges her, jumping at and slashing down at Ako, dealing a hefty 28 damage. Ako, for her part, reacted fairly quickly despite being nearly torn open by the Ogre, slapping a Purification slip onto the demon’s forehead. Shortly after, the slip shone with a bright light, arcs of what seemed like electricity swiftly coursing across the ogre’s body, dealing 28 damage (19 vs 8) and causing the ogre to fall over, the large plant on its back opening up to reveal a floating ‘fruit’ within. Thankfully for her, Spray managed to make his way over to her, doing a bit of quick patchwork on her wounds and healing her for 18 HP, “Thank you, I appreciate it…” Enma and Kino, while the Onryo still recovers from the rapid assault that was forced upon it, join in with said rapid assault, Kino smacking the Onryo for 10 damage and inflicting an Entente of Malice, which is quickly consumed by Enma, hitting the Onryo for another 22 damage and debilitating it. Turn Order Reveal hidden contents Mot: 21 Onryō: 17 Mitsurugi: 14 Ubume: 13 Spicy HG: 11 Bud Ogre: 10 Ako: 7 Spray: 5 Lexiel: 1 Kino: 0 Status Reveal hidden contents Party Lexiel: 36/90 Wounded, Divine -Soul Warden: 12/12, Wardeny Spicy HG: 70/70 Healthy, Divine Spray: 46/72 Wounded Michael Mot: 85/85 Healthy, Patient (2) Mitsurugi: 44/65 Wounded, Divine, Building Calamity (37) Kino: 80/100 Soul-Split, spooky Enma: 70/70: Healthy, spookier Ako: 35/80 Heavily wounded, 2 Ink Pots Demons Onryō: Wounded, feral Ubume 1: Heavily wounded Ubume 2: Death's door Bud Ogre: Barely scratched, Purified, vulnerable Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chevaleresse Posted November 11, 2020 Share Posted November 11, 2020 "You are correct: nothingness is all I have to offer a creature such as yourself." Mitsurugi closed her eyes, gathering herself. "Broken I may be, but there is yet still a core to my being. You are naught but shapeless vengeance, cloaked in tragedy, offering nothing but desolation and fear." Sensing the ubume striking out at Lexiel, she moved to deliver her own counterstroke, blade tracing a brilliant line through the air with fluid grace. Attack Ubume 1 for 3d8+14+11+38 damage! Reveal hidden contents Level: 5 (7 effective)HP: 65Init: 14Stats: 7/30+7 Constitution: 5 Dexterity: 14 Intelligence: 2 Strength: 2 Synergy: 14 Perks:Memories of Power: Mitsurugi's form and spirit remember being much more powerful than she is currently. Her effective level is 1.3x her actual level (rounded up.)Lightning Speed: Mitsurugi has lived a long life of fighting duels with both danmaku and blades; she's gotten pretty quick over it. Grants +1 DEX per level. Building Calamity: Mitsurugi adds 20% of the damage she dealt last round to each attack this round. Damage is only considered for a maximum of two hits (damaging more will not build up additional damage.)Actions:Earth and Fire Sign "Eruption": Blasts danmaku at a target in a manner reminiscent of a volcanic eruption, dealing an attack with the equipped weapon that bypasses damage resistance. 2 turn cooldown.Storm Sign "Furious Tempest": A spell card that emulates a hurricane with thrown ofuda and blindingly quick slashes at every foe in the area. Deals DEX+1d4 damage to all enemies within 5 initiative of a chosen target, 2 turn cooldown. -Level 1: DEX to all enemies, 2 turn cooldown. -Level 2: Adds 1d4 to damage, but increases cooldown by 1. -Level 3: Decreases cooldown by 1. Magic Blade (Passive): An attack by a god make in seriousness operates on both the physical and spiritual levels. When Mitsurugi makes an attack using an equipped weapon, she inflicts 4SYN/5 in damage to the primary target (does not apply to SYN weapons.) -Level 1: Adds 1/5 SYN damage to attacks. -Level 2: Increases damage bonus by 1/5 SYN. -Level 3: Increases damage bonus by a further 1/5 SYN. -Level 4: Increases damage by 1/5 SYN.Shukuchi: A rapid dashing strike that moves quickly enough that the user fades from sight. The user attacks with their equipped weapon twice, on a 2 turn cooldown. -Level 1: User attacks twice, 5 turn cooldown. -Level 2: 4 turn cooldown. -Level 3: 3 turn cooldown. -Level 4: 2 turn cooldown. Divine Essence (Passive): Attacks on gods are similarly both physical and spiritual, and only the latter can be truly effective. When Mitsurugi would be brought to 0 HP by an attack, the attacker must make an opposed check against her Synergy. If it fails, she survives with 1 HP. Can only activate once per round. -Level 1: Enemies must make an opposed check against Mitsu's SYN to down her. 3 round cooldown. -Level 2: 2 round cooldown. -Level 3: 1 round cooldown. -Level 4: Can activate once per round. This ability cannot receive any more levels that allow it to activate more often. A Sword from a Dead World: An excellently-made but fairly simple katana. It has a few enchantments placed on it, and to those perceptive magically, it feels simultaneously alive and not. -Base: Deals 1d4+DEX damage. -Level 2: Increases damage to 2d4. -Level 3: Increases damage to 3d4. -Level 4: Increases damage to 4d4. -Level 5: Daisho: Can be used as a sidearm to a complimentary weapon, increasing that weapon's damage by two dice, no larger than d8s.Robes of the Disaster God: A colorful set of robes that represent Mitsurugi's position as a god of natural disasters. They seem normal enough, but have an odd resistance to them when felt. -Base: Grants a 5% chance to resist ailments applied to the holder. -Level 2: 10% chance. -Level 3: 15% chance. Blade of the Phantom Moon: An exquisite katana made of silvery-grey metal that appears almost translucent in the right light, the very edge glows shifting from pale yellow/white to a soft teal. Deals 3d6+[Dex] Light damage to one target, Weight of 4. Level 2 - Cursed!: This weapon allows the user to interact with ghosts or spirits as if they were corporeal even if they couldn't normally, this effect works both ways. They also take/deal 20% more damage from/to ghosts and spirits. Level 3 - Phase: Once per combat the user may choose to make an attack with this weapon deal Pure damage. Level 4 - Force of Nature: Attacks made directly with this weapon are not subject to miss or failure chance, proxy actions do not benefit from this effect. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AzyWng Posted November 11, 2020 Share Posted November 11, 2020 "Well, I'm sorry, ma'am, but my 'guy-gin craft' is all I got! Well, that and my medical training. Speaking of which, uh..." What was her name again? "Angel lady! Hang in there! I'm gonna patch you up real quick!" Spray uses Quick Bandage on Lexiel, healing her for 3d4+10 points of health and removing all physical status effects from her! Sneaky Beaky Like: Ready - 2 Uses Left Field Surgery: Ready Blinding Smoke: Ready Chemical Break Lights: Ready Loadout: https://docs.google.com/document/d/16cXVdmyiMiUSL1fwnUk3MxklayDVd8lZ0dwab2wZtcA/edit Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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