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I Can't Believe They Added This Joker [Smash Bros Ultimate DLC Discussion and Guesses]


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For those who don't know:



So while I could talk about Joker alone, I think it's better to go into things we do know. First off, we're getting more than 5 DLC characters. We've seen Wave Pack 1 on the direct and we're seeing it down. I'm not sure if it'll be 2 or 3 but I think it's safe to say we're not going to be done with the game anytime soon. Also taking the little bit from Reggie saying "These characters are new to the series and they aren't ones that you'd expect" pretty much does give really high hopes. I don't think we'll be seeing Edelgard or another Pokemon. I mean you literally gave the power to add any character to the game and the Reps of Nintendo certainly didn't put their votes in the wrong place if this is what we're opening up to. I'll go into my guesses in a little bit though.


Edit: Whoops I misread that. Had to go back to the direct and it seems like the 5 will go up through February of 2020. Still doesn't mean we can't see a second one but we'll have to wait and see.


Slot number 5 must be a smoking gun because this guy is the Cloud of this generation. I'm not kidding. It's not a wild guess as to why he got in since Nintendo has been working with Atlus for a very long time and this is their current biggest icon (and we got a SMT Rep). This is a big deal since it could A) Lead to Persona on Switch (which would be awesome) and B) really sets the premise that anyone could really make it into this game. I also have a feeling old fossils like Isaac and Banjo aren't going to be making it into Smash but it's a bit too early to exclude them. After all, there's likely going to be more than 5 new characters for Smash. Joker certainly set a very, very high bar. But let's get into my guesses.


1) Yuri Lowell (Tales of Vesperia): Lloyd, Velvet, and Yuri all have a shot but I'm seriously surprised there isn't a Tales character in Smash. Bandai Namco is working on it and that's one of their huge heavy hitters. Yuri is so iconic they had to remove him from the official popularity poll since he kept winning so much and would still win after this many years with or without the Definitive Edition. I haven't finished Vesperia but from the parts I played he would perform as a rather unique Swordsman since he uses a combo of his sword and his fist. Throw Repede in there if you're really worried about another Swordsman. Definitely recommend getting the Definitive Edition regardless as Vesperia is one of my favorite Tales games.


2) Rabbids ("Rayman" Series): While I could see Rayman making it instead, this is just a very, very Nintendo pick to include. When you think they're finally dead, they just keep coming back. These things are just...something and there's quite a bit to reference from to make a wacky WTF character. Blasters from the Mario and Rabbids could be neutral. Side B could be the shopping cart, etc. It's basically the villager's arsenal but wackier. The costumes for these guys could end up looking really cool like Pichu's did.


3) Crash Bandicoot (Crash Series): Do I need to explain more? I just think he's a good fit for bringing a very unique character to the series and he really doesn't have any reason to not be. A long time ago I'd say they'd go with Spyro, but I think Crash kind of has a slight edge. There's actually a large group of well known platformers which I think Nintendo would want to tap a bit of the pie into the game. It's another one of those possible maybes.


I really had to think about the Number 1 as names like 2B, Jibanyan, and Paper Mario came to mind, but those wouldn't be ones to really top or challenge Joker. Then it hit me:


4) Professor Layton (Layton Series): You may laugh at it but Layton actually has a lot of combat potential and tricks up his sleeve from all the games he played in. The real challenge to designing a fighter like this is that he's a gentleman and a gentleman would never use his fists to fight. There's a lot of cool things you could include like his fencing from the second game, sliding off a banana from the third for a side B, and the good old copter bike from the movie. He'd be very unfitting and that's why I'd love to see him all the more and I double checked on VGchartz and the games were surprisingly popular back in the day. And being honest, he'd become my main if he gets into the game. He'd also be the Level 5 rep that really deserves to be there. And unlike Phoenix, he has seen fighting in his day.


Yeah, yeah, these probably won't be the four but it's to give you an idea what I think Nintendo is doing. If Joker is the lead, they are going big. Remember the Sm4sh lineup was Ryu, Cloud, Corrin, and Bayonetta. 3 of those 4 are some of the most talked about characters in Smash. Yeah, I'm not too worried about a boring Corrin repeat with that kind of opening. I like Corrin as a fighter, but it's the least hype of the four.

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1 minute ago, laggless01 said:

You know what would be funny to put in Smash? 2B (or 9S) from NieR:Automata. Plenty of moves to choose from, but just imagine the existentialism.

Considering that Metal Gear is represented in this Franchise, It wouldn't be that out of place. 


Those who've played Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty will know what I mean.

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To be fair, characters from Danganronpa could work as well. Spike Chunsoft worked with nintendo on some pokemon spinoffs (Mystery Dungeon series), and if Monokuma appears, there's such a variety of horrible cartoony violence to choose from as well.

If the characters would be related to Danganronpa V3's ending, though, it could have narrative significance to that game. However movesets would be trickier (unless sushi is used, but that might be a bit generic).

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