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Reclaimer (Chapter 1) - Flood


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Hey, everybody.


 I'm thinking of starting a two-part series about a music playlist I've made as I progressed through Reborn. This is the beginning of Part 1, titled "Reclaimer", which is roughly the first half of the game.


 Back in May of 2015, I stumbled onto this sub and learned of this game's existence. It would still be about five months until I played it for the first time, but I was enthralled by the description of the oppressive, industrial world that it was set in. As I read through the site, I happened to be listening to a song I had just discovered, and it went on to become the keynote for everything that was about to happen.


 This was that song: 





 At the time, I did not know how relevant the themes of "water" and "reclaiming" would be. For instance, several times in the early game, someone explicitly states the need to "reclaim" something, such as Mosswater Factory. Also unknown to me, "reclaiming" is also the name of part of the process of water filtration, which ties back into the song and name of this playlist.


 I'll update this post if I think of any more cool facts about this segment, and depending on the feedback, I'd love to continue doing this and see how the rest of you interpreted parts of the story.


 Thanks for reading (and listening)!

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