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Lenore steals Vulnerary x3!


Mim fires a pair of arrows at the Cavalier, dispatching him with ease.

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Fey launches an axe into the other axe user's head, finishing them off.

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EXP: (58/100) 

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Shin's eyes widen as he readies another attack.

Shin to E17 and attacks Axe Cav B with his Training Bow.
Arthur to E16 and fires Axe Cav B, then Press the Assault on Shin.
Shin attacks Cav C with Iron Longbow.

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Fey recovers 16 HP! Fey is at full HP!


Shin begins his volley of arrows at the cavaliers, first with his training bow.

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Arthur effortlessly cleans up the rest of the Axe Cavalier, motivating Shin in the process.

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Shin, using his longbow, fires at the remaining Cavalier.

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EXP: (65/100) 

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Lizaveta was, to be honest, getting quite fired up, even if she didn't actually want to be here.


"The forces of monarchs will never be able to stand up to forces of a pure, loving heart such as Virtuous!"

P18, Worm the Wyvern Rider

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Lizaveta blasts the wyvern rider with dark magic, obliterating them in one shot before they could even talk back.

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Enemy Phase

Axe Cavalier to N15, canto to L15

Cavalier C to F16

Myrmidon C to N4

Knight C to R5

Mage D to R4

Monk B to R6

Thief A to H24

Thief B to I24

Thief C to Q24

Thief D to R24


The Myrmidon approaches the throne, exchanging blows with Reiko to get to the queen. The Myrmidon awkwardly misses, but Reiko's support from Stella is enough to get her by and end the Myrmidon in one stroke.

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The Cavalier, trying to get hits in and join his friend, attacks Tabitha as he passes... and misses.

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Seeing his comrade fail, the other Cavalier is determined to put a dent in Arthur. Arthur groans in pain, but blasts the Cavalier back in retaliation.

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Ally Phase

Stella seems to stir as blades fly between Reiko and the Myrmidon. Seems she dozed off... but now she's awake, after a spatter of blood from the Myrmidon's sliced corpse flew onto her face. She doesn't seem to notice this as she pulls out a staff.



"Mmn... they've gotten this far...? Please try to be a little more careful, I'd rather not have to have Albert clean up too much... look at you, you're hurt, too... let me heal you..."


Reiko's wound that Stella seemed to have noticed was actually just more of the Myrmidon's blood, but she feels slightly better nonetheless.


Reiko recovers 23 HP! Reiko is at full HP!


TURN 6/12

Player Phase

Ferdiad recovers 5 HP!


You hear the faint sounds of hurried footsteps mixed in with voices… they don’t seem to be anywhere near you, but rather underneath you somewhere. Specifically, you all hear a male voice that sounds annoyed to the point of making Arthur and Baldur seem patient, an overly exaggerating male voice, and amidst the two’s bickering, the faint sounds of what may be a girl whimpering and panting. 

"Good fucking God, could we have gotten any more of an incompetent force? Just listen to those goddamned morons drop like flies! This is ridiculous!
“Is that Virtuous? That’s Virtuous, is it?! Why’d we take this job, why!?”
“Shut the hell up already, we don’t have time to ask questions! We have a job to do! You idiots; attack them from the front, the staircases are right there!”

The voices stop, and you now hear the sounds of horse hoofbeats approaching from below…


(ignore myrmidon c on map pls and thank)



EXP: (74/100) 

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Having just obliterated the wyvern in a single blast of magic, Lizaveta's increasingly euphoric streak continued, and she found herself immediately running (with uncharacteristic lack of huffing and puffing, though that probably wouldn't last forever) at the horseman with the axe, slinging magic at him.


"We won't let you tyrants' lapdogs tear the country apart in war!"

Oh yeah, that WAS Kane's reason for actually creating Virtuous, wasn't it?

N15, worm AxeCav

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Mim fires a few arrows at the Cavalier, defeating him quickly.

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Lizaveta may take a new action!


EXP: (77/100) 

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Taking full advantage of the few moments between combat, Baldur channels healing magic through his staff to patch up whatever wounds Crimson may have acquired during the battle,  "Don't worry, I'm here for you."


Kane move to C19

Crimson move to C16 and attack Cavalier C with Wind, Press the Assault on Kane

Kane move to C23 and OPEN DE CHEST!

Baldur move to D16 and Heal Crimson

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"I hope you are." 


Looking annoyed at the Cavalier, Arthur blasted him with a gust of wind.

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Kane moves again!


Baldur is a perfectionist! +5 HP recovered!

Arthur recovers 21 HP! Arthur is at full HP!

Baldur lives to serve! Baldur recovers 8 HP!


Kane skirts around the pillar and picks open the chest. As he opens it, he finds a rather curious knife, seeming to brim with magical energy, but of a peculiar type; rather than being magic itself, it seemed to be able to counter the effects of magic. Kane studied it, did a couple of test swings with it, before thinking to himself...



Not my style, unfortunately... but Lenore might like it...


Kane obtained a Silencer!


EXP: (82/100) 

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At first, in the urgency of the moment, Ferdiad doesn't react to the sound of the voices past the grim realization that reinforcements will likely be on them soon. He casts a look at the staircases leading to the lower corridors as he rides ahead, but something sits uneasy in his stomach.


And then, like a subconscious itch, the sound of the voices themselves stick and bloom into a dread that fills his gut, nearly stopping him halfway to the throne.



No, it can't be...


The hand holding the lance in his hand trembles, but only just slightly. He forces himself to swallow, and feels his heart thud against his ribs like a caged animal. No one knows you here. No one knows who you are.


But it feels like a poor and weak consolation against sure and impending disaster.



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As a thief, perception was an important skill to have. And so he couldn't possibly miss how shaken up Ferdiad was at the moment. So he spoke aloud, not turning to Ferdiad but clearly intending to speak to him. "If you have something to protect, don't shake up now. Stand strong, stand firm. If you love this thing you want to protect, you cannot give up now. Put away thoughts and fears until after everyone is safe." And with that Lysander moved forward, ready to take down his next target. 


Lysander move to O5 and Wind Knight C

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Lysander's words help bring him back to the moment, and he glances to the other man briefly in surprise. Is he so obvious?



"... Yes, you're right."


He forces himself to take a deep breath. It doesn't fully settle the bundle of tightness in his gut, but he pushes the image of Her Majesty to the front of his mind. An image of Castle Ceda, of his mother, of all the people of this country who would suffer should it fall to Gulans, and to those people down below.


They matter more. They matter more than his fear.


Q6, Slim Lance Monk B, Canto P5.

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Ferdiad and Lysander move again!


Lysander sets an example while blasting the Knight with a gust of wind, blowing him off his feet and ending his life.

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Inspired by Lysander's courage, Ferdiad rides up and swiftly guts the Monk.

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EXP: (90/100) 

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As the swordsman takes a swing at it, Reiko more or less effortlessly dodges it, scoffing. With a sword like that, she knows well enough how someone'll be wanting to use it--and with all of her practice, she knows all too well all the mistakes an inexperienced or unskilled warrior would make with it.


"Predictable. Your form is sloppy and I could see that swing coming a mile off. Do you think I trained as long as I did to lose to a rank amateur like you?"

"Let me show you how it's done."

With one strike, the enemy Myrmidon is reduced to a corpse leaking blood onto the floor. It's....a little more gruesome when it's someone she has no personal vendetta against. A little harder to look at. Enough that she almost doesn't notice the queen remark on how she's hurt and pull out a staff--almost. 


She shakes her head, looking confused. "What? No, I'm fine--" But, it's too late--she's already used the staff. Well...at least she feels a little better?


"....You shouldn't waste that on me. It's probably better off saved for someone else. ....Thank you, though."


...Now she looks at her, really looks at her, the queen is...kind of cute? More than kind of. But that's not what she needs to be focusing on right now--not when there are enemies afoot. She strides on over to the mage that hasn't been attacked by her allies yet and takes a swing at them.

Move to (Q, 4), fuck up that Mage D.

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As Stella gives a little nod before she nods off once more, Reiko rushes in after the Mage and swiftly dispatches him, taking damage in the process.

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EXP: (95/100) 

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