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Sky Weathers

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Hi so is anyone having trouble with Hardy in the last gym battle??? If so, I have a few suggestions that might come in handy.

I actually defeated him with only 3 pokemon and I'm shock myself lol.

I used electivire(holding telluric seed), mega heracross  and gardevoir(holding amplified rock).

So first up,

Pick gardevoir and heracross as the first pair.


Use Trick room for Gardevoir 

mega evolve heracross and use close combat on gigalith ( it's a one hit KO)

Mega Aerodactyl's Rock Slide won't one hit gardevoir so this would be fine. ( if it critically hits or flinches you can just soft restart and try again.

after that if Gardevoir dies from sandstorm, switch in electivire and use wild charge on aerodactyl and archeops ( one hit ko), use mega heracross on non-flying pokemon like lycanroc and ramparados, it one hits them.


SO far this had been the easiest gym battle for me, and I'm just sharing my way of defeating him since I've seen a lot of posts about him being really hard.




Hope this helps 🙂

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Thanks for the sharing. These being said, that's one possibility among many others. Another clever way to counter Hardy's whole team is using any Pokemon with Wide Guard such as Avalugg, Turtonator, or Mantine, precisely because Hardy relies a lot on Rock Slide to do maximum damage on all the Pokemon in your party, let alone the chance to make them flinch. Meanwhile, you can just boost your offensive stats to the max with the second member of your team, and this way, you'd take eveyrthing down some turns after without a scratch.


Hope this helps too 😉

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