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[IC] TotMV:G^2: Touhou: Twilight of Paradise Butterfly


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"I see."  


As the danmaku stilled for a moment, and with Hikari bringing her back to her senses, Masako removed the kiseru from her mouth.  The thin trail of smoke still rising from the bowl served almost to obscure part of her face as she held it before her as if to inspect it.  And, for a moment, it seemed almost as though she'd lost all interest in Reimu.  She merely floated, almost still, examining the reflection of the smoke in the metal.  As if seeing something there, she gave an almost imperceptible nod.


The smoke shifted.  Masako closed her eyes.


"I could, I suppose, explain exactly why this plan of yours would be doomed to failure."  Masako could feel the wind picking up as it blew through her hair.  She could use that.  "I certainly will protest your horribly uncharitable characterization of us tengu, little as you'll listen even when we pull that thing off your face.  Still, it's obvious you're taking this very seriously.  So, in the interest of dealing with a situation that is quickly demonstrating itself a very real threat to my life in particular and the continued existence of Gensokyo in general..."

The wind carried away the last embers.  The smoke was carried into the netherworld sky.  Masako's eyes opened, reflecting the shrine maiden within them.


"I suggest the rest of you pay attention.  Because I'll take things seriously, too."


The tengu twirled her kiseru, swinging it down to her side.  In a flash, the simple pipe was gone.  In its place, the tengu held an elegantly-engraved spear, its long central point flanked by a pair of half-crescent blades that looked sharp enough to cut the wind.  And as she gave the weapon an experimental twirl, it seemed to do just that, carving danmaku-yari from the air around her until a massive swarm of them filled the sky.  


For a moment, the danmaku remained suspended and still, as the tengu gripped the yari in both hands.  She spread her wings wide as she brought the tip up, pointing directly at Reimu.


"Now, then.  UB-65, F7DXOQ29604509X, watch my movements carefully.  I hate to repeat myself."

With that, the wind picked up once more.  And like a storm driven by a gale, Masako and her danmaku let it carry them, bringing their full force raining on the miko with a speed faster than most human eyes could follow.



1.  Masako spends 9 Insight to use Swift Scan (Full Scan) on Reimu as a free action!  Masako gains information on Reimu's weaknesses, resistances, and attributes! All of Reimu's resistances (including DR) are cut in half, and all attacks directed at Reimu count as undodgeable for the remainder of the battle.  Further, Reimu is now always targetable by this and other actions.  Gain 3 Insight.


2.  Masako uses Wind Sign "Fierce Gale", targeting Reimu with all 3 attacks!  Masako makes 3 attacks against Reimu, each dealing (1.7*1.2*(4d8+12+12)) damage!  (i.e. 3 attacks, doing [2.04*4d8+48.96] each).


3.  Masako spends 1 Pursuit token to use Summarize Observation on Reimu, gaining Insight for each action Reimu uses, and automatically dodging the first action Reimu directs at Masako while active. 



1. Masako gains 12 temporary hit points from Pattern Prediction.


2. Teachings of the Tengu is applied to to IP and UB-65!  Currently, they gain (70% damage bonus against Reimu from Perfect Profile, 20% weapon damage bonus from Weapon Guidance, +12 to damage in general from Tarukaja).  Teachings is no longer applied to Rory.


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Once more, Walmond found herself yawning despite the current situation, rubbing her eyes as the various danmaku Reimu shot at her was intercepted by Lambda. What she wouldn't give for a bit of a break, giving herself time to sleep. The ground seemed comfortable enough, and Lambda could deal with...


... Wait, right, she couldn't sleep right now, not with the saplings. Raising her hand, Walmond pondered if she could actually disrupt the sapling's effects with just a small blast of her magic. It wouldn't take but, already the electricity was forming around her hand as she took aim, and it might even let her focus. Yeah, focus, she needed to focus. Deal with the saplings and artifact influencing Reimu, then rest. For now, focus.


"... Yuyuko, could you deal with one of those beasts? They're too loud" Walmond asked, dropping the arm that had been crackilng with electricity while rubbing her eyes. She'd focus better if those things would stop making so much noise.


Walmond  gives up her turn to let Yuyuko mark Shadow Beast A for death. Lambda instead uses Electrical Charge, boosting her next attack by 1d4+4 damage.


Walmond Loadout

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Lambda Loadout

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IP nods at Masako's command, face expressionless as the tengu did her work. Then the gynoid pulled out her tomahawk and threw it at Reimu in one swift motion.


IP throws her Tomahawk at Reimu, dealing [(2d4+8+9)*1.9]+12 damage!


HP: 65/65

0/20 HARM

14/20 HEAL

Methadone: COOLING DOWN - 1/4 Turns Left
Emergency Response: COOLING DOWN - 1/4 Turns Left

Weapon Guidance: ON COOLDOWN - 0/3 Turns Left

Aim Assist: READY

Auto 9/45: READY 4/4 Bursts Left

Tomahawk: READY

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UB-65's jumps out of the bushes (removes Crush Depth) as the fuse goes off and lets the torpedo fire out (free action) of the tube at Shadow beast C inflicting 15d8 damage+DEX+Rakukaja+LVL in extra damage (Sneak Attack) and causing INT/2 flooding/bleed damage for the next three turns. She targets Spectral Attack onto Reimu causing the next attack to her to deal 8 extra die in damage.

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Amrita on Masako (clears status, heals by half SYN) 


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Feeling herself getting sleepy again, Rory lets out an annoyed grunt before slamming her forehead into the edge of her shield to wake herself up.

Bad Luck Charm


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Isobel found herself barely able to react to Masako's change, besides faintly noting a sudden flip in demeanor and the now more dignified air with which she carried herself and, uh, a spear or something. This was because Isobel was awfully busy, running around to and fro to help keep everybody healthy and in the fight. It seemed like, for now, she had a break from preventing the sleep from catching everybody -- but there was still ever work to do. For now, Empi was looking rather banged up from the chaos and damage of the battle, and especially with how key she was to also keeping everybody alive, Isobel immediately made her way over to the romantic/sexual fairy, producing a poppy from her bag and stopping herself from hucking it at Empi to instead slide gracefully in and hand it off to her. "Empi, eat this! We can't have you going down!"


As for LOTUS... the green lines along her skin pulsed, and for a moment she closed her eyes, as she communed with worlds far away.


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"I see you're taking things seriously now, Masako. Listen up, then. For ideal firing solutions, fire at these locations and angles, placed within reference points of fractions of height from bottom, width from left, angles from front:" Here, LOTUS rattled off a long list of fractional locations and angles and rates of movement of those angles, probably far too specific for most of the party to really understand -- computational, mathematical precision as created from the power of several different advanced AI, offered to Masako as unchanged as she worked, spinning her danmaku. Only afterwards, having trusted Masako to receive and interpret that data, did LOTUS restate a much simpler and more physical version for the benefit of the others. "Let's pursue success in our goals and contribution with our actions." And LOTUS began to spin up danmaku of her own...


Isobel uses Healing Poppy on Empi, healing her for 3d4+INT HP!

LOTUS uses Weakness Pinpoint on Reimu, giving all attacks aimed at her a 20% chance of nailing a critical hit for *2 damage -- for 2 turns, thanks to Tactical Uplink: Partial!



Tactical Uplink: Partial up in 3 turns.

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While the various party members go about casting supportive spells and giving one another advice and assistance for surviving the continuing onslaught, Masako pulls together her case. She delivers a dizzying series of blows to Reimu, sending the shrine maiden reeling into the air - though even in her current state, she ducked and wove through the majority of the danmaku the tengu flung in her direction. She flipped end over end a few times before she stabilized herself abruptly, stopping with a glare straight at the offender. "Look at what Gensokyo does, and then look at what I do. Tell me who's been uncharitable."


UB-65, meanwhile, is not to be outdone. Right after one of the beasts falls to the ground almost peacefully as a result of Yuyuko's power, she fires off her own attack. It lands, and not much is particularly clear about what occurs after this, save that the shadow beasts seem to have all been efficiently converted to spinning black particles and vapor. Rory, seeing all of these impressive displays, elects to punch himself in the face.


Reimu casts Nightmare Sign: Dream-Sealing Circle, and sets a Condition which activates Fantasy Nature if she would take 50 or more damage that lasts 3 turns. The spell deals 8 damage to all party members.


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"Still you, I'm afraid."   Masako backed off as Reimu righted herself, adopting an only-seemingly-lazy pattern of hovering, wings relaxed at her side in a way that would allow her to use their leverage to bolt any way necessary in the event of an attack.  "If you're feeling unappreciated, go take it up with someone when we've finished with you.  I'm sure the Moriya shrine people or that one so-called hermit or those fairies you always have hanging around would love to help.  But for now, you definitely don't get to complain."


The tengu glanced to her side.  After a moment's examination, a deft twirl of her yari caught one of the Saigyou Ayakashi saplings amongst the branches.  A swift kick with her geta drove the tip of the spear into the sapling's trunk, as if she were trying to drive a spade into the soil.  Then, before Reimu could fully respond, she pulled the razor-sharp crescent and spike sideways through the tree in a single, swift motion.  


"Especially not when you're using dirty tricks like these things."





1.  Masako uses Defend as an action, halving all damage for one round.


2.  Masako uses Swift Scan on Sapling A as a free action, targeting its Perks! Masako gains detailed information on whatever Perks it has, if any.


3.  Masako spends 1 Pursuit token to make an attack at the very end of the round using her Tengu Yari, targeting Sapling A!  The sapling takes 1.3*(4d8+12+12) damage.  (ie [1.3*4d8+31.2]).



1. Masako spends 2 Insight and gains (12+10) = 22 temporary hit points from Pattern Prediction.


2. Teachings of the Tengu is applied to to IP and UB-65!  Currently, they gain (80% damage bonus against Reimu from Perfect Profile, 30% damage bonus against the saplings from Perfect Profile, +12 to damage in general from Tarukaja).  


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UB-65 uses Spectral Attack on Reimu, giving the next player to attack her 8 additional damage die

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Walmond begins her Healing Spam once more, healing IB, Empi, UB-65, Masako, and Hikari  for 2d4+9 (+5 from her cloak). Lambda, meanwhile, gives up her turn distracts Reimu for a bit in order to give Youmu a clearer opening on the Shrine Maiden.


Walmond Loadout

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Lambda Loadout

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IP follows up her tomahawk strike with a burst of her handgun.


IP shoots Reimu with her Auto 9/45, inflicting (6d4+6+12)*1.8 damage!


HP: 65/65

???/20 HARM - Calculating damage

14/20 HEAL

Methadone: COOLING DOWN - 2/4 Turns Left
Emergency Response: COOLING DOWN - 2/4 Turns Left

Weapon Guidance: ON COOLDOWN - 1/3 Turns Left

Aim Assist: READY

Auto 9/45: READY 4/4 Bursts Left

Tomahawk: ON COOLDOWN - 0/3 Turns Left

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Rory wisely waits until everyone else has unloaded their attacks, creeping up while they were distracting the miko before finally running at her to Tackle Reimu.


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"Excellent!" crowed LOTUS in a very pleased tone, pumping her fists from Isobel's pocket. "Light her up, then! We're going to have to deal with some of her spells from that, taking a look at the danmaku, but we really aren't going to get anywhere if we let that slow us down, especially because she's not likely to return the favor! We're simply going to have to tear into her now and not stop, and Isobel and I are going to do our best to help facilitate that. UB-65, that was also an extremely impressive blow, and I've already voiced my thoughts on Masako's performance. If we can keep this up..." In an abnormally unguardedly excited mood, LOTUS proceeded to give Masako some advice on how to use her powerful attack more quickly.


"Well, I'll be damned... there's not a whole lot for me to do. Except... hey, I'm going to spray one of these saplings! It's probably rare that I'll get another opportunity to use this thing, and this should maybe keep it from doing its thing, and will almost certainly eventually kill it!" Isobel produced a green bottle from her apron, with rather colorful labeling proclaiming it to be Nanotrasen-brand "Plant-B-Gone" -- and then she dashed in the direction of the saplings, spraying one with a healthy dose of the substance.


LOTUS uses Efficiency Analysis on Masako, dropping the cooldown of Wind Sign "Fierce Gale" by one turn!

Isobel uses Plant-B-Gone on Sapling B (lol), dealing INT (12) damage to it for 3 turns!



Tactical Uplink: Partial up in 2 turns!

Efficiency Analysis: 1 turns remaining

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Tarukaja on Masako


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LOTUS analyzes Masako's attack patterns and gives her some advice on how she could do the same with less energy expenditure, while Isobel finally gets to apply her expertise in weed control, spraying Sapling B with a pesticide and trying not to feel bad about hurting such a pretty little tree.


Reimu continues to channel her spell. Nothing happens as of yet, but eerie-looking magical sigils begin to draw themselves in the air around the group, formed of red energy mottled by twilit hues. 

Empi decides to patch up Rory for a moment, restoring her to full health.


The outer ring of the magical circle flashes, catching those at the edges of the field! IP and Isobel take 15 damage each, and are silenced, unable to use anything but basic attacks! The sinister magic resonates with that of the Saigyou Ayakashi, putting them under its influence once again.


Rory leaps at Reimu, guided by Masako's observations! He manages to make contact [7 vs 31] but Reimu is able to redirect him without losing focus, sending him careening into the base of one of the saplings. The thing immediately begins to work its magic on him.


Masako defends. 


UB-65 sends Richter out to scout for her. Yuyuko watches the apparition with mild interest.


Hikari invokes generic JRPG power upon Masako to charge up her attacks.


Reimu continues to weave her magic, floating above the battlefield while the circle grows in intricacy and power.


Walmond counters Reimu's spellwork with her own wave of positive energy, healing IP, Empi, UB-65, Masako, and Hikari for [21] HP. Lambda, meanwhile, creates an opening for Youmu to strike next turn. 


IP fires her gun at. . . nothing. Reimu has vanished, but her spell is still present! Rory's wyvernstake falls to the ground with a disappointing thump before exploding.


Masako drives her weapon into one of the saplings, inflicting [61] damage to it! The top of it is ripped free in a burst of splinters and magic. Reimu gains 5 damage! The influence of the trees weakens, however, and the deathly calm gripping some of the party dissipates. 



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Isobel felt strange magical energy settle upon her... and a vicious dual effect settled down upon her. She opened her mouth and tried to comment on the fact that she felt something strange affecting her... but though she worked her lungs, no voice came out of her mouth. She paused for a split-second, and then tried again, and once again nothing happened. Isobel stomped a foot, frustrated (and LOTUS, undergoing a similar process, crossed her arms and just frowned) and then reached her hand for the bottle on her hip... but when she tried to activate it, she found that somehow the steps to do so had disappeared from her mind. She just-- couldn't work out-- how to operate-- even basic machines. She put the bottle back, simmering, and threw her hands in the air.


Isobel does nothing because she doesn't even have any weapons for basic attacks oh god, unless she can put away her Golden Chaingun as a loadout-adjusting action, in which case she does that.



Tactical Uplink: Partial up in 1 turn!

Efficiency Analysis: 0 turns remaining


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UB-65 jumped back into the bushes activating Crush Depth making her stealthed (untargettable) until she attacks. A small periscope can be seen poking out of one of the bushes. Her hidden repair perk heals 20% of her max HP due to not being attacked last round.


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Upon noticing that her target had disappeared, IP switched over to one of the saplings, firing upon it with her handgun.


IP attacks Sapling A with her Auto 9/45, dealing 6d4+6 damage!


HP: 42/65

???/20 HARM - DUALITY ACTIVE - All healing performed is boosted by 30% for the next three turns

14/20 HEAL

Methadone: COOLING DOWN - 3/4 Turns Left
Emergency Response: COOLING DOWN - 3/4 Turns Left

Weapon Guidance: ON COOLDOWN - 2/3 Turns Left


Auto 9/45: READY 3/4 Bursts Left

Tomahawk: ON COOLDOWN - 1/3 Turns Left

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The Hakurei miko was blessed with many talents.  Many were connected to the usual tasks of those in her position; the arts of performing blessings, exterminating youkai, and invoking the native gods of the land, unreliable as both she and they might be.  Others were connected to the particulars of her line and their connection to Gensokyo itself, manipulating seals and barriers with ease that even more diligent shrine maidens couldn't hope to match as part of their role in maintaining the Great Hakurei Barrier.  But perhaps the most unique and intriguing of her abilities was the ability to float.  Not fly through the air, as others did, but to simply float through life itself in a state of perfect oneness.  At its apex, this ability took the form of her Fantasy Nature, in which she could float away from reality itself.  Impossible to harm, impossible to attack, impossible to defeat.  Such was the power of the Hakurei miko.


But, incredible as her power was, Reimu was not unbeatable.  And she was not the only being in Gensokyo capable of feats more typical humans could never hope to match.


Masako had been watching the miko as IP tried to shoot her down with the robot-maid's more-literal-than-normal bullet danmaku, nodding to herself as the miko disappeared from sight.  After the assault she'd endured, it only made sense.  This way, she could destroy their group with impunity, while they could only fly around, unable to attack her, unable even to track her movements.  And yet...

And yet, Masako still watched the empty air, even as the seal began to form and she was forced to continue her erratic, defensive movements, prepared for attack.  More than that, her eyes still seemed to be following something.  And as the tengu watched, colorful danmaku with a faint, silvery aura began to form wherever she glanced, just a few at a time, slowly circling as their numbers grew and grew.  Nothing terribly difficult to avoid, even if Reimu had remained within the boundaries of reality.  Just a few course adjustments here and there would place her safely out of harm's way, once the extent of her power ended.

Masako raised her yari.  The sun of the netherworld rested in the crescent.  Her danmaku began to glow brighter, still growing in number.  She waited a second more, and then...


The spear had swung downward not five milliseconds before Reimu reappeared, right in the center of the massed danmaku.  Right as chains of smaller orbs sprang into being, making the full extent of the spellcard clear.  A cage.  A massive cage, formed of little channels of prediction and deduction, guiding the miko to its nigh-inescapable center.  Just in time for the beams of light to burst from the tips of her yari, striking the lattice and causing the whole thing to crash inward-and-outward in a deafening, blinding explosion of light.



1. Masako spends 4 Insight and gains (12+(4*5)) = 32 temporary hit points from Pattern Prediction.


2. Teachings of the Tengu is applied to to IP and UB-65!  Currently, they gain (60% damage bonus against Reimu from Perfect Profile, 20% damage bonus against the saplings from Perfect Profile, +12 to damage in general from Tarukaja).  



1.  Masako uses Defend as an action, halving all damage for one round.


2.  Masako uses Swift Scan on Sapling A as a free action, targeting its Actions! Masako gains detailed information on whatever Actions it has, if any.


3.  Masako spends 1 Pursuit token to delay an action until Reimu reappears at the end of the round, at which point she spends 12 Insight and uses Case Closing Declaration!  She does 1.6*([the average of 8(4d8+12+10)]+12) damage to Reimu!  This totals to 531.2 damage!


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"Youmu, on my mark" Walmond calls out shortly after Reimu vanishes from sight, holding up her hand as Lambda floated back to her master, shields expanding from her gauntlets as the duo waited for the Shrine Maiden's arrival.


Walmond commands Youmu to delay her attack until Reimu reappears, and if she can still act, slaps down another Healing Field, healing Lambda, Isobel, IP, UB-65, and Hikara by 2d4+9 (+5 from her cloak), although Lambda is only healed by half. Lambda takes a basic defensive action to give herself 50% damage reduction.


Walmond Loadout

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Lambda loadout

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Rory growls as he rubs his head, sleep suddenly coming upon him. But it pales in comparison to the anger he has from the wound in his pride, as demonstrated by how he hits the sapling a few times with his shield before finally sending a wyvern stake into it, every curse he knows flowing from his mouth like water.

Rory Wyvernstakes the sapling he hit.


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