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Redux Create a Trainer 2.0


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Note: This says the same thing as the old thread (with a few edits) except the old one was archived and I didn't want to mess with that. If you made a team there it's in the game and counted for so don't worry. Everyone is free to make another one if they want.


Hello fellow players and yes, this is what I think it is. So one problem I've come across is that the rebattable trainers in the grand hall are...hard to scale and are very unreliable. So since this is a smaller mod, I decided to open this up a bit. Basically, feel free to make a team under these conditions:


1. No Legendaries

2. No early evolution mons (not a hard rule, but let's avoid level 20 Garchomps)

3. Sprites used can't be unique trainers (aka bosses) or any villain trainer class


So how you go about creating your app is a little different from most people. I'm actually going to ask forms are going to be submitted mostly in PBS style format. This saves me hours of work, but don't worry about if you don't understand a certain part because it's easy to correct minor mistakes. So here's the format of the application:


Pre battle dialog: (What the trainer says in the overworld)

Battle Format: Singles or Doubles

Field Effect: (Default is None)


[Trainer Class]

[Trainer's Name]

[Number of Mons], Items (optional)

[Pokemon 1],[level],[item],[move1],[move2],[move3],[move4],[ability],[Gender],[form],[shiny or not],[ivs],[happiness],[Nickname],false,,,[HP EVs],[Atk EVs],[Def EVs],[Speed EVs],[Sp Atk EVs],[Spe Def EVs]

[Pokemon 2],[level],[item],[move1],[move2],[move3],[move4],[ability],,0,false,[ivs],70,,false



Trainer Defeat Quote: (What the trainer says after losing)


Now I'm sure half of you are wondering what the heck this Chinese I showed you is. Don't worry, I was like that when I first started working on HC back in the day. I'll break it down into parts now (I'll also provide an easier to follow example, but this is to let you know what all of those represent). Pre battle dialogue is self explanatory. It could be something like "Hey, I want to battle you." Before starting the battle. You could also give players a choice whether or not they want to challenge you. Not a big deal either way. If you don't put something there, I'll likely do something generic. If you want to do something special with your fight that's okay to and I really shouldn't need to explain those two categories. Now for the more complicated stuff.


Trainer Class


So to determine the sprite or who your character is, it's actually defined by a certain variable. That's basically what the first line is. The options are the following:


Note: The option you want to pick is the text on the LEFT SIDE and copy it exactly like it is such as HIKER is HIKER and NOT Hiker


PkMnTRAINER_Male = Vero
PkMnTRAINER_Female = Alice
Punk = Punk
YOUNGSTER = Youngster
HIKER = Hiker
FISHERMAN = Fisherman
LADY = Lady
NatureGirl = Nature Girl
Doxy = Doxy
BLACKBELT = Black Belt
RANGERF = Female Ranger (Yes, it appears twice)
PkMnTRAINER_Male2 = Kuro
PkMnTRAINER_Female2 = Lucia
GENTLEMAN = Gentleman
HARRIDAN = Harridan
Cultist = Cultist
BATTLEGIRL = Battle Girl
EXPERT_Male = Elder
Clown = Clown
AQUA1 = Aqua Gang Grunt
MAGMA1 = Magma Gang Grunt
AceTrainerF = Female Ace Trainer
AceTrainerM = Male Ace Trainer
PkMnRANGER_Male = Male Pokemon Ranger
PkMnRANGER_Female = Female Pokemon Ranger
PkMnTRAINER_NB2 = Decibel (maybe be mixed up with the one above)
COOLTRAINER_Male = Hotshot
COOLTRAINER_Female = Arcade Star
PSYCHIC_Male = Male Psychic
PSYCHIC_Female = Female Psychic
OrderlyF = Orderly
CultistF = Female Cultist
TechNerd = Techie
StreetRat = StreetRat
PoliceOfficer = Police Officer
Casanova = Cassanova
Orderly = Orderly

KNIGHT = Knight

HARDHAT = Hardhat

GUITARIST = Guitarist


Trainer Name


Whatever you want to call yourself. If you want to be bob...fine. If you want to be called NorwayKing525...weird but okay.


Number of Mons/Items


Basically you have to put in how many mons are on your team which can be a max of 6. If you REALLY want items on your trainer, you'd need to put a common on it and a comma after every item otherwise omit the comma entirely (aka just put 6 on that line). Items have to be all uppercase and no spaces like SUPERPOTION,HYPERPOTION,POTION


Pokemon Name


This is really easy. Just the name of the Pokemon in all upper case. So SQUIRTLE JIGGLYPUFF MUK for some examples. As a side note, each of these categories are followed by a comma.


Pokemon's Level


Now this is one to pay attention to. So I'm accepting a certain number of apps per episode range. If you submit a team for a certain range, it needs to be in the following level range:


E2 (2 applications remain) = 15 - 25

E3 (0 applications remain) = 25 - 30

E4 (0 applications remain) = 30 - 35

E5 (2 applications remain) = 35 - 40

E6 (2 applications remain) = 38 - 42

E7 (1 applications remain) = 40 - 45

E8 (2 applications remain) = 45 - 50

E9 (0 applications remain) = 50 - 55

E10 (0 applications remain) = 55 - 60

E11 (0 applications remain) = 58 - 62

E12 (0 applications remain) = 60 - 65

E13 (0 applications remain) = 65 - 70

E14 (0 applications remain) = 68 - 72

E15 (0 applications remain) = 70 - 75

E16 (0 applications remain) = 75 - 80

E17 (0 applications remain) = 80 - 85

E18 (0 applications remain) = 85 - 90

E19 (0 applications reamin) = 90 - 95


Just check back with this section to see what slots are still open. As an additional not if you are making a team and someone posts in the last slot, just submit it anyways as I'll accept it. This is more of a soft limit over a hard one. Once these are all filled, you can submit one without worrying about the level.


Pokemon Item


A majority of hold items are perfectly okay and easy. Light Ball is LIGHTBALL and so on. Z-moves are a little bit more complicated. Rockium-Z for example is ROCKIUMZ2. Anything with a hyphen(-) simply exclude just like spaces. All upper case as well.


Pokemon Moves


This is exactly like items. All upper case and a comma in-between each move. WILLOWISP and SPLASH for example. Hidden Power is a tad bit trickier as you need to insert the element in like HIDDENPOWERFIR (the first three letters of the type) for example. Just let me know if you want to use that move as I don't even remember all of them off the top of my head.


Pokemon Ability, Gender, and Form


Pokemon Abilities are confusing. There's no easy solution around it. MOST abilities follow the same form a Bulbapedia so that's a good source to use. 0 represents the first ability, 1 usually the second ability, and 2 is the hidden ability. Following this is Gender which 0 and M (you can use either) represents Male and 1 and F represents female.


Then we get into forms. If you really need a certain form just let me know but most mons should just use 0 as the default. If it only has one form, just make the number 1, but if it's something like Rotom, I don't know that off the top of my head. I'll post it here when I look it up and find it though. As an additional note, any Alolan Pokemon would have a 1 as the form.


Shiny, IVs, and Happiness


If you want your pokemon shiny, make that section true, otherwise keep it false like the default. IVs are whatever you want them to be from 0 to 31. When in doubt, go with 20 is my rule of thumb. Happiness is kind of worthless unless you want to use Return which the max is...255. Default is generally 70 which I usually just put in so it's easier to read and fix.


Nicknames and everything before EVs


If you want your Pokemon to have their nickname, you can by putting it in that section. If you want Walter the Walrein, you'd put Walter there. I can't remember the max character limit but if the name is too long, it'll cross into the UI and look messy.


As for the rest, I know the false is for Shadow Pokemon, but don't try being funny there. Just keep it false. I also can't remember what those spaces even do. I believe the first one is for Poke Ball type but iirc it doesn't work. If you don't want EVs, you can omit anything after the final false.




If you really want to add specified EVs on a Pokemon, just follow the format I listed in the template. The only weird thing about this format is speed is in the middle instead of at the end.




Now, I know some of you might be overwhelmed, but don't worry as I believe examples are the best way to figure and follow this format. I'm doing it this way to actually cut a step of work from my side which is basically reading what people submit then converting it into that.


One other note, I'm invoking a one month rule for submissions. If a month passes and a large number of slots are still open, you can make a second submission. Okay, now example time:





Pre battle dialog: (What the trainer says in the overworld)

Battle Format: Singles or Doubles

Field Effect: (Default is None)

Weather: (type of weather you want)


[Trainer Class]

[Trainer's Name]

[Number of Mons], [Item1],[Item2] (optional)

[Pokemon 1],[level],[item],[move1],[move2],[move3],[move4],[ability],[Gender],[form],[shiny or not],[ivs],[happiness],[Nickname],false,,,[HP EVs],[Atk EVs],[Def EVs],[Speed EVs],[Sp Atk EVs],[Spe Def EVs]

[Pokemon 2],[level],[item],[move1],[move2],[move3],[move4],[ability],,0,false,[ivs],70,,false



Trainer Defeat Quote: (What the trainer says after losing)


Example 1:


Pre Battle Dialogue: Hi! Isa liek to battlez nao!

Battle Format: Singles

Field: Glitch




Defeat Quote: Zho no! I lost ze battle of ze millium.


Example 2:

Pre Battle Dialogue: Too lazy to make one

Battle Format Singles

Field: None




Defeat Quote: This scrub ain't worth it


Note: While some additions have been made I am NOT accepting reedits of older applications to change the class or add a weather type. 


Common Mistakes made during previous applications:


-High Jump Kick is HIJUMPKICK

-Natures often gets skipped with the comments (it's SPLASH,0,GENDER,0,false,,IVs,HAPPINESS with the blank comma space being ability if you don't care)

-https://pokemondb.net/mechanics/natures (This is what I use for natures)

-Bluemoon Ice Cream is BLUEMIC (not common but not something I expect people to know)

-Spaces. Please don't put spaces inbetween lines. I simply do it so things are easier to read and not miss important stuff but the less you have, the better as I have to delete them afterwards. Not a big deal if you do it though as it's really easy to fix.


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Pre battle dialog: Hmm? Interested in lil' old me? Fine then, let's go! I'll warn you though, I'm not gonna make this easy on you!

Battle Format: Singles

Field Effect: Fairy Tale Field













Trainer Defeat Quote: Great battle. Perhaps I'll see you again sometime, take care!


Edit: forgot a letter in a move

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Pre battle dialog: Hello there,would you like to battle with me? I promise I won't bite...much.

Battle Format: Singles

Field Effect: None












Trainer Defeat Quote:Oh wow! Guess I have underestimated you.Let's battle again sometimes ( •̀ ω •́ )y

Edited by Angelkitsune
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Pre battle dialog: Hey there! i've been aching for a good battle, are you up for it?

Battle Format: Singles

Field Effect: None












Trainer Defeat Quote:That was a solid match! It seems i still have much to learn.



Edited by ArcBolt27
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Ay! Since i rarely visit this forum and play PokeReborn now, might as well as leaving some marks here and there once for a while.



Pre-Battle Dialog : You.... want to challenge me? Sure. Let's do it. ( Here we go again.... another boring battle. )

Battle Format : Singles

Field Effect  Dark Crystal Cavern












Trainer Defeat Quote : So.... i lost. Hmph. Not even my "Ultimate Hope" can predict this outcome. Well done.




Note :

- I know, some of these mons' data is almost identical as the ones that was previously submitted into this thread. This is because those datas that i submitted are usually my go-to. Sorry for the almost identical data.

- For Silvally, i actually not sure if it's actually a legendary or just a pseudo-legendary pokemon. So @Commander, if you can't accept my Silvally data, let me know. I'll change it as soon as possible. ( I want to put " an absurdly balanced stats mon " for the mon version of "Izuru Kamukura". But obviously, i can't put Arceus in, so kinda hopefully Silvally is acceptable.  And if it's acceptable, you can ignore the M in his data. Idk what's the code for genderless. )

- A couple more edits ( changed some items + i forgot i just insert Murkrow instead of Honchkrow. @Commander if you already insert my data, can you update it?


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Pre battle dialog: I'm on my way- I don't know where I'm going, but I'm on my way- and you're gonna help me get there!

Battle Format: Singles

Field Effect: None












Trainer Defeat Quote: Losing a battle is like a window in your heart, everyone sees you've been blown apart! Everybody can see those winds blow...



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Pre Battle Dialogue: On my honour, I accept this worthy challenge!

Battle Format: Singles

Field: None



Defeat Quote: The shadow blade accepts defeat with honour....

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Pre Battle Dialogue: Finally, someone that looks like he can give me a proper Challenge.

Post Battle Dialogue: So this is what defeat feels like... it's not as bad as i thought it was gonna be

Battle Format: Singles

Field: None


Prodigy Kilik

4 Full Restores



252 Sp. Attack, 252 Speed Timid


Charizardite Y

Heat Wave

Solar Beam

Air Slash




52 Attack, 200 Sp. Attack, 252 Speed Hasty


Life Orb



Ice Beam

Gunk Shot



252 Attack, 252 Speed Naive

Rough Skin

Yache Berry



Sword Dance

Draco Meteor



252 Hp, 252 Attack Adamant

Stance Change


Sword Dance

Iron Head

Shadow Sneak

King's Shield



252 Speed, 252 Sp. Attack Timid

Serene Grace

Choice Scarf

Air Slash

Dazzling Gleam

Fire Blast

Aura Sphere



252 Speed, 252 Attack Jolly


Life Orb

Leaf Blade



Sword Dance

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@HakuryuYukio So there are two things wrong. If you see how everyone else did theres you'd noticed your format is off. I ask for PBS format for a reason. The second thing is you don't have any levels on them. Do those two things and you're in. Oh I don't see the trainer class from the list so...that to.


Still working on the party system but once I finish that I'll work on getting these in, done, and updated.

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Alright I have everyone noted and am adding you right now. Just going to announce that tomorrow night is the cutoff date so if you don't put something in there, then I can't guarantee it will make it into the release.


Edit: Okay, what the hell. I know I shouldn't complain but it got 0 errors compiling this together. I was expecting the worst. Good job for making me flip out for it not being a mess.

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Just now, ArcBolt27 said:

am i safe to assume that anyone who has posted an app here prior to the cutoff are guaranteed a spot or is it still up to chance

Oh yeah. You guys are fine other than the one I mentioned. That's actually what I'm working on now. I would've had them done but...Unicharacters in text files break the game so that was fun fixing.

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Just now, ArcBolt27 said:

ofc imma have to wait a good while for mine seeing as i applied as an e19 opponent -_- oh well, itll be worth the wait in the grand scheme of things

E19 means post Hardy so...sooner than you think?

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i mean there is always the idea of adding me in so that i could only be challenged AFTER hardy is defeated so that could work too, kinda like a precursor of whats to come i think but whatever works best for you......... if i have to wait a while then ill wait a while............. me and waiting have been getting along quite well as of late so adding 1 more thing to my "to wait for" list wont hurt any.................. but again whatever works best for you

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
On 3/28/2019 at 12:41 AM, Cadmium48 said:

Is it okay if I post a E2 application?

Go ahead. We're kind of in a lull before the next update so I'm down to add some more trainers to the game

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Pre battle dialog: Who might you be? pixpix? Ah, whatever. pix~  I've been looking for someone to test myself against, so would you oblige me with a battle? pixpix?

Battle Format: cyngles

Field Effect: None








Trainer Defeat Quote: How interesting. pix~ You're much stronger than you look! pixpixpix~! Let's battle again sometime. pix~ 

EDIT: I give up. pix~  April Fools keeps mescyng up my quotes, so here. pix~  https://docs. pix~ pix~ pix~google. pix~ pix~ pix~com/document/d/19049Fu89yt5st0srT2yZp48GS_foJKz5uC8MpXL-RjI/edit? pixpix? pixpix? pixpix? pixpix? pixpix? pixpix? pixpix?usp=sharing

Edited by Cadmium48
April Fools, maybe? pixpix?
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On 4/1/2019 at 12:19 PM, Commander said:

I'll fix it if this doesn't pix~ off tomorrow

something ive been meaning to mention tho it is pretty minor was when i battled my team i noticed the alakazam didnt have magic guard as per what i requested.............. again pretty minor oversight so wether u fix it or not matters little

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  • 1 month later...


Pre battle dialog: Debug is pure skill TBH.



Defeat Quote: PURE. SKILL.

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Are you still accepting apps @Commander ? if not ignore this, but if so i would like to submit one for E11










Battle Format: Singles
Pre battle dialog: I've been all around the world with my team, my team is not to be underestimated.
Trainer Defeat Quote: I guess I underestimated you....
Field Effect: None


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