HellBoyOnEarth Posted December 22, 2018 Share Posted December 22, 2018 Hello everyone, This will be the topic for my nuzlocke Intense run(Yeah I will do this^^). I choose this, cause I want a real challenge and want to see my limits by Pokemon. I hope you guys will enjoy it and fever with me to win this challenge. Rules: Spoiler - I can only keep the first Pokemon of an area that I will find or are given.- I must nickname all of my Pokemon. - The challenge will start, when I get Pokeballs. - If a Pokemon is fainted in battle, it must be boxed and never used again. - Dupes/Species Clause: If I encounter a Pokemon I've already caught, I may find another one. - Losing Clause: The game will be over, when I lost all my Mons(Team and Pc Box). - Shiny Clause: If I encounter a Shiny Pokemon, I can catch it and can also use it, - Impossibility Clause: I am safe from any battles that are meant to be lost(example Madame X). - I can catch/use Eggs/static/gift Mons Table of content: Spoiler Part 1: The longest intro ever Part 2: A heart attacking start Part 3: Venam is addicted to berries Part 4: Garbage & no money Part 5: New friends Part 6: I hate caves Part 7: A picnic with shadow Mons Part8: Boss fight after boss fight Part9: What a lovely new start So let's rock this Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HellBoyOnEarth Posted December 22, 2018 Author Share Posted December 22, 2018 Part 1: The longest intro ever Spoiler If somebody is interested in the intro of the game, he can watch it Next part will I start thegame with getting my first Mon Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HellBoyOnEarth Posted December 22, 2018 Author Share Posted December 22, 2018 Part 2: A heart attacking start Spoiler For all non Video watcher: Our starter is: Spoiler Mumble the Piplup My first choice was Mudkip or Rowlet But in the and I choosed Piplup, cause I wanted to use a Mon, which I never used so often. Our fight vs Amanda: Spoiler Well her Litten was a bit to strong for Mumble and we lost the fight... BUT the challenge didn't started in this moment, cause it started as we get the Pokeballs right after the battle. Our fight vs Ren: Spoiler Frogstar His Froakie wasn't a really problem for Mumble Our first encounter in Gearen City: Spoiler Bugsy the Paras I hoped here for a Poison Mon(Nidoran, Stunky, ...), but I will try it with Bugsy At the end of the part had we already a heart attacking battle, cause a girl with a Fomantis appeared, but I had a bit of luck and my 2 Mons beated it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HellBoyOnEarth Posted December 23, 2018 Author Share Posted December 23, 2018 3. Venam is addicted to berries Spoiler For all non Video watcher: Spoiler Well I really must say that travelling with an Paras in the team is hard, cause this thing is slow and weak... Hope it will get stronger soon Our encounter in Gearen Park: Spoiler Salad the Pansage Normally I wanted a Pansage, cause Salad is not a really help for the upcoming fights Next we met an inresting new Person, Veronica Venam a girl who likes Poison and a lots of Berries ^^ She will also be the first gym leader, but more of this the next time... On more exploring the city, we found Ren and Venam again. Ren told us, that the train to Route 1 is closed, so we must go to the sewers and turn on the power for that. Encounter for the Sewers: Spoiler Cid the Alolan Rattata Well, there are better options as this... it seems that I don't have so much luck with my encounters at the moment ._. We explored with Ren a bit the Sewers and stopped in the middle of it till the next part. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HellBoyOnEarth Posted December 24, 2018 Author Share Posted December 24, 2018 Part 4. Garbage & no money Spoiler For all non Video watcher: Spoiler I trained offscreen my team a little bit. And after one fight happened this: Spoiler Hope my team will get now stronger with you Prinplup Mumble. We travelled a bit more with Ren in the sewers till we found Venam and Melia. Suddenly also appeared the Garbage crew, which attacked us. Spoiler Well it was a hard fight against this crew. the Garbodor was a bit to strong for us. Saldy I had to sacrified Salad here, cause I couldn't take the risk to lose all my Mons while switching directly into Mumble... In the end handled Mumble this big Garbage and we won the batlle. After the battle was our way free to Route 1, but before we go there. I decided to do some other things first. Spoiler We caught one of the Fletchings at Occeana Pier and called it Birdy Also we did some Help Requests to get money Next part will we travell to Route 1. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HellBoyOnEarth Posted December 25, 2018 Author Share Posted December 25, 2018 5. New friends Spoiler For all non Video watcher: I found offscreen some Irons in the city, and sold it with the Nugget which we got in the last time for a Help request mission. After that bought I some Goument Treat and some other important items. So now we can finally got this little buddy Spoiler RescueMen the Buizel next we could finally travell to Route 1, where we also found some new friends encounter for Route 1: Spoiler Elegance the Scatterbug I wanted this little buddy so much *-* Thank you game Spoiler BoomBox the Whismur (static Mon on Route 1) Could be helpful in the future encounter for Goldenwood Forest Spoiler Wuffles the Rockruff Very very nice *.* After that helped we Melia by some stuff in the Forest And we also tested our new friends against the wild trainers there Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HellBoyOnEarth Posted December 26, 2018 Author Share Posted December 26, 2018 6. I hate caves Spoiler For all non video watcher: Our encounter for Goldenwood Cave: Spoiler BatWoman the Woobat Nice *.* Can be very helpful against Venam in her gym. Also we fight together with Melia against the wild trainers in the cave. I also decided to train my Mons now, cause as you can see on the K/D list, Mumble is doing the most of the kills on his own and the others not. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HellBoyOnEarth Posted December 26, 2018 Author Share Posted December 26, 2018 7. A picnic with shadow Mons Spoiler For all non video watcher: I updated here from V10 to V11. I trained offscreen my team a little bit (damn this was a hard and long work...) The result is this: Spoiler Beautiful *-* Now it was time for our lovely picnic with Melia, it felt good to rest the team a little bit, we were surrounded by a lot of Vivillion's which was very peaceful. After sometime wanted Melia a battle with us, and we definetly doesn't say no to this... Spoiler Well... better I said no to this battle I had more as one heart attack in this battle... After the battle heard we a Big Boom from the Forest, so we run asap back to it and found some Team Xen grunts, with... A SHADOW MON, the most painful thing in this run for me... Spoiler AND OF COURSE THEY DIDN'T HEAL MY MONS RIGHT BEFORE THE BATTLE.... So I decided me to catch the Shadow Mons (I doesn't want to use them) to make sure they will not kill my entire team... The Meowth was easy to catch, Spoiler I failed to catch the Finneon, and we also lost BatWoman here... :'( I also failed to catch the cacnea, but we won the battle without a lose of My Mons Spoiler I really can say, that the training for our Mons was very good, Cid, Wuffles and Elegance helped me a lot in this part Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HellBoyOnEarth Posted December 27, 2018 Author Share Posted December 27, 2018 8. Boss fight after boss fight Spoiler It was time to get out of the forest, but for that must we handle the rest of the Team Xen members vs Sharon & Eli Spoiler Well this battle was very easy Wuffles beated Murkrow with a strong Rockthrow then I sented in Cid, cause Misdreavus can't hit him with a single move except Spite, so I beated Glameow and Stunky easy with Cid before I killed little Mis. next comes Zetta, but before I added some Oran berries to my team. vs Zetta Spoiler Wuffles beated Minior with the combination of Howl and Rock Throw Mumble beated the Shadow Grimer with 2 Bubble Beams Elegance beated Gloom easily RescueMen deleted the fire of Cyndaquil Well and then comes Type: Null Spoiler I beated it with the combination of RescueMen and Mumble Sadly our lovely RescueMen took his life here, cause I needed to do it to switch into Mumble, otherwise I didn't know how to beat this thing... I will never forget you my friend... He will pay for it, I will promise you that!!! Next is The Dmensional Rift Gyarados Spoiler It was a nice animation of the appearing from the Gyarados, nice work here @Jan vs Rift Gyarados Spoiler I must say, that I was really scared about this fucking badass... I mean look at this stats: Also I remembered from my Mono Dark run, that this thing has EarthQuake in his movepool... This can be end very worse... Spoiler Mumble survived luckily a Thunder Fang from Gyarados, so I putted a Growl on it to lower his attack stats. I switched then into Wuffles and well... I won this battle with him. I don't know how, but Gyarados used only Fire Fang on us, which is weaked by the rain and the Growl from Mumble. It was easier then expected After the battle went we back to the city and explored the new design of it a little bit. Spoiler No... please go, this will be better for both of us... Yeah, why? What a trip to Hoenn, yeah why not? :) Wait what??? "lies within" Well then NO, I will not let my family and friends behind me!! Suddenly I found a little lonely Mon in the streets I tried to catch it, but sadly it run away, so I searched for it... Spoiler on the hunt for the little girl found I some intresting other Mons *.* Meet with me Rose the Budew after that I ended the part and searched offscreen for the little Nidoran, while that found we Horizon the shiny Pidgey and finally Queen the Nidoran f Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HellBoyOnEarth Posted December 31, 2018 Author Share Posted December 31, 2018 Prepare V11 spoilers Spoiler I lost the challenge... I beated Venam and got the badge from her, but right after the gym comes the new Dr. Jenkel mission with Karrina... And well I run into this mission without knowing, that Jenkel has a Mega Mon on his side, and I know that my Mons from the Box can't beat this thing!! BUT I am not finished with this project... What will I do now: - I will start a new run on Nuzlocke Intense - I will not upload the parts which I recorded till the game over, I will upload directly now the new run - I will start recording when I am infront of Venam's gym Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HellBoyOnEarth Posted January 1, 2019 Author Share Posted January 1, 2019 Spoiler So I am back by Venam, this went faster then expected ^^ My team is: Well yeah I found another Rockruff I will try it with her again Last time we found the female version, this time I found it too, but also the male version(which got Sucker Punch as an egg move *-*) I normally don't like this 3 apes, but damn, this shiny blue badass saved me many times my ass with Incinerate *.* Yeah I caught it again^^ My Mvp this run till yet *-* with Moxxie a really nice Mon Well, was my first Mon which I caught and can only say that I hate his movepool in the beginning... As I said, I caught it again but will not use it now @Jess I hope that I will make you proud with this little girl Can be very helpful in the future Hope that I can reach this time his true potential Really like it, can't wait for the evolution Deaths till yet: This was sad, cause Birdstar had the move Quick Guard, which was a nice move Played to risk with her... I will upload the fight vs Venam later that day 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HellBoyOnEarth Posted January 6, 2019 Author Share Posted January 6, 2019 sry for no updates over the whole week,,, got sadly a bit sick and didn't felt well to play but now I am back. I will upload the next part now Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HellBoyOnEarth Posted January 6, 2019 Author Share Posted January 6, 2019 9. What a lovely new start Spoiler (First of all yeah I forgot to put the border back on, I will add him for the next part ) (I will also let the K/D list out this time, I wanted to create a new one, but sadly I forgot while creating the progress of the new run more as once to update the list...) As I sayed some posts above, I lost the challenge and started the run new. You also saw the new team in one post Lets rock the gym Spoiler First we found a little secret in the gym and we got there an egg *.* It's a Seviper egg, can be very helpful Battle vs Venam Spoiler great job Flora, you can rest now Well this was a bad situation for me... I totally thought Pooh can beat it, but Whirlipede was a but to strong for him... Also was there this damn Speed Boost... So I could switch into another Mon and risk to lose this or let Pooh sacrifice to switch savely into another Mon... I decided me for the 2nd way... sry Pooh... R.I.P I switched into Raksha, but this was also near by a death more... Thanks to Sucker Punch *.* And now comes the turn from Julliet A BIG THANKS TO MOXIE *.* This was it for the part Se ya next against Dr. Jenkel Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HellBoyOnEarth Posted January 12, 2019 Author Share Posted January 12, 2019 Spoiler SO MUCH RAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This shit annoys me... I lost half of my best Mons already against Nim... Trained my new Mons up to lvl. 20, just to lose vs Zetta... I am done with this Nuzlocke shit... Will start now a Intense Monorun(Your choose was Poison, but well... I already have enough poison right now in this nuzlocke, I will think about it)... See ya then Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RedAlert Posted January 12, 2019 Share Posted January 12, 2019 Well played. I know you're likely to kick yourself for losing but do keep in mind you're playing intense and I'm already astounded that you're attempting a nuzlocke, something that most players won't do. Most of the battles in the game are meant to one shot a lot of the Pokémon used, so you have to come up with really effective strategy beforehand or be really lucky. I saw your last nuzlocke run and I'm amazed you managed to get as far as Goldenleaf town (I lost it all when fighting Novae for the first time) Monorun or not, whatever you attempt on the future, I'll be cheering for you! 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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