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Maxed EV raising IV?


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Something pretty unexpected happened to me while I was EV training my Pupitar (which had ATK IV 20). When it gained 252 ATK EV and I beat one more pokemon the game asked me if I want to permamently raise my pokemon IV stat. After pressing yes stats changed from 252/20 to 0/21. I restarted the game and choosed 'NO' this time so my stats were unchanged but now every time I beat a pokemon which gives my ATK EV game is asking me to permamently raise my IV stat. The question is - Is there any possibility to turn this notification off (its annoying to see it after many battles) or is it possible to raise IV up to 31 this way? (WHY would it be if breeding is much faster than beating thousands of pokemons anyways). Thanks in advance

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11 minutes ago, MrMcLovin said:

Something pretty unexpected happened to me while I was EV training my Pupitar (which had ATK IV 20). When it gained 252 ATK EV and I beat one more pokemon the game asked me if I want to permamently raise my pokemon IV stat. After pressing yes stats changed from 252/20 to 0/21. I restarted the game and choosed 'NO' this time so my stats were unchanged but now every time I beat a pokemon which gives my ATK EV game is asking me to permamently raise my IV stat. The question is - Is there any possibility to turn this notification off (its annoying to see it after many battles) or is it possible to raise IV up to 31 this way? (WHY would it be if breeding is much faster than beating thousands of pokemons anyways). Thanks in advance

You 're using mods? This seems to be Waynolt's new addition... If yes, simply search the single specific file responsible for this feature being enable and then, delete it.

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