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Major/Fatal Bugs V11


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I surrendered the Magma Stone and reached valor Mountain. When I turn the mood to calm to go down to Venam and the supposed Kyogre no one is there.

Venam is missing, Amber is missing and I can't summon Kyogre.

When I read the text on the stones nothing happens.


I there a way to fix it?


Also when I try to leave and re-enter the mountain through the main door to valor shore the game crashes as soon as I try to re-enter. 

I get a black screen and it tells me, that i was in Jenners Lab. (Since this was already reportet a couple of times I thought I would just shortly mention it)


Thanks in advance!

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Edited by Arock
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Hello all, my save file in Rejuvenation is bugged. After defeating Dimensional Garbodor, I became stuck in a wall. I cannot find a way to fix this bug and progress, so I was wondering if someone could find a way to fix my file. Thank you in advance!


Also, I was wondering if I could get the Weird Diary in Kugearen City that is required to save Garbodor. I forgot to get it when I was there, and now I cannot save Garbodor because I can't backtrack and leave West Gearen.



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After the fight on Valor Mountain you get a letter/notice from Melia, telling you that she wants to meet you on *Lover's Bridge* in Terajuma Island's Deep Jungle. There's a cutscene, and after that she asks if you want to accompany her to Tesla's Villa or not. If you say *no*, then you have to move in specific direction, the way you came from, otherwise the cutscene restarts but then Melia's sprite is missing and after answering her question the game freezes, you have restart it. But if you don't trigger  the cutscene 2nd time, then when you get to the Villa no one is there and you can't progress. So the only way to continue the story is saying *yes* during the cutscene. 





Edited by MysterLauxenio
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  On 4/20/2019 at 10:32 AM, Arock said:

I surrendered the Magma Stone and reached valor Mountain. When I turn the mood to calm to go down to Venam and the supposed Kyogre no one is there.

Venam is missing, Amber is missing and I can't summon Kyogre.

When I read the text on the stones nothing happens.


I there a way to fix it?


Also when I try to leave and re-enter the mountain through the main door to valor shore the game crashes as soon as I try to re-enter. 

I get a black screen and it tells me, that i was in Jenners Lab. (Since this was already reportet a couple of times I thought I would just shortly mention it)


Thanks in advance!

Game.rxdata 209.51 kB · 0 downloads


I have this exact same problem, my character won't walk directly up to garbador but rather to his right starring at the northern wall or right through him, I fought him like 50 times to beat him then ended up on a ledge i couldn't move from or access my menu, I didn't save because I didn't want to be stuck there, can someone help with me with this too

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Not sure if I have to put this into spoiler tags since it concerns V10 story content, but there's a major bug in the "big decision" that can get people stuck.


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My game seems to be bugged. I've finished chapter 13 and was completing some of the side quests and end game quests. I'm in East Gearen city and while in the laboratory I started talking to Jan. This introduced ||Adrienn|| and when the scene had finished, my character froze. I cannot open or close my menu, I can't walk anywhere and none of my hotkeys respond. the only thing I could do was save (which I did because I've just finished part of the Zorrialyn Labyrinth and I couldn't remember where I last saved) before restarting my game.  Now, whenever I log back in, my game is starts in this frozen state.  I'm wondering if the game is bugged because I've completed all the ||new help quests with Adrienn|| before actually meeting the character but I would appreciate some help getting out of this frozen state.


I've tried overwriting the Script file in the Data folder with the original from the downloaded V11.3 patch, but no luck changing it. The game also doesn't crash, I just can't do anything with my character.


If someone could please relocate me, I would greatly appreciate it.




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Edited by Morganstern15
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Hello, i'm stuck and can't move. I can quick save though.



P.S It might be the wrong file... By Rejuvenation SG Files are to cramped.

396 - Ervin - 46h 3m - 12 badges.rxdataFetching info...



Try one of these and see which one it is, thank you and please

Game - 414 - Ervin - 43h 5m - 12 badges.rxdataFetching info...

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I am stuck in the pokecenter in the 2nd town, I was doing the lost cargo sidequest and got died to the electric trap and was stuck once i blacked out.




I hope you can help as I really dont want to restart the game as i had a good run going! Help appreciated.

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Game - 26 - Pastrami - 13h 12m - 1 badges.rxdataFetching info...

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  • 2 weeks later...

(Not super game breaking but just wanted to let people know) This is less of a bug and more of a over site, but in the wispy ruins after the phantumps take you if you use an escape rope it will work and take you back to the entrance, you can then continue on ahead and not do the phantump section, the problem is that because it does not send you back down there if you did not get all the phantumps the entrance will still be closed so if you try to go back down there for any reason the passage is blocked permanently. was wondering if in the next version this could be fixed in some way, because i'm permanently prohibited from entering the phantump section, personally this problem doesn't bother me because i had collected everything down there before i used the rope. also something to think of if you faint down there and it sends you to the last heal point, does that mean your locked from going there again(This one i don't know as i have not tested it).

Just wanted to let you guys know

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So just playing through the game, went through the back entrance of Valor Mountain, stuff like that, and then I walk outside the front entrance, turn around, can't get back in, take a step outside and then go back in and I've all of a sudden been teleported to the void where Jenner's lab's music is playing. I first encountered this glitch with mods so I was like "Mods be wack, yo" and then I took the mods off and I was then like "Oh wait this is an actual issue I should go report this." 


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Not sure if anyone has posted this one yet. Fatal bug when finding an encounter in the safari zone. Have the most recent modpack installed, and also the patches.  


Edit; I apologize. Forgot how to read the page with the modpack, lol. This is a known issue. Sorry for cluttering the thread.

Edited by MintMan
I was mistaken and forgot how to read.
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