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My sixth Pokemon?


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I am planning to play through reborn with a team of very strong mons and a couple of favorites, but i can't figure out a sixth Pokemon.

I would prefer it to be a water type and maybe have an ice type move.   

If you guys have any mon you would recommend for the team, or any sugestions to a different move on any of them, please tell me. 🙂 


My team is:




grass knot

calm mind



fiery dance

bug buzz

giga drain

quiver dance


Lucario (wide lens)

High jump kick

meteor mash

blaze kick

poison jab



shadow ball


Venoshock (no sludge bomb yet)

dark pulse




rock slide

dragon claw


Edited by peden
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Well, I would definitely put psychic or dazzling gleam over dark pulse for Gengar.

Ghost and dark type moves have the same coverage. Ghost and psychic types so dark pulse will be pretty useless.


And put U-turn over crunch on archeops. For some nice momentum with his great power and speed (before defeatist).


I don't know if you want one of those to be a mega. But seeing your team you're kinda weak to ghost types. A Jellicent or Pallossand will do a lot of pain against your team. So i'd suggest for your sixth pokemon a Mega-Sharpedo.

Give it protect, ice fang, psychic fang and crunch. Or maybe waterfall over psychic fangs. That's your choice.

Protect so you get the speed boost before mega evolving, then hit hard with strong jaw adamant base 140 attack crunch or ice fang ^^

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I noticed you don't have a solid ground type pokemon which will be extremely useful during the playthrough.. Maybe try to get your hands on a Seismetoad or Swampert? The ground typing is nice for electric immunity plus earthquake is a thing.

Edited by jbastian1
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