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hello.. first of all, I don't know if I'm supposed to post this on the clubs session so I'm just posting it here, if it's in the wrong place then I apologize in advance..

anyway, I just wanted to ask a few things about Rejuvenation.


1 - Is the Rowlet line viable as a starter pokémon? I wanted to use it but I don't know if it is a good starter for Rejuvenation or not.


2 - What happens if you DON'T give the garufa book (which lets you read the "garuffean language (?)") to the person in one of the quests of the Sheridan help center? Is there anything extra you can obtain or see in the storyline? I never kept the book so I was curious...


3 - How does the storyline diverge when you choose who to accompany in the Darchlight Caves? Is there a right person to go along?


that's it for now, if anyone can answer any of these questions i'll appreciate it. thanks!

Edited by hoshi
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^adding on to what Mayflower said, you can also read the Absol statue at Blacksteeple, which goes into more detail about the shadow prophecy and the four qualities of it. 


There aren't any story differences; Karen warns you not to give info like the Garufa language to the public but we don't know what, if any, consequences that will have in the future if you choose to give away the book. 


For three, it changes the story a lot. In my personal opinion, it seems like the neutral route (going with Erin, keeping quiet about Flora, and not telling Cassandra anything) is the safest one so far, but future episodes could change that. 

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Thanks for the replies! I guess I knew about Gothita but just forgot jsjdjsdsj... anyway thank you for the extra information!

But still on the Rowlet topic, what about as a grass type? Is there a huge difference between the best grass types in the game and Decidueye? I don't wanna ditch it mid gameplay when I find out there are far more useful grass mons available early lol

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