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Good EV,IV,and Nature Necessity in Reborn


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One criticism I never understood that Reborn got was that the difficulty of the game requires that you breed, train, or reset to get mons with perfect or very good IVs and EVs along with Natures. Coming from someone who has played Reborn twice up to Episode 18, all you really need to do it be a bit more mindful of EVs and IVs than in the mainline games. As long as the desired mon has at least 10 IVs in its dominant stats than it will be fine. Playing the game naturally will also ensure that you will be fine on Evs, and having 252/252/4 is certainly not a requirement. The same thing applies to Natures, as long as you have one that does not completely screw you over like a Relaxed Greninja you will be fine. A lot of Reborn difficulties can be circumvented with strategy and smart play so flat out statics do not matter as much.


Most mons will be fine with having a linear stat distribution. A Greninja will be losing nothing by having 0 Defense IVs. The only issue is when you have Jack of all trade mons, or mons that have like 5 good stats. Such as the example below with Mudkip, which will evolve into Swampert which has good stats in everything but speed.

Pokemon Reborn 12_29_2018 10_41_38 AM.png

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I find that competitive mons makes the game too easy for my liking. I made that mistake on my first run, when I was super into breeding perfect mons and had ~2 boxes of perfect and EV trained mons lol on my next run, which is my main run, I played without breeding and it was much more fun because it was hard. Tweaking the team and barely making it is fun I think (maybe I'm a masochist owo). And I was able to finish E18 with caught mons and minimal EV training on some, just on speed (for sweepers with low defense, being outsped is a death sentence).

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You should instead look into the fields more. I think a lot of people overlook the possibilities there.

Really, Reborn is tough, but its nothing that should challenge you past an extra hour of team building. Collect as many pokemon as you can, and plan your team around the gym.


When playing Rejuv on intense, especially in the early days, I learned to manipulate the fields as the main strategy and it greatly enhanced the fun.

Many can be transformed or manipulated to your advantage, and I find it very fun to set up a win condition, even if it takes a bit of luck.


As much as I like to think Pokemon is a puzzle waiting to be solved, some times you get lucky and unlucky.

Don't be deterred. Improve, and you'll be happier for the result.

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I suspect most people breed and go for 31 IVs because people like to have maximum power in RPGs, not because they feel it's necessary. I could be totally wrong, but for me it just feels good to catch a mon and see it has great IVs, even though it's not necessary (I cannot be assed to breed or grind 97% of the time though)


I totally agree that Reborn isn't hard enough to require all that (nor should it be), as can be seen from challenges like the dude playing without TMs/exp/items


I would also guess most people who think this stuff is required aren't very good at the game or didn't play it

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I didn't fish for IVs and didn't EV train at all during the game, though my Pokemon did have the luxury of me using the egg move relearner mod (and multiplying experience to expedite training team members - possibly considered cheating, but level caps keep it from breaking the game and I didn't do it until I was stuck) - though I think most of my learned moves could have been gotten legitimately, even my Dragon Dance Ice Punch Feraligatr, as Axew was my mystery egg from the police 😄 Natures were optimized once I got to 7th street, however. Exactly one X item (an X Defend on my Goodra to beat Hardy on my first attempt instead of wiping) in the game, though piles of hyper, ultra, full restores, and revival herbs. EV training certainly helps, though I would be fine with average IVs if I was soft resetting or breeding.

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