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Rejuvenation 100% Walkthrough Discussion Thread and Link (NOW UPDATED to V13.5!)


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  On 2/25/2020 at 12:30 PM, Gurrrl said:

Urg, now I need a little help. 

I am currently in Ambrette Town and I have already played through the "dressing up" scene, but now I am stuck. So, where do I have to go next? - The guide says "Then, talk to Irvin and the gang in the lab", but when I go to the lab there is only that white haired dude called ??? (I know its Kanon, I have read his diary). He is also doing nothing, but saying Hello, if I talk to him. 

Any Idea how to move on?


Fixed this in the walkthrough, I think. You actually have to move your character into the open seat around the table to progress. Let me know if you have already seen the Melia Amethyst Cave cutscene.

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Thank you for the hint! 
Odd, I thought I have tried to sit next to them in the empty spot - but it was late yesterday. It has worked now and yes, I already saw the Melia & Amethyst Cave cutscene before. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

One, if you do the Kimono Girl and interact with the KG before going to sleep after starting the sidequest you can get a Sableye Nightmare City.


Two, after getting past a certain point in Rejuvenation (idk when) you can give the person in Kugearen City's restaurant toilet paper and be gifted a Black Sludge.

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  On 12/29/2018 at 9:53 PM, BIGJRA said:

It's in a pretty much 100% done state, unless I've missed something. Items, Z-Cells, Pokemon have all been checked for. Enjoy!


The walkthrough is made for, well, a player like myself - who tries to get all the items and Pokemon as early as they become available in the main story. Use this thread to talk about it - suggestions, etc. Without further ado - here is the link:




I'm not really that far in the game, but I saw that in the battle against Marianette you said it was one of the first ones that starts to give trouble, however , that only happens when you let the field stay that way, I mean, the Blessed Field is the main problem and once you turn it into a Haunted Field using Curse (for example Shuppet learns it at level 26) or other ghost attacks I can't remember right now ,is a very easy battle. A problem could be the Delcatty speed, since is very high and starting with a ghost  Pokemon will only make Delcatty pulverize it with a Hyper Voice, but if you put first a Pokemon to paralyze or make delcatty asleep, the rest is easily done. This is just a tip of course, but the information about the fields is really easy to access in a txt file in the game folder. Overall your walkthrough is great, so thank u!! 

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  • 1 month later...

so, am I dumb, or did I miss how to get onto the Chrisola Rooftop to get that Zygarde cell? I know it's during the day only. But I have no way to get to the roof where I am in the game right now (1 badge)?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 5/17/2020 at 8:35 PM, HappinessLTD said:

it looks like theres an issue with moving onto chapter 14 after you mention to fly out of grand dream tournament to do some side quests, this locks the character out of the game without a save file, thought id throw that out there.


I've gotten this once before and the person updated the game and then was able to progress as normal. If you are all the way updated let me know

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I just started the game last Thursday and I'm having trouble obtaining the coin case.
I talked to the person who flushes it down the toilet and this guide says: "Head down from the restaurant to grab the coin case". That needs to be clearer, however, I've been around the entire sewer area currently accessible to me several times and it's not there. 

I even tried looking in the version 9 follower I'd ignorantly installed initially but still found nothing. 

Edited by Devilish
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  On 5/19/2020 at 12:47 AM, Devilish said:

I just started the game last Thursday and I'm having trouble obtaining the coin case.
I talked to the person who flushes it down the toilet and this guide says: "Head down from the restaurant to grab the coin case". That needs to be clearer, however, I've been around the entire sewer area currently accessible to me several times and it's not there. 

I even tried looking in the version 9 follower I'd ignorantly installed initially but still found nothing. 


Fixed. You get it in the room where you fight Garbodor, so progress a little bit more if you haven't gone yet.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello again @BIGJRA
(Sorry about the double post). 

You're guide has been quite helpful to me throughout my play-through as a first timer but I need to point out an error that needs correcting. 


I'm at the Valor Mountain double battle against Zetta and Geara with Melia (and struggling with the damn thing but I digress) and in that area you have the following statement regarding the Blizzard TM in your advice:



The Blizzard T.M. we got earlier can help us play field tag against this thing.



I assumed this to mean it is available in the Kristiline TM shop so I went all the way there and it's not. Apparently it was pre-V12 but was moved to Grand Dream City as noted in this thread:


- TM14 Blizzard - - (TMs Shop in Kristiline after thawing the TM Shop Pre-V12, now 8th Floor of Grand Dream City Department Store)


The Kristiline TM shop now has Avalanche instead. 

Don't worry my trip wasn't entirely wasted, I needed more Great Balls as I tried doing some shiny hunting in the ice variation of Valor Cave. 

Plus now that I'm in a travel area I'm gonna see if I can breed a fast Beartic. 

Edited by Devilish
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  • 3 months later...

Thanks for this guide! It really helped me a lot.
One thing i should say is that you should probably mention the requirements to start a new quest. 
For example, Kingdom of Goomidra quest needs you to,
1. complete kristiline help quest 1-lighthouse
2. complete yui's ranch quest 

3. defeated aya

i just said this b'coz it took me days to start the goomidra quest 

other than that, awesome guide!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Im interested on completeing pokemon rejuvenation on intense mode but looking for pokemon team members (actually im lazy to check pokemon availability and gym typing .so,who who has completed this game on intense mode just write the members or a screenshot of the members) Advance thanks for the team !!!!!!

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Hey, so, I've been following your guide here, and I can't find my way back to the GDC Tournament Building in Ch. 14. I've gone through the tournament, and then did the side quests, but now, as I stated, I can't get back. I've tried going to the train on route 9, I've tried finding a way in from inside GDC via Claydol's teleport, but I can't find any way to the tournament building. Help please? I REALLY don't want to have to start completely over for the umpteenth time.

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