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Extremely poor design


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Let me just say this game is a lot of fun, however as a fan of punishing games (i.e. dark souls, bloodborne, kingdom come deliverance, and lords of the fallen), a heavy pokemon player since pokemon red and blue, and a huge rpg player the likes of d&d I have to say they all have something in common and that is fairness. Reborn has a severe lack of fair play. Every time I build a team the opponent has the exact opposite of what I build for, and if I build a team against that team (I build fore to beat bug) then low and behold I get hit with a hydro pump. Now yes I understand that covering your weakness is important, but an extremely quick way to take the joy out of a game is making someone grind team after team after team just to beat each gym. Especially when you cant rebattle trainers until well into the game. I am currently stuck on the meteor guy who follows dr sigmund  two lackeys inside Charlotte, noel, and Shelly's place. And my team is

54 arcanine

53 charzard

50 meowstic

51 solrock

50 elmoga

51 scrafty

And he has a move that is super effective against every single one. And even when I blow through his team it seems like there's always some bs unlucky streak. Of all the games I've played this one has to crack the top 5 most annoyingly boring, grindy games ever. I mean if reborns team worked with the pokemon insurgance team...or learned from them then this game would be the best pokemon game ever bar none. However as it is now they've taken "difficult" to far and just said grind forever just because your opponent has the perfect move set, if they dont well throw them a Tm just so they do.

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You can battle trainers at the Grand Hall since the first gym.  If you're looking to play a pokemon game with just 1 team then this game is not for you.  I've already completed this game to its end more than once and I never had any trouble building teams to face the challenges in this game.  For someone as yourself with your experience, you should have no problem(Even though you're using 2 fire types on a team......why I don't know)


EDIT- Come to think of it.  Here's my concern about your team.


2 flying types

2 fire types

2 psychic types


I suggest changing your team because you need better type coverage.

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Imo diversify the typing of your team is the best way to overcome the counter teams and try to add fast Pokemon to it. Persian is not normally that good, but because it's really fast it puts in work. That's just one example, there's more options for fast Pokemon. 


This game is meant to get to get you to adjust your line of thinking to overcome the obstacles. As much of a pain it can be, that's half the fun of it. I will say though, some of the puzzles are a little insane, but I guess there's always YouTube walkthroughs for that one.

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This game has always been more difficult than the average Pokémon game, that’s actually one thing that sets it aside from other fan games.


Its something you’ll have to adapt to. A lot of people myself included has a steady rotation of battle ready mons just Incase a situation arises.


Its also a good idea to use a better variety of mons, instead of whatever that is you’re using.


And for your sake, I’m going to ignore the fact that you seriously tried to put insurgence on Reborns level...

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Agreed, that team is extremely poorly designed. Try a more balanced one, and consider the original mantra from the good ol' days of Pokemon:
Gotta catch em all!


There are various ways to circumvent grinding to train as well. If you have questions, I'm sure the regulars here would be more than happy to assist!

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You have 2 options; "grind forever" like you said to maybe eventually beat the battle, or just change your team and catch different mons that will be good against the fight you're stuck on. In this game you can't just use one team the entire time. 

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Guest Relinquished

You don't even need to change teams constantly. I myself have always breezed through the game, up until and episode 16 content (adrienn the fairy leader), with like 10-12 pokemon max (2 full teams). After episode 17, game feels easier, especially Gym Leaders and key battles, who don't even itemize (spamming recovery medicine) so heavily as before. And some gen 7 pokemon are weaker, than generation 6 or previous ones, whenever used by opponents. Don't be afraid to use mediocre pokemon, too. Go after decent IVs (or even better, get into breeding 5 perfect IV pokemon coupled with egg moves), train EV sets properly and you can go through every battle, with little concern. The real challenge likes in those "gauntlets", though...


Also, employee cheap tricks (like fake out?), to stop enemies from setting up (like shelly's rain dance). Remember to use your fields well (set ablaze, melt the snow, etc) and go after certain abilities (like Hippopotas with instant sandstorm, perfect against Noel, especially with one or two rock pokemon thrown in and the item for prolonging weather equipped on it). Don't forget your items, held ones or otherwise and you 'll do well.

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Let me bring up two situations both which involve a man who can easily beat a woman in a fight: The first scenario is that the woman is given a knife while the other she's given a Gatling gun. Are either of these fair? No, but only in one does the man really stand a chance to win. Which one do you think best represents the player in terms of Pokemon RPGs. If you guessed woman with a Gatling gun, you are right. So before you spit off about the game being unfair, take a moment to think about that...deeply. Of course the leaders and bosses are stronger than you when you play on equal terms, but it's really up to the player whether they make use of the Gatling gun or the Knife. The knife is easier to wield and takes less time and effort which is often the path most of the players on here take. I don't feel like explaining it all as I've done numerous times in the past. This is just to answer if the game is fair or not.


Now let's break down the one of two core issues the OP is complaining about. The first is the well known exp drought. It's an issue due to a limited amount of trainers giving decent exp where the dilemma is now spending repeated times going through a boss or wasting time doing tedious and extra work on wild Pokemon/rematch trainers to get through said boss. It doesn't help that the higher the levels get, the more difficult it is to keep a steady level curve since you need about all trainers to have 5-6 mons to hit roughly five levels an episode levels 75 and up. The OP hasn't reached that far and hasn't even hit the first true exp drought. This is an issue and it also leads to the second issue of what's going on, but that one applies to Pokemon in general.


The bigger issue is the team that they are using. Most of those Pokemon you get very early on and even for myself I used mostly mons from the early game like Roserade, Gardevoir (before it got the double push back), Lanturn (before it got pushed back), Flygon (when it was Onyx Arcade), Gengar (when it was Wasteland), and Metagross (back when it was available pre-Luna)...I swear that isn't intentional. Point is that you don't really want to change mons due to the dilemma above. The level limiter system (see Rejuvenation) seems to help against this due to the dilemma being significantly less of an issue. I have doubts the OP is as much of an RPG players as they make out to be as this exp system is a well-known, but archaic system due to the sheer amount of time to gain levels. It's unfortunate and we all kind of have our hands tied as no matter how anyone tries to go about it, there will be a very large group pissed off by those decisions.


Now I'm not trying to toot anyone's horn nor berate the work of anyone else's, but I do not think having the Insurgence team work on Reborn would fix the issues, but would actually make the game significantly worse. Ame has some decent idea how to deal with the lategame which I disagree with, but we have a good chunk of people who are capable of doing all the things Insurgence did if not better. Except the customization characters mostly because I ain't dealing with figuring that out (outfits are a different story). There's a mod that lets you used your cursor as a control for bloody sakes. We have at least 6 people around capable of doing quite a lot, myself included. And wouldn't it be easier to work with someone who has been around the community for a while over a whole different group of random guys in a different fandom? You might want to look in that mod market before saying anything else though. You might resolve your own complaints there.

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