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I don’t really know it just says that you can find munchlax there on the V11 Pokemon location guide


And after checking it again you can get snorlax in an event in Honec Woods 

Edited by Frozenwolf94
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actually yes you can directly catch a wild snorlax:


>first you need to have completed the missing miltank quest on yui's ranch (rt 7)



which essentially boils down to speaking to ben in the house in the nw portion of the farm (accessible through going left before entering the barn upon entering the property), speaking to him in the barn to the east of his house, and interacting with and catching all 4 inkay that latch themselves to the miltank dummies outside. after this, ben is taken by a malamar, so you need to exit the property of the farm and go immediately east, traveling along the treeline until you find the entrance to honec woods. from there, surf across the water, and once you reach the other side, go immediately north until you find the malamar ship. go through the cutscene and afterwards a snorlax should be asleep in the clearing there.


>now you need to wake it up in order to catch it. you can buy a pokeflute for $40k from the old man in oblitus town, the town that should be ~2 screens south and 1 screen east of yui's ranch. the old man's home is the only one you can actually enter, and he'll sell you the flute after you interact with it.


>from there, you can head back to honec woods and capture the snorlax. it's lvl 55 and shit so be prepared.



gl hf

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