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Weeeeellp been a while, I finally woke up from that 1 year nap and I am amazed by the progress that Rejuvenation has made in the meantime, started the game from scratch again for the 8th time and I couldn't help but say: wow this is even more awesome. During the time I played It, I did think of a few features that would make it even better for example: what they did in Reborn where your eggs get directly transported in the pc and such. So in this thread I would like for everyone to add their thoughts on anything that should be added. I don't want for the dev's to spend their time to please us more then they already have so this is more of a list of suggestion's that hopefully dev's will notice and if they have the time and if they want to, they could hopefully add.

By the end of the day its just a good way of getting everyone's thoughts on stuff that they would like to see come to life well urrr so to speak 😅


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Uh. Well i would love for alolan marowak's move-set to be updated. i think its a bit weird other Pokemon like alolan raichu have access to their pure move-set but marowak does not 
he can still do great damage 
and still learns shadow bone weirdly enough
But no swords dance. 
I looked around to see if anyone addressed this, but i didn't see anything. sorry if im reposting about something that had  already been addressed. 

Edited by Jetasd
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