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Challenge Run - 6 Pokemon with the lowest average base stats


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So I've been mulling over another challenge run to do and decided on these 6 Pokemon:









Ignoring Wishiwashi, these are the 6 Pokemon with the lowest average base stats. I'll be playing with the following rules:


  1. Can only use these six (and Nincada since he is the pre-evolution for Shedinja). I may breed another of the same species, but can only use one of each of these. That means I can't just use six Delibirds or something silly.
  2. After I have all six Pokemon, battle style is Set. Until then, it is Shift.
  3. No healing items in battle.
  4. No X-items.
  5. I will give myself Delibird and Nincada as starters.
    1. Delibird because she's only available before Charlotte and this will be difficult enough.
    2. Nincada because I only have a 25% chance of getting it from the egg.


I have just beaten Florinia and spent a long time breeding for an early-game Nincada and Delibird that I can use. I used these two to beat Fern and Florinia:


Nincada (Run Away)

  • Mud-Slap
  • Metal Claw
  • Bug Bite
  • Night Slash


Delibird (Hustle)

  • Drill Peck
  • Counter
  • Fake Out
  • Quick Attack


Now that I've beaten Florinia, I'll be creating a Nincada with the following moves:


Nincada (Run Away)

  • Bug Bite
  • Night Slash
  • Endure
  • Shadow Sneak (Metal Claw until I evolve him and Shedinja learns it)


The Delibird and Nincada/Shedinja will need to last me until I can pick up an Unown after Shelly. I think I'll be catching Unown until I get one of each Hidden Power, but I haven't quite decided yet. I'll keep this thread updated as I progress.

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20 minutes ago, N1Dude said:

Awesome idea! Hope you pull it off.

Don't forget Delibird gets destiny bond 😉 

Yep! My "Late Game" build for Delibird is the following:


Delibird - Hustle

  • Fake Out
  • Freeze-Dry
  • Destiny Bond
  • Signal Beam/Water Pulse

I'll likely keep Counter until I get to the tutor that can give Signal Beam/Water Pulse. I haven't decided which I want at that point, though.

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Just defeated Kiki. Currently stuck on Azurine Island's double battle against the Meteor goons. Simply don't have the firepower so I'm trying to figure something out. Here's my team atm:




Since I forgot to post, this was what my team looked like after Corey:



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So I managed to defeat the two goons through a combo of luck and breaking one of my rules. I used two Unown for the fight: One Steel HP and one Psychic HP.


1. Lead with Ditto and Shedinja. Ditto transforms into Lunatone.

2. Ditto uses Hypnosis on Solrock. Shedinja OHKO's Lunatone with Bug Bite.

3. AI sends out Lycanroc

4. Ditto uses Hypnosis on Solrock. Shedinja switches to Nincada. Lycanroc uses Rock Slide.

5. Lunatone uses Psybeam on Lycanroc. Nincada uses Bug Bite. AI asleep.

6. Lunatone uses Hypnosis on Solrock. Nincada KO's Lycanroc with Bug Bite. Solrock beats Lunatone in the speed tie and wakes up, uses Rock Slide, goes back to sleep.

7. AI sends out second Lycanroc

8. Lycanroc uses Rock Slide. Ditto faints. Nincada uses Bug Bite on Lycanroc. Solrock uses Rock Slide. Nincada faints.

9. Send out HP Steel Unown and HP Psychic Unown.

10. Lycanroc uses Rock Slide. Both Unown use HP on Lycanroc, Lycanroc faints. Solrock uses Rock Slide, faints both Unowns.

11. Send out Delibird and Shedinja. AI sends out Passimian.

12. Delibird OHKO's Passimian with Drill Peck (hell yes to Hustle). Shedinja OHKO's Solrock with Bug Bite.

13. AI sends out Oranguru. Delibird and Shedinja outspeed and kill.


Took so fucking long to do.

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General thoughts so far:


  • EV training is not bad at all once you get the Power Items.
  • Delibird is really amazing, actually.  Hustle and Drill Peck can do so much damage it's unreal. It carried me through the beginning of the game.
  • Nincada holds up fairly well for a while, compared to Shedinja. My current Shedinja and Nincada are both evenly EV trained (252 Attack, 252 Speed) but they shared the same speed and Shedinja has only ~20 more speed.
  • Bug Bite is fucking strong. So worth it to breed.
  • The chain breeding took a fair amount of time.
  • Catching Unowns for specific HPs takes a long time and a lot of money. I've released 3 boxes worth of Unowns and still don't have what I want.
  • Julia wasn't but was a little luck reliant. It's necessary to overlevel Delibird to Lvl 25 and then Common Candy back down
  • Delibird destroys all of the bosses between Julia and Florinia. Hustle FTW.
  • Fern is laughable with Delibird early game.
  • Florinia was a fun fight. Only having two Pokemon made it a bit RNG but not by much.
  • Endure on Shedinja is super useful in Double Battles, actually. 
  • Corey wasn't too bad either. Fake Out strats are useful from Delibird.
  • Metronome is definitely worth it. It got me through Cal.
  • I was super worried about Cal since most of the team is weak to fire, but he actually wasn't that bad. I used HP Psychic Unown for most of it, actually. Metronome essentially worked like a Special Attack Moxie since each repeated use made it stronger.

Currently stuck on Taka on Azurine Island. We'll see how it goes. I'll have to get through Aya before I can consider getting Luvidsc and Smeargle. Still have no idea what moves I want Smeargle, either. I'd be open to suggestions.

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Yeah dude Hustle is one of those abilities that even makes Delibird seem way powerful, it's cool to see people do challenge runs like this, and this one's real tough too it seems, good idea also getting resourceful with your items such as Metronome, and adjusting your move sets to fit your needs in tough battles, good luck! 

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6 hours ago, BCrule said:

Yeah dude Hustle is one of those abilities that even makes Delibird seem way powerful, it's cool to see people do challenge runs like this, and this one's real tough too it seems, good idea also getting resourceful with your items such as Metronome, and adjusting your move sets to fit your needs in tough battles, good luck! 

Thanks man, yeah, it's been fun so far. Do you have any suggestions on Smeargle movesets?

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17 minutes ago, Aegisth said:

Thanks man, yeah, it's been fun so far. Do you have any suggestions on Smeargle movesets?



Well if you mean a set for utility purposes Spore, Stealth Rock, Sticky Web, Toxic, Nuzzle, Taunt, and Magic Coat are some good options. If you're trying to run an offensive Smeargle then your options are hardly limited at all, make sure you you try and get a good +speed nature on it to get off your statuses/hazards up on mons that have a lackluster speed stat. Other than my opinion you may wanna check out the Smogon recommended sets as they probably know what's best to run most of the time.


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