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Lin's Background


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Do we know anything to do with Lin's history? I've been replaying the game in a ghost monorun and it appears several characters recognise her name when mentioned. (For example Saphira and Dr Sigmund.) I'm just curious as to what she may have done to have some relation to these people; she also knew Saphiras family history.

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10 minutes ago, Louis said:

Do we know anything to do with Lin's history? I've been replaying the game in a ghost monorun and it appears several characters recognise her name when mentioned. (For example Saphira and Dr Sigmund.) I'm just curious as to what she may have done to have some relation to these people; she also knew Saphiras family history.


I found a video that summarizes everything known about her! 

There's a real juicy bit starting at 3:20, fyi.



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She is definitely the young girl from the orphanage that everyone recognizes. In episode 18, she even mentions taking away Lauras pens to trigger her if you had Laura with you while stopping Pulse Abra. Though at the moment it is still unknown how she aged so much or if its even her real form we are seeing whenever we encounter her. My guess is that her current body is some type of indestructible avatar she is controlling from afar. 

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IIRC, Anna remarks that there was no one sitting on the Hydreigon that fought the giant Steelix.

Since Anna seems to be able to see something other than the physical form of people (seeing burn scars on Charlotte, the PC glowing, seeing friendship strings on Shelly), this is a clear indication that the Lin we see is not what she really is, if she's even there at all.

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I have the Wild theory she's just an avatar. Maybe the one that was on the orphanage was an actual person that became an empty shell or maybe she was already just a facade, or maybe an android.

And the Wild part is that the actual mind behind Lin is no other than Arceus, from inside the Citae's Sanctum, for whom everything is just a game and the MC is just a worthy opponent. That's why her first appearance is watching over the PULSE Abra, maybe trying to escape its own confinement, or maybe to be sure it would actually work. 

That's why she can control other Pokémon and make things out of nothing... 

And, adding to the theory, we've already got an entity that indirectly opposes what she stands for, is not quite a human and not quite in this dimension, and has a link with ghost types: Shade. 

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Yep, that's the main problem with the theory 😂 It could be that she doesn't think they're going to succeed (after all, Eve's not longer with Meteor and she tries to use the energy source for other purposes) or wants to be as powerful as she can be and trusts herself to overpower the controlling abilities of the Arc/her friend Terra... Or I'm just wrong.

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I think the real Lin got trapped inside the ancient ruins, just like Adrienn. There, she probably stumbled across Arceus and managed to gain control over it. However, for some reason she is now unable to leave the ruins physically and her only way of interacting with the outside world is to use her avatar that Arceus created for her. And now she is trying to turn Arceus into a Pulse-Arceus, so that she may remake the world in her image. Which would probably be a bad thing, given that she is a sadistic and disturbed brat.


Edit: Or maybe Dr. Connel actually murdered her and Arceus somehow kept her alive and now the two are plotting together to create a funnier new world.

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