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Hey everyone I am going to write a story ( i no longer need characters for now)


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Well here's my team for the moment, although I will have 2 out of Kanto/Johto pokes:

Well, Bisharp, from my first post.

Honchkrow, since it's a Murkrow Evo. Noir met it during his journey in Sinnoh.

Tyranitar. He saved it as a Larvitar from a pack of bully Pokemon.

Houndoom. He met this in the Sevii Islands as a Houndoom. Primarily uses this to catch scents.

Gengar. Met as a Gastly in Lavender Town. Noir's primary deception/trickery Pokemon.

Sneasel. Noir's primary ambush/kidnapping Pokemon.

i just noticed something.... um guys adding your characters to the story josh said in an earlier post that he needs to know how your characters would react to the main trio (me josh and rose) you should all really go to the first page read up our character's personalities and post your reactions to us and make his story making alil easier >.>

Noir is someone who does not go by emotions or interest. He rarely sees anyone specifically different or has an interest in anything at all. Noir will acknowledge you if your battling skills are good, but he treats anyone else the same. He avoids conversations with strangers, and sees anyone who interferes as a mere pest, unless he is defeated.

But if you want it to be precise:

Josh: Among the three protagonists, Noir has shown a slight interest in Josh due to his odd, yet caring way of Pokemon (his Magikarp) and is somewhat fascinated by that. Once Noir engages into a battle with him, Noir believes that Josh will become stronger.

Dwayne and Rose: Noir isn't really interested in their personailities and what they do, so I don't think Noir will treat them any different from others.

Alternatively, you could make a character who is familiar with Noir's former sister.

Edited by YagamiNoir4896
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Mel would probably consider Josh a slacker and call him as much (not with any animosity, just as a result of her stating her opinion), as she's pretty blunt.

Also due her being blunt, if Dwayne tried to hit on her, she'd turn him down, and prolly call him a perv.

For Rose she'd prolly get along with her, assuming they spoke in the 1st place, seeing as both tend to be quiet( though Mel runs her mouth if something gets her started.) However, she'd prolly slip up and point out how young Rose looks if and when they first meet.

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i just noticed something.... um guys adding your characters to the story josh said in an earlier post that he needs to know how your characters would react to the main trio (me josh and rose) you should all really go to the first page read up our character's personalities and post your reactions to us and make his story making alil easier >.>

Kiyoko will obviously be very shy at first, but after a bit of opening up

Josh: she'll won't see you as an idiot at first since she has never understood why everyone would think using a magikarp was stupid. eventually she'll understand why but instead she'll respect you for using such a pokemon since you cared for that magikarp (sorta the same as gloom, since everyone sees it as ugly and thinks it's wrong for her to use it instead of evolving it right away). she'll only think you're a bit of an idiot

Dwayne: she's scared of you since you would seem to try and hit on her. every attempt you try to make Lucy(houndour) will pop out from her ball and use ember on you (sorta like in the anime i guess) or just make an intimidating face at you. she'll always try and stay away from you unless something big happens.

Rose: at first she'll think of you as a little sister (since you look 12 and has always wanted one), but when she realizes your true age she'll be shocked and probably avoid you till she tries and understand your appearance.

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Aeon, having that light hearted facade might do this.

Josh: He'd probably march straight to him after his first battle. He'll say all of this stuff about how Josh is a funny dude and keep up the good work. When Josh leaves, Aeon would start muttering to himself about how Oak chose a real winner for him to keep a close eye on.

Dwayne: Going for what King said, Aeon would be accused of killing his Lucario. Despite his protests, since he only joined a year ago, and I assume Lucario was killed long before that, Dwayne refuses to believe him.

Rose: At first, he thinks that Rose is just another girl for him to flirt with, but stops once he reliezed that you were the person his client asked to watch over.

Aeon could work as a triple agent, working for Horizon, the three of them, and really is working for Professor Oak.

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That sucks, but I like that shiny Ralts... I want it...

I was so shocked when I found out the Ralts was shiny...

Ok, so I'm besties with everyone... And it's ok King D, I'm sure you'll end up friends with everyone :D

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Oh, to Josh and all those who have characters that will inevitably comment about Rose's youthful appearance, just a quick note. She'll probably rant for like 5 minutes about how aggravated she gets because no one realizes how old she is before calming down and being friendly again.

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Kyrin isn't the type to butt into the affairs of others needlessly, and he rarely initiates conversation by himself. He is, however, the type of person to fully commit to solving a problem once it involves him and is willing to help others even if he doesn't get anything in the end. Though it's partially out of his concern for others, it's mostly to put his mind at ease. He's also very bad against overly energetic and optimistic people, and usually ends up arguing with them while focusing on the negative, but he occasionally shows flashes of bright motivation and outward confidence when he finds something he can put his mind into.

Josh: Kyrin will find that there aren't many similarities between him and Josh, but that doesn't necessarily mean they'll end up fighting a lot. Instead, he would probably end up following up on his sarcasm at times while throwing a few verbal jabs at Josh himself, especially about that magikarp of his.

Dwayne: Kyrin's more conservative when it comes to relations between the opposite sex. He wouldn't really find Dwayne's actions acceptable, but at the same time, he wouldn't barge in between them unless the female is visibly distressed. All in all, while Kyrin would be the first person to call Dwayne out on what he's doing, he has no other problems with him, and holds a fair level of respect for him since he cares about his pokemon.

Rose: Normally it would seem that Kyrin would find some kind of relation with Rose due to their similar family background, but the similarity is only superficial at best, so it wouldn't advance much further from that. He would definitely enjoy poking fun at Rose for her physical appearance though, and he wouldn't hesitate on pointing that out upon their first meeting either. He's surprisingly fearless in this aspect, and he would likely continue doing so either way despite her protests.

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First off thank you Requiem for the character cheese is awesome.

Cool Cool good call on asking people to do that King D it helps alot with trying to figure things out. and even if you are not best friends with people at least you will have more epic moments thoughout the story.

really my poor magikarp gets pick on never under estimate the mightiness of a magikarp EVER.

I do love it when people make assumptions about my character then they won't know what will hit them when they learn more BWA HA HA HA HA HA....."smacks with a baseball bat" Shut other me your not allowed to say anything about the character or plot.

Also two things one because both King D and Noir (every time i say Noir i keep thinking of Hyperdimension Neptunia)have asked about the attack combos i am fine if you want to make them up for your pokemon just make sure to give a good description of them. and the other thing is for every one could you tell me what role you think your character would be best suited for in the story just so i can a an idea for it.

i all ready know the role that i will use King D's, Rose's,Noir's, and Lunar's character for and Risty seems if his would make for good rival material. so yeah please and thank you and also fish for some reason.

Edited by rustytengo
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i'm not the best at describing things but i'll try my best to describe my poke's combinations also rose i have ideas for combinations with your poke's but i want u to give me permsion to make those before i actually post them i'm to lazy to type shit that won't matter in the end

ok nwo for the solo poke combination list

jolt's thunder spike barrage- jolt literally uses pin missile and htunder bolt at the same tiem the attack will look like yellow pin missles and is ment to peirce through protect and pokemon known to have thick skin/hides while still being able to electricute them sorry if that makes no sense think of it as takign a siringe to peirce through your rubber clothes and the siringe is filled with electricity.... does that make sense? i hope it does....

miss puff's heatseaking roll out- miss puff uses roll out and using her psychic powers she acts like a heat seaking missle constantly following the opponent this move is used to keep up with pokemon who are faster then her and hitting flying type pokemon that are air bound

miss puff's sacrafical heat seaking roll out- same thing as the regular manuvor but she uses fire blast first the roll out then runs into the fire blast causing her to become a flaming ball this will hurt her immensly but will make the move that much more devistating it is a last resort i only use this manuvor when miss puff wants to do this she will signal that she wants to do it by puffing up angerly

rocky's silver powder- rocky uses silver wind and mix's in it's sleep powder this is as plain as it sounds.. it's just 2 moves at once showing rocky's mastery of powder moves even if he only has 2 at the end lol

King D's air D- surf megahorn combonation king d uses his surf's titlewave to launch himself into the air doing a kamakazi like megahorn to airborn poke's this is a last resort for if nidoking has to fight an airborn opponent

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Role for kiyoko, how about hardcore party animal the knowledgeable/smart one. From her homeschooling she received from her father she'll know a bunch of stuff like pokemon facts, ancient artifacts/cities, you know, smart people (in pokemon) things. But in return she'll lack common sense and be antisocial.

As for combos, since it sounds interesting, i thought of one

Peaceful slumber- Gloom uses sleep powder and then soul giga drains the opponent when opponents HP is low enough.

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Well, for move combos, I have a quite a few.

Oblivion Blade: A move learned by both Bisharp and Honchkrow. It's supposed to be a heavy attacking move so it's has several requirements. Like I said before, Bisharp's combination is a combo of Metal Burst and Night Slash, in which, after taking an adequate amount of damage, releases the metal energy and charges it into a giant sword that slams the opponent. Leave Swords Dance out of my moveset since I plan to use Sucker Punch for the speed and Dark Pulse for another reason. Honchkrow's version is a combination of Brave Bird, Sucker Punch and Night Slash, in which it uses it's entire body as a blade to slash the opponent. Note that the move is incredibly fast. However, Honchkrow's blade is inferior to that of BIsharp's while taking recoil in the process, but it can be used consistently, unlike BIsharp who needs to take hits to unleash it as a last resort.

Oblivion Cannon: A combination of Metal Burst and Dark Pulse, where Bisharp releases a powerful blast of energy at the opponent. Again, the more damage Bisharp takes, the higher the damage output. This means that Bisharp is quite resistant to damage (although you could modify it to your liking)

Violet Flash: A combination on Gengar. It's made by using Thunder+Psychic+the shadow energy from Shadow Ball. It's pretty much another hard hitting attack which is like a buffed up purple colored Thunder that's extremely fast, hence the name, but Gengar needs to concentrate a lot on it.

I actually have a lot but, I'll say these three for now. :)

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i was llooking back through old posts and i noticed i made an error with my reaction to surge i said this guy looks cool and i must becoem better then him but since in this story i'm a past elite 4 champion that reaction makes no sense so for lt. surge make my reaction to him no reaction also i'm curious do u plan on using that elite 4 back story thing? like are the peopel in kanto gonna know i use to be champion? are u gonna have my character hide it for some reason? are the kanto elite 4 gonna know me? i'm leaving these thigns up to u since it's your story


didnt' knwl where in that paragraph to put thsi lol i looked back to see if i made any other errors and i just remembered i also said i'd hesistate if i ran into a trainer with more experiance them me i also included the elite 4 and champion here well new elite 4 members (yes there are some elite 4 members who are new t o the job i don't remembetr witch ones they are though) will not make me hesitate since i was a past champion only the most well known elite 4 will phase me (lace agetha) and even then it won't phase me enough to be noticable since well... yeah i'm a past champ lol i kept making errors that made this seem like it was my characters first journey >.> sorry hopefully i'm not causing u so much trouble with these late corrections of mine

Edited by Kingd353
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team combinations with rose-

electric tornado- when her pidgeot uses gust or wirlwind jolt will use thunder or pinmissle usually thunder into the tornado formed to add that much more dammage on our unlucky opponent

electric hydro cannon- water conducts electricity so if her blastois knows hydro cannon or hydro pump jolt will add a thunder to give it that extra zap!

Flash fire- if abilities are a thing in this comic every time flame and arcanine are in a battle together flaem starts the battle by using her most powerful fire attack on arcanine

smoke screan- flame's flamethrower clashign with blastoise's hydro pump/cannon the resulting explosion of steam can be used if we need to escape things

this last one may sound stupid but it was more of a idea then a flushed out combination move it's said that when one is in grave danger their body enters a state of adrenilane that increases their strength and nspeed so if flame and persion are ever in battle together and persion is near defeat i'd have flame use lfamethrower at ti's tail simulating a near death situation for it (death by fire) and giving it a short boost this boost would usually be followed by a slash from persion since thats the move that takes advantage of hte increased speed and power that an adrenaline boost would give u

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I'd also like to suggest that if I'm using Alakazam in a team battle (doesn't matter with whom) and they have their Pokémon use a special attack, Alakazam can use Psychic on the attack to ensure that it hits the target, similar to a cheap Lock-On.

As for my own team's combos...

Blastoise- Iron Water Spin (Iron Hydro Spin later on): Withdraws into shell, followed by simultaneous usage of Iron Defense, Water Gun/Hydro Pump, and Rapid Spin

Pidgeot- Feather Hurricane: incorporates the Attack lowering feathers of Feather Dance into a Hurricane, causing the attack to both drop the target's attack while damaging

Arcanine- Flare Impact: Covers itself in fire before rushing forward in a Giga Impact. ONLY USED AS A LAST RESORT

Alakazam- Psycho Ball: draws psychic energy from the area around into a tight ball, then hurls it at the enemy

Gengar- Hex Bond: when opponent has status condition, places a Hex and Destiny Bond. ONLY USED AS A LAST RESORT

Persian- Night Screech: lowers opponent's Defense before performing Night Slash

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i love how everyone is just jumping on the the move combination list... i'm sorry if this soudns like bitching but u guys are making my character and that one guy with the pawnyard character's less unique now this was our thing and now your characters are just magicaly boosted because u stole our idea >.> if everyone is gonna get move combinations like this atleast dont' have them use it until after me and what's his face's characters do move combinations first make it a character development thing so the 2 people who originally thought of this idea get the credit and early superiority they deserve... again sorry if i sound like i'm bitching.... i just feel... well robbed in a way.... x.x forgive my pussy ass ranting

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Lets see first off its alright King D if you make changes to the character given you decided on the past champion thing after you gave the character and with how i am going to work that in you will just have to wait and see i do have am idea for it. So if anyone wants to make a change with there character you can until i have your character show up in there story or get to the point in story that x event happens.

I do agree with what King D said about every one having combo attacks if everyone has them then in general it makes the idea of it a lot less unique and it would feel like i am trying to push it at the readers well i am writing it though if y'all want you could come up with something for the battles that makes your character unique as well. And Lunar bounce house just seems to much fun not to have in the story at some point.

Most likely i am hoping to have something up by sometime in October(hopefully before X and Y comes out because i know i won't be thinking of writing for a few weeks when those come out though after that i might have an idea for mega Pokemon in the story). It probably won't be more then a chapter or two since i am a slow writer and all(hopefully i will have a new computer by then too so i don't have to use the slow ass one i have been using).

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I guess my combo is really just sleep powder 1st turn then giga drain 2nd turn, so i don't really need it.

Also Lunar should 100% keep bounce house it's genius !

Also another idea for later maybe josh is that of pokemon contests, unless you feel as if they are complete useless in your story which i can understand, but maybe sometimes kiyoko goes participate in contests not in text and later relieves that she's good at them and is trying to better at them 2nd priority to that of getting gym badges to get back to mirage island.

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Also Lunar should 100% keep bounce house it's genius !

This ^^^

Also, my char could be anything ya want, cept for a horizon member, if they're going to be enslaving pokemon, she'd auto hate them.

Not to say she can't be "evil" for some other reason/group/boredom relief/idk.

I just want has pokemonz

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Before I say anything no offense,

@Kingd353, it doesn't really offend me that people use our idea of combos, in fact it makes me feel more excited about the battles. @rustytengo too Also, I prefer myself to appear later in the game than others, and I wouldn't mind them using combos before I do.

And combo round number 2:

Cold Sting: A Sneasel Combo. After it slows down foes with Icy Wind it uses Double Team and repeatedly stabs with Night Slash and Ice Shard. A Salac Berry is eaten for better effect.

Strife Fang: Houndoom's combo, combined by Crunch and the Fire from Fire Blast, and Toxic. The bite is designed to crucify, giving the victim continuous pain and damage over time. Houndoom's ranged attacks are also mixed with Poison.

Also, I have Oblivion Cross, an addition to Oblivion Blade. It's pretty much two Oblivion Blades in a cross, normally by double battles where it is Noir's storngest attack. Bisharp can also do Oblivion Cross by itself but the damage is significantly weaker than Oblivion Blade.

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I'm ok with combos bring in or out either way, but it really does add an element that you'd need to work around in battles. Also, Pokemon themselves can often figure out combos for themselves in battle, and it's up to the trainer to help bring those talents into light

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I'm a fanfic junkie, so whenever you are set with your writing I call dibs on reading it XD

Name: Color (yup this is practically my character for any and all pokemon fanfics/rp)

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Hometown: Three Island (from the Sevii Islands in FireRed/LeafGreen)

Family: Seven older brothers along with her Ma and Pa.

Appearance: She stands only a measly 4'9'', but her white combat boots boosts her up to about 5 feet exactly. She has black spiky and often gelled, should length hair. Her bangs are long enough to hang over her eyes, so most of the time her audience does not know what color her eyes are. However, they are indeed hazel. Overall, she is a bit thin, but she does carry slight curves around her waist. Her signature outfit consists of a fairly Victorian-looking dress with a bit of modern flair. The waist portion consists of corset, while the ends of the dress consists of small white frails and a large red bow in the back of her dress. Her hands consist of black fingerless gloves.

Personality: Because of being a performer stemming from the Sevii Isles, Color is very bold, blunt, and quick-tempered for her age. While most think she is childish for carrying such a personality, she sees it as refreshing. While her hot-hotheadedness can often lead to foul language on her part, Color is quite friendly to be around. She has no problem going through large lengths to cheer both Pokemon and people up. However, with all the attention that she used to get from her previous performances as an acrobatic Color is also VERY flirtatious. She will not hesitate to make a man trail after her. In fact, she will most likely hit on a guy first before he has a chance to even speak about her. Her passionate and fiery attitude does have some flaws. With her being able to get angry so quickly she can get emotional very quickly, diving into useless battles without a bat of an eyelash. Her childish nature also carries a slight submissive nature (which probably explains her attraction to leaders and co-leaders of evil organizations). Someone who is quite intelligent will have no problem manipulating and directing Color's tempers to their own cause.

Hobbies: Battling, Climbing trees, Swimming, Doing acrobatic stunts and performances for others, Flirting, Socializing

Habits: Color, when bored, often battles with her own Pokemon in order to keep up with her athletic abilities. When is doing that she usually runs off to, yup you got it, find the next guy to hook up with.

Team(put what your full team will be here no legendarys please and only one shiny per person):

Quilava (Crest)- Received as her Starter. Often being seen carried in Color's arms. He is very spoiled, and will not battle unless a Pokemon aggravates him, or he is interested in the battle. He does listen to Color's every command...even though he does pout.

Wobbufett (Shield)- Caught in a hidden cave. A very carefree Pokemon that bounds into battle without a worry. He acts like a punching bag for Raila.

Raichu (Raila)- Found abandoned near Lt. Surge's gym. A very violent and hot-headed mouse just like its owner. When her owner becomes angry her electric power has a tendency to double. She is very cocky and loves to battle opponents tougher than her. When she is not participating in Color's performances. she often uses Shield as a punch bag to work on her Attack power.

Venusaur (Tank)- Caught deep within a forest where the evolutionary ceremonies of Bulbasaur and Ivysaur take place. A recently evolved Venusaur that has a sadist nature to its battling. He will not hesitant to watch his opponent suffer before taking it down completely. His favorite move is to bind his victim with his vine and strangle them until either Color or its trainer tells him to stop. However, Tank is a complete sweetheart towards Color and always demands either a hug or even a small cuddling session from his trainer.

Magikarp (Kopo)- Caught on one of the water routes with an old rod. Being one of the few Magikarps that can actually fight, Kopo is quite docile in nature. No one is really sure why Color caught this Magikarp.

Raphael (Smeargle)- Given to Color by one of Whitney's friends. Probably the friendliest out of all of Color's Pokemon. Being the third Pokemon to help out with Color's performances, Raphael loves to meet new people and Pokemon alike. He often likes to stick his nose where it doesn't belong which often requires either Color or one of his other Poke friends to help him out. Even though his curious and gullible nature often leads him into trouble, Raphael is loyal to his trainer nonetheless. He is often paired with Kopo to increase her own battle peformance, but is very willing to help his other friends out too. Raphael is also used often to get Color at of dire situations ie. being surrounded by goons or wild Pokemon

Honestly, you can treat her however you want.

She could be an antihero, part of the evil team you're using (through manipulation of her emotions of course, or she can just be like a supporting characters that frequently pops up. She's yours to command and control~

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