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I used to play Pokemon Sapphire and none of the others. I did buy a copy of Pokemon X or Y but never got the chance to play it. Then like 2 days ago, my friend told about this Pokeon Reborn game that has all the Pokemon from every Gen and I was very excited  by the prospect because I heard that for the "official" games, you had to do those transfers if you wanted Pokemon from your previous games to come to your new games. I've never gotten a chance to defeat the Elite 4 in my entire life cause back Sapphire, I had a level 87 Swampert and 5 level 50+ Pokemon and I only reached Steven, the Elite 4 champ, one time cause my strategy was to try and tank with him.
I decided to look at which Pokemon I want to get and narrow it down to less then 10 of them cause apparantly I like a lot of the new ones too.
Unfortunately, since this isn't a Nintendo offical game, we don't have the old paperback guidebooks, do we? LUL
these are the ones I am thinking of getting. Glaceon, Umbreon, Quagsire, Zangoose, Salandit, Golisopod , Turtonator and my starter is Mudkip who is around level 11 at the moment. I don't know any of the locations of the Pokemon I want, lol!
The 2nd question is, will we need a water type Pokemon to use Surf and a Flying type Pokemon to use Fly like we usually do in the official games?
Thank You very much for helping, I am really excited to try and achieve that big dream I have and I'm sure I'lll have exciting things to do after completing that goal too!

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53 minutes ago, LolisRcomfy said:

I used to play Pokemon Sapphire and none of the others. I did buy a copy of Pokemon X or Y but never got the chance to play it. Then like 2 days ago, my friend told about this Pokeon Reborn game that has all the Pokemon from every Gen and I was very excited  by the prospect because I heard that for the "official" games, you had to do those transfers if you wanted Pokemon from your previous games to come to your new games. I've never gotten a chance to defeat the Elite 4 in my entire life cause back Sapphire, I had a level 87 Swampert and 5 level 50+ Pokemon and I only reached Steven, the Elite 4 champ, one time cause my strategy was to try and tank with him.
I decided to look at which Pokemon I want to get and narrow it down to less then 10 of them cause apparantly I like a lot of the new ones too.
Unfortunately, since this isn't a Nintendo offical game, we don't have the old paperback guidebooks, do we? LUL
these are the ones I am thinking of getting. Glaceon, Umbreon, Quagsire, Zangoose, Salandit, Golisopod , Turtonator and my starter is Mudkip who is around level 11 at the moment. I don't know any of the locations of the Pokemon I want, lol!
The 2nd question is, will we need a water type Pokemon to use Surf and a Flying type Pokemon to use Fly like we usually do in the official games?
Thank You very much for helping, I am really excited to try and achieve that big dream I have and I'm sure I'lll have exciting things to do after completing that goal too!

Hi! Welcome to Reborn. For Pokémon locations, check this thread: 


As for HMs, or TMXs as they are called in Reborn, you still need to teach them, but you install mods to remove that requirement.

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Heyy~ welcome to the forums 😄

If you want a guidebook for Reborn, there is a written walkthrough which is up to E17, one episode before the current one.

that and the Pokemon location guide linked by Mayflower should help you out big time. Enjoy the game~ 🍭

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