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So, who is your preferred Zelda in Smash Ultimate?


Which Zelda do you prefer?  

10 members have voted

  1. 1. Your preferred choice of Zelda?

    • Default Zelda (The guy with the blue tunic)
    • Young Zelda (The guy you play as in Ocarina of time, also top tier)
    • Toon Zelda (The guy you play as in Wind Waker, my preferred choice)

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21 minutes ago, doombotmecha said:

I thought the smaller Zeldas were better, why is big Zelda supposed to be good?

Big Zelda hits super hard, has a lot of range on their melee attacks and has by far the best bombs. Some of the traps and setups this character has are borderline Snake levels of insane.

Small Zelda is insanely fast for no real good reason and is probably the best zoner of the 3 but lacks killing power.

Toon Zelda... I honestly don't know, I think they're supposed to be the "balanced" Zelda? I haven't actually seen anyone play them in tournaments and no one talks about them so I have no clue.


My personal favorite is Big Zelda, I like playing them all equally (that is to say, I don't) but Big Zelda is the most fun to play against.

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There is no set tier list, but here are the thoughts of Dabuz and Leffen at the moment.  Two top players with completely different opinions, backgrounds, and mindsets.  A lot of top players haven't been TOO vocal.   Also Faster= Better is a bit of a stigma.  It's not entirely accurate,  Being super fast and having no kill options is way less optimal then being decently fast and having kill options.  Shiek is terribad in this game for that reason.  People often confuse what is feasible and what is realistic.





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I'm NOT Leffen or anything special when it comes to Smash, but Smash Ultimate really excaberates the differences between the Zeldas. For the first time in like ever, Adult Zelda feels REALLY slow - and he kinda hits like an Ike would. Granted, Ike is pretty good in this game, so that probably isn't a bad comparison to be made.


I'd have to say I prefer playing as Young Zelda, because my favorite Zelda title is Majora's Mask, and it feels most like the earlier Smash Zelda iterations to me. I dig both Adult and Toon Zelda's aesthetics though, so it's hard to say I don't like any of them. I'm a swordfighter main.

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Yeah, tbh I'm not a huge fan of the Zelda's myself, but I gotta go with the blue tunic Breath of the Wild Zelda. Granted he's a bit slow for my tastes (a bit too Ike-like if I must say), but he is pretty decent to play as. Don't get me wrong, I def see his potential but I really don't think he is one of the 'best characters' that some are making him out to be. His bomb is pfun tho.


8 hours ago, Eviora said:

Which do you prefer: Normal Metroid, Dark Metroid, or Zero Suit Metroid?

Gotta go with ZSM. What Zero Suit lacks in ranged attacks compared to the armoured ones, she more than makes up for in speed. Plus I find her aerials to be much better.

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Normal Metroid I'm abysmal at because I'm not fond of primarily ranged attackers and I end up playing her like a melee character even when it's not totally optimal, with the occasional charged up B in multi-man smash bouts.


I haven't even TOUCHED Dark Metroid yet.


Zero Suit?.... Zero Suit is definitely an alt of mine. Even though the premise with ZSM is kind of her weapon, she is much easier to go hand-to-hand with, and characters that are slippery like ZSM is make for a fun time.

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On 1/24/2019 at 8:08 PM, Eviora said:

I don't mean to crash the party here, but I have a question of my own to pose.


Which do you prefer: Normal Metroid, Dark Metroid, or Zero Suit Metroid? Personally, I like to play ZSM.

Oooh well

I love Metroid, she is one of my favoyrite characters. She was my secondary in smash 4 and almost main now

I love zsm too, but she is a bit too sexualized imho so it feels like she is nit really a metroid. Also, the downthrow nerf hurts

My true main however is Dark Metroid but I don't really know how to call it. She has metroid's blood and powerups, but she also is a phazon-enhanced... what is the name of the tiny squishy creatures that Metroid kills all over and over? Goombas? Well, my main is Dark Goomba right now

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