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A Haunting in Reborn - Ghost Monotype Run (Noel Complete)


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Hello and welcome to Vero's ghost monotype run. I'll be running through the reborn kicking ass and taking names with the help of the dead (are ghost types dead?). Follow along with the adventure here. Can't wait to kick Lin's ass. I will be recording all the important battles and posting the videos. Please enjoy those.



I will be only getting pokemon naturally available through reborn and only ghost types. However, the pokemon that are available by egg chance, I will be trading in if I don't get a ghost type. For example the mystery egg event, if I don't get a phantump or gastly, I will trade them in. I will be using the MOD pack for the quality of life changes, such as no HM slaves. Also no items in Battles items in battles, that includes healing, status healing, and revives. Held items allowed


Table of Contents

Chapter 1: The Haunt Begins

Chapter 2: The First Ghost

Chapter 3: Finding Corey

Chapter 4: Gangs and Ghosts

Chapter 5: Shadee Affairs

Chapter 6: Empty Victories

Chapter 7: Wasteland and Wastemans

Chapter 8: Shattered Dreams

Chapter 9: Meteor Mash

Chapter 1: The Haunt Begins


We are starting off the adventure after the railway accident, ya we don't give a shit about all the other passengers, we got pokemon to catch. Ame hands us our first pokemon, and captain of our team. There is only 1 ghost type available before the 1st gym, so we pick up Rowlett, who is the captain of our team, Nickname Owlit.



Hes going to have to hard carry us for the first part of the journey since there aren't many ghost types available. No pressure Owlit, no pressure at all. Its not like the fate of the world depends on you or anything


All right we kick off the adventure by whooping every trainers ass in opal ward. We head over to the Peridot ward and whoop every trainer here too. Owlit is a beast. He reaches Level 17 and evolves into Dartrix.


We meet our arch rival Fern, and talking never solves anything so we battle him.  Video below:


We make short work of him and head over to meet Julia (1st gym leader).


We team up with Julia, Fern and Florinia to take out a bunch of team Meteor at the mosswater factory. The battles were too easy for my boy Owlit so I wont expand on how he 1 shot everything. 


Big moment now. We head to the first gym and take on Julia. Owlit is now level 20, at the cap already (had to use a common candy to keep him down). Hes ready for this. Julia battle video below:

Start off by spamming ominous wind on minun, hoping for a stat boost. Doesn't happen after 3 tries though. Minun faints, leaving  Owlit with 80% HP. Razorleaf 1 shots voltorb. Plusle comes out and I start spamming Ominous wind again. Finally get that stat boost. Now Owlit is deezed, and massacres the rest of Julia's team.  Our first Badge is dam sweet and we pick up Tm Charge beam from her too. 


Thats the end of Chapter 1, stay tuned for chapter 2. 

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Just now, SadMoney said:

I have long reach on my Dartrix, so I think it cancels out. That Oricorio kicked my ass like 3 times before I won though. 

owo never mind! friggin Gen 7 and their abilities xD but anyhow it was impressive you didn't even heal once haha

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2 minutes ago, Candy said:

owo never mind! friggin Gen 7 and their abilities xD but anyhow it was impressive you didn't even heal once haha

Oh, I forgot to mention, I never use the bag in battles. No healing items, no revives or status items. I'm hardcore. haha

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6 hours ago, ChmmrAgent said:




You'll be getting that Frillish egg from the daycare quest, right?  It would suck if you forgot about that one

You'll find out on the next episode. I'll try and upload this weekend. I have it all filmed. The team gets pretty cool with some interesting strategies. 

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Chapter 2: The First Ghost Appears


I hear about some trouble in the Obsidia ward, so I head over there. Owlit is a monster at this point 1 shotting everybody in my way. I arrive at Obsidia and this place looks like its in worse condition than my neighborhood. My first thought is to head over to the slums and do hoodrat things. Victoria comes to block my path, so I got to teach her a lesson.


Victoria fight below:




Luckily its raining, otherwise, that Torracat would have fucked us up.  Fewh...


Alright, I head into the slums and find the mystery egg. Could this be our 2nd team member...?

Unfortunately, I got a Bronzor. But, since I don't want to make a boring playthrough, I trade on the only ghost available in Reborn to this point Frillish (nickname: Bloody Mary).

We add Bloody Mary to the team, she looking fine as hell, and shiny too. She has the ability cursed body, which has a lot of interesting uses. Picture below:





I meet the Scrafty gang in the slums, but Owlit is overleveled and makes short work of them. 


Now I head down to Coral ward and meet Cain and Amaria. Cain is talking a bunch of trash, so I hand him a beat down courtesy Owlit. Video Below:





Back to the Obsidia ward, as requested by Amaria. Florinia and Amaria get captured immediately (how the hell are they gynm leaders), by a tangrowth. We meet Team Meteor ZEL (what is wrong with this guy/girls) and he introduces us to the Pulse machine and attacks us with  Pulse Tangrowth. Battle Below:




I send out Bloody Mary first. She tanks like crazy, I actually can't believe how well she withstood those attacks. She gets Tangrowth pretty low by spamming Night Shade. Owlit comes in to finish the job with Pluck. Short work of the first Pulse machine we fight. Just like that Obsidia Ward is saved. Like I said, no mercy for team meteor. 


I head over to Onyx ward for the 2nd gym badge. Fern is back and more of a prick than ever. Doesnt matter though, we whoop the whole Onyx trainer school and set up a fight with Fern. Video below.




Owlit rips through his team until he meets the opposing Dartrix. Dam fern crits Owlit and nearly takes him out. Thank god, Owlit survives with no HP and finishes the battle. Close one, can't take the humiliation of losing to Fern.


Alright, Here is a preview of the team before we take on Florinia for the 2nd badge. Its only 2 members, but we strong as hell, and right at the level cap. Team Below:





Florinia fight video below:




 The 1st battle, Owlit beats pretty much everyone except cradily. Bloody Mary comes in and actually beats cradily somehow, but gets stalled out by Cottenee somehow... I dont' know how the hell that happened. 


Anyways 2nd try, Owlit spams Ominous wind until he gets a boost on Maractus, taking minimal damage. He proceeds to 1 shot Maractus with pluck. Breloom comes out, gets 1 shot. Ferroseed comes out and only takes 50% damage from pluck, luckily I put Protective Pads on Owlit, so I dont take damage from his ability or rocky helmet. A 2nd pluck brings down Ferroseed. Everything gets 1 shot until Cradily comes out as her final pokemon. Cradily and Owlit duke it out. Cradily brings Owlit down to 2 HP, but comes down with a 4th pluck. I wasn;t worried, Bloody Mary can take care of Cradily from the 1st attempt. However she isn't needed and the battle ends. Florinia hands over the 2nd badge and Tm Nature Power. This TM is actually super helpful later on.


Anyways, that concludes episode 2. Tune in next time to see us beat down Team Meteor and a showdown with Corey.

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Chapter 3: Finding Corey


Some serious s*** goes down this episode lets bounce right into it.


Florinia lets us know that Team Meteor has massacred the Jasper and Beryl wards, so I head right over. The police department tells us there is some suspicious activity in the Malchous Forest. Sure enough, Team Meteor is up in here. Team Meteor Admin Taka is in control of a pulse Tangrowthe, so its time to battle:



Owlit starts off by OHKO on Taka's exeggcute. Bloody Mary comes in to take on Chatot. Its raining, so a couple bubblebeams is enough to take him out. Now for the Pulse TangrowthI alternate between Bloody Mary and Owlit, hitting him with Pluck and Night shade. The alternating is to make sure Owlit doesn't die to acid spray. Eventually Pulse Tangrowth goes down.


Now with Jasper Ward safe, we go on to pick up 2 new team members. Welcome to the team Shedinja (nickname: WonderBread) and Drifblim (nickname: Dead Zeplin). Nincada was from the egg found in the forest and Drifblim from the quest in Beryl Ward. Finally our team starting to round out. Drifblim and Shedinja below:





Super happy to add some flavor to the squad.


Beryl Ward looks to be in trash condition. Time to head into Rhodochrine Jungle and find that Pulse Tangrowth. Somehow some dam Nuzleaf get us captured. Fern comes to the rescue, but I tell him he can suck one. Luckily a little Chatot lets me free. Time to take out the rage on Team Meteor. After whooping at least 20 of these goons, we come to a clearing. Finally, Pulse Tangrowth is in sight. Double battle with ZEL+Taka is on for the fate of Beryl Ward.


Start off with Owlit and Dead Zeplin, taking on Glaceon and Exeggcute. That Glaceon scare me, so I start spamming Razor Leaf and Ominous wind on it. It lives with red health and takes both my mons to 60% hp with icy wind. Espeon switches in for Glaceon and immediately dies. They then double switch to Umbreon and Chatot, who brings down Dead Zeplin. Bloody Mary checks in. Owlit goes down to Chatot, who then gets destroyed by Bloody Mary. In the middle of the battle. Wonderbread the Shedinja comes in and proceeds to sweep the whole team with shadow sneak. What a debut.


Good fight. Now before I take on the Beryl Gym leader for the 3rd badge, its time to pick up the 5th team member in Beryl Cemetery. So hello to Shuppet (nickname: Annabelle) 

So this is the team that is going to take on Corey below:






Sorry for the long battle. This battle had a bit of everything. Me trying to sweep with Dead Zeplin, getting slapped by Crobat, then ultimately Bloody Mary stalling out Crobat. I have to say, I have never used a frillish in any game before, but this thing is a freaking beast in this run. 


The stress of beating Corey is too much, and has an unfortunate consequence. He doens't give us the 3rd badge before you know...


That concludes episode 3. Hope you guys enjoy. like, comment, give me advice/requests

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Good job defeating Taka & Corey, Bloody Mary is indeed a MVP, Night Shade is a pretty good move early game.


For Spiritomb honestly the first name that came to mind was: Palantír

This is the name of Saruman's black magical ball in LoTR which is obviously dark and terrifying, and I think fits Spiritomb perfectly!


For A.Marowak, I think Bone Spirit sounds swell, or even Lord of Bones.

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10 hours ago, Leokachu said:

Good job defeating Taka & Corey, Bloody Mary is indeed a MVP, Night Shade is a pretty good move early game.


For Spiritomb honestly the first name that came to mind was: Palantír

This is the name of Saruman's black magical ball in LoTR which is obviously dark and terrifying, and I think fits Spiritomb perfectly!


For A.Marowak, I think Bone Spirit sounds swell, or even Lord of Bones.

Alrite perfect. Next episode coming out this weekend. Time to start running through some gyms.

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Chapter 4: Gangs & Ghosts


After Corey business is dealt with, I finally pick up member #6 at the Beryl Cemetery Pumpkaboo (nickname Jacko). I heard this is a pretty strong tank in the game and am glad to pick it up. I head down to the Jasper Police Department and am gifted a growlithe. I complete the mystery egg event and somehow get super lucky and get a phantump. AWWWW YEEAaa. Too bad I already have 2 Ghost/Grass types already. So I put phantump in the box. I might use him later.


Heres Jacko:



On my way down to Lapis Ward to find out what all the commotion is about. Turns out, someone blew up the Grand Stairway (Team Meteor no doubt). I here about some gang activity in Lapis Ward and decide to check it out. I join Team Aqua and we end up defeating Team Magma and stealing some pokemon from Ms Crudbury. Whole lot of gang shit going on here. The fight was too easy and not interesting enough to upload.


Anyways, back to the story. I find Victoria and Shelly (gym 3 Leader) in front of the Lapis Gym. Some wierd ghost gym leader takes Coreys body which seems to have crashed into the Lapis gym...

I team up with Victoria to check out the Team Meteor activity in the grand stairway. We find a huge underground Sanctuary, dug up by Team Meteor. Victoria immediately gets herself captured. I rescue her by beating down a couple Team Meteor Punks, and meet the Team Meteor boss Solaris. Turns out Arceus is hidden just behind these doors, too bad no one has the 4 keys required. 


Back to the gym, its time to get our 3rd badge. First, Victoria challenges me again. Alright heres the video of the battle: Can't say that it she poses any difficultyDead Zeplin charges up special attack on Pancham, then proceeds to sweep her whole team including Torrecat 


Dead Zeplin turning out to be the premiere setup sweeper on this team. Wow. Did not expect that. 


Btw, Owlit evolves into the final evolution. I have no Idea what this thing is called.


Ok , now here is the team that I go in with to face Shelly:










And here is the battle:



The whole idea here is to beat anorith, yanmega and Illumise before bringing in Wonderbread with wondergaurd. The rest of her team cant touch him. Lead off with Dead Zeplin and Wonderbread, so that Yanmega comes in. Dead Zeplin massacres the 3 culprits (Anorith, Yanmega and Illumise). And I cruise to victory. Man Dead Zeplin is a beast, always getting boosts with charge beam. Thank you Julia


Short episode today guys, Ill try uploading another one this week. 


Please send some nickname suggestions for any upcoming ghost types. Im currently at Serra. 


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  • Veterans

You missed out on Gastly in the Mystery Egg, I highly suggest getting it. Gengar is one of the 3 best Ghost types in the mono from my own experience, up there with Cofagrigus and Alolan Marowak.

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2 hours ago, not Azery said:

You missed out on Gastly in the Mystery Egg, I highly suggest getting it. Gengar is one of the 3 best Ghost types in the mono from my own experience, up there with Cofagrigus and Alolan Marowak.

I got a phantump from mystery egg, although I really wanted gastly. Was not lucky enough to get the Gastly. Since I already got a ghost type, I didnt want to trade one in. Keep the run as authentic as possible. I get some other mons to fill in the Gengar role. 


Just curious though, what Gengar set would you have recommended?

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  • Veterans

Gengar is lacking in coverage until late in the game but that gives you ample room to make use of it's ridiculous variety in terms of supportive moves. Curse, Hypnosis, Reflect Type, Destiny Bond, Perish Song all made frequent appearances throughout the playthrough.

I'd say the most consistent set was Destiny Bond/Shadow Ball/Venoshock/Curse. I highly suggest breeding Toxic Spikes on Cofagrigus, as it gives Gengar a relatively consistent and VERY powerful Poison type stab move to snipe enemies with.

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1 minute ago, not Azery said:

Gengar is lacking in coverage until late in the game but that gives you ample room to make use of it's ridiculous variety in terms of supportive moves. Curse, Hypnosis, Reflect Type, Destiny Bond, Perish Song all made frequent appearances throughout the playthrough.

I'd say the most consistent set was Destiny Bond/Shadow Ball/Venoshock/Curse. I highly suggest breeding Toxic Spikes on Cofagrigus, as it gives Gengar a relatively consistent and VERY powerful Poison type stab move to snipe enemies with.

I already bread the Cofagrigus with Trubbush to get Toxic spikes on it. It gives a huge boost to the multiple mons that use hex. 😄 

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  • Veterans

Yeah, I didn't use Hex cuz Shadow Ball was more consistent, but with it, Gengar is suddenly a superpower glass cannon with immense supportive capabilities, able to remove several Pokemon in nearly any scenario.

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Chapter 5: Shadee Affairs


After defeating Shelly, she asks me to inform Ame about finding a replacement gym leader for Corey RIP. But on my way there, I have to commit some gang related violence, since I am from the wrong side of town. I head over to take on Team Magma leader who is tough as nails.




Holy, took me a bunch of resets to win this one. Every member of his team pretty much counters my team. I pull some underhanded tactics via destiny bond and trick-or-treat to pull through with the win. 


I evolve Pumpkaboo into gourgeist. This looks like hes going to be a super tank. 


Back down at the Opal Ward, I let Ame know about the Corey incident. Turns out the replacement leader is in the Wasteland. Only way to get more information on that is to give Fern another ass whoopin. Here we go:





Fern is no problem for me at this point. He goes down pretty easy. Turns out Cain has the keys to the wasteland and hes out in the Beryl Cemetery.


I head into Beryl Cave with the new HM rock smash to collect a new member for the team. Everyone say hello to Golett (nickname Alphonz). This thing looks like a beast.


Now time to face Cain in order to receive the Wasteland key to get a new Badge.




Cain gets hard countered by me. He doens't pose much of a threat. By the way, Bloody Mary continues to be an absolute monster just massacring everyone in my path.


Heather (Coreys Daughter) comes out of nowhere and starts a chain reaction of nonsense. She ends up getting captured by the orphanage and its up to me Cain, Shelly to rescue her. In the orphanage, I meet some important characters: Noel, Anna, Charlotte. We all defeat the Orphanage creeps and make it out of there with Heather. However, Doctor Connal (the Orphange owner) alerts authorities, and now we are on the run. (Man, I made way to many crimes happen). Anyways, long story short, we end up at the gate in the underground railnet to escape the city. however the only way to activate it, is to take on the 4th Gym Leader, Shade, who also runs the energy plant. 


Time to face the Ghost Gym Leader Shade. Who is the true Ghost Master? Heres the team that is facing Shade, btw, Bloody Mary and Anabelle evolved, so the team is prety swole:












Anabelle is equipped with Metronome, so she does massive damage with Shadow sneak in the terrain. Pretty much she sweeps the team except for Mimikyu. Mimikyu is a hassle to beat, as it outspeeds my entire team, but he finally goes down (wish I had Gengar). But I get the victory and the new badge. however, it is bitter sweet as Team Meteor teams up with Dr. Connal to capture my whole gang. Tune in next time to find out what happens next. 



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