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Your Teams After Episode 9?


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You grinded/rare candy'd to the level cap...

When you don't know when you get the next gym badge....

I bet you next episode we get another fast one on us where a gym leader dies on us AGAIN. It'll be the biggest troll moment for you.

welll i think amaria is going to die because you remember shades gym when titania killed her and you might not get her badge but that is like going to take a long time for you to get to amaria sooo lets just sit back and wait and seee :D:)

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My team after beating Noel

Blazer - Typhlosion, Lvl 54

My starter and team leader



Flamethrower - main STAB move

Flame charge - in case I need a speed boost for some reason

Lava Plume - Good for double battles or if I need to inflict a burn

Swift - Yeah, Typhlosion doesn't really get any good moves apart from it's Fire type moves.

Probat - Crobat, Lvl 50

My main physical sweeper, works well despite modest nature



Acrobatics - main STAB move

Poison Fang - 2nd STAB move, ability to badly poison foes is also quite nice (even though I have other ways to spread toxic, so this move is kind of redundant. I might replace it with Cross Poison.)

Bite - for dealing with Psychics and Ghosts (well I say that, but Acrobatics still does more unless they have a 2nd type which resists Flying moves, so again, kind of pointless to have. Flinch chance is decent though and works with Crobat's high speed.

Confuse ray - confusion status is way more helpful in this game than most other games, also not missing Supersonics rocks.

Milo Mk2 - Houndoom, Lvl 50

Mainly a special attacker, but has a few other roles.



Flamethrower - again, main Fire type attack

Beat up - another STAB move, great for killing Lunatone and Solrock which I always had trouble with before Milo was on my team

Shadow Ball - Turns out Houndoom doesn't learn Dark Pulse from levelling up and there's no TM for it in Gen 5. I suppose shadow ball is almost the same really.

Roar - If someone gets too many boosts, just roar them out and undo all their work.

HeapOfShit - Garbodor, Lvl 50

Toxic spreader, and evidence of my lack of nickname creativity.



Sludge Wave - main STAB

Acid Spray - Usually use this first to lower opponent's Sp.Def.

Toxic - for badly poisoning, obviously

Toxic Spikes - Surprisingly effective strategy for gym leaders in my experience. Lead with Garbodor, set up two Toxic spikes, use toxic on their lead and just wait for the poison to wear them down. The fact that I used this for most previous major battles is probably partly why I struggled with Aya so much.

Rapin'Ape - Primeape, Lvl 51

Physical attacker and partial HM slave



Cross Chop - main STAB move

Thrash - Only slightly weaker than Cross Chop and more accurate

Rock Smash - Actually somewhat decent for a HM because of the occasional Defense drop.

Strength - Decent move but no real use when I have Thrash. Only used as a HM.

Top Gear - Klingklang, Lvl 52

Newest member of my team, very helpful for beating Noel



Gear Grind - main STAB move, especially good for breaking rock types with Sturdy.

Shift Gear - Turns Top Gear into a great sweeper after just one use.

Charge Beam - Ability to raise special attack makes Top Gear a good mixed attacker

Discharge - Decently powerful after one or two Charge Beam boosts.

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Alucard (After my favorite Anime Character)


Speed Boost



-Brave Bird

-Blaze Kick

-Hi Jump Kick


Kaede (Named after my anime crush...dont judge me)



Mind Plate/Focus Band


-Calm Mind

-Double Team

-Magical Leaf (Only until I get Thunderbolt)


Kensei (After another favorite anime character)


Shed Skin

Quick Claw


-Brick Break

-Rock Climb (Will I be needing this move in the future on the field?)

-Hi Jump Kick


Lion-O (Thundercats the original not the crappy new one)



Zap Plate



-Thunder Fang

-Chrage Beam


Scorponok (Transformers)



Scope Lens

-Night Slash

-Poison Fang


-Hone Claws

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  • Level 53
  • Male
  • Sassy
  • Iron Fist
  1. Mach Punch
  2. Acrobatics
  3. Close Combat
  4. Flame Wheel



  • Level 51
  • Female
  • Bold
  • Inner Focus
  1. Haze
  2. Acrobatics
  3. Bite
  4. Confuse Ray



  • Level 46
  • Female
  • Docile
  • Battle Armor
  1. Poison Fang
  2. Night Slash
  3. Hone Claws
  4. Toxic Spikes



  • Level 51
  • Male
  • Mild
  • Sturdy
  1. Rock Smash
  2. Rock Blast
  3. Smack Down
  4. Earthquake



  • Level 51
  • Female
  • Bashful
  • Swift Swim
  1. Strength
  2. Drain Punch
  3. Rain Dance
  4. Muddy Water



  • Level 46
  • Female
  • Aftermath (which does nothing)
  1. Gust
  2. Payback
  3. Charge Beam
  4. Shadow Ball

Yeah...I have really bad luck with natures.

Plan on level grinding Raizer and Kiyotaka while waiting for the new episode.

Also just now noticing half of my team is purple...not sure if I like...

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My team, after Noel.

Phoenix (male), 55


Bashful Nature, Blaze

1. Bulk Up

2. Blaze Kick

3. Brave Bird

4. Double Kick

Melissa (Female), 55


Lonely, Synchronize

1. Psychic

2. Calm Mind

3. Magical Leaf

4. Shadow Ball

Dracarys (Female), 54


Docile, Intimidate

1. Dragon Dance

2. Ice Fang

3. Aqua Tail

4. Bite

Rex (Male), 53


Modest, Flash Fire

1. Crunch

2. Extremespeed

3. Flare Blitz

4. Outrage

GarbageMan (Female), 44


Jolly, Weak Armor

1. Toxic

2. Take Down

3. Toxic Spikes

4. Sludge Bomb

Skulker (Male), 53


Brave, Sturdy

1. Steamroller

2. Earthquake

3. Stealth Rock

4. Smack Down

Others I'm working on training:


I also have a shiny Magcargo and Swanna I'm working on, but they have a way's to go.

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Even if I haven't finished the game yet, this is my final confirmed team. Still I have a lot of stuff to breed



He's been with me from the very start. Fast and frenzied, it hits like a truck to complement it's high speed.

Hasty Nature (+Speed,-Defense)

Iron Fist

Flame Wheel (Primary STAB, since it has no drawbacks. It's saved me tons of times with it's nasty burns. Waiting to be replaced with Fire Blast, lazy to breed, and this one has really, really awesome IVs.)

Mach Punch (Well I have Iron Fist, so I don't plan to waste it. Helps against things that are faster than it or when it needs to pick something off)

Grass Knot (For bulky Waters, Grounds, Rocks, etc.)

Close Combat (For things that Infernape really needs to kill in one hit. It's also one of my most powerful moves)



A bulky tank, Scrafty takes the physical hits while dishing out more powerful ones.

Adamant Nature (+Attack,-Special Attack)

Shed Skin

Crunch (Standard STAB, lowers defense, which is good.)

Brick Break (A good STAB, breaks screens which is good, and more reliable than HJK. Waiting to replace with Drain Punch)

Rock Climb (Just for random coverage, occasional confuse is also nice. Waiting to replace with Head Smash)

Hi Jump Kick (This hits like a truck, but it sucks if it misses. Waiting to replace with Bulk Up)



Arguably my most bulky Pokemon as of now, Spiritomb can prove devastating once a Nasty Plot is set.

Modest Nature (+Special Attack, -Attack)


Nasty Plot (To buff Special Attack. It hits like a truck. Waiting to replace with Calm Mind)

Shadow Ball (Standard STAB, lowering Special Defense is cool.)

Dark Pulse (Another good STAB, but the flinch is useless unless I meet something like Quagsire or paralyze something.)

Hidden Power Fighting (YEAH! Lucky me. 68 base too. Great IVs to boot)


Exploud (Shiny)

Like Infernape, he's been with me through the entire journey, sucking up the unnecessary EVs as it goes. It hits hard, and is surprisingly bulky to boot.

Modest Nature (+Special Attack, -Attack)


Uproar (Currently Exploud's most powerful attack. It even dents things that resist it. Waiting to replace with Hyper Voice)

Shadow Ball (Random coverage. Only works on Rock types though. Waiting to replace with unknown move)

Strength (It's just for moving boulders. Nothing special, although it helps when locking into Uproar is undesirable. Waiting to replace with unknown move)

Fire Fang (Again, it's for the coverage. Helps with Steels, and occasional burns. Waiting to replace with Focus Blast)



The king of crits, this thing wrecks teams with lucky crits after Hone Claws.

Naughty Nature (+Attack, -Special Defense)


Hone Claws (Boosts Attack and accuracy. Waiting to replace with Swords Dance)

Night Slash (Primary STAB, hits insanely hard if you get a crit)

Cross Poison (Secondary STAB, also with a good crit chance.)

Fire Fang (Coverage for Steels. Waiting to replace with Earthquake)

And now for the breeding section. It'll be a long time before I get these though, since I need to grind up some funds.



With a few Speed Boosts, Sharpedo can tear teams with ease. A future offensive juggernaut although I'll need patient breeding.

Lonely/Naughty/Hasty/Naive Nature (yes, I keep breeding until I get a good one)

Speed Boost

Hydro Pump (Standard STAB. Hits really hard, but misses occasionally.)

Waterfall (A good STAB coming off Sharpedo's higher Attack.)

Crunch (Sharpedo has a really good STAB combination, so this shouldn't be neglected, especially when it lowers defense.)

Ice Fang (A good coverage move against Grass types.Waiting to replace with Earthquake/Ice Beam)



I love this thing. It hits like a truck while having strong priority and recovery to boot. Sucker Punch has got to be one of my favorite attacks. I'll use this until Bisharp is implemented.

Adamant/Lonely/Naughty Nature


Brave Bird (Hits like crazy, but gives recoil. No biggie, since I have a recovery move.)

Sucker Punch (Like I said, one of my favorite attacks. Helps against faster threats.)

Roost (Heals off Brave Bird and other damage.)

Night Slash (Quite short of options for now. Good crit chance and higher PP makes it the worthwhile option.Waiting to replace with Superpower)

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Even if I haven't finished the game yet, this is my final confirmed team. Still I have a lot of stuff to breed



He's been with me from the very start. Fast and frenzied, it hits like a truck to complement it's high speed.

Hasty Nature (+Speed,-Defense)

Iron Fist

Flame Wheel (Primary STAB, since it has no drawbacks. It's saved me tons of times with it's nasty burns. Waiting to be replaced with Fire Blast, lazy to breed, and this one has really, really awesome IVs.)

Mach Punch (Well I have Iron Fist, so I don't plan to waste it. Helps against things that are faster than it or when it needs to pick something off)

Grass Knot (For bulky Waters, Grounds, Rocks, etc.)

Close Combat (For things that Infernape really needs to kill in one hit. It's also one of my most powerful moves)



A bulky tank, Scrafty takes the physical hits while dishing out more powerful ones.

Adamant Nature (+Attack,-Special Attack)

Shed Skin

Crunch (Standard STAB, lowers defense, which is good.)

Brick Break (A good STAB, breaks screens which is good, and more reliable than HJK. Waiting to replace with Drain Punch)

Rock Climb (Just for random coverage, occasional confuse is also nice. Waiting to replace with Head Smash)

Hi Jump Kick (This hits like a truck, but it sucks if it misses. Waiting to replace with Bulk Up)



Arguably my most bulky Pokemon as of now, Spiritomb can prove devastating once a Nasty Plot is set.

Modest Nature (+Special Attack, -Attack)


Nasty Plot (To buff Special Attack. It hits like a truck. Waiting to replace with Calm Mind)

Shadow Ball (Standard STAB, lowering Special Defense is cool.)

Dark Pulse (Another good STAB, but the flinch is useless unless I meet something like Quagsire or paralyze something.)

Hidden Power Fighting (YEAH! Lucky me. 68 base too. Great IVs to boot)


Exploud (Shiny)

Like Infernape, he's been with me through the entire journey, sucking up the unnecessary EVs as it goes. It hits hard, and is surprisingly bulky to boot.

Modest Nature (+Special Attack, -Attack)


Uproar (Currently Exploud's most powerful attack. It even dents things that resist it. Waiting to replace with Hyper Voice)

Shadow Ball (Random coverage. Only works on Rock types though. Waiting to replace with unknown move)

Strength (It's just for moving boulders. Nothing special, although it helps when locking into Uproar is undesirable. Waiting to replace with unknown move)

Fire Fang (Again, it's for the coverage. Helps with Steels, and occasional burns. Waiting to replace with Focus Blast)



The king of crits, this thing wrecks teams with lucky crits after Hone Claws.

Naughty Nature (+Attack, -Special Defense)


Hone Claws (Boosts Attack and accuracy. Waiting to replace with Swords Dance)

Night Slash (Primary STAB, hits insanely hard if you get a crit)

Cross Poison (Secondary STAB, also with a good crit chance.)

Fire Fang (Coverage for Steels. Waiting to replace with Earthquake)

And now for the breeding section. It'll be a long time before I get these though, since I need to grind up some funds.



With a few Speed Boosts, Sharpedo can tear teams with ease. A future offensive juggernaut although I'll need patient breeding.

Lonely/Naughty/Hasty/Naive Nature (yes, I keep breeding until I get a good one)

Speed Boost

Hydro Pump (Standard STAB. Hits really hard, but misses occasionally.)

Waterfall (A good STAB coming off Sharpedo's higher Attack.)

Crunch (Sharpedo has a really good STAB combination, so this shouldn't be neglected, especially when it lowers defense.)

Ice Fang (A good coverage move against Grass types.Waiting to replace with Earthquake/Ice Beam)



I love this thing. It hits like a truck while having strong priority and recovery to boot. Sucker Punch has got to be one of my favorite attacks. I'll use this until Bisharp is implemented.

Adamant/Lonely/Naughty Nature


Brave Bird (Hits like crazy, but gives recoil. No biggie, since I have a recovery move.)

Sucker Punch (Like I said, one of my favorite attacks. Helps against faster threats.)

Roost (Heals off Brave Bird and other damage.)

Night Slash (Quite short of options for now. Good crit chance and higher PP makes it the worthwhile option.Waiting to replace with Superpower)

Hey going a bit OT here but did you get moxie from the original murkrow or were you able to hatch a moxie? Thanks!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Since lots of other folks seem to be doing it, My team (post-Noel):

Grace (Female, Shiny) Lvl.56


Modest, Trace

  • Psychic
  • Shadow-ball
  • Calm Mind
  • Teleport

Marceline (Female) Lvl.55


Mild, Moxie

  • Hi Jump Kick
  • Crunch
  • Strength
  • Brick Break

Bruce (Male) Lvl. 53


Jolly, Infiltrator

  • Acrobatics
  • Confuse Ray
  • Cross Poison
  • Bite

Gustave (Male) Lvl.53


Careful, Sheer Force

  • Agility
  • Ice Fang
  • Water Gun
  • Crunch

Vulcan (Male) Lvl.52


Quiet, Vital Spirit

  • Fire Punch
  • Confuse Ray
  • Flamethrower
  • Faint Attack (Thunderpunch?)

Bumi (Female) Lvl. 52


Adamant, Sturdy

  • Stealth Rock
  • Earthquake
  • Rock Blast
  • Rock Smash

After that is my Reserve, those who either add variety to the team or are in training. They range from Level 54 to 45 in order:


(from Left to right: Antheia Lvl.54, Kyu Lvl.52, Morrigan Lvl.52, Auriol Lvl.52, WALL-E Lvl.51, Jormungand Lvl.50, Marianne Lvl.45).

Edited by Devonaki
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