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No, unfortunately you can't. Just to make sure i even checked again just a minute before writing this reply.


I tried with the first Pokémon i found on my boxes that i got from trading npcs, which happened to be the Buneary you can get in Gearen City even prior to your first badge if i recall right. The name rater says its a fine name and i should cherish it.

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26 minutes ago, M_POKemoner said:

I'm getting sooo bored.... Neither Rejuvenation nor Reborn has released a version in such a long time.

I'm tired of waiting

Well, you can always play some of the other fan games this site has to offer in the meantime 🤷🏾‍♂️

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51 minutes ago, M_POKemoner said:

I'm getting sooo bored.... Neither Rejuvenation nor Reborn has released a version in such a long time.

I'm tired of waiting

Name your console and preference of games and I could try digging up an RPG for you. These are free projects and sometimes get pushed to the back burner. Reborn is going to be a long while since this is the final package and Rejuv might be well into V13 before a release.


A good game a recommend is Xenogears for Reborn and Trails in the sky Trilogy for Rejuv as a quickie.

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1 hour ago, M_POKemoner said:

I'm getting sooo bored.... Neither Rejuvenation nor Reborn has released a version in such a long time.

I'm tired of waiting


Owo I envy how much time you have. Let’s heart swap and switch places.

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6 hours ago, M_POKemoner said:

I'm getting sooo bored.... Neither Rejuvenation nor Reborn has released a version in such a long time.

I'm tired of waiting

You would not have survived the time period it took for one of Reborn's earlier versions to come out (I think it was E15/16?). As others have said, there are plenty of games out there for you to play in the meantime. 


Anyways let's bring the topic of conversation back to Rejuvenation. What are you all hyped up for in V12?

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Well, the cliffhanger for sure lol. But I also want to know where does the Sashila arc lead to, we where supposed to be on our way to thar pyramid with a Rift pokemon, so that

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Well.....most obviously the new content XD


I find it very amusing that fan games do a much better job at storytelling than the official games. It's not just "go around and gather dem stupid badges" with a sprinkle of story every now and then. Also the evil teams are not some bunch of pushovers where you be like "Ok, why are they evil again? They steal Pokémon and want....well...what DO they even want? Ahh, eff it, just beat up their bosses Lvl 30 Persian....with my Lvl. 65 Charizard..."


So yeah.....i want to see how the story continues ^^

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7 hours ago, ShogokiX said:

Owww.... i almost fell from my chair laughing. Do you really have such a lack of games that you can't kill some time until the next release?

Well I have the far cry and GTA series to play,but they have a common story like 'grab a gun, kill everyone you see and the game is completed'

Reborn and Rejuvenation have cool plots and unlimited team combos I never get bored of.

I am playing 3 rpgxp hacks currently.(I wonder if I can name them)

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I`m really hoping that the pokemon psychologist gets changed in the next version just like it was changed in reborn`s version 18 from version 17; having to reset so many times just to get the desired nature is really annoying tbh, I don`t mind having to spend a few more heart scales if it means I can have control over the nature my mon will have. Just like mentioned above, I am also hoping we can change the nicknames of the mons we get from in game trades. The own tempo rockruff/lycanroc dusk you get at the near beginning of the game is one of the best and most indispensable mons in the game for a very long time, and having it always be named `Rocky` with no option to change it is quite sad 😕 What I`m hoping that DOESN`T get changed is the location of the beldum card key shards; them being unable to be detected with an itemfinder already makes them extremely obnoxious to find without a guide or ridiculous luck; and having to try again in other places if you wanted to replay the game would be really not fun. Regardless of everything though I`m obviously really excited for the next version, especially with that shocking ending of ep13. After all, this might just be the best pokemon game I have ever played (so far at least), just about everything about it is perfect especially in their current state in v11

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I can relate on wanting to change names of the mons from the in game trades. I'd rather have my mons either have no nickname at all or at least one of my choosing. That always bugged me while playing the offical games...


Ok, i can use debug mode mod to change the nickname as a workaround, but just doing such a little change to that name rater npc would do so much for convenience sake^^


Actually... I wonder if one of the mod creators on these forums could help us out for the time being. It should be possible to change the name rater and psychologist to work just like in Reborn. Maybe they can even fix some of the issues with these eggs some people can't pick up, or the bugged Zygarde Cells.

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@ShogokiX which of the zygarde cells are bugged? (so that i can report them to jan) (Note that the one next to the East Gearen Help Center isn't bugged, it was removed between the beta v11 and the final version(hence it being in the guide since that part was done during testing), and that the one in the munna place isn't bugged, the intended way that you're meant to get it to enter during the night, save, and reload during the day


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The one with the Munna (which i thought to be bugged) i found out myself by pure coincidence that it spawns during day only, and the one next to help center was removed? Ok, did not know. I heard there may be 2 more that are bugged, but i don't know which ones these are. 

I just remember someone saying that out of the 89 Zygarde Cells he knew of, 3 would be unobtainable right now, 2 of them due to bugs. But i am not sure if he was talking about the same cells that i thought to be bugged XD

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26 minutes ago, ShogokiX said:

The one with the Munna (which i thought to be bugged) i found out myself by pure coincidence that it spawns during day only, and the one next to help center was removed? Ok, did not know. I heard there may be 2 more that are bugged, but i don't know which ones these are. 

I just remember someone saying that out of the 89 Zygarde Cells he knew of, 3 would be unobtainable right now, 2 of them due to bugs. But i am not sure if he was talking about the same cells that i thought to be bugged XD

Some of the cells are time specific, iirc the one next to the help center is as well.

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Ok, i asked the guy who told me 3 out of 89 Zygarde Cells are unobtainable and he sent me pics. One of them was the one next to the help center, but that one is not there any more, as previously stated.

The other two pictures he sent me were these ones. Does that help you, @cybershell12?



Screen 1.pngScreen 2.png

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Well, that would be all cells i knew of then. 


Another question: Will V12 fix the issue with these eggs? Some people seem to be able to pick up the eggs, like the seviper egg in the first gym, without any problems, while others can't do it. Apparently this issue does apply to some save files, while it does not for others. I tested around by creating 3 different save files. For one of them i was able to pick up the egg in the first gym, while on the other two i couldn't.

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On 5/6/2019 at 8:58 PM, Commander said:

Name your console and preference of games and I could try digging up an RPG for you. These are free projects and sometimes get pushed to the back burner. Reborn is going to be a long while since this is the final package and Rejuv might be well into V13 before a release.


A good game a recommend is Xenogears for Reborn and Trails in the sky Trilogy for Rejuv as a quickie.

Mind explaining these game comparisons?

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2 hours ago, Izetarion said:

Are there any other fan games like Reborn or Rejuvenation? Trying to download Mega Adventure, Legends of the Arena, Exile, and Insurgence, since they're the closest ones.

On the forums, there are Spork (complete) and Desolation (a few gyms in) which both(?) use the 'reborn formula'.  

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44 minutes ago, Myrrh said:

Mind explaining these game comparisons?

Xenogears is a mech game but it has a large cast that goes into really, really dark themes and ideas (like Reborn) and the graphics and feel will kind of feel at home having that little vibrant spunk at times to make you laugh. It's a bit archaic with random encounters but it certainly is a ride. Some people would argue it's the best PlayStation RPG storyline. It's a long RPG but once you get to D-block you'll get why I recommend Reborn players play it.


Trails of the Sky series ho boy. I love this series because it's really well written and simple, but you realize how deep it really is in 3rd. It has a bunch of sidequests which are all really fun (Zero no Kiseki 1-ups this and kills it) and the games are play how you want. Characters all have rather specific roles but you can customize their magic and all that jazz. Estelle (the main protagonist) is also better Aelita.


If I were to give other recommendations:

Reborn: Persona 3, Shadow Hearts (haven't played but heard good things), and Valkyria Chronicles


Rejuvenation: Tales of Phantasia (the PSX translation and not the godawful GBA one), FFV, Chrono Trigger, and Mother 3


Could definitely name others if you're in the market for something else but that's a good variety to look into.

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