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The Vic Mignogna Situation.


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How do you all feel about it. I've seen a few sides of it, some bashing RT for letting him go as Qrow, some praising RT for it. Some saying people are being too sensitive, others saying that Justice is reaching him.


I for one, am not 100% sure yet. I support's RT choice, this may lose them a few fans in the short run, but might save multiple faces in the long run. Do I want it to be true? no, why the fuck would I? If it is true it's horrible for both him and his targets. If it's not true then good, great even.


There is one thing I absolutely hate tho... the people who decide it's okay to bring up Monty in the situation... *sighs*. Why bring him up? "he would not have let this happen!" How would you fucking know? for all you know Monty would not even have hired him back after V3. For all you know Monty would have comended him for it (if true). Can we be sure? Hell no. Don't use a dead man to win your arguments for you people, it tends to not work.


Anyway, that's my take on it. hoping he's inoscent, but open to the posibility he's not. I stand behind RT on it for the image of their company and, honestly, just hoping for a good replacement VA for Qrow. (Oh yeah, there were people mentioning how they "killed" Qrow with this. No... they're changing his VA. For all you know this one might be even betterm or sound exactly like Vic's version of Qrow. While on that Subject, I would love to see the VA of Saber in FEE:SoV take that roll. I'll list two clips here to make a comparison)


1: Vic Qrow


SoV Saber



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the fact that all of this stuff is coming to light and having actual consequences is like, halle-fucking-lujah for me, because obvious i'm really like, #MeToo, and opposed to this shit that i've been around and part of all of my goddamn life in principle but with vic mignon in particular like

i've already knew this was going on because one of my good friends had also been targeted by him. i believe she was 16 when she met him at an anime convention and while i don't feel it's appropriate to share details, everything she told me about what he was doing was hella not okay. and to do that to anyone is not okay, but it's even worse to be treating the girls who look up to him, like that. aside from all the obvious stuff that it takes away from them, it's even taking away their experience of being able to watch or enjoy the shows that led them to appreciate him in the first place-- without flinching at the sound of his voice or that memory. 


and let's be very clear, he is an adult, and he knows better. the reason he does it anyway is because he thinks he's above consequences.

and for a long time, maybe he was right.

it's about time he felt some damn consequences.

not that i'm saying this is enough, either.



...and this isn't even the voice actor i'd most like to be taken down tbh. one at a time i guess...

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As much as this sucks, they gotta do what they gotta do to keep their brand safe. Personally I’m skeptical to some of the claims as of now but I don’t outright think they are false in the slightest. These aren’t just things you can throw around after all and it’s always a real scary possibility. Maybe I just don’t know the whole story but for now I’m undecided in all of this as in: they could’ve happened but also could’ve not happened. Maybe I missed something too but right now I’m waiting to see how this all plays out.

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can't disagree there. I also have a simple yet probably "blind" impression on it now that I got some more thinking done about it: The Rumors didn't just get sucked out of some people's thumbs. They came from somewhere, and that might mean there's truth to it

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