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10 hours ago, Kazzy said:

Does Sharpedo not get to learn Liquidation? Mines level 62 right now and its not in the move tutor either is that move just taken out from Sharpedo?

seeing as Liquidation is a move tutor move for Sharpedo i think you just need to find whichever tutor teaches it.


EDIT: The Tutor who teaches Liquidation is the guy who sells you the pokemon in 7th street, once you buy all his stock he will later be teaching moves.

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9 hours ago, Lord Drakyle said:

seeing as Liquidation is a move tutor move for Sharpedo i think you just need to find whichever tutor teaches it.


EDIT: The Tutor who teaches Liquidation is the guy who sells you the pokemon in 7th street, once you buy all his stock he will later be teaching moves.

When does that occur? I wish to know before being trapped in the Agate Circus which is my next location

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8 minutes ago, Kazzy said:

Arclight takes that dude in 7th street away if you buy all his Pokemon and gives you the Lucky Egg its a Curiosity to see how that works out 

i don't know when it occurs but i'm happy to teach Liquidation to your Sharpedo for you if you want.

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