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I would like to prepare myself for the E19 (Team 1)


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This is my squad i hope someone can give me some suggestions to improve it UwU

 (Swampert has the megastone which i got from the Sandbox mod)

-Swampert: Torrent



-Decidueye:Long Reach

-Pangoro:Bullet Punch









I would also like to know if i should use this team instead:  Greeninja ,Decidueye, M Kangaskan,Noivern,Silvally Metal type, Heat rotom

Edited by Soulplayer
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Hello! I see many things in your team that I would like to change:


  • Decidueye is ok. Sword Dance should replace Brave Bird when available. Also, Overgrow > Long Reach because it can power up Leaf Blade. And it will happen because this guy is slow and will take hits before counter-attacking.
  • Rotom-Heat is weird. Hex is almost useless when you have STABs such as Overheat and Discharge. Also, Thunderbolt > Discharge if you play offensively. You should get rid of Charge and get Toxic/Pain Split ... Rotom can hold a Choice Spec if necessary. Then, you can go all attack-out. A Life Orb would suit him too. If played defensively, just give him Leftovers.
  • I like Mega-Swampert. You should replace Rock Slide by Ice Punch. This move is an answer to both Flying and Grass types. Also, Rain Dance makes Swampert deadly.
  • Pangoro : Knock Off instead of Foul Play. Foul Play uses the opponent's attack and not Pangoro's high attack stat. Let's say you use it on an Alakazam, it won't suffer a lot. Plus, Knock Off will help removing the several items Reborn's trainers hold. Also, Close Combat instead of Drain Punch maybe ... Gunk Shot is cool to damage Fairy types who wall you. Personnaly, I would give Choice Band to this guy.
  • Noivern : I would give Choice Spec or Life Orb to this dragon. Draco Meteor could be used instead of Dragon Pulse. Also, a deadly but not so accurate Hurricane instead of Air Slash, especially if it's rainy, but not mandatory. I would replace Super Fang by Heat Wave because Steel-types are a pain.
  • Finally, Silvally! I don't know how to play this guy. He is bulky so Toxic, Thunder Wave and Parting Shot are good. But a Steel-Memory with Multi attack AND Iron Head is redundant. Sword Dance would be cool but it's not available yet. You can try a mixed set with Thunderbolt and Flamethrower. I don't know.


As for Gren instead of Pangoro. Why not! It would add speed to your team. Greninja has many options, can setup hazards, can be played physical and special. He is frail however. It will struggle in double battles. And finally, concerning M-Kang. That monster is broken with Seismic Toss. It's up to your playstyle because Mega-Swampert breaks noses too.

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On 2/11/2019 at 12:19 PM, Teto said:

Hello! I see many things in your team that I would like to change:


  • Decidueye is ok. Sword Dance should replace Brave Bird when available. Also, Overgrow > Long Reach because it can power up Leaf Blade. And it will happen because this guy is slow and will take hits before counter-attacking.
  • Rotom-Heat is weird. Hex is almost useless when you have STABs such as Overheat and Discharge. Also, Thunderbolt > Discharge if you play offensively. You should get rid of Charge and get Toxic/Pain Split ... Rotom can hold a Choice Spec if necessary. Then, you can go all attack-out. A Life Orb would suit him too. If played defensively, just give him Leftovers.
  • I like Mega-Swampert. You should replace Rock Slide by Ice Punch. This move is an answer to both Flying and Grass types. Also, Rain Dance makes Swampert deadly.
  • Pangoro : Knock Off instead of Foul Play. Foul Play uses the opponent's attack and not Pangoro's high attack stat. Let's say you use it on an Alakazam, it won't suffer a lot. Plus, Knock Off will help removing the several items Reborn's trainers hold. Also, Close Combat instead of Drain Punch maybe ... Gunk Shot is cool to damage Fairy types who wall you. Personnaly, I would give Choice Band to this guy.
  • Noivern : I would give Choice Spec or Life Orb to this dragon. Draco Meteor could be used instead of Dragon Pulse. Also, a deadly but not so accurate Hurricane instead of Air Slash, especially if it's rainy, but not mandatory. I would replace Super Fang by Heat Wave because Steel-types are a pain.
  • Finally, Silvally! I don't know how to play this guy. He is bulky so Toxic, Thunder Wave and Parting Shot are good. But a Steel-Memory with Multi attack AND Iron Head is redundant. Sword Dance would be cool but it's not available yet. You can try a mixed set with Thunderbolt and Flamethrower. I don't know.


As for Gren instead of Pangoro. Why not! It would add speed to your team. Greninja has many options, can setup hazards, can be played physical and special. He is frail however. It will struggle in double battles. And finally, concerning M-Kang. That monster is broken with Seismic Toss. It's up to your playstyle because Mega-Swampert breaks noses too.

Thx! I had already done another team because i finished the pokedex quest (so i finally got the M-Kanga) i will post it soon i hope you can help me with that too btw could you tell me how many life orbs are in the game?

The problem is also that draco meteor (noivern) isn't in the game already and also sword dance (decidueye)



Edited by Soulplayer
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To be honest, I would replace Silvally, personally, because I don't find it useful. I would add Greninja with Protean, it gives you Speed. Next, Rotom, is kinda meh, I don't think it could stand a chance to E19 battles. Electivire to my opinion, is a great battler, and have pretty raw power. Infernape, Blaziken, Sylveon, Hydreigon, Metagross, Tyranitar and Garchomp could be useful too. 


I guess there two life orbs currently in game.

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