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Gible request


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40 minutes ago, Haduxen said:

Hello, and i know what to ask for an event pseudo-legendary pokemon is rudeness, but if someone have one (with bad ivs maybe) i would be very grateful

If you are still here, I can trade you one

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2 minutes ago, Haduxen said:

Sorry, i didn't think that someone would answer, so went to sleep. So, if you here i'm ready

You will find people here can be very generous, the only thing people might not like to see you asking for is Poipole but otherwise if it can be bred, people usually are happy enough to provide, Welcome to Reborn by the way. If after 24 hours the original responder doesn't get back to you PM me and i'll breed you one.

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6 minutes ago, Lord Drakyle said:

You will find people here can be very generous, the only thing people might not like to see you asking for is Poipole but otherwise if it can be bred, people usually are happy enough to provide, Welcome to Reborn by the way. If after 24 hours the original responder doesn't get back to you PM me and i'll breed you one.

Well i'm used to think that the most of people in the Internet a bit nervous about requests, but as i see community here are realy friendly and that cool:) By the way, thanks for greeting 


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1 minute ago, seki108 said:

We can try.  It only sometimes makes a difference.  My trade ID is Seki108.  I'll be waiting in a minute. 


 If you didn't see, you can trade any mon you don't need.

Well, thank you. You realy helped 

Edited by Haduxen
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