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Need Help Pt.2 (water mono)


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I've come back to ask for your opinions yet again for I am conflicted on which member to switch out of my team. The last gym leader I beat was radomus, and this is the current team I have:



Any suggestion on what I can change? I believe that I desperately need a physical attacker, and I think I hit the jackpot with this lady I found.



The problem is, if I use this dewpider, who should I switch it with? My future plan is to remove both swanna and politoed later in the game once I get my hands on a wingull, since it can drizzle and be a flying type pokemon I need at the same time. Should I remove one of them now? Or should I remove someone else for dewpider?

Lastly, if not dewpider, should I try to find any other water type physical attacker to fill in my team or should I just keep it as is? Any opinion is welcome, and thanks for the help and support.


Edited by Potatough
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It depends on your playstyle. Gastrodon and Quagsire are defensive pokemon while Seismictoad can be played both ways.


Personnally, I would pick the toad. It will take advantage of Swift Swim, add speed to your team. With Earth Power and Sludge Wave, he can handle Electrik and Grass types.


The two others need Toxic and Recover to function well. Toxic is very late-game. Plus, they're slow and their abilities are useless in a monowater run.

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@Teto @Sayaman Hear you loud and clear guys.  I found a shiny toad while waiting for people to reply, so I think that already sealed the deal for me.


Have any suggestions on who I should remove? I'm thinking of removing Rain (Lumineon), because she hits like a noodle and was literally called rain because she was the pokemon that initiated rain dance, then proceeded to faint. I wouldn't lose a rain dancer however because Ludicolo has rain dance on her too. 

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I also think seismitoad is pretty great, glad you chose it 🙂 and also noice choice of water type starter!

as for who to replace, I also think lumineon since you have seaking which is a slightly better version of lumineon anyway.

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19 minutes ago, Candy said:

I also think seismitoad is pretty great, glad you chose it 🙂 and also noice choice of water type starter!

as for who to replace, I also think lumineon since you have seaking which is a slightly better version of lumineon anyway.

Wanted to try something different in my runs, so I chose Popplio since I never really tried her (treecko always be the #1 pick for me, water type would be mudkip usually) AND I just love Primarina in general (although I don't really like water types. Did the monorun because of the challenge I would have at the start). Never considered Seismitoad before either since I thought he always looked stoned... but there's a first time for everything I guess. The coverage I can get from him will be a huge help throughout the whole playthrough.


Seaking is just there to absorb all the electric attacks, but that in itself is way better than anything my lumineon can do sadly.


Once again, thanks for the help everyone!

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