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Fast money

Lil' Sunny

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is there a faster way to make money than using a pickup squad? my army of diggersby are frequently getting me like 300 a time from choc ice cream if i'm lucky. occasionally ethers and very VERY rarely blue moon ice cream.


the problem is A. ev reset discs cost 10k a time and B.grand hall is inconsistent and boring after awhile (also despite an 85 level cap at the point i'm at. they frequently hit the high 80s)

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7 minutes ago, MachoPony said:

is there a faster way to make money than using a pickup squad? my army of diggersby are frequently getting me like 300 a time from choc ice cream if i'm lucky. occasionally ethers and very VERY rarely blue moon ice cream.


the problem is A. ev reset discs cost 10k a time and B.grand hall is inconsistent and boring after awhile (also despite an 85 level cap at the point i'm at. they frequently hit the high 80s)

A pokemon holding Luck Incense or Amulet Coin, doubles any reward fron Trainer Battles

Edited by Destrakon
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58 minutes ago, MachoPony said:

i didnt know luck incense was in the game yet good idea. 

Yeah, and it's around the point you're at. 



Early game there's this quest where this lady in the Peridot ward will ask you to keep her igglybuff safe. By the time you get back to reborn city with fly, she'll ask for it back, and she'll give you the luck incense as a reward. 


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