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Episode 18 Final Team.. Pre Ep 19 [Suggestions Are Nice]

Plot Armor

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Hello everyone first time user and first post ever.  I've been playing this game over the years and just a week ago or so noticed that episode 18 was released so I decided to play from the start.  I thought I'd showcase my current team as of pre episode 19.  My team has gone through some pokemon changes and now that I am finished with episode 18 wanted you guys to take a look at it and feel free to share your thoughts as I'm looking to obviously upgrade my team to the best it can be but Incineroar is a must stay!! Shards might be a lil bit of an issue to get breeding is of course no issue and feel free to ask about Evs/Natures of my current mons!







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i imagine rock climb is filler for exploration/E18 content. i personally replace TM moves with field moves myself but change them back for important battles (swapped rock climb and leech life on A-sandslash for example) 


that being said you have a LOT of field moves throughout your pokemon. Quagsire does not need dive or rock smash and scolipede does not need strength, and as mention empoleon does not need rock climb. 


otherwise my only problem would be that you really dont have anything overly fast. Scolipede and flygon can be with speed boost/dragon dance. but it can be helpful to have someone that can hit hard out of the gate and be wicked fast too.


My reccomendation is Weavile for a multitude of reasons.  1. the last gym is dragon, it has to be. 2. its very easy to give it a solid set of knock off/ice shard/icicle crash/filler and 3. with a choice band it becomes hellaciously powerful.  (if you cant get icicle crash, ice punch works fine)

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Well, first of all., your pokemons are fine. But as others said earlier, your team won't perform at its full potential with TMX moves. But I understand you need them in order to progress in the story (for instance the diving part in Agate where you don't know if there will be a battle ^^).


Little tricks do exist. You can use Surf and replace this move with Waterfall or Dive when needed while you're still on the water, and so on with other moves. And before important battles, you will have to change your moves. Just end-games struggles. From memory, there has been always a room to prepare your team before boss battles. Reborn is well designed.


Concerning your team, here is what I suggest. There are many options possible so you should try by yourself and see what's the best for you:

  • Quagsire with Toxic/Recover/Earthquake/Scald with max EV in HP and Def/Spe Def. It's a defensive pokemon and it will work better that way. Toxic and Scald are TM so you can replace them anytime. Water Absorb and Unaware are good abilities and they can be useful in several situations.
  • A-Ninetails is very good. Aurora Veil rules.
  • Cain should have Poison Jab. STAB moves is always good. Spikes and Baton Pass are fine too. I suppose you give the speed boost it to your Incineroar or your Empoleon. You can try Sword Dance later when it's available.
  • Empoleon with Scald and Flash Cannon at least. STAB is good. Or Hydro Pump instead of Scald. But Scald can burn and it can save you. Ice Beam should replace Icy Wind when available. I don't know if you need Grass Knot. Your call. You can try Toxic, Stealth Rock too. You can try a Choice Spec as well.
  • Incineroar is cool with the Z-move. But you can try Assault Vest. Fake Out is good too, especially paired with Toxic.. Snarl is very good in double battles. Knock Off should replace Darkest Lariat if you get rid of the Z-Crystal. Choice Band is fine too.
  • Flygon should have Stone Edge instead of Fly, or maybe Iron Tail for Fairies. You can try Dragonium-Z with Outrage: it's deadly. If not, just give him a Life Orb, it will ensure some K.Os. Yache Berry is very niche. I don't know if you had to use it a lot.
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I really like your team, but if you don't mind, I would made some changes on it, adding some pokemon on rotation. Incineroar is wild when it comes to outspeed something, so it should stay (Especially with Choice Band). Here are some suggestions from me:

  • Dragonite: Similiar on how Flygon use; Dragonite gains Stab from Fly, access to Dragon Dance, and Claw as well to Outrage, the news would be Earthquake, But I do replace it with Bulldoze, which, low in base power is really helpful lowering Spd by -1. Multiscale secures Dragon Dance, and holding life orb, all these supported by Aurora Veil. I must say Dragonite is a beast.
  • I always says Dark-Type is a must on every team, but that's my personal opinion. I could add Mega-Absol to your team, Sucker Punch/Knock Off/Superpower/Anything eelse. I tried and it comes really good agaisnt E18 Battles. (Magic Bouncing Sticky Web) High Spd and Atk, but way too fragile, still goood.
  • Choice Band Metagross hits really hard, Bullet Punch/Meteor Mash/Zen Headbutt/Hammer Arm or Brick Break. This alongside Aurora Veil rocks.
  • Venusaur, I really like it. Much like stalling and hard to kill. Leech Seed/Toxic/Venoshock/Giga Drain holding Black Sludge.

Well as mostly peopel said. Stab moves are needed, Flash Cannon on Empoleon and Poison Jab on Scolipede.

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5 hours ago, omegax1402 said:

why don't u put flash cannon on empoleon? It's a nice stab and gives you fairy coverage

I wanted to but between needing a Tmx and lack of grass moves I needed Grass Knot and Icy Wind makes my sadly slow team not as slow but without Rock Climb Flash Cannon would for sure be there

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5 hours ago, MachoPony said:

i imagine rock climb is filler for exploration/E18 content. i personally replace TM moves with field moves myself but change them back for important battles (swapped rock climb and leech life on A-sandslash for example) 


that being said you have a LOT of field moves throughout your pokemon. Quagsire does not need dive or rock smash and scolipede does not need strength, and as mention empoleon does not need rock climb. 


otherwise my only problem would be that you really dont have anything overly fast. Scolipede and flygon can be with speed boost/dragon dance. but it can be helpful to have someone that can hit hard out of the gate and be wicked fast too.


My reccomendation is Weavile for a multitude of reasons.  1. the last gym is dragon, it has to be. 2. its very easy to give it a solid set of knock off/ice shard/icicle crash/filler and 3. with a choice band it becomes hellaciously powerful.  (if you cant get icicle crash, ice punch works fine)

Yeah all my "Hms" are filler and sadly can just get obnoxious I was playing all in one sitting essentially so I didn't know how often or when i would need the tms yeah my Mystery Egg was Sneasel and I wanted to use it but didn't want another dark type when I couldn't get Weavile I still have to search for other the events and content I missed but Weavile is a monster I've considered for the longest

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4 hours ago, Teto said:

Well, first of all., your pokemons are fine. But as others said earlier, your team won't perform at its full potential with TMX moves. But I understand you need them in order to progress in the story (for instance the diving part in Agate where you don't know if there will be a battle ^^).


Little tricks do exist. You can use Surf and replace this move with Waterfall or Dive when needed while you're still on the water, and so on with other moves. And before important battles, you will have to change your moves. Just end-games struggles. From memory, there has been always a room to prepare your team before boss battles. Reborn is well designed.


Concerning your team, here is what I suggest. There are many options possible so you should try by yourself and see what's the best for you:

  • Quagsire with Toxic/Recover/Earthquake/Scald with max EV in HP and Def/Spe Def. It's a defensive pokemon and it will work better that way. Toxic and Scald are TM so you can replace them anytime. Water Absorb and Unaware are good abilities and they can be useful in several situations.
  • A-Ninetails is very good. Aurora Veil rules.
  • Cain should have Poison Jab. STAB moves is always good. Spikes and Baton Pass are fine too. I suppose you give the speed boost it to your Incineroar or your Empoleon. You can try Sword Dance later when it's available.
  • Empoleon with Scald and Flash Cannon at least. STAB is good. Or Hydro Pump instead of Scald. But Scald can burn and it can save you. Ice Beam should replace Icy Wind when available. I don't know if you need Grass Knot. Your call. You can try Toxic, Stealth Rock too. You can try a Choice Spec as well.
  • Incineroar is cool with the Z-move. But you can try Assault Vest. Fake Out is good too, especially paired with Toxic.. Snarl is very good in double battles. Knock Off should replace Darkest Lariat if you get rid of the Z-Crystal. Choice Band is fine too.
  • Flygon should have Stone Edge instead of Fly, or maybe Iron Tail for Fairies. You can try Dragonium-Z with Outrage: it's deadly. If not, just give him a Life Orb, it will ensure some K.Os. Yache Berry is very niche. I don't know if you had to use it a lot.

Oh I never knew you could replace them at all that's a cool feature! Yeah with Quagssire my stat spread was 252HP/252Def/4Sdef but there were a lot of woah "I really need this field move now?" moments.  

With buggo I thought spikes and speed boosting passing to Incineroar/Empoleon would be great but he hardly set up spikes or passed a lot of speed he's always just been useless sadly enough.  I looked up a guide but couldn't find the poison jab tm either honestly will be replaced with something else.

My Empoleon is Modest so I just need to find the choice specs and we're good on that.  Originally he was my offensive defogger but not a lot of hazards are set in the game so maybe no defog.

Incinerorar the same issue with Empoleon I never knew you could obtain the assualt vest as the guide I looked up was up to episode 17 and not 18 so I did 18 blind though once I find the Choice Band I think I'll use that.

Now where can I get this Stone Edge lol? I had Rock Slide previously but Fly is needed so I can well be lazy really.

Thanks for passing your suggestions were about my thought process with what I wanted to do with this team.

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1 hour ago, Destrakon said:

I really like your team, but if you don't mind, I would made some changes on it, adding some pokemon on rotation. Incineroar is wild when it comes to outspeed something, so it should stay (Especially with Choice Band). Here are some suggestions from me:

  • Dragonite: Similiar on how Flygon use; Dragonite gains Stab from Fly, access to Dragon Dance, and Claw as well to Outrage, the news would be Earthquake, But I do replace it with Bulldoze, which, low in base power is really helpful lowering Spd by -1. Multiscale secures Dragon Dance, and holding life orb, all these supported by Aurora Veil. I must say Dragonite is a beast.
  • I always says Dark-Type is a must on every team, but that's my personal opinion. I could add Mega-Absol to your team, Sucker Punch/Knock Off/Superpower/Anything eelse. I tried and it comes really good agaisnt E18 Battles. (Magic Bouncing Sticky Web) High Spd and Atk, but way too fragile, still goood.
  • Choice Band Metagross hits really hard, Bullet Punch/Meteor Mash/Zen Headbutt/Hammer Arm or Brick Break. This alongside Aurora Veil rocks.
  • Venusaur, I really like it. Much like stalling and hard to kill. Leech Seed/Toxic/Venoshock/Giga Drain holding Black Sludge.

Well as mostly peopel said. Stab moves are needed, Flash Cannon on Empoleon and Poison Jab on Scolipede.

  • I like the Dragonite choice here it'll benefit a lot more and the only thing I'm losing out on is Stab EQ for a weaker Bulldoze, STAB on Fly, a stronger Dragon STAB, and a added rock weakness I'd have to change around the team to fix but also good.  Salamence also sounds like a solid option over Nite with Intimidate/Moxie or I can even run it mixed also an option there.
  • Incineroar is my dark type so I'm not sure if adding another one would be the greatest but it can for sure be strong and with Volt Switch not being in the game Mega Mane isn't looking like a contender right now.  I was also suggested Weavile and I have to say Weavile seems very strong and still leaves my Mega Slot open for maybe a M-Garde or something of that standard.  Thoughts on that?
  • Right I read about Metagross being in the game and yeah I think it'd be a solid choice for the team for rotation where Empoleon might prove not so good breeding it might be a pain tho lol.
  • Yes, I wanted Venusaur for such a long time before I knew I had to fund a project to find it I had Amoongus for the longest until I could replace it with Venu but that day never came for me alas.

Thanks for the feedback I really appreciate it! If you have anymore suggestions let me know!


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1 minute ago, Plot Armor said:
  • I like the Dragonite choice here it'll benefit a lot more and the only thing I'm losing out on is Stab EQ for a weaker Bulldoze, STAB on Fly, a stronger Dragon STAB, and a added rock weakness I'd have to change around the team to fix but also good.  Salamence also sounds like a solid option over Nite with Intimidate/Moxie or I can even run it mixed also an option there.
  • Incineroar is my dark type so I'm not sure if adding another one would be the greatest but it can for sure be strong and with Volt Switch not being in the game Mega Mane isn't looking like a contender right now.  I was also suggested Weavile and I have to say Weavile seems very strong and still leaves my Mega Slot open for maybe a M-Garde or something of that standard.  Thoughts on that?
  • Right I read about Metagross being in the game and yeah I think it'd be a solid choice for the team for rotation where Empoleon might prove not so good breeding it might be a pain tho lol.
  • Yes, I wanted Venusaur for such a long time before I knew I had to fund a project to find it I had Amoongus for the longest until I could replace it with Venu but that day never came for me alas.

Thanks for the feedback I really appreciate it! If you have anymore suggestions let me know!


Indeed Weavile is better that M-Absol. As for the Mega, yeah Mega Gardevoir sounds good. YOu could also try Mega Garchomp, but you have already a Dragon., Another one would be Mega Venusaur, with same moveset plus, resisting 2 of its 4 weakness, bulkier and hard to kill. And, for the record, Volt Switch is available as a TM, os Manectric could be useful too.


Tourmaline Region

Sugiline Cave/Sugiline Ruin/1F - Main Area

(left the Arceus statue upper middle the area)


TM72 Volt Switch


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10 minutes ago, Destrakon said:

Indeed Weavile is better that M-Absol. As for the Mega, yeah Mega Gardevoir sounds good. YOu could also try Mega Garchomp, but you have already a Dragon., Another one would be Mega Venusaur, with same moveset plus, resisting 2 of its 4 weakness, bulkier and hard to kill. And, for the record, Volt Switch is available as a TM, os Manectric could be useful too.  Thanks for the help!

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Tourmaline Region

Sugiline Cave/Sugiline Ruin/1F - Main Area

(left the Arceus statue upper middle the area)


TM72 Volt Switch


Is Volt Switch out!? The guide for Episode 17 didn't say that so I have no idea what's available as of Episode 18 if that's the case I can go for  the original idea which was a VoltTurn Team using Intimidate as I think it's really good and I'm used it to the best if U-Turn is also available I might have to start from scratch and rebreed

Edited by Plot Armor
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