Commander Posted February 22, 2019 Share Posted February 22, 2019 Original Post for those wondering (I don't like deleting stuff: Reveal hidden contents You know it's bad when I'm siding with a guy who most likely conducted some form of sexual harassment. I'm just going to break this down and why it's important even though I'm sure most of you are partially aware of the situation but let me just recap what's going on. Vic Magnogna is a long time VA who has performed many famous roles with his two most recent notable ones being Broly from DBS and Qrow from Ruby. There were accusations of sexual harassment which lead to his removal in Rooster Teeth, but Funimation did their own investigation before removing him from that company as well. Here's what I believe on that matter: Vic is a nice person who probably got into the habit of doing stuff unintentionally which made people uncomfortable. All I've really seen is the hugging, but you can't exactly judge a book by its cover. He doesn't seem like the type to do something intentionally as sexual harassment like groping. Maybe crack an inappropriate joke at worst. I also don't blame Funimation and Rooster Teeth for removing Vic even if it was due to the drama. It's a scummy move but sometimes even if someone is innocent you have to take action for the sake of your reputation. That should have been the end of the story, but it gets interesting. Edit: So I looked at the allegations and...I feel bad for anyone who was, but they are kind of amusing. So what the story looks like is that Vic is a bit of a hound dog flirting with people even though he had a girlfriend and then wife. Having a questionable morality compass does not add up to sexual harassment. There's no concrete evidence that he was sexually harassing people as there are three sides of a story: your side, my side, and the truth. Vic himself admitted to these things but nothing to be labeled as sexual harassment. I therefore have to take the side of innocent until proven guilty. Many, many fans have been doing some digging and found bias in these accusations on top of Anime News Network illegally using a photo for one of their articles on top of tampering with some photos to make it look like something that did not happen. This started to make fans skeptical on what was the truth which people started wanting evidence. This gets better. We found out there was such evidence from Funimation's investigation which we found out from a Funimation VA Monica Rial who said she took part in this investigation and that there was indeed evidence. This just made fans want to see this evidence even more and thus began a war. An ugly twitter war. Vic's response was simply to be kind to one another on the matter and stayed out, but if only people did just that. I don't even know how many big named people got into this mess but there were plenty of posts that ranged from threats, twitter bans, and just disrespecting people in general. Then there's the SWAT threats which is another story. I think the true irony here is that Funimation was willing to let Vic go due to the course of unprofessional actions, but we are seeing others doing very unprofessional actions which they as well should be accountable for. Vic stayed professional through all of this which turned up for the better as he really does have nothing to lose and everything to gain due to this war. Action is already being taken and the GoFundMe page already reached half their goal in a couple days. A lawsuit is probably going to happen and trust me, it's not going to be a pretty thing for anyone involved, Vic included. If anyone wants to learn more about that I recommend watching this video: Reveal hidden contents Let's just start to why this is important. If Vic is innocent, this is a step towards stopping and having consequences of false accusations. It's nothing more than trying to right a wrong, but more importantly taking action against it. If no action is taken, this would not end just here. Simple words whether they be false or true ruining guys would just come up more and more and train wreck more lives. I do think this action needed to be taken so people don't think you can freely say anything and gain attention from it. If this were a perfect world it'd be that simple, but this had to stem from something and that's where we talk about Funimation. If I were in Funimation's shoes, the last thing I'd want to do is take this to court and settle it beforehand paying whatever compromise possible. Taking it to court means their investigation will become public information which would shed the light on what is true and what are lies. The only reason to even want to go to that step is if this investigation has factual and certain proof that indeed Vic had performed sexual harassment with little to no rebuttal towards it. I highly doubt that as I feel like there would be some uncertainty. That is their first battle. Their next battle is proving that the actions of the VAs during this time did not damage or harm his career even further. Vic could lose this, but Funimation's reputation is going to be damaged regardless. It'll be interesting to see how all of this turns out but I do side with Vic after seeing everything that happened. I'm not blindly supporting him as I looked at all the evidence for that conclusion. I do ask that you remain professional regardless of what your thoughts on the matter are. We do have rules for being respectful so let's keep it that way. Personally, I hope the damages are minimal and Vic at least has a career to go back to as it certainly won't be with Rooster Teeth or Funimation. The Vic Mignogna Lawsuit Chronicles Note: This is going to be a LOOOOONG updated post to get everything critical to the story. Prepare for one of the most ridiculous and interesting things you will see in a while. Notable #IStandWithVic Members/Supporters Reveal hidden contents Vic Mignognia: An American VA who is being accused of sexual assaulting both fans and VAs and has been terminated with Funimation and Rooster Teeth and many cons have dropped him. He is currently pursuing legal action to clear his name. Also tries to stay in touch with fans by doing Unlock and attending cons who will have him. Additional Notes: Likes warm hugs. Ty Beard: One of the owners of the BHBH lawfirm who has worked on many high end businesses and has many, many years of experience leading him and his team to be some of the top lawyers in Texas. He and his team are working with Vic Mignonia in order to clear his name. He sometimes joins Nick Rekieta on streams to discuss info on the court case. Additional Notes: He wrote a warhammer 40k book and is a black belt in Beard-fu Nick Rekieta: Well-recieved lawyer on Youtube known for covering and mocking court cases such as the Maddox LOLsuit, Meyer v Waid, and others. He's Youtube skyrocketed when covering the Vic Mignonia lawsuits even reaching out to Vic to start a GoFundMe to help him out. He often drinks on livestreams and unleashes rants like crazy. He tries educating people on the law on how to approach them from a law standpoint but is not afraid to unless his sass on the onslaught of #KickVic trying to ruin his career. He's often regarded as the head of the #IStandWithVic for having the best connections and most useful information. Additional Notes: He's called a Boomer for struggling with technology Todd Haberkorn - A VA who is known for many roles, but in this he's a friend of Vic Mignogna who is standing up for his friend. He is currently in a lawsuit against Jessie Pridemore and dealing with getting booted from cons randomly for literally doing nothing wrong. Reuben Langdon - Featuring Dante from Devil May Cry. This VA is another of Vic's friends who joined a livestream on Toy Bounty Hunters in which the Youtuber did state that if he didn't want anything to avoid flack on Vic he could, but the VA went full in discussing his thoughts on the situation and standing up for his friend. He later got a couple articles made giving him some flack but nothing has happened to him so far. I really recommend that stream if nothing else on this matter. The Amazon Legion of Doom (ALOD)- A nickname Ty Beard gave the female lawyers of his firm. They are working on Vic Mignonia's case with all the other members and appeared on one of Rekieta's livestreams. They gave insight on their stories of sexual assault and how to go about it. Additional Notes: They are on a mission to put a stop to Social Jackwagons Kiwi Farms (KF) - The stalkers of the Internet who will dox people to figure out who they are and how they are involved in whatever forum post they make. If you have a dirty secret, these men will find it and will archive it to make sure you can't try to cover it up. Ironically one of the most reliable sources to get info...even if it gets a bit disturbing. It's 4chan in there so I'm not going to link their website or the thread. Note: They are banned from New Zealand due to preserving the livestream shooting and not turning in info on the users involved in that thread. That Umbrella Guy (TUG) - Hey there it's a notable Youtuber who covered ComicsGate and is known for his soothing Louisiana Voice. He's been covering and often collaborating with other members of IStandWithVic to cover news. Additional Notes: Sometimes his daughter comes on to give stories about the Pink Death Note. YellowFlash2 - I believe he covered ComicsGate, but a Youtuber who covers Anime news and formerly recognized as the leader of the IStandWithVic movement coming up with the term AnimeGate to address the situation at hand. He and the others try to cover the news daily as it unfolds. Additional Notes: Until Rekieta joined the fray, he was the KickVic number one target The Amazing Lucas - Another Youtuber who covers the Vic situation who is known for getting a call from Sean Schemmel (Goku) and having a talk with him. He doesn't cover the news quite a much. Deep Humor - A very, very underrated Youtuber who instead of just covering the news cracks down the facts KickVic uses to justify the removal of Vic such as the 2% of allegations are false story used. One of the more level headed people covering this. Hero Hei - A Youtuber who featured mostly RWBY content who started discussing the Vic situation when certain VAs threatened to use their connections to ban people from Twitter for talking about Vic. He's been covering the news and joining into many discussions on it with other Youtubers. Supergirl - A user on Twitter who was a big fan of Vic's and was vocal about believing in innocent until proven guilty, but tried to help out both sides from being harassed or even doxed. After PULL (I have plenty of things to say about that one) began bad-mouthing her, she became a full-on StandWithVic supporter creating a Youtube channel to help show important highlights of streams such as Rekieta's Additional Notes: She's very well liked among the Youtubers for being very respectful and handling everything with care before passing info on Senpai'sHome - Another Youtuber who covers this Vic situation who is probably most famous for getting blocked or banned often first. I don't know why but KickVic really just hates this guy for some reason. He has one of the most chilled sounding voices. Forneverworld and Perfection - I'm grouping these Youtubers together because they are Dragon Ball Youtubers and Forneverworld was trying to cover both sides but over time converted over more towards IStandWithVic after seeing what these people were doing. Then there's Perfection who is probably bias but has a lot of beef against a Youtuber called Geekdom. They tend to cover some of this news and drama within the Dragon Ball community. Additional Note: It's been discovered Perfection is a pedofile. UnrealNetwork - I don't personally care for this guy but another Youtuber covering the news so when any of the others take a holiday he often ends up covering any news that pops up. Also did a hilarious parody with Emosh playing the role He Who Slays Sandwhiches. SGSAMI - Another Youtuber covering this who might be in it for the clicks and a bit more bias but does cover things others might not be willing to do. Toy Bounty Hunters - This Youtuber ran conventions for 6 years in which he gives perspectives on this situation from his own standpoint. He often brings on many #IStandWithVic members to discuss things both in and out of the Vic Lawsuit. He tends to do a livestream every few days. EmoshiLive - Another Youtuber covering this situation who is usually pretty level headed when getting into discussions taking less extreme side then some others. His most notable role in this is with Kameha Con which he had a number of discussions with the owner even receiving a letter from him to read out to his fans. Also was part of the staff for the con. Casual Otaku - He doesn't cover much in regards to the situation but he has had something similar happen to him. He pops up from time to time and since I used one of his videos I may as well include him on the list. Shane's Chair - We must liberate her from her abusive owner Kameha Con - While they will never say it, they believe in due process and were willing to do the right thing even when they really kind of didn't have to taking a risk to invite Vic back and are so happy with the fan support. They have been willing to talk and discuss things with the IStandWithVic side and are allies through this. Anime Matsuri - Another bit more vocal supporter of IStandWithVic who are happy to have Vic be attending their con. They even donated on Rekieta's livestream as a way to advertise his appearance. Anime Outsiders - It's a community of members who are very well known and have quite a number of connections to the Anime industry even being able to get Vic's side of the story in all of this. These were day 1 news covering people who were taking a short break when this all broke out. Key people in the movement who I can't believe I completely forgot about Not A Bug - A convention insider who passes along info and seems to know quite a bit of info about Shane. Bubba Fest - Nerdy Redneck Con that the owner knew Vic for 7 years and never saw a bad experience with him. Famous for telling Monica Rial "She ain't invited." These sound exactly like my kind of people. "C" - A name Shame...Shane uses to call out a "traitor" who has been telling Nick Rekieta all kinds of information. Believed to be a part of Sony according to Rial. Nobody actually knows the identity of Nick's sources but I probably could name Short Round - Known as the arms dealer on Kiwi Farms selling patches to both sides of the conflict. He uses a troll account to stir up trouble and sell patches to KickVic which he even managed to get around the Youtubers who tried to blow his cover. He does send proceeds from both sides to the Vic GoFundMe Notable Neutrals/Unknown Reveal hidden contents Clownfish TV - If there was one person in the entire situation that was neutral, it would be this guy. He just says it like he sees it and gives thoughts. He's gotten connections and seems to know more than he is even allowed to give out as it revolves around ANN. Unfortunately, it seems he was banned from a few cons for some reason. The Quartering - A big Youtuber who covers many controversial topics on his channel. He has spoken out on quite a number of times about the random things these people are doing. I think he even mentioned sponsoring for something which might've been to have Vic. Lost Pause - For better or worse, this eccentric Youtuber covers news on the Vic situation once in a great while. He's known for randomly daily weeb stuff and is really over the top. Geekdom101 - Most likely a #KickVic, however, I cannot put that as he's been rather quiet on the matter. Remember Perfection, that guy has some beef with him. This is the most well known Dragon Ball Youtuber and has many connections to the VAs to get into cons and other things. Some people believe he might be Iago due to his behavior. It's too early to tell. Notable #KickVic Members/Supporters Reveal hidden contents Monica Rial - This well known VA for her many roles often ends up being the one causing the most trouble. She is the VA for 4th Bulma and has quite a number of ties in the Funimation household and possibly Rooster Teeth. She is one of the most vocal and dirtiest player in all of this that we know of. She let slip little bits of info such as Funimation's second investigation and that she was a part of it. She has harassed and threatened to call law enforcement to people Tweeting at her asking for proof. According to insiders, she also threatened to leave Kameha Con if Vic went which she followed through. She states that "her safety" was in danger being there and also according to insiders she also removed Todd Haberkorn from a panel with her using that same trick. Additional Notes: Most likely had an affair with Vic and is blaming this on him for breaking it up Chris Sabat - He's been really quiet but according to insiders he's been messaging and giving orders/blackmailing people to fit his agenda. Never would expect the voice of Vegeta and All Might to act like this. He has a very suspicious record of possibly getting people removed from cons. Additional Notes: The most common person believed to be Iago Jamie Marchi - Monica Rial's best friend and VA who contracts often with Funimation like the two above. She is best known for being very aggressive towards fans and Vic making the famous "Head and Balls" statement which is often quoted for how these VAs are treating fans. If the leaked PM is legit, she also was the one to admit that they have nothing. Sean Schemmel - The voice of Goku. Bipolar. Probably mentally unstable. Also hates Vic. No, he made a video pretending to be Broly while acting like he dongos little girls except not dongos but a worse word. These guy was very aggressive but just shut up pretty early on. He loves being Goku so, so much so he might sell everyone out. Funimation - A company who screwed up royally they are easy to target for a lawsuit. Funimation let Vic go due to the sexual assault allegations making a statement that he was fired for sexual harassment and they do not condone any harassment which #IStandWithVic see right through the hypocrisy. Additional Notes: Managed to accidentally forget to add Vic's name to all of their content (which can only be done by asking companies like apple to remove it) and broke their subscription button twice due to "technical difficulties" Anime News Network (ANN) - Let's just say this news writing site is sketchy and will do anything to make anyone look bad including Vic in order to avoid heat for what's going on with their journalists. One of the editors even labeled a bunch of Youtubers Nazis for covering it. They were the ones who made a very falsified article which started giving Vic very, very bad publicity. Most likely has ties to other members in this group as well conspiracy or not. Additional Notes: Nick Rekieta was so happy that they couldn't find dirt on him and discredit him when asking a lawyer on the matter Rooster Teeth - Would've been neutral if it weren't for certain VAs dragging them deeper into this mess. How fitting it'd be Ozpin to screw this up. They fired Vic first for these allegations. If they settle though I will set them back to neutral. Shane Holmberg - A once con owner who was fired from A-kon (I think he still does one) who pretty much was a nobody until he got the beat down of a lifetime against Nick Rekieta on a livestream which fans of the show have made fun of and joked about him since. Interesting enough, he may have been more involved with this than we originally thought which some assume he is Igor even. He may have a mental illness and tried to stay neutral, however, PULL (or a KickVic affiliate) may be using underhanded tactics to skew his views. Additional Notes: He eats shoes for breakfast Ron Toye - This : ) is : ) Monica : ) Rial's : ) fiance : ) who : ) has : ) been : ) white : ) knighting : ) her : ) during : ) this : ) whole : ) situation : ) and : ) acts : ) tough : ) but : ) is : ) kind : ) of : ) a : ) pussy : ). He's one of the first round people to be sued...I think. Additional Notes: He knows Twitter only has 2 t's Jessie Pridemore - A cosplayer who really needs to learn to shut up as she's in a lawsuit against Todd Haberkorn for having drunken sex with him but accusing it of the r of an ape. Poor Todd having to deal with all of these people. Marzgurl - Originally part of channel awesome and a close friend of Jewwario who was found out to be sexual assaulting people after he committed suicide. She was the one who came up with the popular hashtag and is known for Tweeting and spreading random allegations people posted despite never having a sexual assault story of her own. Renfamous - Some famous comicsgate Tweeter or something. She's just a side character her just trying to get some action whenever she can. She's mostly famous for false flagging people to try and get their videos demonitized or removed through strikes and probably would try to get people banned if she could. Additional Notes: She just got her account suspended and I'm dying of laughter. Amanda Win Lee - Another Funimation VA who is strongly against Vic and has say a lot of nasty things. She has a bit of a drinking problem and there are things I've seen I wish I hadn't. That poor, poor dog. (The moment the Kiwis mistook that pic for Shane was hilarious). Sarah Widenheft - Another Funimation VA whose brother was caught with CP. (If you don't know what that is, you're better off not asking). She accused Vic's situation being worse than her brother's and said things she probably shouldn't have said. Josh Martin - The voice of Buu and an ass to quite a number of people on Twitter. I definitely know he either told the 13 year old to go kill himself or the mother sex tape comment. Shannon Mccormick - The VA for Ozpin from RWBY. It's hard to find info on these people because there's so many but he's been pretty vocal about his dislike for Vic. Hasn't been the friendliest about it. He kind of goes in random spurts where he's set off. DC Douglas - I don't know how you recording yourself in the girl's bathroom relates to Vic but okay. He's a strange one trying to argue why Vic deserves to be removed from the industry or something. I really haven't been following him after that one tweet but if you want to look him up be my guest. Samantha Inoue-Hart - A Funimation Employee who faked a SWATing blaming it on Vic fans which was pictures from a fake SWATing a few years ago. She recently came back from Facebook lockdown trying to explain the situation but nobody is really listening...I think. So much news gets swept under the rug it's coming out so fast Han Leia - Some random person on Tumblr who was mad at Vic for lord knows how many years for not signing her Yaoi fanart causing people to believe he hates gays (despite standing up for gays against some Christian protesters). Has locked down her account and moved to Japan I believe. Usually the one considered who started it all since ANN got the idea from her outbursts Pretty Ugly Little Liars (PULL) - While ResetEra and some other toxic forum are also involved, this is the main source of the KickVic info and fail miserably trying to dox people. Unlike our Kiwi Farm friends who use their site as an info hub, these guys use this site to try and go out and attack people using their doxing skills and honestly just harass and spread lies. Sure Kiwi farms is almost as bad, but at least their information is pretty accurate and reliable. (Because all you dingos post it on Twitter). Pensacon - infamous con known for making bomb threats against Vic fans if they came to this con. Interesting enough, Monica Rial attended this con though I don't think that's enough to assume a connection between the two. io9 - They wrote an article which listed some allegations people made against him in an interview writing it in a way to make him look bad as they only included things he said and wrote it in a way to make him look worse as found by the some IStandWithVic members uncovering the full interview. They also managed to find the real names of the people who made the allegations and oddly enough they lied about these people's occupations as well. I also did my digging and oddly enough someone willing to testify against Vic worked at io9 as well. He was a special snowflake trying to play it nice with both sides and got scorched by one for good reason. Dominique Skye - A literally who? She's a cosplayer who was doxxing and harassing some ISWV cosplayer who played a victim card about being doxxed to bring attention to herself. She then made her away into Kameha Con with a guest pass (given to her by an unknown party) trying to make some type of scene around Vic but was caught and thrown out. Video footage being recorded has not surfaced yet. Chris McDonald- The CEO of Anime News Network who is pretty ugly looking and a bit of a jackass. Best known for giving Hero Hei a strike on his YouTube channel. Mike Toole - an editor of ANN who is kind of a jackass and a bit creepy. Best known for calling people who question ANN's credibility as Nazis. Adam Sheehan - Director of events for Crunchyroll. Was the friend in Habberkorn's story who witnessed all of this but threw him under the bus trying to expose and ruin his career claiming he gave Pridemore too many drinks. Another candidate to be considered Iago Short Version to catch up Reveal hidden contents What is AnimeGate? Reveal hidden contents Oh how very, very wrong this man is. Also believe he's a #KickVic on Twitter. AnimeGate is the term used for the belief that Social Justice Warriors are using their powers to influence media to cater to minorities and neo-feminist beliefs. Gonna be honest, this really isn't an AnimeGate, but we are quite possibly seeing something rather interesting. The term comes from ComicsGate which comes from GamerGate which comes from Water Gate. The more common belief is that people behind the scenes who aren't in management are controlling the English Dub industry. The people in charge of this group (such as Iago who we will get to) have built up so many connections that they believe they hold all the power and can drive anyone out of the industry by getting them blacklisted. These dates back for a couple years if you're interested. How does this work...ironically Vic puts it best: Reveal hidden contents It often, but not always, starts with social media where someone says something which is either a perverted truth or a lie. From that more people spread it until everyone is aware. This bad publicity is leverage to help the leaders behind this all drive someone they don't like out of the industry. Certain key members have strong ties with the corporations so in which if they threaten to leave the companies may have a bit of financial struggle or meeting their deadlines due to using the discounted recording studio (we'll talk about that guy later). These also are people who aren't professional businessmen which are more likely to be persuaded to make not as let's just say smart actions. Once a person is removed from roles, it is pretty easy as the community is quick to label him a sexual predator ON ALLEGATIONS. The scary part is that these guys almost got away. So Comicsgate was wrapped up after the famed Meyer v Waid case but many of its notable key members joined Anime Outsiders to help cover this information. These members managed to set up a playing field to give Vic a fighting chance to prove his innocence to the community who was too quick to judge. They have been covering all of this information even at the rapid pace it's been coming out but even they can't always keep up with all this news. As the battle continues, many true colors of many members of the community began to show and the connections and evidence quickly began to build. And the number of names involved in this conspiracy and witch hunt have begun to grow. Who is Vic Mignonia? To put it simply: Vic Mignonia is a well loved and known member of the VA industry performing many iconic roles such as Junpei from Persona 3, Edwin Elrich from Full Metal Alchemist, Qrow from RWBY, Junpei from Persona 3 just to name a few. He is a talented man and a bit of a jack-of-all trades performing many roles including writing Christian Songs. I actually barely knew a thing before going into this and I was surprised what kind of person I met. I wanted to believe he did these things. No really, I was as skeptical and giving in as all the others but the more I learned the more doubts. What I found would probably blow you away. He is one of the nicest and most sincere people I've ever seen which some of it is acting but for every negative thing I found, there were 100 positive things people said from all groups and ages. Girls, boys, men, women, parents, victims, lawyers, fans, nonfans. If I had to describe him with one sentence, it would be this: he loves his fans. If you don't believe me, see and judge for yourself: Reveal hidden contents He's not doing all these appearances for himself as they have more chances than not to backfire on him. He's doing them because the fans really want him to be there and to interact with him. Yes, thousands and thousands of people want to be around this "sexual predator" and will keep fighting until they know for certain he's dangerous and most would gladly embrace in his sexual assaulting hugs. He's struggling through this but still manages to be professional. He's willing to go to a con where someone very vocal about her hatred of him would be at (she dropped). The saddest part is that he was willing to let this all go and still hold Ty's law firm back from destroying these people. If you are going to twist my words or try to say this is all an act and he's a terrible person, just leave. If you had a bad experience or don't like him, fine, you can say that or share it. But if you're going to believe some random women on the internet because of numbers, just look at the mirror and ask yourself what the hell you're doing. Wouldn't a better outlook on life be looking at a man who didn't do these things until there is believable proof they did such things. I don't want to tell you not to believe women, but I've seen so many dishonest people when accusing someone of something I have a hard time believing anything anymore which is really sad. Looking at it through this lens, you're not saying the people are lying, but more importantly you aren't condemning anyone for their actions which both movements are slowly getting fogged up on. You don't have to be a bias man, like myself, willing to make some usually extreme claims to believe in a man's innocence. When more concrete evidence pops up, then believe he's guilty of the crimes. I gave Cosby and Weinstein a chance and when the truth looked very apparent, of course I assumed they were guilty of it afterwards. And yes, he's done sinful things like cheating on his wife and maybe getting a bit too flirty with his coworkers at most that we can prove, but you can't simply assume someone's character by the worst thing they've done. If you hate the guy, fine. There's plenty of plenty of people in the industries I'm interested in I don't like. Doesn't mean I want them fired for being asses or crappy (well...more like I wouldn't pursue trying to cause that action). Why was Vic Mignonia most likely targeted? I can't actually say why Vic and Todd but I do have a theory. I feel like there was a gossip circle in which these people talked trash about everyone who wasn't in the circle. Jessie Pridemore most likely was in this circle which talked about there drama. Vic and Rial had some type of relationship which maybe was a one off but more likely was deeper. We can't assume anything but when they broke off (maybe Rial broke it off with him) and Rial really threw flames into this circle. They hate the guy and now they had something to act on. I don't know. They tried something but Funimation said "No, we're keeping Vic." Then when all these allegations popped up they just dropped him suddenly because of PR. Then we have the mob. It's easy. Han Leia was still PO'd about the whole not signing her Fanart. This started the mob as people began fighting for attention or bragging rights which caught the attention of ANN who made an article to direct heat off of them. It's hard to say if Marzgurl had a group tamper with pictures she found to have ANN post or ANN themselves did it but they just grabbed random pics where girls looked uncomfortable, blurred out their face and made a claim despite the pics being from fans who had an enjoyable experience. It worked and everyone hated Vic. People just wanted to be hateful on something on the internet (this is pretty common). Basically, this isn't about driving a sexual predator or bad employee out of the industry but more like they hate the guy. Hatred is a very dangerous tool as it warps your idea of what someone is really like. A lot of the stories people said "I didn't think it was wrong at the time" which should raise eyebrows. I'll save that for my theory of what happened. This hatred makes them believe a man is something that he may be not. Trust me, gossip groups warp your mind which is where a lot of these allegations come from. There's some truth into this, but right now, all it looks like is a hate mob who really just want to see Vic burn. I'm keeping this not to censor my thoughts but I no longer agree with this stance. There's a lot of complicated factors into this. Yes, he was targeted, but no, it's not what you think. Reveal hidden contents Remember how I said there was a group that controlled and pulled the strings of the industry? Well Vic wasn't the first target as Todd Haberkorn was accused of hair tugging someone which was proven false (which ironically was used in a number of allegations for Vic) and since that didn't work they moved to the big Dragon Ball star the Dragon Ball VAs seem to absolutely hate. I get it. You've been doing this for like 20 years and this one guy does one role of just screaming and becomes one of the biggest and most iconic people in your fanbase. I would be jealous and a bit spiteful too if all my hard work was overshadowed by this forgettable character. That's a blow to anyone's ego. That mostly explains Sabat and Schemmel and possibly a number of DB VAs who probably would be happy to never see him ever again. Jamie Marchi probably is just sucking up to Monica Rial tbh given that they're friends and all and I can't tell if she hates Vic or hates Vic because Monica really hates Vic. Now Monica Rial is really hard to tell why she really doesn't like Vic. I don't think it's popularity but she has shown spite towards his religion., but more likely Rial was the one he was having an affair with and Vic cut it off making her pissed. We know these two were making out probably more than once. We know Monica Rial wanted to be around him up until this whole KickVic thing or the Broly movie. Vic does or did something to make her absolutely hate him. Lord knows what this woman has against him. Jessie Pridemore and other people are trying to get attention from this by making fake allegations or faking anything. And before nonbelievers say, we know it's lies. Maybe not all of them but many making claims in public probably should have those cons be shut down. A lot of this is unbelievable because the man is usually spending his time signing autographs for fans or giving them hugs...which a majority of the popular VAs do. A lot of people in this are just wanting attention in this bad thing. DC Douglas I'm pretty sure was the VA who had a catholic father who was abusive to him but don't quote me on that as the VA wasn't named and I can't remember the story perfectly. This experience really made him really dislike Christians of any kind. Then there's Marzgurl who I can't quite honestly figure out her motive. Is it for publicity? Is it because her really close friend jewwario sexually assaulted people and she is mortified to jump at any sight this happen? Is it because she never liked Vic and that third experience with him really left a bad taste in her mouth? I honestly don't know. She's definitely in the VAs' group to take him down as we saw the Facebook group chat where she said to tamper with pictures. I can't honestly tell with this girl to have any idea. If Geekdom is a part of this, you'd have to ask someone who even knows the guy as I barely looked at him. I'm not gonna cover him unless he gets filed papers. Then there's ANN. If I had to have only one person be sued into the ground even knowing what Sabat and Rial did, it would be for this company. These other people are nothing worse to dirty rags compared to the things you did and you've been doing all around it. This is one of the most corrupted journalist sites that covers this stuff. Their ceo I think was found for pedophilia and there was some Nazi ad on their site. These guys don't hate Vic but they want to stir up as much drama as possible. They have tampered photographs, withheld information to the point of not answering the topic they're covering if it doesn't comply with damaging someone, they flat out lie, and are willing to call people Nazis if questioned. I'm sure you have connections with io9 and Polygon to make sure the news is presented in a certain way so fans of written articles will only see that. These pieces of shit drove the narrative so gullible fans would believe it and then spread it like a wildfire to convince the less gullible people to believe it. I can't tell if they hate Vic or not because this system is so corrupt I think they actually believe the things they're doing or saying are righteous and the truth. Adding to the fact that Vic Mignognia is an easy target as he really often doesn't fight back, there's no way any of these people have any other agenda other than helping prevent him from sexually assaulting more fans for their so believable and provable statements. They totally don't have anything against Vic or his huge success and overall fanbase that loves him. And people can totally remember some random encounter they were comfortable 6 years ago with which now somehow makes them uncomfortable. If you really are giving in and not raising a suspicion in all of this, you should really recheck everything that happens in the story so far.. when I finish it/catch up. These people hate him and wanted to warp the narrative in a way to get him out of it permanently which didn't happen. Those last three words are very important. Vic Mignognia still had work, still had cons, and most importantly still had people who stood on his side. He apologized for the things he known he did which were wrong twice and maybe 3 times. This was not good enough for them as the kept beating the dead horse most likely trying to make him lose more. While this very small and minor group of people tried covering this, all these things were going on and people were taking notice. More people began to question the truth behind this and most people saw how these people were acting and how they or other people were being treated and formed the #IStandWithVic to support and try to clear his name. The movement eventually branched out to include all who wanted due process for the guy due to how the VAs and Marzgurl were acting online. So why was Vic a target? He was Christian and couldn't be influenced by all of this corruption around him. Watch Shimoneta as that's exactly what's happening to our world right now. And that's a scary thought. They really could not make him bow down to them or push them around since he was a big named VA and really high up. They probably hate how he's an active Christian as well taking time to set up a worship group for people. And you can look back and see that if they don't like you, these VAs will have their way (which is likely why many are doing as little needed in this to not get the boot). It's stupid but that's how it is. They don't like Vic, they wanted him out, that didn't happen. Then the Broly movie came and Funimation stopped caring so much after getting the $$$ and made the easier choice to get the boot. Looking at that now, it probably wasn't a good choice seeing how this would've blown over keeping him or on probation. But he is such an easy target as he really doesn't like to hold ill feelings towards people and moves on. Going Way Too Far While IStandWithVic is an overall righteous movement the butting heads has made people start being more spiteful and going and talking about the side characters more. The goal of IStandWithVic is ultimately to prove Vic's innocence and get him properly back into the industry. It is NOT to remove all these corrupted and messed up people from the world. If I had the money I would go for that, but stopping these people comes secondary. It's a bit sad that a major win for Kameha Con happened yet people aren't really covering Kameha Con news digging deeper into the drama that happens. It should've been an overall celebration for all sides but certain VAs had to act like children causing more drama which became the main focus. There's so many good pieces of news during all of this but they end up focusing sometimes on randos like Renfamous. Some of it is good intentions but sometimes it's just to bring up drama instead of perspectives. I listed a lot of the Youtubers for good reason. StandWithVic is losing its focus and becoming just as bad as many movements before but there are people who are helping it be kept in check such as Vic, Rekieta, TUG, Emoji, and Ty Beard. But if someone is going to throw shit at you or Vic, sometimes it's good to poke fun at how silly they are being. Just my advice is when you go after someone, don't bother speaking if you are going to speak Vic's name. It just makes everyone look bad. But if you challenge the validity of what someone is saying or point out their flawed logic, they often have a hard time retorting or just look foolish. I don't think you should, but if you don't mind these people be mean to you, I'm not going to say don't interact with them at all. It's better they attack a cool headed person than someone more likely to go off and spam. Don't talk to the randoms though. Most of them are just there to cause trouble even on both sides. Then there's KickVic and oh dear lord they are looking desperate. They use every underhanded tactic to try and ruin people from doxxing to death threats. I would not be surprised if members of it had alternate accounts to make the threats of Kameha Con look real and scare people. Nothing most likely is going to happen. They are using every dirty trick in the book so honestly, it's pretty much not worth giving these people any attention. PULL is probably the worst culprits of this. Dear god they were storm you for even stating Nick Rekieta is a lawyer who knows how to do his job. I don't want to pin this on either side but the worst thing I saw was a story trying to pin Shane performing RP with underaged girls and had a jerk-off to one of the PULL members. And then there was the big fiasco of a Kiwi might have CP on their computer. They concluded it was a goose chase and not relevant at all even if it was true. Just imagine trying to ruin someone on your own side's marriage just to discredit people. I do not believe Shane did these acts nor should we assume so. And don't worry, it's believed she is of age. I wish some of these people would end up in jail for what they're doing. I can understand not wanting to be under the IStandWithVic banner, but I can't understand people wanting to side with KickVic. It's not so much the cause but the shit they are willing to go to for who knows what. I don't know if it's finding the moles or what. Whether Vic is innocent or not, this is one messed up industry that really needs some cleanup, but that isn't what the people in this job's are. It's a bonus at best to have some people exposed and possibly removed. I feel no sympathy for anyone still putting up that battle. Ty knows these people can't prove anything, they know they can't prove anything, we know they can't prove anything. The best option is for people to settle and Vic get some roles in RT and Funimation and the companies move on. Nothing much happens to anyone and we move on. That's honestly what we should all be striving for. Many of these VAs could just pop in, turn in their messages and emails, make some apologies and retractions, and be done with it never having any of their dirt exposed. Some of them might not even know they did it. No 20k dumped into a lawsuit to lose 300-400k for VAs, no drunken lawyer reading everything you said over the Internet, and no bloody storm of Twitter users storming you with questions about evidence to see how real this is. Many of these are basically apologize and get on with your life scenarios. And don't worry, they'll all be turning on each other very soon. I don't doubt they won't turn and ruin someone else to save their own butt. Ty and Rekieta warned them numerous times. The Story So Far Start here if you want to get the more neutral stance for the start of this. I'm going to try and make this as brief as possible. Hanleia made a Tweet complaining about how Vic hates Gays for not signing her Yaoi fanart which blew up and people started talking. This set off a mob mentality which people talked about how creepy he was. Then ANN set off a hit piece about how Vic sexually assaulted underaged girls using pictures of fans who had and enjoyable experience which we find out later that some really bad harassment stuff could be going on behind those pictures. Then Vic is fired from a bunch of cons and Funimation and RT all very quickly to one another. That's the condensed version of the Vic being fired part. So the Risemboom Rangers were the ones who started spreading the belief Vic was innocent but most people brushed that off. Some of the ComicsGate people covered news on it but it didn't take off. A lot of people in the Anime community started taking notice when someone (it might've been Sean Schemmel) said they knew people on Twitter and anyone talking about Vic would be banned. This on top of the discovery of a girl coming out and saying a pic in the ANN article was used without her permission and that she had a great experience started to have people questioning. Then the VAs did the dumbest thing possible: they talked about it on the Internet. And the moment anyone even questioned or asked (not demanded) those people were declared to be harassing and blocked. We also got the whole fake SWATing and the Pensacon Bomb threat raising even more suspicion. While this was going on, Vic kind of was a broken man. Remember how ComicsGate got involved? The infamous Youtube Lawyer who covered the Meyer v Waid case managed to get a hold of Vic and told him about his mentor, Ty Beard in which he also managed to get a GoFundMe to help pay for this expensive lawsuit. This made people absolutely livid and many went into hiding or wanted to make a truce not to get sued. Normally, people go into silence and don't say anything, but this system is slow and these people figured this whole thing was a stunt and went back to this whole war. Even after Ty Beard appeared on Nick Rekieta's stream. And even after knowing there are 100s of people watching and archiving every move these people make to send as evidence to the lawsuit (saving 1000s of bucks) I'll try to keep these events as brief as possible. Basically, this pic of Nick Rekieta dressed up as his friend (which his friend even talked about before) got Nick called a Black Face Lawyer and they just kept riding that train after they couldn't prove he wasn't a lawyer. These guys hate the Youtubers and especially Rekieta which I think he has 4 bar complaints from this whole thing when he even said they wouldn't do any good. There's just so much idiotic grave digging I could write a report on what not to do in a lawsuit and use their Tweets as prime examples. Just picture the KickVic side doing every possible dirty thing they can do over the Internet and that's all you need to know about these idiots. Just log onto Twitter and type KickVic and you'll be amazed what you see. Now the next important thing was the annoucement Todd Haberkorn is in a lawsuit against Jessie Pridemore accusing him of rape. Todd claims it was just really drunken sex and even has text messages the day afterwards showing they were on good terms. It's really cut and dry that if you want to look at it you can but there's a plothole in Pridemore's allegation which is explained in Todd's story. It's a complicated mess and somehow pinned on Vic originally. I think Todd is suing simply due to her spreading this around and it affecting his work ethic (which he also had a false allegation with hair pulling earlier). No news on a court date for this case yet. It's mostly Twitter bickering with harassment on any con that kept him such as Hawaii con and especially Anime Matsuri. There was some pedophile allegation or something with the con owner. I can't keep up with all this information. Some random user turned their entire life trying to take this con down. It was expected to be a really dark year when suddenly Kameha Con changed its mind and added Vic back. This was due to the con being lied into breaching a contract in which the owner had second thoughts and 2 Youtubers remained silent on the matter all while the con owner was being harassed by the same VAs who tried to talk him out of adding Vic back. They also contacted Ty more likely to pass the text and any messaging to him over anything. Then Vic gets announced and everyone is excited. Except Monica Rial who is not happy. She pulled out of Kameha Con with 4 other people. They get replaced pretty much instantly so nobody cares. Then she got Todd Haberkorn kicked out of a panel at a panel they'd be at for "Safety" reasons. She's doing a con 30 minutes away from Kameha Con which I guess Kameha Con worked a deal with her or something. Sorry for people who wanted to see a lawsuit. It's pretty much been good news since then as a number of cons have added Vic (not so much big Anime cons) and his schedule is starting to look kind of booked. He's actually doing fantastic given he's a dead man, but still has VA roles and a number of cons who invited him. On April 18th, the lawsuits have been filed which are against the following parties: Funimation, Monica Rial, Jamie Marchi, and Ron Toye. Ty Beard, John Bullock, Amazon Prime, and Kristina Ross seem to be who will represent him in the trails. As it stands, Rial and Toye have no plans to settle. Ty Beard said Iago and Igor (and also Renfield) lawsuits will be coming soon. Stay tuned for more details. What My Digging Has Gotten Me to Conclude So let's just grind these allegations down. Everything people claim happened many years ago and all in the past. It also happened to underaged girls or girls that looked underaged. The only other people (besides Pridemore but she's a special snowflake) were coworkers of his. He also seems to be an ass towards con volunteers. It's a pretty cut and dry pedophile belief, right? Let's just jump to the underaged girls. Why would he act differently towards them and in a way that it'd come off creepy when they grew older? Vic has a fan club that he's a part of called the Risembool Rangers. He interacted the most with these kinds of people. This also happened years ago probably when his ego was the highest so perhaps he had a warped mindset. "I'm Vic Mignogna, I can do whatever I want." I think it's because of how his fan club acted he made the assumption all girls that age range wanted that. This is not sexual assault stuff or grouping but more of the crazy over the top things. His personality at that time could make people uncomfortable. Now him being an ass to con staff is more or less true. It's actually a common trait for a lot of VAs. I've found more people talking about him being an ass over the sexual assault stuff. I don't know if he mellowed out afterwards but we don't know just like all these allegations. They happened long ago just like many of these allegations so maybe he changed or maybe he didn't. He'll definitely change how he handles stuff after this. Then we've got VAs which really kind of helps clear something up with weird allegations on them. The guy looks good but when he comes to flirting he's terrible and really awkward. I think for the Jamie Marchi he was just doing a reenactment of a line or scene. Maybe it was flirting. I think Rial and Vic had something going on that was more than kissing, but that's not something we'll probably ever find out. Doesn't matter if it's true or not but these people didn't report it as most enjoyed whatever he did at the time. Not all, but it doesn't matter. Now if you want me to be honest, I hate people using online or news to speak out. I know it brings some good, but I guarantee it brings more bad. The problem with this is that it skips due process as a means to permanently damage someone EVEN if it's false. Your career can be wrecked even if someone flat out lies about an allegation and HR. Some people do it for attention. Anyways, I can't tell you if it's true or not. Nobody has any proof because nobody thought about it at the time. We don't even have any con names to say which place these happened and the year in which we could contact and ask the con about. We've got nothing. Is this stuff true or not? Do we have anything to believe it's true? So yeah no matter what this doesn't matter. Now we have to separate Funimation's firing with the KickVic. The ANN article was posted one day before Funimation hired Vic. If Twitter holds any power in business especially random teens screaming about something, then that industry is doomed. I'm sorry. Anyways, it's more likely Funimation is hearing all these VAs complain again and again and was finally going "Fine, we'll fire him" over this stuff. Nobody liked him and the Broly movie was done and over so they had no reason to keep him on if people all hated him. Do you honestly think they have a bunch of files with sexual assault complaints on him and studied that when making the decision? Most likely not considering the first investigation was inconclusive. Funimation clearly doesn't pay attention to their Tweets either or they would have shut those VAs up especially Rial. I think it was just a bunch of whining until these KickVic VAs had their way. RT may have given in and fired over the Twitter stuff, but who knows. Maybe there was some dirty play in there. That should've been the end of the story that "they fired the guy for being an ass." Very important. This is where things get interesting. We have "Iago" (who more or less seems to be Chris Sabat) who has been messaging these cons along with some other VAs including "Iago" in which they tell these cons claiming him to be a sexual predator and that having him at the con would damage their con if not straight up ruin them. This news was hot and things were looking bad so cons panicked a bit and dropped him off without even thinking or looking at it. That's why when they looked at over everything Kameha Con changed their mind knowing they made a mistake and invited him back. We even have Bubba Fest, someone who invited Vic after all this began, mention how someone was emailing guests to drop due to Vic being on. There are people out there sabotaging Vic's career. So what does all this nonsense mean? It's really simple. Let's take this in a normal situation if Vic sexually assaulted people: Vic would be fired from these companies and maybe a con or two would drop him but nobody would be communicating with each other about it. There's no proof or hard evidence so you'd want to keep this under wraps. We've got nothing which is surprising. These guys begged him not to sue as well. Remember that. So either way, somebody sabotaged his career which ultimately not only will undo all this damage but most likely turn this into Vic's highest point in his career. And here's the real killer. If there was evidence, they should've brought it to the public 2 weeks ago instead of waving it in front of people's faces then saying they don't have to show it. Everything you could've done to put a dent in this lawsuit you fucked up. You guys should have been getting a lawyer to prep a case for this. Now all BHBH has to do is prove people sabotaged Vic's business which a certain special snowflake has been sending emails telling people to drop out. You don't think Bubba Fest or Kameha Con is not going to send those? The game plan was brilliant on paper, but it kind of backfired because Comic Cons don't function the same way the anime industry does and was dealing with this shit already. Then these VAs were harassing and lashing out at fans and skeptics which got people really involved and raised that GoFundMe like crazy. So why on earth are people acting this irrational? You can place your bets they are saving their best cards (one of them is expecting anti-slap to be their legal defense), but what's more likely is that these people are quite guilty. Let's just say the farms have been very busy and found some interesting public stuff that's either a public criminal charge or just absolute embarrassing. Shane did say "We did stuff that was not okay then, and certainly not okay now" which is to be taken with a grain of salt but it does make you wonder about the "we." Trust me, I'm dying to know the dark secrets of these people because if that's Vic, I can only imagine the people who kept him around for 15 years is like. I can't even make predictions or theories on that. What can I do to support or help? The easiest thing to do is donate to the GoFundMe, but if you can't expend it, please don't as there's plenty of money for the case already. You can donate using the GoFundMe down below: The next best thing is to send emails to cons saying you want to see Vic back at the con and you will fully support it. You can find a list of the cancelled cons here: Even if you don't believe it, these allegations so far have been not provably true so he really shouldn't have been removed from all these cons. Not a video or photograph or police report or complaint form has surfaced to my knowledge. You should not be terminated from anything under those conditions. Another thing you can do is DM or email Ty Beard or Nick Rekieta (who passes info to the firm) whenever any of the KickVic side starts harassing people anywhere you see. I know this site isn't dumb enough to start a war or hate mob so I hope to god I don't have to send and archive anything from here. Most lawfirms have like 10 guys at most looking and finding this info but IStandWithVic is at least a thousand strong hunting this info down. If you want to help, that's good, but if you don't there's more help on it than anyone could've imagined. The last thing you can do is for the people wondering is helping me make this monster of an article either writing passages or fact checking what I say. There's thousands of pieces of info to dig through so it's very easy to miss something or even accidentally skip important events or missed any important names. It's easier to have it all in one place instead of having conversations in the status bar or separate topics. If you write a passage I will read then credit you right after where you stop. 1 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Monochrome_Complex Posted February 22, 2019 Share Posted February 22, 2019 You say he doesn't seem like the type who'd go around harassing people, problem with this is that you do not know the man. People who do bad things, ESPECIALLY celebrities often don't seem like "the type" yet history as shown us that rarely does a person show their worst qualities in their public persona, and manipulative people know exactly how to hide these qualities from the public and lead people to believe they're not there(see Bill Cosby lol). The guy is married with a wife and daughter after all, there's really no justifiable reason he should be fooling around with other girls anyway. Fans shouldn't pretend they know vic, especially when his actions are showing him in a different light. I understand wanting to take an innocent until proven guilty approach but it does feel like, even if unintentional you seem somewhat biased yourself in how much benefit of the doubt you're giving vic here, a very troubling yet too common problem regarding men in power in regards to harassing women. You call the cases "amusing,' which gives an impression of downplaying the allegations and there even feels like this sense of hoping he is innocent (which admittedly is a bit understandable as no one wants to see a celebrity they like turn out to be an asshole), but to me this sort of exemplifies the whole issue in how sexual harassment and general mistreatment towards women from men of power gets overlooked and excused in favor of defending society's little image of said man that's been built up. I do want to see some of these sources from fans that provide proof of bias in these accusations, if you have any links, as they certainly help clear the point you're trying to make. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aikofox Posted February 22, 2019 Share Posted February 22, 2019 I understand enjoying his work, I do. But as someone who has met the man on several occasions, he always left a sour taste in my mouth. While none of what he has done is technically illegal, it is still in very poor taste. There are two things that come to mind specifically that I did not approve of: Using his position as a celebrity to push his religion onto others in various ways, including handing out free cds of him reading his bible in the voices of his characters to everyone who attends his panels, including impressionable children who literally worshipped him. Yeah, they could say no, but these are kids. Let them decide for themselves. Bashing on a fellow guest who is a very prominent representative of the gay community and getting upset with fans of his who were also there to see said guest. This guest was one of the headliners at this con, and he was furious about it because there were more people there to see this other guest than there were to see him. I've always known he had an ego, I've seen it several times throughout the years, but he was literally sulking and telling off fans who even mentioned this other guest's name. There are more instances and friends of mine who also saw him at cons witnessed, but those are the two most prominent ones. Just some food for thought. The man isn't a saint, and celebrity status should not allow him to be treated as one. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wcv Posted February 23, 2019 Share Posted February 23, 2019 Gonna be honest, when people get hit with these sort of accusations and keep a level head or stay "professional" it makes me more suspicious of them, not less. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lyumia Posted February 23, 2019 Share Posted February 23, 2019 Except, that sexual harassment doesn't just mean groping or assault. It can be verbal. It's not only unprofessional to make such remarks, to young women no less in an environment where they're supposed to feel safe. It's degrading and always unwelcomed, no matter how innocent the comment or action may be. Not only that but the numerous accounts of lecherous behavior at conventions, his coworkers calling him out, combined with his homophobic comments on anime news network paint the exact opposite of a "good man" with flirtatious tendencies. And having a wife and a daughter wouldn't stop a someone from "fooling around" with girls. People cheat, they lie, and they do terrible things to others. It's naive to not consider he possibly of such a thing. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LeoYT Posted February 23, 2019 Share Posted February 23, 2019 On 2/22/2019 at 7:29 PM, Commander said: I hope the damages are minimal and Vic at least has a career to go back to as it certainly won't be with Rooster Teeth or Funimation. Expand I don't think that Vic would go after RT as they really had little choice but to let him go since they couldn't really afford to take a PR hit. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commander Posted February 23, 2019 Author Share Posted February 23, 2019 @Monochrome_Complex You really do need to do your own research to take a fair side as both do have ground and make sense and I was pretty neutral until I saw this come up: Reveal hidden contents And then the storm does keep coming: Reveal hidden contents Do I think Vic should not have been fired from Funimation and Rooster Teeth? That's not my call to make, but Vic made the wise choice and kept silent only speaking really safe responses. Something I think should be noted is that this happened right after the Broly movie was super successful. So an old story of mine is that my grandpa was on the road and didn't see a dead motorcyclist and ran over the gas tank. He was not responsible for the accident and even the police officer at the scene acknowledged that. The family of the deceased member waited years later right until the deadline to take action to sue my grandfather and get some money out of him for running over the guy. It happened so long ago there was now no proof he didn't do it so he lost. It's the prisoner's dilemma and I'd put money down that at least someone in this mess is down for ruining Vic's career for their own personal gain. I'm not one to promote said actions, but the reality is that it's a smart logical thing to do since it profits you with no drawbacks. That's just a cruel reality best learned sooner than later not to put your trust in others lightly. If this were a normal situation, this would've been swept under the rug but because people have been saying and doing actions on twitter. Because this controversy prolonged more facts and pieces come up which twitter posts are hard concrete proof of someone saying something. I can't deny that I wrote the topic or post but if I told my friend he was a jackass then they'd have a hard time proving that. The legal team is going to have quite a bit of work to figure out what pieces to work with and what to throw out and not use. Pensacon for example while what they did was probably illegal isn't much to work with as those threats were more at fans than Vic himself and not very relevant to the case. At the end of the day, this guy really nails what's going to happen and what straight up is really going on Reveal hidden contents (There's a comment with great timestamps for this livestream if you wanna watch those) The tl;dr version of this is that the most likely scenario is that Monica (voice of Bulma) and Jamie (voice of Goku) are going to be fired from Funimation. It'd take a miracle to save those two. Funimation is going to be hit hard, Anime News Network is going to be hit really hard. Rooster Teeth is probably going to get hit the least hard so they should remain standing. Those sexual harassment allegations are going to be thrown out the window. Pensacon better pray they don't have enough money to go after them or they're going to get destroyed. This is IF the accusations are true. This is if these situations happened exactly like the women described (we do know that these events did happen since Vic confirmed many of them) and if there is proof in all of them not giving consent. I don't think there's a single police report on his actions and since they were so long ago you'd have a hard time really proving it. The moral of the story is what Vic said "Be kind to one another" because if people remained professional and didn't stretch it to the extent it was, Vic might not have even had a case to begin with as companies can fire people for any reason. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @Aikofox Is a man cheating on his girlfriend with a girl who has a boyfriend considered a good person? Probably not. I do think there is truth that a lot of people hated the guy due to his attitude and how he acted. I can't say I really blame them but this is just getting ridiculous at this point. He admitted to hugging some people without consent which made them uncomfortable, tickling someone without permission making them uncomfortable, and the instances where he said that person went to the room with them. I wish I could find the video on that but we can confirm the guy did questionable actions to make people feel uncomfortable. Possibly some sexual misconducts. I want to ask you and people questions which is will make sense why I stand with Vic even doing these things. Did Vic interact and talk to these people afterwards like if they were on good terms? Why did the other person act the way they did for so long? Were any of the following happened for any of the victims: groping (or ass grabbing), touching of privates, sexual intercourse without consent, physical injuries? That's the thing the court is most likely going to be looking for at this point. But we have two different recounts in a few of these accusations. I have one possible way to tell who the liar is by asking this question: What movie were you watching? One of the testimonies talked about actions that happened, but Vic accounted them differently and additionally added that alcohol was involved. Vic is the one that admitted that. Wouldn't it make more sense if the allegations mentioned this detail as it would make more sense why he did what he did. Found it: Reveal hidden contents I have to ask you something: why the hell would a liar admit to things that could easily be traced and proven like the tickling thing. He gave additional details on the matter and I feel his story matches more closely to the truth. I guess you could say he's playing his cards a bit too carefully saying the right things but...this is the guy who randomly hugged fans without thinking about the consequences. I don't think he's the crafty kind of person to plan this all out in his favor using lies that look so much like truths. ------------------------------------------------------------ On 2/23/2019 at 12:01 AM, wcv said: Gonna be honest, when people get hit with these sort of accusations and keep a level head or stay "professional" it makes me more suspicious of them, not less. Expand I don't think that's a bad mindset as I myself at the start of this just figured this was just another sexual harasser into the pile. I don't care if he's innocent or not, but I have to give him mad respect on how he handled this compared to most others mainly involved in the matter. Perhaps he sought out counseling and guidance on what actions to take before speaking and and saying something that'd only condemn him more. Rooster Teeth and Funimation said very little on the matter like a company should. They are simply part of the crossfire. ------------------------------------------------------------------ On 2/23/2019 at 12:39 AM, The Lonely God said: Except, that sexual harassment doesn't just mean groping or assault. It can be verbal. It's not only unprofessional to make such remarks, to young women no less in an environment where they're supposed to feel safe. It's degrading and always unwelcomed, no matter how innocent the comment or action may be. Not only that but the numerous accounts of lecherous behavior at conventions, his coworkers calling him out, combined with his homophobic comments on anime news network paint the exact opposite of a "good man" with flirtatious tendencies. And having a wife and a daughter wouldn't stop a someone from "fooling around" with girls. People cheat, they lie, and they do terrible things to others. It's naive to not consider he possibly of such a thing. Expand Sexual harassment is a very loose term and quite honestly he probably would've gotten what he deserved if people shut up. If two men shoot and kill each other at the same time, does that make neither of them a murderer? They're both criminals in the end. Vic isn't randomly going to bounce back and have his career back to normal. Far, far from it actually as he'll have to work to recover from this even if it were all false and lies...which it doesn't seem likely the case. I'm not here to condemn anyone who sides against Vic. He is no saint. Am I simply to believe what is told to me to be true though? I have seen the actions of the opposite side which my neutral stance was pushed towards Vic's. I will say that cheating on your wife isn't something you should be fired for. If factual evidence is indeed brought into the court of law that Vic is sexually harassing someone in the terms of the court, then I will accept that with no question. --------------------------------------------------------------------- On 2/23/2019 at 1:16 AM, LeoYT said: I don't think that Vic would go after RT as they really had little choice but to let him go since they couldn't really afford to take a PR hit. Expand What do you do if you're backed into a corner? I cannot speak on the matter of RT as I don't know whether or not they will be involved. While their impact probably would be the least effected, it could be detrimental to them as you said. They are the safest of everyone because they were smart on it. --------------------------------------------------------------------- I am curious how this case will unfold so I'll probably be posting updates on who is going to be involved and the results of the case. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LeoYT Posted February 23, 2019 Share Posted February 23, 2019 @Commander ANN isn't gonna get hit, this will most likely bankrupt them. Although that would probably just make an even more biased newsletter take their place I was actually gonna go to Pensacon, but they might have more problems than Vic since the Bomb threat was made and they claim it was done by a Vic supporter, but they did not even contact law enforcement or the FBI about it probably because they did not want the local news to find out they were threatening to arrest any Vic supporters that would attend the con. (If they did thats a 1st and 5th amendment violation) and that would easily bankrupt the whole convention. They also uninvited people that were taking a NEUTRAL stance on the subject (because being neutral still counts as supporting Vic appearently) Not sure if Goku needs to be fired but Samantha Inoue-Harte faked a swatting and Marchi who wished physical harm and promoted violence toward him should be fired even if he is guilty Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commander Posted February 23, 2019 Author Share Posted February 23, 2019 @LeoYT Watch how careers and companies can ruin businesses in my previous post. He nails everything perfectly. It's a very long video where he just nails perfectly. One of the points he makes is that Sony could just walk up and just shut down Funimation because they don't want to deal with this. I'll just say this bluntly: people are getting fired for these actions. The guy who made the funimation tweet is getting fired and whoever approved of it is definitely getting fired. The exec who made the investigation is probably getting fired. Monica is getting fired because she set herself up for her own demise. The Goku voice is in hot water due to the tweet deletion but they could be fine even though they shouldn't. Marachi should be fired for harassment but who knows what happens. I did learn something about faking a swatting. It actually isn't illegal to do something like that...but you do lose all credibility which a number of these people managed to do. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LeoYT Posted February 23, 2019 Share Posted February 23, 2019 On 2/23/2019 at 4:31 AM, Commander said: @LeoYT Watch how careers and companies can ruin businesses in my previous post. He nails everything perfectly. It's a very long video where he just nails perfectly. One of the points he makes is that Sony could just walk up and just shut down Funimation because they don't want to deal with this. I'll just say this bluntly: people are getting fired for these actions. The guy who made the funimation tweet is getting fired and whoever approved of it is definitely getting fired. The exec who made the investigation is probably getting fired. Monica is getting fired because she set herself up for her own demise. The Goku voice is in hot water due to the tweet deletion but they could be fine even though they shouldn't. Marachi should be fired for harassment but who knows what happens. I did learn something about faking a swatting. It actually isn't illegal to do something like that...but you do lose all credibility which a number of these people managed to do. Expand A corporate investigation isn't an actual investigation, its more like people in a room discussing what the potential scenarios and consequences and selecting the best option. specifically how much of a PR backlash would they get if they kept Vic. thats why there were no court charges when they let him go Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Monochrome_Complex Posted February 23, 2019 Share Posted February 23, 2019 Took a look at hero hei's uploads before watching that vid, saw some SJW ATTACK MY HERO kind of crap(among other typical animu degenerate nonsense) and yeah hard pass dude. I was kind of suspicious off the obnoxious font on the thumbnail alone, but that guy is exactly the sort of usual suspect who'd of course look for conspiracies in these kinds of situations and him pushing for vic is not something done out of good faith or wanting to get to the truth as he claims, please don't be fooled by these self proclaimed "anti-sjw" sorts., which suspiciously more than one of your links seem to involve. You're gonna need some better sources to convince me dude, sorry. ANN I've already expressed distaste for before, so I'm not surprised at any shoddy journalism from them. And swatting is just awful no matter who is doing it. People responsible for fabrications and such, yeah that garbage is NOT okay and really screw those guys., we should be able to agree on that. But I feel these things don't excuse Vic's actions which is the real issue, and why all of this is happening. He needs to be held responsible for them, especially since he hasn't for so long. If he is guilty of sexually harassing fans and workers and such, then shouldn't he pay the price for it? If not and it turns out to be a big nothingburger, then he's owed a lot of apologies, and somebody's got a lot to answer for. Though I find it troubling is that you're siding with vic not because of his actions or the effect they had on those he acted on/against, but because you don't like what some of the people against him are doing? Hate to break it to you commander but those convincers you linked above aren't that much more in the know than you give them credit for as they're just anime fan youtubers who collected "research" and presented it in a way that frames the situation to fit their liking(and going by their general content, there's some definite bias going on there), which you seem just a bit too quick to eat up. Perhaps it's your drawing of similarities to your grandfather's unfortunate situation that's coloring your take on the situation but I worry you're falling into the sort of thought many conspiracy nuts end up falling into. It's a rabbit hole you're better off not going in, and one far too many especially younger men are increasingly falling into. I'll admit, I'm not quite as invested in the whole vic shebang as a lot of fans as I personally don't hold VAs in a particularly high regard, as I don't to celebrities in general. They're still human, subject to human flaws and I find it foolish to idolize them. I mean when I see these guys talk like vic was their hero and #istandwithvic and stuff I kind of just roll my eyes, selfish as it seems. They don't know this man and it's not like vic saved the world or something, he's just an actor. It's kind of absurd really, but what we can judge vic by are his actions, and if his actions have been shown to be well crappy and something being held responsible for, so be it. But so far this whole thing about this conspiracy to take down vic and trying to absolve him of blame just doesn't sit right with me. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commander Posted February 23, 2019 Author Share Posted February 23, 2019 On 2/23/2019 at 6:52 AM, Monochrome_Complex said: Though I find it troubling is that you're siding with vic not because of his actions or the effect they had on those he acted on/against, but because you don't like what some of the people against him are doing? Hate to break it to you commander but those convincers you linked above aren't that much more in the know than you give them credit for as they're just anime fan youtubers who collected "research" and presented it in a way that frames the situation to fit their liking(and going by their general content, there's some definite bias going on there), which you seem just a bit too quick to eat up. Perhaps it's your drawing of similarities to your grandfather's unfortunate situation that's coloring your take on the situation but I worry you're falling into the sort of thought many conspiracy nuts end up falling into. It's a rabbit hole you're better off not going in, and one far too many especially younger men are increasingly falling into. I'll admit, I'm not quite as invested in the whole vic shebang as a lot of fans as I personally don't hold VAs in a particularly high regard, as I don't to celebrities in general. They're still human, subject to human flaws and I find it foolish to idolize them. I mean when I see these guys talk like vic was their hero and #istandwithvic and stuff I kind of just roll my eyes, selfish as it seems. They don't know this man and it's not like vic saved the world or something, he's just an actor. It's kind of absurd really, but what we can judge vic by are his actions, and if his actions have been shown to be well crappy and something being held responsible for, so be it. But so far this whole thing about this conspiracy to take down vic and trying to absolve him of blame just doesn't sit right with me. Expand I'm going to put this bluntly. People have performed civil law offenses on Vic. There is undeniable proof on that matter due to certain people saying certain things. People said some really stupid things and like most companies in the world you should be accountable for those things. I'm going to turn this in another way. Do you actually believe everything said about the allegations is true? Do you think this is the first time that it's happened? Plenty of innocent people have had their careers destroyed simply by people lying. Do you want me to pull up court cases and new articles about those people? I think the pure irony and why I side with Vic is that he was removed due to harassment yet other VAs are harassing fans of Vic. I mean try to throw the blame all around but those VAs did say what they said which is unacceptable behavior. Why are they not fired? That's my real question. This is just one big ugly mess which both sides do kind of blow things off of no evidence. All I was going off of was tweets which was just beating a dead horse further into the ground and building drama when you shouldn't. On one hand, we have a guy who has performed multiple actions of sexual misconduct. Only thing I really found was inappropriate kissing...without consent. We do have some odd evidence that did come up against Vic if the evidence holds true: Take it with a grain of salt because there's a bunch of conditions that have to be met for this to be true, but it would mean Vic was lying. Really not a smart move on Vic's part if this whole io9 thing is true. If that's true then we dive into if corrective action was taken and if that was Vic is pretty much going to brutally lose this court case for lying. The great irony in Vic being his own worst enemy. He did a number of questionable things but I'm not sure how much holds merit since we don't really have physical proof. Does that really matter? Not really. This became a publicity stunt as a means to fire the guy. Whatever method they did before didn't work it was then turned to this. What is the right thing to do? Heck if I know, but with reception comes backlash. Pieces of info began to surface which questioned the credibility of said actions. This just became a bigger and bigger topic and everybody wanted a slice of that sweet, sweet controversy pie. This became quite the web which could have been halted or at least slowly fumed out but oh no the VAs wanted more of this and began speaking out and saying things they probably shouldn't have. Now people are in the same quicksand they put Vic in all because they just couldn't shut up and avoid that sweet, sweet attention and gain. I stayed out of this for a very, very long time and am kind of glad I did. It's ugly. If that one piece of evidence is true, this is how things are going to go. Vic will be proven as a sexual harasser. Funimation will be paying legal fees, but they should be fine since they didn't exactly saying anything wrong (still should fire whoever made the funimation tweets). No idea if ANN is even going to exist due to the fees they'll pay. Those VAs involved in the Vic talks will go through the ringer. I'm not even sure Monica will even have a job to go back to even if she was sexually harassed. Rooster Teeth should be perfectly safe with 0 issues. I really hope people involved with this trying to make an olive branch are legit sorry they screwed up over this idea they got caught. If this scenario was true, it does make me wonder if the olive branch would be a wise move to make. It'd have the least amount of damages. Vic really has little to lose and much to gain at this point so we'll likely be seeing a court case. But to end things on a more humorous note, just imagine a judge spending so many trials reading thousands of tweets and what is going through his mind. Even better if you imagine the Ace Attorney Judge. "Mr. Wright, would you care to explain to me what this 'Twitter' is?" Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wolfox Posted February 23, 2019 Share Posted February 23, 2019 My 2 cents on the whole thing: I hope he's innocent, but kinda doubt it as even if one of the aligations is true Vic is in boiling hot water. Both sides have done really stupid things, from va's harassing fans, fans harassing va's and Companies and all that Jazz. RT did right by cutting ties. I'm curious to how this all goes down, but oh well. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lyumia Posted February 23, 2019 Share Posted February 23, 2019 On 2/23/2019 at 2:29 AM, Commander said: Sexual harassment is a very loose term and quite honestly he probably would've gotten what he deserved if people shut up. If two men shoot and kill each other at the same time, does that make neither of them a murderer? They're both criminals in the end. Vic isn't randomly going to bounce back and have his career back to normal. Far, far from it actually as he'll have to work to recover from this even if it were all false and lies...which it doesn't seem likely the case. I'm not here to condemn anyone who sides against Vic. He is no saint. Am I simply to believe what is told to me to be true though? I have seen the actions of the opposite side which my neutral stance was pushed towards Vic's. I will say that cheating on your wife isn't something you should be fired for. If factual evidence is indeed brought into the court of law that Vic is sexually harassing someone in the terms of the court, then I will accept that with no question. Expand I'm so completely and utterly flabbergasted by your initial statement and how incorrect it is my eyes actually glazed over as I actually tried to comprehend your thought process. Sexual harassment and misconduct are not umbrella terms invented by some SJWs on tumblr like the internet likes to think, but actual terms that are very well defined and have been gone over in numerous court cases and debates. To quote the Wikipedia article (if that doesn't illustrate how dismissive the claim that sexual harassment is a "loose term" is, I'm not sure what will) the term sexual harassment can go as far back as 1973 in a report called "Saturn's Rings" by Mary Rowe, and allegedly goes back even farther than that. There's even various categories for types of harassers and the kind of harassing they tend to do and what kind of situation they commit the act in. To go even further, the equality act of 2010 has a passage about sexual harassment, which includes: indecent or suggestive remarks, unwanted touching, and of course sexual demands and favors. If you had elaborated on that it becomes difficult to determine the difference between a bit of banter/compliments or harassment, I would have conceded. However, its awfully clear that his actions aren't ambiguous at all, as there's even photo evidence of him kissing 14 year old girl on the cheek and him putting his hand on her waist under her hoodie for a photo. This is not acceptable, professional, or appropriate behavior between an adult and a 14 year old. ( "The opposite side" and whatever they have done still doesn't negate the initial problem. A misandrist claiming all men should die and women are better doesn't erase the fact that there are legitimate sociological and economic problems that predominantly affect women that need to be fixed, and this type of argument used is meant to demean the significance of the cause. You see this often from blogs or accounts like The Persistence, in a recent video where three men throw a bottle at him for going through a neighborhood holding a Trump sign. The Persistence says at one point "this is the democratic party" while the men are swearing and dancing away. Obviously those men are not the whole of the USA democratic party or the people who support them, but the comment's you can see followers creating a strawman out of that interaction. So, someone against Mignogna committing a crime or stating amoral things they are not a reason why the accusations are any less false or severe, or make the people who don't support Mignogna make their opinions any less valid. Vic Mignogna was not fired for cheating on his wife. He was fired for sexual misconduct. Saying otherwise is misleading and tries to obfuscate the existing facts and accounts of people who have been made uncomfortable or witnessed the events. 1 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commander Posted February 24, 2019 Author Share Posted February 24, 2019 On 2/23/2019 at 12:07 PM, Wolfox said: I hope he's innocent, but kinda doubt it as even if one of the aligations is true Vic is in boiling hot water. Both sides have done really stupid things, from va's harassing fans, fans harassing va's and Companies and all that Jazz. RT did right by cutting ties. I'm curious to how this all goes down, but oh well. Expand I'll at least give you some relief that many of the allegations used tactics in which in a public mass work in favor of people, but are complete garbage and useless in court. We actually just recieved some nice sweet additional evidence for Funimation performing wrongful termination very recently. And if I heard right, Sony had involvement meaning they'll have to be involved in the lawsuit. Take this with a grain of salt, but Funimation conveniently had a site update which conveniently added a change where canceling subscriptions was broken. If you want to feel pity for someone, I would probably say Marxgirl (I think that's the right spelling). These VAs are absolutely going to throw her under the bus to try and save their own tails and she probably won't have much afterwards. I can't tell you how it will all turn out, but I will tell you it ain't going to be like "Oh these women said that he conducted sexual harassment therefore I charge you with sexual harassment." ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @Lyumia You're a liar. Yep, I know what you are all about to say and that's where the problem is and why I am the way I am. Do I believe that? No, but they are a liar. Why are they a liar? It's because I said so. Because I am a bigger more well known user my word is more credible and has more worth and that there are only two outcomes for this statement, mind is true. I'm going to put it out there now: a vast majority of you think "Lyumia is not a liar." This is a very understandable mindset and a very human nature thing to think. Guess what, you're wrong. You're also thinking logically which is the other problem. Replace "you're a liar" with "This is an apple". Based on what you see the only logical thing to think is that "This is an apple" as there's nothing to disprove that it's not. I intentionally wrote it in this confusing very hard to like way with the intent you don't believe me. It's honestly rather jarring and very hard to really like what I said to agree with a negative perspective of someone. I hold no ill will against Lyumia nor do I have any right to challenge there character, but that is one of a number of people I think we're on a boat of misunderstanding where the stances are. I'm at fault here so please do not really think too much of it. I'm sure there are many people here who first heard about Vic Mignogna through these controversies. Of course based on the information you know you'd jump to the victims' side because they are the people hurt in this situation. I did it. I'm not going to hide the fact I thought Vic was a bad person. What if I told you that images of proof were photoshopped to work worse than they were? What if I told you that there are leaked DMs (and a Facebook page) that people of these allegations should alter these images to make Vic look worse? What if I told you that all of these allegations have eerily similar stories with vague information that cannot be proven or disproved? What if I told you that every single allegation was from a left wing activists or what most people refer to as an SJW? What if I told you that one of the members of the Funimation investigation faked a swatting and blamed Vic fans for it? What if I told you that none of that probably matters to you? Your view of Vic was more than likely skewed. If you had an opinion before and it remained unchanged, good for you. What was done are acts against the law. This is what the court cases are about. They are using evidence to prove that people did what they did to make you view Vic a certain way. It'd be near impossible for me to even try to persuade your mindset toward anything else. Just know that it could have been anybody in that seat. It would not have stopped there. One name that was dropped was Johnny Young Bosch (I probably misspelled that horribly) in a discussion video I listened to. He could very well have been in this seat if #StandUpForVic did nothing. Vic's career is permanently damaged and there's no full recovery from that. This court case prevents anyone else from being in that position because trust me, someone would have been. Someone would have. It doesn't matter if Vic is innocent or not. Now let's see on things I do need to respond to on your post. First off, I was saying Vic cheating on his wife would be a ridiculous way to go, not the reason he was fired from Funimation. Funimation's first investigation on the matter was inconclusive. Same issue and same situation except this has now blown up. So funimation let him go. We don't know why. There's the theory people threatened to walk away if he wasn't fired but rumor mills are rumor mills. Personally, I think the fact that a lot of the people in the investigation hate the guy and wanted him gone on top of PR was the reason. How much do you want to bank on that Tweet? I simple used it for the hypocrisy of Funimation with it. Look, I know you and others have thrown sexual misconduct into this and that Vic is going to be labeled for this, but law isn't simply there's a law and therefore somebody is going to be punishable for it. It's been a long time since I studied the basics of law and if you want to pull out your defense attorney credentials (or that you're studying law) by all means I'm all ears. One of the youtubers in the vids I've posted is a lawyer. He's covered the persecution side of the matter. The window of opportunity to act on these is out the window as he put it. It's a lot of spoken very hard to credit word vs cold hard evidence and facts taken. Though I suppose that is a bit of an ignorant statement as I don't know what these defense attorneys who nobody can really afford to pay have to use to defend themselves. Except Sony. Sony will be fine. Unhappy, but fine. ---------------------------------------------------- So something I could do is make a full recap of everything that transpired up until the court case in something like a COGA. I say that not for attention because this thing is long and fact check hell. (I do need to make sure to account for valid #KickVic information that at least can still be uphold as at least accountable...don't even get me started on that io9 article). Let's just say it'd probably take a week to get done kind of thing. But for those who want the tl;dr version: An ANN article gets posted which the girl calls out about her pic getting used without her permission in a situation that happened entirely different. This got people starting to question the truth after RT and Funimation fired Vic. Monica mentioned she was on the investigation team and then came the storm of questions people wanting evidence to these claims that suddenly came out of nowhere. More evidence pops up that images were edited to look bad, leaked PMs, and then anyone who supported #StandUpForVic getting their twitter banned. Also lots of blocking but just assume they blocked basically everyone who didn't share their opinion. Some harassing and some who weren't. More evidence pops up, Pensacon threatens to arrest any #StandUpForVic supporters who visit the con, a fake swatting post from someone on the Funimation investigation, VAs saying stupid things they'll regret later, and then a lawyer/youtuber creates a GoFundMe to set Vic up for a lawsuit. It's doing very well and the prosecution is taking action. 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lyumia Posted February 24, 2019 Share Posted February 24, 2019 On 2/24/2019 at 10:41 AM, Commander said: I'll at least give you some relief that many of the allegations used tactics in which in a public mass work in favor of people, but are complete garbage and useless in court. We actually just recieved some nice sweet additional evidence for Funimation performing wrongful termination very recently. And if I heard right, Sony had involvement meaning they'll have to be involved in the lawsuit. Take this with a grain of salt, but Funimation conveniently had a site update which conveniently added a change where canceling subscriptions was broken. If you want to feel pity for someone, I would probably say Marxgirl (I think that's the right spelling). These VAs are absolutely going to throw her under the bus to try and save their own tails and she probably won't have much afterwards. I can't tell you how it will all turn out, but I will tell you it ain't going to be like "Oh these women said that he conducted sexual harassment therefore I charge you with sexual harassment." ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @Lyumia You're a liar. Yep, I know what you are all about to say and that's where the problem is and why I am the way I am. Do I believe that? No, but they are a liar. Why are they a liar? It's because I said so. Because I am a bigger more well known user my word is more credible and has more worth and that there are only two outcomes for this statement, mind is true. I'm going to put it out there now: a vast majority of you think "Lyumia is not a liar." This is a very understandable mindset and a very human nature thing to think. Guess what, you're wrong. You're also thinking logically which is the other problem. Replace "you're a liar" with "This is an apple". Based on what you see the only logical thing to think is that "This is an apple" as there's nothing to disprove that it's not. I intentionally wrote it in this confusing very hard to like way with the intent you don't believe me. It's honestly rather jarring and very hard to really like what I said to agree with a negative perspective of someone. I hold no ill will against Lyumia nor do I have any right to challenge there character, but that is one of a number of people I think we're on a boat of misunderstanding where the stances are. I'm at fault here so please do not really think too much of it. I'm sure there are many people here who first heard about Vic Mignogna through these controversies. Of course based on the information you know you'd jump to the victims' side because they are the people hurt in this situation. I did it. I'm not going to hide the fact I thought Vic was a bad person. What if I told you that images of proof were photoshopped to work worse than they were? What if I told you that there are leaked DMs (and a Facebook page) that people of these allegations should alter these images to make Vic look worse? What if I told you that all of these allegations have eerily similar stories with vague information that cannot be proven or disproved? What if I told you that every single allegation was from a left wing activists or what most people refer to as an SJW? What if I told you that one of the members of the Funimation investigation faked a swatting and blamed Vic fans for it? What if I told you that none of that probably matters to you? Your view of Vic was more than likely skewed. If you had an opinion before and it remained unchanged, good for you. What was done are acts against the law. This is what the court cases are about. They are using evidence to prove that people did what they did to make you view Vic a certain way. It'd be near impossible for me to even try to persuade your mindset toward anything else. Just know that it could have been anybody in that seat. It would not have stopped there. One name that was dropped was Johnny Young Bosch (I probably misspelled that horribly) in a discussion video I listened to. He could very well have been in this seat if #StandUpForVic did nothing. Vic's career is permanently damaged and there's no full recovery from that. This court case prevents anyone else from being in that position because trust me, someone would have been. Someone would have. It doesn't matter if Vic is innocent or not. Now let's see on things I do need to respond to on your post. First off, I was saying Vic cheating on his wife would be a ridiculous way to go, not the reason he was fired from Funimation. Funimation's first investigation on the matter was inconclusive. Same issue and same situation except this has now blown up. So funimation let him go. We don't know why. There's the theory people threatened to walk away if he wasn't fired but rumor mills are rumor mills. Personally, I think the fact that a lot of the people in the investigation hate the guy and wanted him gone on top of PR was the reason. How much do you want to bank on that Tweet? I simple used it for the hypocrisy of Funimation with it. Look, I know you and others have thrown sexual misconduct into this and that Vic is going to be labeled for this, but law isn't simply there's a law and therefore somebody is going to be punishable for it. It's been a long time since I studied the basics of law and if you want to pull out your defense attorney credentials (or that you're studying law) by all means I'm all ears. One of the youtubers in the vids I've posted is a lawyer. He's covered the persecution side of the matter. The window of opportunity to act on these is out the window as he put it. It's a lot of spoken very hard to credit word vs cold hard evidence and facts taken. Though I suppose that is a bit of an ignorant statement as I don't know what these defense attorneys who nobody can really afford to pay have to use to defend themselves. Except Sony. Sony will be fine. Unhappy, but fine. ---------------------------------------------------- So something I could do is make a full recap of everything that transpired up until the court case in something like a COGA. I say that not for attention because this thing is long and fact check hell. (I do need to make sure to account for valid #KickVic information that at least can still be uphold as at least accountable...don't even get me started on that io9 article). Let's just say it'd probably take a week to get done kind of thing. But for those who want the tl;dr version: An ANN article gets posted which the girl calls out about her pic getting used without her permission in a situation that happened entirely different. This got people starting to question the truth after RT and Funimation fired Vic. Monica mentioned she was on the investigation team and then came the storm of questions people wanting evidence to these claims that suddenly came out of nowhere. More evidence pops up that images were edited to look bad, leaked PMs, and then anyone who supported #StandUpForVic getting their twitter banned. Also lots of blocking but just assume they blocked basically everyone who didn't share their opinion. Some harassing and some who weren't. More evidence pops up, Pensacon threatens to arrest any #StandUpForVic supporters who visit the con, a fake swatting post from someone on the Funimation investigation, VAs saying stupid things they'll regret later, and then a lawyer/youtuber creates a GoFundMe to set Vic up for a lawsuit. It's doing very well and the prosecution is taking action. Expand *their I think you're conflating too many ideas that aren't even relevant to the discussion. You already did this with your murder analogy. It's funny, because your own analogy doesn't work. You're right, it's hard to prove someone is a liar because it's more subjective than objective and can apply to a specific situation or be a general trait. It would be reasonable to say that I have lied at some point in my life, as I'm only human, but whether I'm a dishonest person is up to debate. But you can easily prove an apple is an apple with well known qualifiers, like whether its a fruit, is it round, what it looks like on the inside, and whether it came from an apple tree. If you pointed at an orange and said "this is an apple" it would be easy to prove it's an orange. The same way you can look at various testimonies and evidence and come to the conclusion that someone has committed one form of harassment or misconduct. Also, I'd like to point out that the term SJW, unlike sexual harassment as you claimed, has even looser meaning today than it did a few years ago. It's an umbrella term that essentially sums up people who have different opinions and creates an "us vs them" mindset, by creating a crude caricature of the opposition. And you're trying to take away the credibility of the points I made by suggesting that I'm part of this opposition and backtracking and stating that you wrote it to be purposefully convoluted or that you didn't say that he was fired for cheating on his wife, even though: Quote I will say that cheating on your wife isn't something you should be fired for. Expand My personal opinion on whether he's guilty or innocent is something I don't have to explain or justify as that's not even what I was discussing in my last comment. I was explicitly explaining how you arguments are misleading and attempting to downplay the whole debacle, and how it's disingenuous to say the things you did like how sexual harassment is a loose term. You can't paint yourself as less biased or "skewed" when you're deliberately writing to make your opinion seem the most reasonable and right. It a level of intellectual dishonesty I just can't resonate with in a civil discussion. 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commander Posted February 25, 2019 Author Share Posted February 25, 2019 On 2/24/2019 at 3:43 PM, Lyumia said: You can't paint yourself as less biased or "skewed" when you're deliberately writing to make your opinion seem the most reasonable and right. It a level of intellectual dishonesty I just can't resonate with in a civil discussion. Expand Oh I miss the old days where I'd be was more aggressive and more into this stuff. I'm just going to advise you to save your breath with responding since you really don't agree with how I'm doing stuff. You wouldn't be the first and you certainly won't be the last. I've learned to stop trying to argue since every time there is one it's just a circle. But here's the neutral stance of the Vic Mignonia situation: I have no idea if this man did these acts or not. These could be true. These could be false. There is nothing on the table to confirm any of these are true. We have enough on the table to speculate and create judgement. We cannot say these allegations are false. We do, however, have evidence of Anime News Network performing slander on Vic Mignonia. These cons and companies acted on allegations that are not concrete. This is not illegal to do under normal circumstances, however, we do not know the contracts behind this. We do know Vic Mignonia was fired from Funimation due to sexual harassment. We can hold Funimation accountable to that and they'd need to prove it to be true. These are the facts. We can throw everything at each other as their is possible evidence put on both sides, but the only thing we have proof of is evidence of actions of illegal action against Vic Mignonia in a Civil Court Case. Evidence is not facts. Evidence is a trail that leads to truths. 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lyumia Posted February 26, 2019 Share Posted February 26, 2019 On 2/25/2019 at 10:42 PM, Commander said: Oh I miss the old days where I'd be was more aggressive and more into this stuff. I'm just going to advise you to save your breath with responding since you really don't agree with how I'm doing stuff. You wouldn't be the first and you certainly won't be the last. I've learned to stop trying to argue since every time there is one it's just a circle. But here's the neutral stance of the Vic Mignonia situation: I have no idea if this man did these acts or not. These could be true. These could be false. There is nothing on the table to confirm any of these are true. We have enough on the table to speculate and create judgement. We cannot say these allegations are false. We do, however, have evidence of Anime News Network performing slander on Vic Mignonia. These cons and companies acted on allegations that are not concrete. This is not illegal to do under normal circumstances, however, we do not know the contracts behind this. We do know Vic Mignonia was fired from Funimation due to sexual harassment. We can hold Funimation accountable to that and they'd need to prove it to be true. These are the facts. We can throw everything at each other as their is possible evidence put on both sides, but the only thing we have proof of is evidence of actions of illegal action against Vic Mignonia in a Civil Court Case. Evidence is not facts. Evidence is a trail that leads to truths. Expand I'm going to start by saying I think you've got that last comment backwards mate, and that you also don't really understand how court cases work. Usually court cases last years and they're settled out of court. Most of the stuff done it is is for the records and due process and all that jazz. You're right though, that evidence is not facts. But it supports facts, and gives them solid ground to be facts. It's also naive to think that only a criminal convictions would make it gosepl, as there are notable cases were people who had committed crimes are not convicted. The affluenza case where a drunk driving incident killed four people, and the evidence made it clear that the boy committed the crime, but he wasn't convicted for it. Justice systems are not perfect, as there are plenty of cases of wrongful convictions (there's a public record of miscarriage of justices available if you are interested in the subject), as well numerous acquittals that should've been a guilty verdict. Anyways, I don't think he's going to be brought to court by any of his victims, as there's a precedent of these kinds of claims being dismissed even when you call the police, like stalking and abuse cases where the victim doesn't end up with life threatening injuries. The process of gathering evidence that would qualify (which already in itself is hard), and would outright be ignored unless the victim literally looked like they were violently assaulted, despite the accounts from staff and other voice actors. On funimtion: The thing is that companies don't like to associate with people who have been labeled a sexual predator regardless. If Vic took it to court, funimation wouldn't be required to do anything as it's Vic's responsibility to prove that he was unlawfully fired on some kind of malicious defamation, sex, race, or gender discrimination. Anyways, you keep mentioning ANN falsifying evidence (which I can't find any article on and a couple of comments on other websites popping up when I tried to research it mentioning the claims saying it's false are fabricated), so I'm going to finally address this point and say that's there's no evidence that show that those or other testimonies are false either other than screenshots from literally just one person. Even if all the allegations are false (which I doubt, because that's a lot of smoke for there to be no fire) it doesn't change the fact he already has this stigma attached to his name. Even if you gave him the benefit of the doubt he's bad at reading body language and can't sense personal barriers, that doesn't change the fact that he shouldn't have done it or been in that situation in the first place. Don't engage an event that requires you to be in close proximity to minors /when you don't know what's appropriate or professional behavior/. And for the inevitable "why didn't they come out sooner argument" that comes up, consider that the repercussions of admitting the fact you've been harassed or made uncomfortable by a man who has more standing than you might be more than intimidating, self esteem ruining, and extremely nerve wracking when you have people that will support this man regardless of whether he's guilty or not and are even giving him money for it. (Even if the funds are going to salvation Army, that fact has its own numerous issues.) Finally to address your first statement. Maybe if you've had arguments multiple times with people about the way you present your argument, it's because there's an actual issue they're responding to that is present in it and that you should do some introspection. I get it, I do. I used to be the "big brained" skeptic, and was neutral on a lot of issues until I realized that there are inherent problems with a lot of aspects of that kind of thinking one of which being that it's very dogmatic and closes the discussion off to anyone who disagrees with you because they're just out to ruin a man's life or something "in the name of justice". Edit: So I did some more digging and wow it really has been a open secret for the pas 10 years as there's warnings about im on sites like livejournal and something awful forums. And it's only being formally addressed /now/. Not only that but it can't be covered in depth - not because lack of evidence because it's anime, and like gaming, very little journalism or investigation actually goes into it. The pedantic romantic did video on this but the tldr; is that nobody wants to risk getting cut off from their resources for naming some big time creep. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commander Posted February 27, 2019 Author Share Posted February 27, 2019 You'd think things would quiet down, but they manage to somehow get worse (or better from an entertainment standpoint). Vic's Lawyer Firm has revealed themselves as Beard Harris Bullock Hughes. You can look them up in the link if you want and I shouldn't need to say this but don't message these guys please: If it would have been named Grimwood Law, I would have lost my shit being a Kiseki fan and how one of the attorneys looks like a certain character. The best event that happened is with Nick Rikieta which this guy is getting attacked for blackface (which has been proven false) and the fact that he's Vic's lawyer (this is clearly true as proven by the news above). Vic kind of called it that anyone who stood up for him would be attacked. So then this dude named Sean said Nick invited him on his Youtube show and he rejected which Nick said he was never welcomed. Basically Sean calls Nick a coward and then Nick basically says to come onto a stream with him. Sean has second thoughts but it happens and spoiler alert: he gets slaughtered. Nick, not Sean. Because Sean totally is the expert in the law using them Google searches. Reveal hidden contents (There are plenty of shorts of this on youtube if you want to look at them instead) In other news the GoFundMe page has hit 74k and is now turned over to the law firm who'll use that money for charges (you could still donate if you wanted to...I haven't...) Oh yeah, DC Douglas basically confessed to recording girls while hiding in the bathroom. Somehow it's tied to blaming Vic. Interpret that however you want. There's probably a restraining order coming to that guy. And for none any of you who are wanted to unsubscribe who were subscribed to Funimation's whatever it's called subscription, their unsubscribe button should be working. And here's some old fun memes: -Marzgirl did XXX: This is from how so many people blame Marzgirl from all the actions in this "war?" so she's basically responsible for every evil thing in the world. (#KickVic meme) -"This is harassment. I've screencapped this and sent it to my attorney": I think it was Monica who made the original post but basically someone asked a question and she claimed it was harassment and would send it to an attorney -"Nick, our fearless leader" - Basically since #KickVic keep assuming Nick is Vic's attorney it's a joke that he's the main person behind the whole movement. -"Hugging is now illegal" - Many allegations were Vic hugging people that made them uncomfortable. People tease the silly logic behind that -"I'm calling homeland security" - Another Monica post in which she threatened to call homeland security on a Vic fan -"Dude, just take the L" - Not a meme but Ahkos Productions (might have spelled it wrong) made false claims that Nick was a fraud and other things which were clearly false. Almost everyone is telling him to just admit he was wrong with take the L posts. -"We do not condone harassment" - Not exactly a meme but this was a tweet by Funimation and by VAs which users pointed out how hypocritical they are. Jamie's "Head and Balls" Tweet is the most infamous of these. And in other news, Youtube may have been supporting a Pedo. That's for a different thread for a different time. But yeah, if you guys want me to post the funny or silly stuff going on I'm more than happy. I'm only really going to do post updates when something big happens or when something really interesting pops up (aka someone does something really stupid. And while I'm done arguing I will leave this for a certain person since they asked and set it to the five seconds you need to see Reveal hidden contents This picture was taken down and removed due to this. I'm not sure if the article is still up. They just randomly found pictures and used them in an article about some Vic Mignonia heat. At least one confessed about them using a picture of hers without permission and explains that she asked for him to hug her. I don't know copyright laws on facebook posts, but I'm pretty sure that's illegal. I haven't seen the edited photos one but I trust that it's there because that's not something you lie about. I've seen the leaked private messages though. Not something I'm going to bank on being the truth as like the allegations that could be faked. Edit: News update! MarzGirl was caught lying Reveal hidden contents The one who posted most of those allegations as heshe said falsified evidence. I don't know how they could even win at this point. Every one of them has been proven a liar or contradicted themselves. How? How? Just how? Yeah, yeah the person calling them out could be lying, but I highly doubt that because I'm sure their father would be willing to testify. How, how are they going to win? Seriously, someone tell me how Vic will be proven guilty when the most reliable allegations were from liars. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commander Posted March 5, 2019 Author Share Posted March 5, 2019 I swear that whenever you think the news would just stop it just keeps getting better. I don't really have much of an update but there are a couple things that came up: Fear the Beard: Monica Rial's husband (or is it boyfriend as I haven't kept track), Ron Toye was talking smack about Vic and the lawyers and one of the funniest things happened. Ty Beard, the head of Vic's law firm, responded to the tweet with "We will be in touch." That tweet blew up like crazy. Ron Toye tried to counter this saying he called him showing a phone number and how he didn't answer. Of course he called during their off hours. I think people are trying to fire Ty Beard over that single post for "Intimidation." I wish I was making this stuff up. Lawyer vs "Lawyer": Nick Rekieta is a lawyer that if you're an ass to him then he'll be an ass to you which he's done a number of times. He's gaining so much out of this whole situation because people are attacking him. I love how the narrative of him has changed from a Blackface lawyer to leaking information on his case to only pretending to be a lawyer. He's shown his credentials online and does a show talking about court cases. People are seriously trying to fire him for basically being a bit of an ass. Ron Toye began posting stuff to fight back against Nick which he pretty much said it was wrong or misinterpreted (which one of the things was a mistake most people make). Nick isn't the only person who got attacked or under fire as there's been plenty of blocks, bans, and account suspensions. Some of it was people asking for it and some people literally got blocked for asking a question. There's literally news hourly if we go with fans vs fans. Don't get into an argument with either side. Just...don't. That's just my advice. And if you're wondering if people are still mad at Funimation: Reveal hidden contents People still are. I haven't located the actual comments section so I can't verify but on non Funimation sites people do seem excited over this. I also glanced over on other sites such as their twitter and it doesn't seem like too many people are hung up on it on Reddit or their Twitter. I don't think firing Vic really hurt Funimation. This whole situation is hurting them to some degree. Hard to say or speculate because Funimation isn't going to announce that their net gains have a sign...wait let's look at something. Nope they don't have a stock. Yeah...there's not a lot of reliable sources of information who don't swing too far left or right. I mean I look like I'm sided one way but I'm more against letting people speak and treat others with just disrespect or straight up harassing them. The best source of information on Vic is from Kiwi Farms. That's basically tame 4chan but one of their first posts cover it nicely. And sometimes you get information like this: Reveal hidden contents People have managed to get his criminal record. I'm pretty sure if there was proof of these allegations, someone would have found it by now. Somebody. Please let private emails from Funimation be leaked early. Let's just see how far this train will roll. Also if you are interested Nick Rekieta is going to have Vic's attorney Ty Beard will be on his livestream for the first hour starting out 11pm CT (pretty much an hour after this post). Update: So the Rekieta stream gave us a small bit of news. Ty Beard is a big nerd. -Nothing so far has been filed on the Vic case -The papers have been filed for the case (I misheard this) -Ty Beard's lawfirm is also representing Todd Haberkorn as well So about the Todd Haberkorn actually I believe was someone who got their career wrecked before the Vic situation but there wasn't a big deal and kind of got swept under the rug. I'll obviously relay the ruling on that one as well given the two are similar. Btw for those who like numbers, roughly 62% of sexual assault allegations were either false, inconclusive, or dismissed. This does not mean only 38% of allegations were true, but over half of sexual assault allegations could not be proven to be true. I hope both of these guys receive a fair and just trial in which the truth triumphs all. Update 2: The GoFundMe Goal for the VicKicksBack has been reached. That's probably just enough to take Funimation, Rooster Teeth, and ANN into a court room. We'll have to sit back and wait until any of this info goes public. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commander Posted March 21, 2019 Author Share Posted March 21, 2019 .........The more this goes on, the more I believe Vic didn't even do a damn thing wrong. I really recommend staying out and ignoring this stuff because it's gotten really, really toxic. The KickVic story is also a bloody trainwreck and straight up doesn't make sense when you think about their actions especially with something recent. I think I finally get the picture of what the heck is going on and in all honesty, it's really stupid how it came to this. We have people being spiteful and going out of the way to get people fired over what I believe really happened. I'll start with Vic. Vic reminds me almost exactly what an old coworker of mine was like. The best way to put it is that they're loud and eccentric which honestly attracts a lot of people (he had 4 different girlfriends by the time I left that place). Basically, my coworker was a bit wild and did things no normal person would ever think to do. Did it sometimes make me uncomfortable? I'll admit in a way I always felt uneasy when he did stuff...especially when it involved me a rule follower. It also was kind of amusing. He knew the consequences of that stuff as well and danced on that line quite often. Vic I feel does similar stuff which over 20 years you can certainly imagine quite a number of people wouldn't really be pleased with an experience like that. This is where the allegations come from. Could I tell you the exact things my coworker did that worried me? Parts, but I couldn't get a whole narrative. He is not a sexual predator and I do think he's gotten into trouble before and maybe even had to talk to people about it. Nothing illegal and nothing worthy of being fired. Definitely an easy target due to all the wild things he's done randomly (all in good fun). I do understand and see why people would be uncomfortable around him though. Now for the VAs and possibly people linked or tied to these VAs. This is heresay but from what someone who talked to Vic said that they basically hated him. Why? He believes it's because he's very outspoken by his religion and talks about it so much. If you look in the early posts in this thread you can see people do have issue with that. It's very likely they've been trying to get rid of him for years. It's not uncommon to hate some coworker who you wish would just get fired, but most people don't act on it to get rid of them in a way it could get themselves fired. These guys? They'd go the full mile. They failed an attempt earlier than the beginning of this so what changed that made Funimation cut ties with him? Two reasons: The Broly movie was done and over and Chris Sabat. Chris Sabat has a recording studio Funimation uses. It's highly likely he played the "I'm going to quit if you don't fire him" card which finally pushed Funimation over the edge to let him go. That tweet Funimation did just added even more ammo to let these VAs do whatever they wanted to Vic. They hate him. So with Funimation letting Vic go over sexual harassment, I'm sure Monica Rial let Rooster Teeth know that Funimation found Vic guilty of sexual harassment and warned them that if they didn't let Vic go, it could end up driving Rooster Teeth into the ground which I think they are struggle a bit with finances. So of course they aren't going to take a chance on something like that and let him go. Then we get to the cons. I have a feeling Shane (the guy with the abused chair) may have played a part in this as well. I think Monica and Chris (especially Chris) used their connections to convince all of those cons that Vic was a sexual predator to cancel all of those bookings. I know people say this is an SJW agenda, but I honestly think it's just the fact they hate the guy. To them he's the worst piece of shit in the world to the point I think some of them wish he killed himself when his career went down the drain. I don't say something like about people pretty much ever. The twitter brigade was just an ever growing flame to keep damaging him, but somehow this wasn't enough for them. This "conspiracy" (look up the law term) that completely wrecked this guy's life which he could not come back from wasn't enough. His apology which they wanted wasn't enough. It makes you wonder why VAs are so hostile on the subject and why they're so confident they'll win this court case. I know what you're think "Commander's really off his rocker thinking this is really going on." I didn't want to believe it either. But let's jump to the present. There's this convention called Kameha Con which is all about Dragon Ball. They had a contract with Vic and the director of the con reviewed this stuff and had second thoughts on risking breaking this contract due to potential legal fees. They then decided on adding Vic back to the venue. Chris Sabat and Monica Rial bombarded the guy with 3 hours worth of text and an unknown amount of emails with content we don't really know other than a threat of breaking a contract by not attending the con. The guy said "Whatever" to that basically and who knows what else they said as by the end of it, the guy is considering never doing Kameha Con ever again. Is Vic back on? We don't know. He's not on the website's list which an announcement was supposed to be made Tuesday. And yes, that is tortious interference which is illegal. These people are willing to damage themselves and their revenue to make sure he doesn't go to a single con. Personally, I think it'd be more advantageous for him to be at this con for them as a single scene could wreck him if he's as bad as they make him out to be. Especially in a place where a lot of people who hate him are going to be around. After everything I've seen gone down, I'm willing to put money that this is the narrative. I also find it very interesting Shane wanted another debate with Rekieta right around when the Kameha Con situation was going on. Very interesting and totally not related. Other news consists of a pro Vic con's game room being destroyed (I don't know which one) though that isn't something we can link for this happening. The more important news is that Ron Toye now has a lawyer apparently. This more likely is them targeting Monica Rial over Ron. Beard Harris's targets most likely are Funimation, ANN, Monica Rial, and Chris Sabat. Jessie Pridemore is unlikely due to the the Todd case, but Marzgirl, Han Leia, Jamie Pridemore, Shane, Sean Schemmel, Ron Toye, RoosterTeeth, and Sony are up in the air. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wolfox Posted March 21, 2019 Share Posted March 21, 2019 this has gotten too far out of hand... but I'm sticking to what I sead earlier. If he's inoscent, great. those people accusing him will have to swallow their words if they're lucky. But I still doubt it. over 10 years of alligations and people being warned about him at cons seems a bit too much for it all to be made up. And I'll say it again, even if only 1 of the alligations actually happened Vic is in boiling hot water. I still stand by RT's choice of letting him go. I don't know the exact specifications of it, and I don't need to. I doubt that their Law team would just let Gavin toss 3 coins to see if he stays or goes. FUNimation is, IMO, in the same boat here. someone is flagged and migth be confirmed as a predator, would you still want him to be one of your big names? I can tell you that I wouldn't. And now... the war between the KickVic and the StandWithVic's (the ladder of which I haven;t seen Commander mention here a lot, would be funny though considering those seem quite vocal about it all on twitter quite a lot)... Just stop. Vic has been fired, there's no reason to keep with the hashtag's. Harrassing VA's and companies on twitter, their sites and probably upcoming cons (big riot at the next RTX, I'm calling it now) will not help anyone or anything. doxxing them won't help shit. and being surprised that the people who spam that to them get blocked... why does that surprise you? ugh... I don;t even drink and I feel like I need one... anyway. that's my take on it. no a lot of change, I know. but if I may toot my own horn a bit I feel like I'm in one of the more sencible ships in this big mess 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Support Squad Felicity Posted March 22, 2019 Support Squad Share Posted March 22, 2019 I have no influence in this conversation, I hold no power over Vic's fate. What I'm about to say is pretty much just speculation trying not to get caught up in the parts of the story that don't matter. I think there's a couple phrases that sum up my thoughts. The simplest answer is usually the right one and there's no smoke without fire. I think it's more than likely that an influential, popular celebrity of an industry overstepped their bounds whilst interacting with women. For that, he should naturally be taken out of the workplace he made toxic and learn to not do whatever he did. That's the very least. The main thing that muddies this thought process is that the whole sordid affair is scattered betwixt a series of 2,700 different political narratives from hard left people who want to drive Vic into the ground, hard right people who're coming out of the woodworks to counter the lefts public siege on Vic and then the chunky legal stuff that people go through long, expensive education to understand properly. With that in mind, this isn't a topic you can be active on. It's not a discussion that will benefit anyone by being had now when emotions are flaring from parasocial bonfires and information seems to be coming out to add fuel to that fire. This is the kind of conversation that will be best served in a few years, once the case is over, the facts are laid out and untwisted and a clear, supported narrative can be put forward. Whether that's a story on one man being cut down unjustly or a triumph over harassers. Yes, Vic's VA career will probably be ruined, to be honest I'm not too heartbroken about it. He's had some of the biggest roles throughout anime and games history so I doubt he's in dire financial straits. Give it a few turns of the news cycle and he can probably transition easily into another part of that industry with public rage none the wiser. Vic will be okay, I'm confident in that. Now, aside from the case itself. What I find interesting is that it seems like a near perfect example of parasocial relationships causing this eruption of emotion. @Commander In your first post, the way you talk about him sounds like you're familiar, calling him a nice guy and what not. I'm not going to say whether you're correct or not but give this video in the spoiler a watch, you may already be familiar with the concept but I don't lose anything linking it. Maybe you'll see something new when you consider your stance on the topic with it in mind. Reveal hidden contents Sexual harassment sucks. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commander Posted March 23, 2019 Author Share Posted March 23, 2019 You know, I usually am a bit pessimistic so I'm going to be positive. It feels so good to say this. Vic Mignogna has been invited back to Kameha Con. Good job, Kameha Con for not giving into harassment and blackmail. I'm laughing because this is such a good feeling. And whatever anger and rage those KickVic people are feeling, they deserve it from what they've done to so, so many people. But if you want to make my year, it would be for every one of these cons after Kameha Con is highly successful to invite Vic back. I'm just happy right now. I think people are tired of seeing people do awful things throw idiotic sexual allegations (I'm sorry but I don't view kissing on a cheek as sexual harassment even...and especially not hugging) and just hammers upon hammers of harassment and drama. I don't want to ruin this with my opinions so I'll end it there. I really don't like a lot of these people so the image of these people super pissed and angry brings and even bigger smile and a bit of laughter. You know what, I'm in a good mood. If within two weeks after Kameha Con every one of those cons that removed Vic invite him back give or take one or two, I will open a COGA suggestion box on anything and pick a random one from it. It could be anything. Could be stuff like my thoughts on sexual assault, why the world is doomed, or something absolutely insane such as "The Kiseki series is trash", "Texen is the greatest character ever made", or even "Commander's secret forbidden love on Reborn". And I will do it. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LeoYT Posted March 23, 2019 Share Posted March 23, 2019 On 3/21/2019 at 7:22 AM, Commander said: After everything I've seen gone down, I'm willing to put money that this is the narrative. I also find it very interesting Shane wanted another debate with Rekieta right around when the Kameha Con situation was going on. Very interesting and totally not related. Other news consists of a pro Vic con's game room being destroyed (I don't know which one) though that isn't something we can link for this happening. The more important news is that Ron Toye now has a lawyer apparently. This more likely is them targeting Monica Rial over Ron. Beard Harris's targets most likely are Funimation, ANN, Monica Rial, and Chris Sabat. Jessie Pridemore is unlikely due to the the Todd case, but Marzgirl, Han Leia, Jamie Pridemore, Shane, Sean Schemmel, Ron Toye, RoosterTeeth, and Sony are up in the air. Expand RoosterTeeth recently posted a new job opening for a lawyer, while I don't think this has anything to do with the Vic situation, the timing of this is interesting. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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