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The Vic Mignona Lawsuit Chronicles



19 members have voted

  1. 1. Which if these do you think should have happened to Vic?

    • Fired from studios, able to still work in industry
    • Fired from studios, unable to work in industry
    • Nothing and keep his roles and con appearances
    • Court Trial before making a decision

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  On 3/23/2019 at 11:05 PM, LeoYT said:

RoosterTeeth recently posted a new job opening for a lawyer, while I don't think this has anything to do with the Vic situation, the timing of this is interesting.


Funny that you mention that. A certain little birdie shared a certain hidden tweet that a certain Ron Toye tweeted he got a certain document telling him not to delete his evidence. We're not close to the lawsuit yet as Ty Beard and the Amazons are still collecting evidence on the matter so it's going to be a while. I'm also pretty sure Ty Beard and Kameha Con have some kind of agreement which if Chris Sabat tries something they'll take Kameha Con's case perhaps for a discount. Or perhaps Ty just gave them counselling what would happen if these people went through with their blackmail. ANN also was looking for a lawyer long before the firm was announced.


I'm just going to warn people if you like Funimation, Rooster Teeth, and many of these voice actors, stay away from this thread and the situation. You won't be able to enjoy the content when you see what these disgusting things these people have done. Just when I think they can't get any worse they manage to surprise me.

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  On 3/23/2019 at 11:23 PM, Commander said:

I'm just going to warn people if you like Funimation, Rooster Teeth, and many of these voice actors, stay away from this thread and the situation. You won't be able to enjoy the content when you see what these disgusting things these people have done. Just when I think they can't get any worse they manage to surprise me.


Especially Funimation when they removed Vic's name from the iTunes credits of the Broly movie - something that is highly illegal - and then lied saying iTunes did it, instead of saying something like it was a rogue employee (this alone proves corruption)

but the whole convention thing is just straight up cowardly, its one thing to just mention it once to the owner, but the fact they harassed him 3 times to the point where he doesn't wanna run another one ever again just to remove Vic is horrendous.

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I changed the title because at this point this is one of those things that just...turned into a monkey show. At this point I may as well cover this in my own special biased way these people literally amaze me sometimes. I don't know how much you guys know but there's like 20 essays worth of points on the wrongdoings of these idiots. I think I should explain some basic background knowledge that most people ignore because they believe this thing is bigger than it is. You'll quickly realize why it's big. Let's play a game of Statement and Commander's reality:


Statement: Vic would be completely out of the industry if these allegations were true


Commander's Ramblings: If we interpret this literally, this is entirely false. This does indeed damage his reputation and he would not get as many roles and cons, but he very likely would still get some. It's very difficult to get removed from a workplace as you have to do things that lead to automatic termination or do a lot of shit leading you to be more costly then beneficial. You have to really try. Vic Mignonia is still very profitable so people would still be taking risks with him to generate revenue as honestly the general consumers don't give a hoot about any of this. Stuff like this happens all the time but usually nowhere near this scale. And if fans show support, investors are willing to take more risks because money talks.


Statement: If Vic is found out to have been sexually assaulting people, the people he is suing are free from charges


Commander's Rambling: ABSOLUTELY FALSE! If you are proven to have performed the acts the person is suing you for, you are still very likely to pay legal fees. There is a jury deciding if someone is guilty or not guilty of breaking the law. It's just a much, much harder to win case seeing that the claims the person made are true. That's not likely the case because due to the situation, there probably won't be anyone brought into court to testify because they don't need to. Maybe not showing people that evidence people have been begging to see was such a good idea now, was it? I can't say that without certainty either side has this in the bag, but it's not looking too good for those idiots spouting hate over the Internet.


Statement: Unimportant nobodies will not appear in court or be sued


Commander's Ramblings: Let's take some random person on Twitter. The odds of them being sued is very little, but if you do something like trying to get Ty disbarred especially with trying to lie about him and slander his name, you might be in a lawsuit against Ty himself. Nobody is safe or automatically immune in this as Ty himself said "if you piss me off enough, I'll be dragging you to court." The chances of this is unlikely but I'd die laughing if some 14 year old dumbass gets a paper and seeing him ball his eyes out. Yes you can bring a minor to court but it's very unlikely you'd get anything out of it. Personally, I'd say see if you can find these children's parent's email and let them know what their child is Tweeting over the internet. My little sister was grounded for a year without a car or cell phone over what she did. Not even a court is as brutal as a parent.


Statement: You should believe victims 


Commander's Ramblings: I'd say the vast majority of people do believe victims and give sympathy towards them even in this warzone. But when you accuse someone of something publicly and especially over the Internet and especially when it ends someone's career, you better be ready to back it up and prove it. Attacking somebody else is different then sharing your story and pain. You better have proof of this happening or honey, you're making people believe victims less and less. And if you're an ass about it, you're just making it worse. And these people got a man fired without a single shred of evidence and over something many of them don't even believe he did.  Which brings me to my next statement


Statement: People wanted Vic Mignonia out to prevent others from being victimized by sexual predators


Commander's Rambling: This is absolutely beyond a doubt false and we haven't even hit discovery yet. These people want him out because they hate him. Sure he's made people uncomfortable but I'm sure everyone has done that to somebody at some point in their life. What these people are doing is taking everything Vic Mignonia has done and turning them into a copy and paste statement to make him look a certain way. Why do you think these stories have a lot of matching details? Some of them even failed when copy and pasting forgetting to drop out the them. People have been talking shit about him for years so it's not hard to find material. The hair pulling was from a little fun thing he did with another VA just for a funny picture she posted. There's probably 100 people who talked for years how much they hate them. Do you think getting 30 people to do this is that hard? There's been one con police report I noticed but nobody talked about that because from the unreliable witness's eyes he didn't think it was sexual assault. These people don't even know what the hell they're saying and are just checking with each other to make sure their statements are believable. There might be some true ones but honestly why would you believe anyone when most of these people are lying through their teeth. The writing is on the wall. If you don't believe it, I can't say much else. They have no evidence because they made these allegations from allegations of people just shit talking. You can't make a lie from a lie and expect it to be true. I can't prove this, but there's a lot of signs.




And in other news people are being idiots doing the one thing you shouldn't do especially under a lawsuit: not go to work. People paid money to go to this convention and expect things to be there. It's more than $100 as it can be up to $500 or more for traveling expenses, hotel rooms, etc. This doesn't make anyone look good and fans don't give a shit about your feelings. They came to see you people at this con. It's even shittier if you're doing a signing somewhere else which is a middle finger to these people who paid good money to see you. They don't care if Vic is a sexual predator. They paid $500 because you agreed to be there at a certain time and date. I think they're going to be disappointed at the results of their little convention. I can't assure their safety, but Kameha Con is doing everything they can to keep the con safe which it likely will be. And there will be eyes glued onto Vic at all times.


Also they changed how they're handling cancellations for Kameha Con

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Congratulations VAs, you've just been replaced:

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This would've made me more excited than the Vic announcement (I really don't care about Broly and Vic is pretty easy to pass for me) as I ended up growing up with Dragon Ball GT. If I was living close to Texas I'd totally go just for that. We might see a couple more surprises. God I love how much this con put them in their place.


Edit: Damn, they even have my favorite DBZ villain. And I don't mean Kameha Con replaced these guys, but that the VAs are being arrogant that they couldn't be replaced at a con. These were probably planned before the Vic announcement and they kept them saved for the backlash.



..........Jesus the news train doesn't stop a coming. So ANN posted an article as they managed to get their hands on the contract Nick Rekieta did which is some random Con's contract. And a Funimation employee suggested a winery who was wanting to do their own con. So there is a section in the contract that says under no circumstances can you attend another con in place of that one. There's a chance Kameha Con is going to form a lawsuit against Rial for doing this. You gotta consider the Kameha Con owner is considering never doing this again. It's a cut and dry easy to win court case. It's just that the estimated damages may not even be sue worthy. I'm predicting a $500 loss in profits in exchange for I don't know $8,000 gained. Now if Chris Sabat joins in, oh absolutely there's more money to be gained for damages. I'm sorry but these rando VAs are pretty insignificant. Everyone else is probably not going to drop. They like money and not getting sued.


It's really hard to judge and access this situation for Kameha con because they could absolutely sue Monica Rial for doing this breach or they could let her be. This is more about the PR and the money it'd cost to get the funds Monica Rial stole from them. Probably is going to be more like a wake-up call for these VAs seeing how much work and cost it is to create a convention. Honestly, I'm starting to want to see them try. 

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They will get sued for breaking contract, the con is less than 3 weeks away so more than 75% of the tickets are usually sold by this time. Obviously they wont file until after the Con since they could always reconsider their cancellations but with new people being invited and replacing them they'll probably get sued anyway.

But im pretty sure some of the VA like Josh are also getting bullied by Rial and the other VA's by abusing their corporate power.

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  On 3/27/2019 at 5:57 PM, LeoYT said:

They will get sued for breaking contract, the con is less than 3 weeks away so more than 75% of the tickets are usually sold by this time. Obviously they wont file until after the Con since they could always reconsider their cancellations but with new people being invited and replacing them they'll probably get sued anyway.

But im pretty sure some of the VA like Josh are also getting bullied by Rial and the other VA's by abusing their corporate power.


If they sue, Kameha con looks bad and has to deal with these assholes for another 3 or so months and god knows how many hours worth of harassment through all of that probably for such a pitiful amount they'd lose money for suing. And if they don't, they'll be called out for being pansies not making sure people uphold their contracts and they are worthless pieces of paper. It's pretty much a lose-lose situation no matter what. If Sabat drops though, you sue. If he doesn't, I honestly think the best move is to just let these pathetic worms go do their stupid con.


So I'm working on an updated OP listing many of the notable members in all of this. It'll be a slow work in progress but we're getting there. I've dropped any of the KickVic VAs who made like one or two statements then went to dead silence because there are just so many people. 

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Inviting Vic was a bad idea.


I don't really have a side on the situation, but you can understand that when the animation companies such as Funimation and RT broke contact, it was for their own safety. Besides that though, if they really wanted to have Vic there, he should've been signed on for this at the same time as the other VAs. 


It's just poor organization/greed. I will admit that it's a shame the other VA's couldn't put their work ahead of them on this however. Large conventions like these require better planning.

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  On 3/28/2019 at 2:43 PM, Vinnie said:

Inviting Vic was a bad idea.


I don't really have a side on the situation, but you can understand that when the animation companies such as Funimation and RT broke contact, it was for their own safety. Besides that though, if they really wanted to have Vic there, he should've been signed on for this at the same time as the other VAs. 


It's just poor organization/greed. I will admit that it's a shame the other VA's couldn't put their work ahead of them on this however. Large conventions like these require better planning.


I'm just gonna say


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Due to how the situation is laid out, only a small minority even think or care about Vic and these allegations. Their side is so screwed up and so unprofessional nobody even bothers to believe them anymore. As it currently stands, Vic has not been proven to even have performed a single one of the sexual misconducts other than making someone feel uncomfortable by hugging them. Not. A. Single. One. So technically these cons broke contract and he could sue them and win because nothing has been proven on him. But even in the hypothetical situation Rooster Teeth and Funimation did find something (spoiler: they didn't), how would the cons have known?


You can't say he did this stuff, fans are so excited to see him appear with like 20 people being sour apples, and a lot of people bought tickets just to see him originally. Like 5 people got screwed over because they can't deal with the fact he's coming when there's going to be a 100 other things to do. He was originally planned and Kameha Con honored it. You bought this con ticket to celebrate Dragon Ball and Kameha Con will do everything they can to make it as enjoyable as possible. If Monica Rial or Chris Sabat was in the same situation and the con turned their decision to drop, I would be saying the same thing. Unfortunately, they have not been found of doing anything to terminate such contract to drop them even with the bad behavior going on. Go ahead and walk around saying those in the minority belief and sayings while fans are excited to see Broly, Japanese Vegeta, The nice Goku, Dabura, etc and enjoy the event over some stupid Internet drama. It's literally the smartest move Kameha Con made. Well more like the righteous move. These drama VAs in a year will probably make it sound like they're involved in some sex chain scandal or something.

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  On 3/28/2019 at 8:52 PM, Commander said:

I'm just gonna say


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Due to how the situation is laid out, only a small minority even think or care about Vic and these allegations. Their side is so screwed up and so unprofessional nobody even bothers to believe them anymore. As it currently stands, Vic has not been proven to even have performed a single one of the sexual misconducts other than making someone feel uncomfortable by hugging them. Not. A. Single. One. So technically these cons broke contract and he could sue them and win because nothing has been proven on him. But even in the hypothetical situation Rooster Teeth and Funimation did find something (spoiler: they didn't), how would the cons have known?


You can't say he did this stuff, fans are so excited to see him appear with like 20 people being sour apples, and a lot of people bought tickets just to see him originally. Like 5 people got screwed over because they can't deal with the fact he's coming when there's going to be a 100 other things to do. He was originally planned and Kameha Con honored it. You bought this con ticket to celebrate Dragon Ball and Kameha Con will do everything they can to make it as enjoyable as possible. If Monica Rial or Chris Sabat was in the same situation and the con turned their decision to drop, I would be saying the same thing. Unfortunately, they have not been found of doing anything to terminate such contract to drop them even with the bad behavior going on. Go ahead and walk around saying those in the minority belief and sayings while fans are excited to see Broly, Japanese Vegeta, The nice Goku, Dabura, etc and enjoy the event over some stupid Internet drama. It's literally the smartest move Kameha Con made. Well more like the righteous move. These drama VAs in a year will probably make it sound like they're involved in some sex chain scandal or something.


I'm not saying he did or didn't do anything, that wasn't what my post was about. 


Regardless of the allegations and whatever evidence that there may or may not be, it's safest to discontinue contact to avoid all the drama that may come with the situation and if they were to cut him off, then no one could possibly blame them. If that was their final decision, then it'd be done, over, finished and there'd be no more drama.


But it wasn't. They've gone back and forth on whether or not to keep his appearance at Kameha Con scheduled or not a few times now and that's unfair to the people who've bought tickets. They should've taken some time back in February when they first canceled his appearance. Instead of immediately cancelling it, they should have taken in all the evidence or lack of, and digested it over a week or more before canceling it if that's what they really wanted to do(which at the moment, it clearly isn't), while announcing that they were thinking about the decision and that they'd would let everyone know as soon as possible.


It's not fair to the fans who bought tickets that are looking to see him there if his appearance is(or gets) canceled. It's not fair to fans who bought tickets after thinking that he wouldn't be there. And it's not fair to any of the fans that a bunch of VAs decided to bail on the whole convention because they breached their contracts due to being too immature to tolerate another VA being there. Kameha Con has been handled poorly this year.

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  On 3/21/2019 at 7:22 AM, Commander said:

Other news consists of a pro Vic con's game room being destroyed (I don't know which one) though that isn't something we can link for this happening. 


Update to this: Authorities confirmed that the people responsible for this were in fact against Vic and that was their sole motive. The Con is not perusing legal action for destruction of property due to the fact they were all minors and didn't want to give them criminal records over this.

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  On 3/30/2019 at 11:54 PM, LeoYT said:

Update to this: Authorities confirmed that the people responsible for this were in fact against Vic and that was their sole motive. The Con is not perusing legal action for destruction of property due to the fact they were all minors and didn't want to give them criminal records over this.


CORRECTION: The ones responsible for this were in fact all minors in which the con decided not to pursue legal action. In no way is this connected to hate against Vic that we know of. The con also does not want anyone to donate and assist in funds to replace broken or stolen equipment and would rather the support go to Vic instead.


In other news, Twitter is getting tired of this shit and banning people harassing and spreading hate on Twitter. We're likely going to seeing the extremes start dropping and things quiet down. Thank God!


Little busy and 3 nights with little sleep \o/. I do try to add little bits to the OP and correct and redact (not delete) things that I feel are incorrect or completely irrelevant. 

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  On 3/28/2019 at 8:52 PM, Commander said:

As it currently stands, Vic has not been proven to even have performed a single one of the sexual misconducts other than making someone feel uncomfortable by hugging them. Not. A. Single. One


Yeah, its almost as if proving this sort of thing comes down to testimony of the parties involved. But frankly, when a significant number of people repeat the same allegations, its likely there is at least some truth to them. Normally a whole lot more than some. He's guilty. Yeah, it might never get proven, but as someone who doesn't care a whit about the industry he's in, but has looked at the facts provided, the guilt comes across pretty clearly to me. If any lawsuits make it to actual judgement rather that settlement I hope the court throws the book at him, and that it leads to crackdowns all across the entertainment industry regarding this sort of stuff.


It won't, because the whole thing is scummy and actually taking action rather than talking bit would require the perpetrators to face punishment and that might, horror of horrors, make audiences realize that people they look up to and respect can also be completely horrible people, and we can't have that.

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  On 3/31/2019 at 1:57 AM, wcv said:

Yeah, its almost as if proving this sort of thing comes down to testimony of the parties involved. But frankly, when a significant number of people repeat the same allegations, its likely there is at least some truth to them. Normally a whole lot more than some. He's guilty. Yeah, it might never get proven, but as someone who doesn't care a whit about the industry he's in, but has looked at the facts provided, the guilt comes across pretty clearly to me. If any lawsuits make it to actual judgement rather that settlement I hope the court throws the book at him, and that it leads to crackdowns all across the entertainment industry regarding this sort of stuff.


It won't, because the whole thing is scummy and actually taking action rather than talking bit would require the perpetrators to face punishment and that might, horror of horrors, make audiences realize that people they look up to and respect can also be completely horrible people, and we can't have that.


I said it since day 1: There's no smoke without fire. 

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So I finished the OP a while back and I have some news.


-Ron Toye filed an ethics complaint to Ty Beard and it is the funniest thing to ever hit this saga. This man literally amazes me each time:


Name: Mr/Ms Ron Toye

City: Dallas County: Smith


He also apparently watched 50 hours of underaged girls looking for "evidence"


And when you don't think it can get better Rekieta pulled up Texas Law on sexual assault which in a nutshell is this: rape. That's it.


So basically anyone who accused Vic of sexual assault made a defamatory statement. They did not think this through. Also Lawsuits should appear on Apr 15th so fun times ahead.


Oh yeah Vic got invited to more cons including Bubba Fest which the con owner said he never seen Vic do anything that these allegations claimed and worked with him for 7 years watching thousands of fans greet him. This does contradict the narrative that everybody knows about it.


Also a fan lied about her friend who Rial kicked out of a con. I really think it was her friend from the way she acted but yeah she's not happy with him.

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  On 4/7/2019 at 5:54 AM, Commander said:

And when you don't think it can get better Rekieta pulled up Texas Law on sexual assault which in a nutshell is this: rape. That's it.


Yeah, because Texas, a state which still teaches creationism, represents reality in the most thorough ways possible.


  On 4/7/2019 at 5:54 AM, Commander said:

defamatory statement


That’s not what defamation means.

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  On 4/7/2019 at 5:54 AM, Commander said:

Oh yeah Vic got invited to more cons including Bubba Fest which the con owner said he never seen Vic do anything that these allegations claimed and worked with him for 7 years watching thousands of fans greet him. This does contradict the narrative that everybody knows about it.


Bubba Fest ticket sales skyrocketed shortly after they announced that...


On another note, rumor has it that Vic's name got removed from the One Piece credits this time from amazon this time. Really bad timing considering Toei is watching all this go down.

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Toei likely isn't going to do anything since it would be better not to renew then to pull. They aren't happy for sure.


I know people are a bit passive aggressive in the comments since this a very controversial topic and for good reason. I'm curios to see what you think should have happened to Vic in the poll. Basically it's asking how you think it should have been approached. I will clarify then here just in case:


These companies did an investigation before making the decision but do you agree this was the right way to go is the first part. The second part is based on what we've seen. Do you think it's concrete enough that he should be unable to attend anything or have any VA roles? Or do you think he should just be fired from the studios but still be able to find work?


Or maybe you might think he be put on probation until a lawsuit settles it. Not fired but not able to continue projects until further evidence comes up. Or do you think it's all hogwash and everyone should have ignored it. That's pretty much what I made the choices. I'm curious to see because this surprisingly is a raking in a lot of views and it seems like most people in the comments sit on one side.




Edit: So basically people were freaking the heck out because of Skye being doxxed and throwing god knows what claims at Vic and Vic fans for being awful people to this cosplayer (who was doxxing people). And both sides were throwing a fit over Kiwi Farms. Rekieta played along with it and told Kiwi Farms to stop but also brought the person who did the doxxing on his stream. He also asked Ty Beard on his thoughts of KF and this was his response:




Ty Beard has learned our ways XD.

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Fired (the right action was made) and if studios want to hire him later on more power to them. I've said my stuff about why I feel like this enough times and I don't wish to create a huge discussion on it. However I do feel like a lot of people make it bigger than it is. Like a certain Twitter user who tried to spur people to harras the RT staff... 

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  On 4/10/2019 at 4:57 PM, Wolfox said:

Fired (the right action was made) and if studios want to hire him later on more power to them. I've said my stuff about why I feel like this enough times and I don't wish to create a huge discussion on it. However I do feel like a lot of people make it bigger than it is. Like a certain Twitter user who tried to spur people to harras the RT staff... 


that guy probably wasn't even a Vic supporter, thats just someone that hates RT (More specially Miles and Kerry)

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  On 4/10/2019 at 9:33 PM, LeoYT said:

that guy probably wasn't even a Vic supporter, thats just someone that hates RT (More specially Miles and Kerry)


Not really, he wanted people to tell the RT staff that they "made a mistake and should fix it", amdconsidering his handle is rwbyfan1000, I doubt he has much hate for RT itself

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  On 4/11/2019 at 4:41 AM, Wolfox said:

Not really, he wanted people to tell the RT staff that they "made a mistake and should fix it", amdconsidering his handle is rwbyfan1000, I doubt he has much hate for RT itself


That guy is a prick. Kind of been messing with the idiots a bit and ho boy I am amazed human stupidity can reach that level. I gave a guy a troll exit clause and he would rather be racist instead. Literally amazed people like this exist. I have seen special needs people with more brain power kind of amazed.


Now for news Sabbat's tour got canceled. At first I thought it was him, but I think it was more likely Toei canceled it as that's a Toei thing to do. We might see Japanese Vageta dropped as well. Sabbat is probably going to drop.


Also seems like Rekieta got a hold of Sabbat's criminal history. I have a pretty good idea what he's holding on to and it's darker than just extortion. These people act tough now but come Apr 15th they will all crack and fold. Every single one of these pieces of scum. I guarantee it. Except Toye. I think he'll go full force into the ground. Maybe Rial as well. I don't see the others having the spine.


But really you are paying 40k for stupid shit you said on the Internet. Who in the right mind is dumb enough to pick that option when they can settle for nothing?

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  On 4/11/2019 at 4:41 AM, Wolfox said:

Not really, he wanted people to tell the RT staff that they "made a mistake and should fix it", amdconsidering his handle is rwbyfan1000, I doubt he has much hate for RT itself


My bad, I thought we were talking about the same twitter user. The one I am referring to is much worse since they also harassed several RWBY reactors for basically not picking a side.


  On 4/11/2019 at 6:57 AM, Commander said:

But really you are paying 40k for stupid shit you said on the Internet. Who in the right mind is dumb enough to pick that option when they can settle for nothing?


Sometimes people need a reality check, and all these people are overdue for one. Its obvious when these VA's think that harassing conventions and straight up lying about certain things is a justified thing to do. These people should know better (Especially Jamie since she had a huge one back in 2017) and just stop playing dirty and let the courts do their job.

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  On 4/11/2019 at 5:59 PM, LeoYT said:

My bad, I thought we were talking about the same twitter user. The one I am referring to is much worse since they also harassing several RWBY reactors for basically not picking a side.


oh this guy has also contacted RWBYtubers asking the same things, but probably to also get them to get their fans over to his side, add to that spamming the same kind of post to all RT related things (like the RT Twitter, the RTX twitter, Burnies Twitter, Barbs twitter... and also confirming he would be willing to use fake evidence if it would "save Vic's Career", while also claiming most of it was a cry for attention from Woman because, and I quote, "They're woman, they always have a reason"...


yeah as toxic as certain KickVic's may be, I doubt they're as bad as this guy

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  On 4/11/2019 at 6:04 PM, Wolfox said:


yeah as toxic as certain KickVic's may be, I doubt they're as bad as this guy


I'm going to be as nice as possible about this but that guy is a small fry in the toxicity of this all. He at least is not doing something illegal or going way beyond the line only pretty much being a jackass.


I knew nothing about the anti-comicsgate but after seeing Renfamous and the orca gain oh dear Lord I wish I never knew. What these people do is take whatever you say and spin it in the worst way possible to attack you or try to get you turned into something you're not. They call you a pedo, child molester, or whatever nasty thing you can think of all while playing the victim. Even Shane called them out (He's a snowflake) for how over the line they went threatening to call CPS over a guy making a comic based on his 5 year old daughter's story she made up.


IStandWithVic has its share of problem people but it is nothing compared to these KickVic people and if you actually get into convos these people are quite honestly the scum of the earth. I tried to be reasonable and understanding but I have only found ONE person there who is reasonable.


Dear Lord you better hope Vic is innocent or RT and Funimation are going to be infected with something you don't want. He's the only barrier for things going South very fast and very quickly. I wish I was exaggerating.

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Geeze news doesn't stop so let me break down Kameha Con. Friday nothing happened other than positive vibes. Saturday Rial had her Comic Con thing which was about as busy as a gamestop during busy hours. They tried to brag it up but I'd say no more than 30 people total came factoring in there was other events and it was a shop. Vic probably had at least 1000 yesterday and he really doesn't want to be around these people. I could go on but everything has been good so far and nothing bad happened...for anyone but KickVic.


Dominique Skye...a name that suddenly became relevant. So she managed to get a guest pass from someone (no name identified) and get into the con with her husband. She was caught trying to make Vic look bad and her camcorder was confiscated and a YouTuber named Emosh has the video footage. It may be uploaded but it may be confiscated the BHBH as evidence in the case. Now let me break down why this happened:


Skye is an attention who... You know what. So the doxx situation happened and oh my goodness did she play it up for the attention. She did this for attention, but where did she get the passes? Most likely from the Rial gang at docs comics. My guess is someone wanted her to do this so that Ty could witness and not be able to represent Vic. That's not a terrible plan but Ty won't be representing Vic during court. Whatever the reason this was a planned attack. How do I know?


Nick Rekieta predicted this but for the wrong date. Nick said something would be happening Friday which either meant this or Meyer v Waid news. But he said something to about Shane "What he doesn't understand is my information is coming from the same place his is." I'll just spoil that after Shane went on KF, I'm almost certain Shane is Igor. Still don't know about Iago. Shane is being contacted by people or pushed around and he simply delivers messages but is told info by someone from this small group who he admits wanted to blacklist Vic out of the industry. Good job, KF.  They were using the broken staircase as a list for initial targets. SHANE ADMITTED THIS! You should have a pretty good idea who the people in this group are. I'm not sure how many of them are in it and how many are just affiliates like Marchi likely is an affiliate. One of them is a mole and is who is feeding Nick Rekieta info. This is tinfoil hat but he doesn't disclose this info as he can end up being wrong. Who is this person? I don't know but I'm betting it's Schmmel. Think about it: Sean Schemmel telling Nick everything would explain how Nick is 5 steps ahead. Unless you think the cons reached out to him all Willie Nilly. Also how Nick kind of avoided Schemmel talk would add to this.


It could be someone else but it doesn't matter. Every time the group plans something out, the mole lets Nick know. Nick tries to contact the people to find information and gets his sources to talk about it and confirm it. And it looks like the mole got Sabat to cough up something juicy to track and talk about. But I have little doubt someone high among their ranks turncoated them.




So RT had some interesting news. Some drama about RWBY not showing up at a con or something and the president of the company is stepping down. Very odd timing to be stepping down right around papers being served. Could just be unfortunate timing just like Funimation's unsubscribe button breaking twice and locking episodes behind premium in all their series.


Stay tuned. Monday or shortly after. The storm is coming and it will be bloody.


Oh, I forgot one other hilarious thing. Someone named Short Round is selling Fear the Beard patches. So he made a separate account making Believe Bulma patches before Toei shut it down which Rial and Toye bought one each. He made more anti Vic stuff for sell afterwards. The Youtubers caught wind and called it out but he still managed to outplay them and trick people into thinking it was two different people. The performance is legendary including a C&D from his normal account to the KickVic account. He's known as the arms dealer on KF.

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