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Preparations for Ep 19


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Hello everyone! This is going to be my second post ever so here's hoping it is well structured! Anyway, on to the topic at hand. With ep. 19 on the distant horizon, I thought about making a really good team to prepare for what Ame might have in store. I did some heavy grinding and decided to catch them all. With so many options available to me I tried to come up with something good, but I don't know where to take it from here. For anyone that hasn't yet seen what the prize for catching 731 pokemon is, mild spoilers ahead for what it may be!



681.png.9fa2ec871de852110ace828dac557ccf.pngDamocles (Aegislash) holding Leftovers


EVs: 252 HP, 40 Atk, 218 SpDef

Impish Nature

- Shadow Sneak

- Iron Head

- King's Shield

- Swords Dance




Oh man I love this pokemon so much. King's Shield is an amazing move and the amount of battles in which Aegislash simply ended up sweeping with 1 or at most 2 SDs is so damn high. The only part I don't know whether I did correctly was the EVs. My idea was that with its amazing defensive stats it could tank 1-2 shots from pokemon and then proceed to hit them back with +2 or +4 Attack. Now there are some pokemon that I simply can't do that against, but with King's Shield and Leftovers it's possible to potentially outlast them.


598.png.09db479c73e58c38a08e1e7729f5d2e8.pngMetagrass (Ferrothorn) holding Rocky Helmet


EVs: 252 HP, 2 Atk, 92 Def, 164 SpDef

Relaxed Nature

- Gyro Ball

- Power Whip

- Spikes

- Leech Seed




Ever since BW came around, I've always been a fan of Ferrothorn. With only 2 Leftovers being available in-game afaik, I decided to go with Rocky Helmet and give it Leech Seed for some passive recovery. The great reliability of being able to switch Ferrothorn out on so many threats is really valuable to me, especially if some of my pokemon are in need of a Revive Potion or two. I've grown quite fond of this small wall of grass.


537.png.d522ad84c5a7b25f56467d52e83f0ac0.pngCroax (Seismitoad) holding Leftovers


EVs: 252 HP, 40 Def, 218 SpDef

Impish Nature

- Scald

Earthquakepls Stomping Tantrum

- Toxic

- Stealth Rocks




As you might have noticed my team so far has a huge weakness against fire types. Seismitoad is here to fill the role of a good anti-fire pokemon, but Toxic and Stealth Rocks are two undeniably good moves too. My only question is whether or not Tantrum is better than Bulldoze. I don't know if the loss of power is worth the -1 Speed, so I'm looking for suggestions on that one!


065.png.b96e8f4164bea3b729a728fde224dfce.pngSpoudini (Alakazam) holding Life Orb


EVs: 252 SpAtk, 252 Speed

Timid Nature

- Psychic

- Dazzling Gleam

- Shadow Ball

- Shock Wave


With Alakazam being one of my favorite pokemon out there, I got Abra as soon as I was able to. Its insane Speed and the fact that it hits like a truck are some of its advantages, with its really limited movepool being the only major downside. I really couldn't find a better move for that 4th slot, although suggestions are again quite welcome.


115_1.png.f53f2672a13a061c85aea69a534b14d6.pngMarzilla (Mega-Kangaskhan) holding Kangaskhanite


EVs: 4 HP, 252 Atk, 252 Speed

Jolly Nature

- Fake Out

- Return

- Power-Up Punch

- Sucker Punch




For my mega slot I chose Kangaskhan simply because I find Parental Bond to be a crazy powerful ability. I made sure to give it a lot of haircuts and pokesnax so Return can hit for absurd amounts of damage and Power-Up Punch because who doesn't like a +2 with a side of damage! I haven't actually tested it in a serious battle because I got the stone way after beating Ep. 18 so this is probably the pokemon that I'm least attached to.



804.png.cd3af9da58226bea9dd6b34e6f81b6cd.pngTrypanophobe (Naganadel) holding Dragonium-Z


EVs: 4 Def, 252 SpAtk, 252 Speed

Timid Nature

- Sludge Wave

- Draco Meteor

- Flamethrower

- Nasty Plot




I can say, I really didn't expect this to be the prize for catching all 731 available pokemon, but I'm not going to complain about it. While, similarly to Kangashkan, I haven't tested this pokemon out, I can really tell that if this monster of a pokemon gets going it can easily sweep through almost anything. I'm looking forward to using it when Ep 19 comes around.



And that's it! I hope this isn't too hard to read and thanks in advance for making it this far!

Edited by kostaras
Dragonium for Draconium
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Nice build. Having access to every pokemon makes you able to create any kind of team. But even I can say your team is pretty balanced, having Naganadel, Alakazam, Kangaskhan as the offense, Seismtoad and Ferrothorn on defense, and Aegislash being and edge of both, which, I assume it's your Ace. Recomendations:

  • Aegislash shoudl stays as it is imo.
  • Getting Alakazam as your Mega, as you said it's insane Spd, and Sp.Atk are greatly boosted. Plus, Trace can be useful in E19 battles. As for its 4th slot, I would replace it with Grass Knot.
  • Having M-Alakazam would make useless Kangaskhan imo, this will open a slot in your team. You may add a Fire type pokemon, why do I say this? I believe every team should have a Fire type, when it comes handy sheer power, which usually Fire types are needed. Good options: Arcanine, Blaziken, Infernape and Volcarona are great choices.
  • Offensively talking, Swampert is better choice than Seismitoad, though lower in Spd. it best Seismetoad in Atk, Def, and Sp.Def. Having acces to Earthquake. 
  • Access to all pokemon, which means you can always rotate pokemon. Umbreon is clearly an option if you don't want to die. Garchomp is always considered a threat. Assault Vest Tyranitar with +Sp.Def nature and 252 Ev on Sp.Def and HP, is a tank. A-Ninetales with Snow Warning, Aurora Veil and Blizzard, holding Light Clay and many more.
  • Similar to my Naganadel, Timid, but mine Spd is kinda meh.. Choice Specs/Life Orb hits hard. Nasty is useful if Beast Boost raises Spd, but if yours raises Sp. Atk. then, I woudl take out Nasty plot and add Thunderbolt.


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Hey! Thanks for the reply! I did try to go for a balanced team that would play off of each other's strengths, so I'm glad it comes across as one! So!

  • Yeah, it would take a lot of convincing to get me to swap Aegislash out for something else after all the amount of work it has put in so far.
  • Wait, Alakazite is in the game?! If so, I do agree that Mega-Zam suits my team quite well and yeah, as you said, Trace is a really cool ability, especially considering we'll probably face too many a lot of strong pokemon in Ep 19. Also, I never thought about Grass Knot, thanks!
  • If Mega-Zam is indeed in the game, it does actually mean that Kangaskhan wouldn't make the final cut. My first instinct is to find an intimidate user, OR a strong electric type because my team doesn't have many of those, although if I'm not mistaken we might be facing a Ground-type leader next, so there's that.
  • I also thought about having Swampert instead of Seismitoad and I have one fully trained in the PC waiting. It is not quite as bulky, but it does hit harder. The reason why I settled for Seismitoad is because it fills the role of a defensive answer to fire types a tad bit better.
  • Oh yeah, I am fully prepared to have to adjust for some really difficult battles. Umbreon would fit nicely in the chance I have to Toxic stall some seriously annoying threat, which I have done in the past against the likes of Arceus. I was also always fond of Tyranitar, so I do consider that a possible option too! A-Ninetales on the other hand I have never tried, although the Ice type Gym certainly made me hate it just a little bit!
  • I have given my Naganadel enough EVs in both Speed and SpAtk so that what gets Beast Boosted depends 100% from the Nature. I will first test out Nasty Plot and Speed+ Boost and if I find that I'm just not hitting hard enough, I will switch it from Timid to Modest and go for 4 offense and SpAtk+ Boost. Also my reasoning behind Dragonium-Z is that it helps guarantee that first Speed Boost, after which I don't think many teams are able to stop Naganadel from running through them.

Again, thanks for giving out suggestions, especially when it comes to Alakazam!

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we already faced a ground leader (terra) the final unused type is Dragon. 


because of this i would highly reccomend a strong ice pokemon. A-Ninetales with aurora veil as suggested is nice but i'm also going to throw Weavile into the ring. 


Choice band makes it hit stupid hard, it can learn hone claws if you need it to try and sweep without immediate power. or a life orb for a smaller boost but variety access.  Icicle crash/Knock Off/Ice Shard is really all it needs. the 4th move is entirely up to you. right now i have brick break on mine because of

A-ninetales in the void fight

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1 hour ago, kostaras said:

Hey! Thanks for the reply! I did try to go for a balanced team that would play off of each other's strengths, so I'm glad it comes across as one! So!

  • Yeah, it would take a lot of convincing to get me to swap Aegislash out for something else after all the amount of work it has put in so far.
  • Wait, Alakazite is in the game?! If so, I do agree that Mega-Zam suits my team quite well and yeah, as you said, Trace is a really cool ability, especially considering we'll probably face too many a lot of strong pokemon in Ep 19. Also, I never thought about Grass Knot, thanks!
  • If Mega-Zam is indeed in the game, it does actually mean that Kangaskhan wouldn't make the final cut. My first instinct is to find an intimidate user, OR a strong electric type because my team doesn't have many of those, although if I'm not mistaken we might be facing a Ground-type leader next, so there's that.
  • I also thought about having Swampert instead of Seismitoad and I have one fully trained in the PC waiting. It is not quite as bulky, but it does hit harder. The reason why I settled for Seismitoad is because it fills the role of a defensive answer to fire types a tad bit better.
  • Oh yeah, I am fully prepared to have to adjust for some really difficult battles. Umbreon would fit nicely in the chance I have to Toxic stall some seriously annoying threat, which I have done in the past against the likes of Arceus. I was also always fond of Tyranitar, so I do consider that a possible option too! A-Ninetales on the other hand I have never tried, although the Ice type Gym certainly made me hate it just a little bit!
  • I have given my Naganadel enough EVs in both Speed and SpAtk so that what gets Beast Boosted depends 100% from the Nature. I will first test out Nasty Plot and Speed+ Boost and if I find that I'm just not hitting hard enough, I will switch it from Timid to Modest and go for 4 offense and SpAtk+ Boost. Also my reasoning behind Dragonium-Z is that it helps guarantee that first Speed Boost, after which I don't think many teams are able to stop Naganadel from running through them.

Again, thanks for giving out suggestions, especially when it comes to Alakazam!

My very sorry. Alakazite is not in-game yet. I doubled checked. I apologize. Thus filling this spot, Mega Gardevoir is also useful, Hyper Voice, Psychic/Psyshock, Calm Mind if possible, and Shadow Ball. 


8 minutes ago, MachoPony said:

we already faced a ground leader (terra) the final unused type is Dragon. 


because of this i would highly reccomend a strong ice pokemon. A-Ninetales with aurora veil as suggested is nice but i'm also going to throw Weavile into the ring. 


Choice band makes it hit stupid hard, it can learn hone claws if you need it to try and sweep without immediate power. or a life orb for a smaller boost but variety access.  Icicle crash/Knock Off/Ice Shard is really all it needs. the 4th move is entirely up to you. right now i have brick break on mine because of

  Reveal hidden contents

A-ninetales in the void fight


Indeed Brick Breakinng Aurora Veil works. As for general battles, I would put Low Kick, since Weavile is lighter than most pokemon.

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3 hours ago, MachoPony said:

we already faced a ground leader (terra) the final unused type is Dragon. 


because of this i would highly reccomend a strong ice pokemon. A-Ninetales with aurora veil as suggested is nice but i'm also going to throw Weavile into the ring. 


Choice band makes it hit stupid hard, it can learn hone claws if you need it to try and sweep without immediate power. or a life orb for a smaller boost but variety access.  Icicle crash/Knock Off/Ice Shard is really all it needs. the 4th move is entirely up to you. right now i have brick break on mine because of

  Reveal hidden contents

A-ninetales in the void fight


Oh yeeeah, I completely forgot about Terra. So yeah, with Dragon types being probably the next step, I was thinking about changing things up a bit. I found out that Kangaskhan can learn Ice Punch which will probably melt most Dragon types through Parental Bond. Now I will probably train up an A-Ninetales in case it's not enough it probably won't be and probably even a Weavile too.



3 hours ago, Destrakon said:

My very sorry. Alakazite is not in-game yet. I doubled checked. I apologize. Thus filling this spot, Mega Gardevoir is also useful, Hyper Voice, Psychic/Psyshock, Calm Mind if possible, and Shadow Ball. 


Indeed Brick Breakinng Aurora Veil works. As for general battles, I would put Low Kick, since Weavile is lighter than most pokemon.


Hmmmm, I will probably keep the team as is then for the time being, because I consider Kangaskhan stronger than Gardevoir when it comes to megas. We'll see tho!


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