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help with building a new team!


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hey all!

i'm starting a new run of reborn and i need some help picking some team members, since i'm awful at team planning.

i have a couple picked out so far:


for my starter i'm going with primarina! it's probably my favourite starter at the moment and i haven't used it as much as i'd like.

i'm thinking of going with ferrothorn for slot 2. i've never used one before but always wanted to, and want some solid physical bulk on the team.

weavile is my third pick. i've always really liked weavile but haven't really used it so i figured i'd give it a try. 

for my fourth slot i have m-meowstic with prankster, at least for the start of the game. priority screens and fake out sound super useful. like i said, though, later on i could replace him if needed.  


and that's all i have so far! what do you all think would be some good additions for my little squad?


thanks in advance for your help!  😊



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For 5th slot, Arcanine, it can be obtained by in early game, acces to ExtremeSpeed, Close Combat and many, it is kinda bulky. Intimidate and Flash Fire are useful. Also, it kinda gives you hope, very loyal.


As for 6th slot, Ampharos or Noivern, Mareep is an event in early game and Noibat is catchable in caves. While Noivern is fast and an average Sp.Atk. It learns Super Fang which comes handy in soem cases. Hurricane and D. Pulse, as well Tailwind if you want some more speed. Ampharos is more balanced, being able to take some hits and have a decent Sp.Atk higher than Noivern, Ability Static is useful, Discharge, Power Gen and an risky Thunder.


This is my opinion. Greetings



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Your team choice is nicely balanced. As stated above, Arcanine is a very good choice with its Flash Fire ability since it covers for both Weavile and Ferrothorn. For your 6th slot, you could try out Weezing for early on in the game since its high defense stat eats up Fighting-type moves and covers for Primarina who is weak against Poison-type moves. Most of your team choice has average speed besides Weavile, so later on, you could replace M-Meowstic for Bronzong which can learn Trick Room to make your team faster; Arcanine can learn Extreme Speed and Weavile has many priority moves, so Bronzong's Trick Room won't affect them.

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Going off what Destrakon and JoStarNight said, Arcanine is a great pokemon to use for your fifth slot, as an intimidator is always nice for both single and double battles. 

For your sixth slot, I recommend Diggersby. With huge power, it becomes an absolute monster if paired with Swords Dance, and you can get its pre-evolution Bunnelby at around Shelly. Combined with Earthquake, Hammer Arm, the elemental punches, Return, Stone Edge, and much more, it becomes really good for carrying your team. 

For the later half of the game, your replacement for Meowstic would best be handled by Alakazam. First off, you don't have anything that can mega-evolve yet, and secondly, Alakazam is almost as fast as Weavile. Although Alakazam's mega stone isn't in the game yet, it's still a fast and hard hitter in its base form. 

Alternatively, you have the option to replace Meowstic with Swoobat, which is also good, having access to Calm Mind, Double Team, and being almost as fast as Alakazam. You can also get it as soon as you get a starter, and go into the underground railnet. 


Of course, it's your decision for what pokemon you want, but I do recommend having more than six pokemon, with a few always being rotated in and out. Good luck. 

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Klinklang is one of my fave choices in Reborn, it'll carry you until late game no problemos.

Swoobat with ability Simple is a great choice for start to late-mid-game (I'd say until Terra).

Other than that, there's a pichu event in Onyx ward, if you'd like a faster electric type than Ampharos.

Though not particularly useful until late game, my fave pokemon lopunny will wreck everything in your way once you get the mega ring 😛


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  On 2/25/2019 at 12:46 AM, Candy said:

Klinklang is one of my fave choices in Reborn, it'll carry you until late game no problemos.

Swoobat with ability Simple is a great choice for start to late-mid-game (I'd say until Terra).

Other than that, there's a pichu event in Onyx ward, if you'd like a faster electric type than Ampharos.

Though not particularly useful until late game, my fave pokemon lopunny will wreck everything in your way once you get the mega ring 😛



Considering Candy's opinion about Pikachu. It wouldn't be a bad idea. Fake Out, Volt Tackle, Brick Break, and Knock Off, of course, all this a late game, surely is a threat holding Light Ball

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  On 2/25/2019 at 12:54 AM, Destrakon said:

Considering Candy's opinion about Pikachu. It wouldn't be a bad idea. Fake Out, Volt Tackle, Brick Break, and Knock Off, of course, all this a late game, surely is a threat holding Light Ball


I see you like a physical attacker set 😛 I'm more fond of the special set with discharge/thunderbolt and nasty plot. I'm using alolan raichu for my mono-psychic run so it has psychic added on top. Idk if light ball is available early enough though, my pikachu kept getting one or two-shotted so I had a rough time using it until it evolved

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Seconding Arcanine for slot 5 because imo it's one of the best Doubles 'mons in Reborn (for the main game at least) and will remain useful from the moment you get it until the moment the game ends.


Meinshao in slot 6 rounds off a Fire/Water/Grass/Dark/Psychic/Fighting lineup and nukes pretty much everything in existence with High Jump Kick, Knock Off and Acrobatics.


While very tedious to obtain and only available at the very end of the current episode, Naganadel is an absolute monster and should seriously be considered; amazing offensive stats, movepool, and capable of abusing multiple different fields.


Manectric is available very early, and by the time its stats become less than impressive, you get its mega stone, so it's a very solid choice if you want an Electric type. Consider having some other electric type temporarily from Adrienne to Hardy, though.


If you want to replace Meowstic later on but also want to keep some of the utility, Espeon gets Magic Bounce + Dual Screens along with nuts special attack and speed.

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  On 2/25/2019 at 12:46 AM, Candy said:

Klinklang is one of my fave choices in Reborn, it'll carry you until late game no problemos.

Swoobat with ability Simple is a great choice for start to late-mid-game (I'd say until Terra).

Other than that, there's a pichu event in Onyx ward, if you'd like a faster electric type than Ampharos.

Though not particularly useful until late game, my fave pokemon lopunny will wreck everything in your way once you get the mega ring 😛



lopunny is also one of my faves and was actually originally someone i considered for this playthrough! once i get the mega ring i'll probably find a place for her 😅


  On 2/25/2019 at 1:01 AM, Seel The Deal said:

Seconding Arcanine for slot 5 because imo it's one of the best Doubles 'mons in Reborn (for the main game at least) and will remain useful from the moment you get it until the moment the game ends.


Meinshao in slot 6 rounds off a Fire/Water/Grass/Dark/Psychic/Fighting lineup and nukes pretty much everything in existence with High Jump Kick, Knock Off and Acrobatics.


While very tedious to obtain and only available at the very end of the current episode, Naganadel is an absolute monster and should seriously be considered; amazing offensive stats, movepool, and capable of abusing multiple different fields.


Manectric is available very early, and by the time its stats become less than impressive, you get its mega stone, so it's a very solid choice if you want an Electric type. Consider having some other electric type temporarily from Adrienne to Hardy, though.


If you want to replace Meowstic later on but also want to keep some of the utility, Espeon gets Magic Bounce + Dual Screens along with nuts special attack and speed.


i'm considering arcanine, but i'm also a bit unsure because i've used it in multiple runs... it's a great pokemon, but i also kind of want to try something new. like i said, i'm undecided lol.

and y'know, i never thought about espeon. i'm actually a bit stuck between using it or alakazam now but i'm sure once i get going i'll figure it out. all great suggestions!

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Agreeing with literally everyone about Arcanine it's such a solid pick and has a lot of utility that'll give you an edge in a lot of battles.  As for your 6th slot I'd honestly see what you get from the mystery egg once you breed your growlithe and see from there.  If not I'd say give Trubbish a try he's honestly very good early game and provides Toxic Spikes if that interests you.  As for megas go if you wanna replace a Meowstic M-Gardevoir is an option though it'll give you two Poison Weaknesses or you can go with Alakazam which is literally the best you're gonna do.  If you don't care about having a mega and want more bulk picking up solosis and giving it trck room might be neat.

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