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Can someone trade me a Budew please?


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What about ferroseed? It'd be *perfect* for my grass run  plus it's one of my favorite pokemon lines anyway. 


Anyway I did breed 3 budew right now, one has a calm nature with perfect special attk EV AND it's a girl, which is nice.


EDIT: 2nd just hatched, a guy but it's modest nature with 31 special attack as well.

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Hey yeah sure!  I can trade you a Ferroseed but I'm not sure its IVs will be good, is that okay? And for the Budew, you can keep your girl it's fine, I only need the Budew for the pokedex 🙂

Edit 1: I can get you a perfect IVs Ferroseed since I just remembered I have a male perfect Hone edge. I'll get breeding rn

Edit 2: This girl just hatched. Shall we trade?


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7 hours ago, Nabiboss08 said:

I missed the event for Budew and I no longer have the rose incense. Can someone please get me a Budew? Idc about its IVs, but for your pain I can trade any of Deino, Dratini, Goomy, Axew or Larvitar

Thank you!

Budew after the restoration can be found wild without the requirement of the rose insence it shows up in Obsidia wards grass

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2 hours ago, Nabiboss08 said:

Hey @Yahen No I haven't got one yet, and it's okay, IVs don't matter for the Budew. I'd appreciate it if you could breed me one! 

@Starry Knight Didn't Amethyst say that Budew was removed from the game in the E18 patch notes..?

It was a joke made by her, they are not removed I have personally caught a handful of them and checked the pbs files for my location guild for this episode so I know they are still in game

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3 hours ago, Nabiboss08 said:

Thank you so much! I'm trying to complete my pokedex right now, long way to go ofc haha 

thanks again @Yahen and @Monochrome_Complex if you want your ferroseed lemme know!

Gah I was sleep, um... yeah ferroseed would be kind of nice haha.  Especially with those stats/nature 😛 I have to be at work in like 15 minutes but what time are you available again?

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@Starry Knight omg I totally believed her lol

Won't make that mistake again haha

@Monochrome_Complex I'll be online as from 11 AM GMT and can come online throughout the day tomorrow. lemme  know when you're free! Haha yeah the IVs were bred on purpose, but the nature was totally random lol so I guess Ferroseed really, really wants to join your party 😛

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3 minutes ago, Nabiboss08 said:

@Monochrome_Complex yup waiting

Yeah same here...let me try logging in again


Ahhh I figured what I did wrong, I typed Nariboss08 instead of Nabiboss08 lol. Whoops, sorry about that. 


Anyway Thanks a lot! If I get walled too hard by corey I know what to train up and use lol.

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